Kaya the Moonhunter & Laris

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Circle Logo.jpg

Kaya the Moonhunter
Circle Blackclad Warlock
Companion Light Warbeast

Once Kaya relied solely on her instincts. Now she has been initiated into ancient rites that reveal the power the moon exert on the blood of all predators. Her command of these mysteries has brought her a new companion in the form of a ghostly white wolf. This inseparable pair stalks the battlefields of Immoren with spell, spear, and fang to bring low the foes of the Circle Orboros.

Basic Info


DEF 16
ARM 14
HP 16
WBP +24



  • Warlock - All warlocks come with a stack of standard special rules - most notably being awesome. Click here for a newbie-friendly recap, or click here for the full rules.
  • Pathfinder symbol.jpg Pathfinder
  • Flank [ Circle Warbeast ] - When this model makes a melee attack against an enemy model in the melee range of a friendly Circle warbeast, this model gains +2 to attack rolls and gains an additional damage die.
  • Unyielding - This model gains +2 ARM against melee damage rolls.


Glimmer - 2" reach, P+S 11 melee weapon


  • |-

|colspan=7 style="text-align:left; font-size:110%; border-right: 1px solid #fff; border-left: 1px solid #fff;"| |colspan=1 style="text-align:left; font-size:110%; border-right: 1px solid #fff; border-left: 1px solid #fff; border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;"| |- |style="text-align:left; font-size:110%; border-bottom: 1px solid #fff; border-left: 1px solid #fff;" rowspan=1| Dog Pile ! style="border-top: 1px solid #A8A8A8;"| 2

! 12

! -

! -

! Upkeep

! Yes

|style="border-bottom: 1px solid #fff; border-right: 1px solid #fff; border-left: 1px solid #fff; border-top: 1px solid #fff;"| |- |colspan=8 style="text-align:left; border-bottom: 1px solid #fff; border-right: 1px solid #fff; border-left: 1px solid #fff; border-top: 1px solid #fff;"|(1) Warbeasts in the spellcaster's battlegroup can charge or make slam power attacks against target model without being forced. (2) They can ignore forests and cloud effects when determing LOS when declaring a charge or slam attack against the affected model. (3) They gain +2" movement and Pathfinder when resolving charges or slam power attacks targeting the affected model.

  • |-

|colspan=7 style="text-align:left; font-size:110%; border-right: 1px solid #fff; border-left: 1px solid #fff;"| |colspan=1 style="text-align:left; font-size:110%; border-right: 1px solid #fff; border-left: 1px solid #fff; border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;"| |- |style="text-align:left; font-size:110%; border-bottom: 1px solid #fff; border-left: 1px solid #fff;" rowspan=1| Forced Evolution ! style="border-top: 1px solid #A8A8A8;"| 2

! 6

! -

! -

! Upkeep

! No

|style="border-bottom: 1px solid #fff; border-right: 1px solid #fff; border-left: 1px solid #fff; border-top: 1px solid #fff;"| |- |colspan=8 style="text-align:left; border-bottom: 1px solid #fff; border-right: 1px solid #fff; border-left: 1px solid #fff; border-top: 1px solid #fff;"|Targeted friendly living Faction warbeast gains +2 STR and DEF.

  • |-

|colspan=7 style="text-align:left; font-size:110%; border-right: 1px solid #fff; border-left: 1px solid #fff;"| |colspan=1 style="text-align:left; font-size:110%; border-right: 1px solid #fff; border-left: 1px solid #fff; border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;"| |- |style="text-align:left; font-size:110%; border-bottom: 1px solid #fff; border-left: 1px solid #fff;" rowspan=1| Muzzle ! style="border-top: 1px solid #A8A8A8;"| 2

! 10

! -

! 12

! (★)

! Yes

|style="border-bottom: 1px solid #fff; border-right: 1px solid #fff; border-left: 1px solid #fff; border-top: 1px solid #fff;"| |- |colspan=8 style="text-align:left; border-bottom: 1px solid #fff; border-right: 1px solid #fff; border-left: 1px solid #fff; border-top: 1px solid #fff;"|An enemy warbeast damaged by Muzzle cannot advance toward the spellcaster for one one round.

  • |-

|colspan=7 style="text-align:left; font-size:110%; border-right: 1px solid #fff; border-left: 1px solid #fff;"| |colspan=1 style="text-align:left; font-size:110%; border-right: 1px solid #fff; border-left: 1px solid #fff; border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;"| |- |style="text-align:left; font-size:110%; border-bottom: 1px solid #fff; border-left: 1px solid #fff;" rowspan=1| Shadow Pack ! style="border-top: 1px solid #A8A8A8;"| 3


! Control

! -

! Round

! No

|style="border-bottom: 1px solid #fff; border-right: 1px solid #fff; border-left: 1px solid #fff; border-top: 1px solid #fff;"| |- |colspan=8 style="text-align:left; border-bottom: 1px solid #fff; border-right: 1px solid #fff; border-left: 1px solid #fff; border-top: 1px solid #fff;"|While in the spellcaster's control range, models in its battlegroup gain Stealth. Shadow Pack lasts for one round.

Feat: Call of the Hunt

  • Kaya can force her beasts even if they're outside her control range.
  • Also, at the end of their activation they can be placed entirely within 3" of Kaya.


DEF 15
ARM 14
HP 20
THR 10


  • Warbeast - All warbeasts share a huge stack of special rules. The short version is they're big, furious, and beat stuff up pretty good. Click here for a newbie-friendly recap, or click here for the full rules.
  • Pathfinder symbol.jpg Pathfinder
  • Bond [ Kaya ] - If this model begins the game in Kaya's battlegroup, it is bonded to them. This model is not considered to be bonded while under your opponent's control. While this model is bonded to Kaya and in their control range, she can channel spells through it.
  • Companion [ Kaya the Moonhunter ] - This model is included in any army that includes Kaya the Moonhunter. If Kaya the Moonhunter is destroyed or removed from play, remove this model from play. This model is part of Kaya the Moonhunter's battlegroup.
  • Guard Dog - While this model is within 3" of its warlock/warcaster and isn't knocked down or stationary, its warlock/warcaster gains Parry and +2 DEF against melee attack rolls, and models attacking the warcaster/warlock do not gain back strike bonuses.


  • Bite - 0.5" reach, P+S 12 melee weapon.


|- |colspan=7 style="text-align:left; font-size:110%; border-right: 1px solid #fff; border-left: 1px solid #fff;"| |colspan=1 style="text-align:left; font-size:110%; border-right: 1px solid #fff; border-left: 1px solid #fff; border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;"| |- |style="text-align:left; font-size:110%; border-bottom: 1px solid #fff; border-left: 1px solid #fff;" rowspan=1| Spirit Shift ! style="border-top: 1px solid #A8A8A8;"| 2


! -

! -

! -

! No

|style="border-bottom: 1px solid #fff; border-right: 1px solid #fff; border-left: 1px solid #fff; border-top: 1px solid #fff;"| |- |colspan=8 style="text-align:left; border-bottom: 1px solid #fff; border-right: 1px solid #fff; border-left: 1px solid #fff; border-top: 1px solid #fff;"|When Laris casts Spirit Shift, immediately place him completely within 2" of Kaya. When Kaya casts Spirit Shift, immediately place her completely within 2" of Laris. A model cannot advance this turn after being placed by Spirit Shift.

Theme Forces

Thoughts on Kaya2

Kaya2 in a nutshell

Kaya is a warbeast caster, offering nothing for models outside her battlegroup. She can protect them on the way in with Shadow Pack, increase their threat with Dogpile, and get two alpha strikes with her feat. Laris helps keep her safe, and Spirit Shift can lead to some surprising attack angles.

Feat thoughts

Kaya's feat is often called a "yo-yo", since her beasts will attack, and then be pulled backward. This can often create a case where she can get two alpha strikes, the first where she feats, shaves off the front line of an opponents army, pulls all her beasts back outside of retaliation range; and the second alpha when she does it again next turn (although without the pull back). This can be absolutely brutal when combined with Circle's penchant for long threat ranges.

One drawback to her feat is that beasts must be placed completely within 3" of Kaya. Although this is a relatively large area, large bases will quickly fill that space. That, more than anything, will limit the amount of work she gets done with the feat.

Second feat drawback is that a majority of her army is going to end the turn clustered around her; making them all susceptible to enemy AOEs, electro-leaps, or other "splash" attacks.

Third feat drawback is that she really needs her army to do a ton of work on feat turn because, if they don't kill the targets that she sends them against, the enemy are very likely to be able to counter attack the next turn and she'll miss out on her "second alpha".

Spell thoughts

  • Dog Pile is arguably her best spell. It's a big threat boost, makes her beasts more efficient, and hands out pathfinder - although pathfinder is almost irrelevant since the 2018.10 errata to Circle. Getting this out on feat turn is critical to getting a big swing.
  • Forced Evolution - Circle wins and loses on the buffs it can stack, and this is a good one. It brings warpwolves into crazy DEF territory, and makes them hit very hard.
  • Muzzle is an alright nuke. She needs to boost damage if she wants to get the effect onto a warbeast, which will eat half her stack. Generally to be avoided.
  • Shadow Pack is what really allows her to run a big beast list. Stealth is usually difficult to mitigate army wide, and so opponents will rarely be able to do an appreciable amount of damage before Kaya can close. Be careful of armies like Legion, they will basically ignore this spell entirely.

Drawbacks & Downsides

  • She does nothing outside her battle group.
  • She can yo-yo but doesn't help threat ranges except for Dogpile.
  • You often want her played forward but she can be assassinated fairly easily, especially without Laris nearby.
  • If her opponent can see through her stealth, her army can go down fast

Tricks & Tips

  • Using Laris' animus Kaya can be very mobile and because she can flank with warbeasts, including Laris, she can be unexpectedly deadly.
  • Do not use Primal on her feat turn if you plan on yo-yoing that beast back. It will be in the middle of your lines, ready to pounce on friendlies, or worse, Kaya

List Building Advice


Kaya wants to bring a boatload of beasts, keep them safe on the way in with Shadow Pack, get the alpha with her feat, Dog Pile, and Forced Evolution, pull back, then do it again. If her opponent has taken 2 alpha's from multiple heavies and lived, then something has gone horribly wrong. But other than against the staunchest of armour, this tactic should serve her well.

Theme thoughts

Kaya is going to play in Call of the Wild which is a living warbeast-centric theme. It gives her free points for bringing what she wants, and the free animi on certain beasts are very nice.

She could play in Bones of Orboros which is a construct warbeast-centric theme, if you wanted. But it you do then note that Forced Evolution doesn't work on them, and they have shorter threat ranges, meaning her feat's threat is very diminished.


Kaya will bring 2 things- beasts and support.

  • Warpwolves- all three are viable with her.
    • Stalkers are great for their 2" reach, and free sprint in Call of the Wild means the hit and run tactics can continue after feat turn. He also has native pathfinder, meaning he doesn't rely on getting Dog Pile as much.
    • Ferals are able to warp speed for an incredible 14" threat under dog pile. They also bring Primal, which can be important for taking down big targets.
    • Purebloods are slightly lesser than the other two, mostly because they don't hit as hard. But wraithbane can be vital for taking down armies with armour buffs, and the spray can reach surprisingly far.
  • Satyrs can be decent as cheap filler beasts, and Forced Evolution allows them to hit harder.
  • Scarsfell Griffons are very cheap, have 3 attacks, and threat very far. With Forced Evolution and Primal, they can even ding up heavies


  • Druid Wilder is vital for cooling off her beasts, especially on feat turn when they will be running hot
  • Shifting Stones help manage fury, and are good counter blockers to protect the army
  • Blackclad Wayfarer is able to stack hunters mark with Dog Pile. This can lead to mind boggling threat ranges if you can land them
  • Swamp Gobber Chef can provide even more fury management (seeing a theme here?)



  • Released in Hordes: Metamorphosis (2009)
  • Kaya is so wild that, despite being a wild animal himself, Laris actually has a calming effect on Kaya. In the mk1 rules Kaya2 even had an ability that reflected that.

Video Battle Reports

Other Circle models

Circle Logo.jpg       Circle Index       (Edit)
Battlegroup & Similar
Warlocks Baldur1 - Baldur2 - Bradigus1 - Grayle1 - Iona1 - Kaya1 - Kaya2 - Kaya3 - Kromac1 - Kromac2 - Krueger1 - Krueger2 - Mohsar1 - Morvahna1 - Morvahna2 - Tanith1 - Una2 - Wurmwood1
Lesser Warlocks

Krueger0 - Una1

Warlock Attachment

Druid Wilder - Tharn Blood Shaman

Light Argus Moonhound - Winter Argus - Wild Argus - Gorax Rager - Razorwing Griffon - Rotterhorn Griffon - Scarsfell Griffon - Wold Wight - Woldwatcher - Woldwyrd
Heavy Gnarlhorn Satyr - Riphorn Satyr - Shadowhorn Satyr - Feral Warpwolf - Pureblood Warpwolf - Warpwolf Stalker - Wold Guardian - Woldwarden
Brennos the Elderhorn (Satyr) - Ghetorix (Warpwolf) - Loki (Warpwolf) - Megalith (Woldwarden)
Gargantuans Storm Raptor - Woldwrath
Units, Solos, Battle Engines, & Structures
Units Druid Mist Riders - Druids of Orboros & CA - Reeves of Orboros & CA - Sentry Stone & Mannikins - Shifting Stones & CA - Stoneward & Woldstalkers - Tharn Bloodtrackers & Character UA - Tharn Bloodweavers & CA - Tharn Blood Pack - Tharn Ravagers & CA - Tharn Wolf Riders - Warpborn Skinwalkers & CA - Wolves of Orboros & CA
Brighid & Caul - Death Wolves

Blackclad Stoneshaper - Blackclad Wayfarer - Bloodweaver Night Witch - Chuck Dogwood - Druid Wilder - Gallows Grove - Kogan the Exile - Krueger0 - Lord of the Feast - Reeve Hunter - Primal Archon - Shivers - Tharn Blood Shaman - Tharn Ravager Shaman - Tharn Ravager White Mane - Tharn Wolf Rider Champion - Una1 - War Wolf - Wolf Lord Morraig

Battle Engines & Structures Celestial Fulcrum (Engine) - Well of Orboros (Structure)
Theme Forces
Secret Masters - The Bones of Orboros - The Devourer's Host - The Wild Hunt
Refer to Who Works for Whom and/or Category: Circle Orboros Minion
This index was last updated: 2021.10

Rules Clarifications

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Rules Clarification : Feat : Call of the Wild

  • Despite the wording about "at the end", the place effect happens during the warbeasts activation. So if you do something which causes the activation to end, you won't get to trigger the feat. See End of Activation for a more detailed explanation.
  • Examples of stuff which prevents you triggering the feat:

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Rules Clarification:  : Magical Damage      (Edit)
(Click Expand to read)

* The "Damage Type: Magical" is not inherited by "secondary" damage from a weapon. That is, stuff like arcs (Electro Leap) or hazards (Scather). (Infernal Ruling)
  • All spells have "Damage Type: Magical" (refer errata).
    • This is inherited by "immediate" secondary damage (such as Eruption of Spines). (Infernal Ruling)
    • and might be inherited by "lingering" secondary damage (see below).
  • If a spell leaves a template in play that does damage to models that walk around in it, then:
    • if it is not described as a hazard it will do magical damage to models that walk around in it. (Example: Razor Wall)
    • if it is a hazard then it will not do magical damage to models that walk around in it. Instead, it does whatever damage type is specified by the spell description. (Example: Breath of Corruption).
    • (Infernal Ruling)
  • If a weapon/spell includes Magic Damage and another kind of elemental damage it will still damage Incorporeal models. Incorporeal models are not affected by the rule "if an attack does multiple types of damage and a model is immune to at least one it is immune to the entire attack."
    The phrase "immune to non-magical damage" should be interpreted as "immune to damage that doesn't include Damage Type: Magical" (not interpreted as "has immunity to Corrosion and Electricity and Cold and etc.")

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Rules Clarification:  : Warlock      (Edit)
(Click Expand to read)

  • General
    • Damage from a feat is neither an attack nor Damage Type: Magical (unless the feat says it is).
    • FURY (uppercase) is the stat printed on the warlock's card. Fury (lowercase) refers to fury points a model currently has.
    • Your CTRL area is double your FURY stat, not double your fury points. (Infernal Ruling)
    • Casting spells or using feats is an anytime ability with the added restriction that you can't use them on the same turn you run even before you run.
      • See also the clarifications on Any Time abilities (below).
    • Some warlocks are also Battle Engines and thus follow all the Battle Engine special rules.
      There is no particular interaction between the Battle Engine rules and the Warlock rules.
  • Reaving & Leeching
    • If you choose to Reave, it's all or nothing. You must Reave all the Fury (up to your limit) and you can't choose to "let some disappear". (Locked thread)
    • If your warbeast is Removed From Play, you can still reave fury off it. (Locked thread)
    • If your warbeast is destroyed or RFP'd while under your opponent's control then:
      1. You cannot reave fury off it. Because it is still enemy at the time it was destroyed/RFP'd, and you can't reave from enemy warbeasts.
      2. After it is taken off the table, it returns to your control and is eligible for Spirit Bond and (possibly) Return to Play stuff (like Thagrosh1's feat).
  • Transferring Damage
    • If both the warlock and the warbeast are damaged by the same attack (such as an AOE), then you need to apply the 'normal' damage to the warbeast before the transferred damage. This distinction can be important when you're working out who/what actually destroyed the beast. (Infernal Ruling)
    • If there is too much damage for the warbeast and it "overlaps" back to the warlock, then that damage is considered ... unsure at this time. (Infernal Checking)
  • Restrictions on "Any Time" abilities     (Edit)         [Show/Hide]
    • "Any Time" abilities can be used at any time during a model/unit's activation, except:
    1. Before any compulsory forfeiture of movement/action. See step 2 of the activation sequence, appendix A.
    2. After the model with the "Any Time" ability has had their activation end "prematurely". By this I mean you resolved something which includes the phrase "its activation ends". Examples include:
      • Running, failing a charge, or failing a slam.
      • Abilities that include "then its activation ends" (such as Reposition and Teleport).
    3. In between declaring your charge target and making your charge movement. (Infernal Ruling)
    4. In between completing your charge movement and determining whether it was a successful charge. (Infernal Ruling)
    5. When you're in the middle of moving. (Note: Impact Attacks count as being in the middle of movement).
    6. When you're in the middle of an attack. Which also includes effects that occur "after the attack is resolved".
      (Although the attack is "resolved" at Step 11, in terms of using an "Any Time" ability the attack is not "finished" until after Step 14. Refer to the first paragraph of Apdx A.)
    7. Your opponent interrupted your activation to trigger one of their own abilities (such as Countercharge).
    8. Warcasters/warlocks/etc can normally cast a spell or use their feat "At any time". However, there is a core rule saying they cannot do so on the same activation that they run. So, they are subject to all the same restrictions listed above, plus they can't cast/feat before running.
    9. Units: See below.

    • In general you can use "Any Time" abilities while you're knocked down or stationary (except Spells and Feats which specify you can't).
    • If you have a gun with a random ROF, you can use an "Any Time" ability inbetween rolling the number of shots and actually making the first attack. (Infernal Ruling)

    Units with "Any Time" abilities
    • You cannot use an "Any Time" ability before issuing/receiving orders. See step 1 and 2 of the activation sequence, appendix A.
    • A model in a unit can't use an "Any Time" ability after they run (Infernal Ruling) or fail a charge. Because that makes that specific model's activation to end even though the unit's activation is still ongoing, and you can't use abilities on models that are not active.
      • You can use an "Any Time" ability before running, however.
    • A model in a unit can't use an "Any Time" ability after anyone in the unit has begun a Reposition move. (Infernal Ruling)
  • Warcaster/Warlock Cavalry ( Edit )
    • Warcasters/Warlocks can't cast spells or use their feat while resolving Impact Attacks. Because Impact Attacks occur during movement - you can use spells or feat before moving, or after moving, but not during movement.
      • Exception: If your Impact target(s) include your charge target, then your movement has ended (refer rulebook, last paragraph of 'Impact Attacks') and thus you're fine to use "any time" abilities before starting the Impact attacks.

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Rules Clarification:  : Warcaster Unit or Warlock Unit     (Edit)
(Click Expand to read)

This summary is specific to Warcaster/Warlock units. You may also want to check the Warcaster and Warlock pages respectively, for the "regular" rules clarifications.
  • All models in the unit count as part of the battlegroup. So, for instance, Butcher3's argus can be moved via his Energizer spell.
  • Warcaster units can have attachments. They can even attach units (such as the WSC). (Infernal Ruling)
  • The non-caster models are trooper models but are not normally Grunt models. Therefore they're not normally eligible for stuff like Revive.
  • If any member of the unit start to do their reposition movement, the warcaster or warlock in the unit would no longer be able to feat.(Infernal Ruling)
  • Press Forward Order vs Spells cast at Any Time (Edit)
    • You must issue orders before anything else. If you issue a Press Forward order, you must run or charge.
    • If you cast spells before moving, you can't run so you must charge.
    • If you cast spells before moving, then start the spellcaster's Normal Movement but have no valid charge targets, you are in a situation where you must charge but cannot charge.
      In this situation the spellcaster must either:
      • forfeit their Combat Action, use their Normal Movement to make a full advance, then their activation ends. (Note that you cannot cast more spells after the full advance).
      • forfeit their Normal Movement, then their activation ends.
      • (Infernal Ruling)
  • Steamroller 2018
    • The non-caster models can contest scenario zones & flags.
    • The caster model cannot contest.
    • The caster model can control zones and flags by itself, but:
      • to control a zone, the entire unit remaining in play needs to be in formation.
      • to control a flag, the entire unit remaining in play must be within 4" of the flag.
  • Units Buying Attacks (Edit)
    • If you make attacks with model [A], then start making attacks with model [B], you cannot 'go back' and buy more attacks with [A]. Because:
    • A model can only buy additional attacks during its Combat Action.
    • A model in a unit must complete its Combat Action before the next model starts theirs (with some exceptions, like CMA).
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Rules Clarification : Unit of Warcasters or Warlocks     (Edit)

  • Even though they're warcasters, if they're out of formation they suffer the normal penalties (can't make attacks, actions, spells, etc).
  • They can't upkeep each other's spells.
  • They can only dominate one SteamRoller scenario element at a time.
  • Each warlock/warcaster can have different upkeeps on them if those upkeeps are "target SELF" or "target model". If you cast an upkeep that is "target model/unit", that is the only upkeep any of them can have.
  • Units Buying Attacks (Edit)
    • If you make attacks with model [A], then start making attacks with model [B], you cannot 'go back' and buy more attacks with [A]. Because:
    • A model can only buy additional attacks during its Combat Action.
    • A model in a unit must complete its Combat Action before the next model starts theirs (with some exceptions, like CMA).
  • The Legion Twins
    • Rhyas cannot dominate a zone while out of formation.
    • Rhyas can use the feat while out of formation.
  • Haley3
    • Only Haley Prime is an 'actual' warcaster model, and as such she is the only one that can dominate a scenario element.
    • The echoes can Control/Contest scenarios like a normal unit.
    • Haley Prime can dominate an element even if the echoes are out of formation.
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Rules Clarification : Pathfinder      (Edit)

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Rules Clarification : Flank      (Edit)

  • You can gain the Flank bonus vs knocked down/stationary models (refer to the latest Errata).
  • Melee range is measured from your front arc so you cannot trigger Flank on models in your back arc.
  • The target enemy doesn't need to be in the Flanker's LOS, just their melee range.
    • Most of the time if something is in your melee range then it is so close it's in your LOS too, and the difference is meaningless.
    • But if you have 2" reach and you're jammed up in B2B with a bunch of closely-spaced enemies, you'll find your LOS is blocked. In this case, you might be able to trigger Flank on an enemy model that is "hiding" behind that front row of jammers, even though you don't have LOS to it.
  • Flank is not tied to a specific weapon, so Mount attacks and Power Attacks can benefit as well.
  • If you have two sources of Flank they are still giving you the bonus from the Flank rule so do not stack. (Infernal Ruling)
  • If the target moves in/out of the Flanker's melee range between the attack roll and the damage roll (for instance if you throw it) then you need to reassess whether you get the Flank bonus for the damage roll. (Infernal Ruling)

Rules Clarification : Unyielding - None yet. (Edit)

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Rules Clarification : Damnation and/or Dog Pile     (Edit)

  • The bonus movement and ignoring LOS only applies for the charge movement. Not on Sprint moves etc.
  • Pathfinder (Edit) - Pathfinder does not apply to involuntary movement (pushes & slams). (Infernal Ruling)

Rules Clarification : Forced Evolution - None yet. (Edit)
Rules Clarification : Muzzle - None yet. (Edit)

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Rules Clarification : Shadow Pack      (Edit)

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Rules Clarification : Stealth      (Edit)

  • Stealth models are not invisible and you can target them - you'll just auto-miss most of the time.
  • You can target them with a charge.
  • You can target them with an AOE, have it auto-miss and scatter, luckily land on top of them anyway, and that will hit them.

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Rules Clarification:  : Warbeast      (Edit)
(Click Expand to read)

See also the Warbeast page for a recap of the core warbeast rules.
  • Forcing
    • If an ability doesn't specify how much it costs to force, it costs 1. (Infernal Ruling)
  • Animi
    • A single Animus can be on several models at the same time. (Infernal Ruling)
    • Unlike in Mk2, in Mk3 if a model has an animus on it from any source and then another animus is cast on that model, it will lose the first instance of an animus and will be replaced by the second. It does not matter if either the first animus or the second animus is from a warlock or warbeast. (Infernal Ruling)
    • An animi cast by a warlock is an animi and a spell. (Infernal Ruling)
  • Transferring Damage
    • If both the warlock and the warbeast are damaged by the same attack (such as an AOE), then you need to apply the 'normal' damage to the warbeast before the transferred damage. This distinction can be important when you're working out who/what actually destroyed the beast. (Infernal Ruling)
  • Frenzy (Edit)
    • You cannot trigger optional abilities (such as Cleave or Sprint). (Infernal Ruling)
    • You must trigger compulsory abilities (such as Consume) ... except for compulsory abilities that also generate an extra attack (such as Berserk). In that case, you don't get the Berserk attack. (Infernal Ruling)
    • A warbeast may not make an Assault shot as part of a Frenzy activation.
    • If the closest target to a warbeast resolving a Frenzy cannot be charged, then the warbeast will forfeit movement and action (as per the rules of having to charge and not being able to). (Infernal Ruling)
    • If a frenzying warbeast can't reach its charge target (because the charge lane is blocked by terrain, etc) then it will make a failed charge and end its activation. (Locked thread)
    • If a frenzying warbeast has two melee weapons with the same POW, it can choose which one to use. (Infernal Ruling)
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Rules Clarification : Bond      (Edit)

  • Bonds are ineffective while the model is under your opponent's control. Refer the core rulebook.
  • Bonds & Themes
    • If a warjack/warbeast with a bond is in that caster's battlegroup, they can be taken in any theme force. Refer the core rulebook.
    • This is true even if the caster isn't a full warcaster or warlock (this interaction changed as of 2018.06).
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Rules Clarification : Channeler  and/or Arc Node     (Edit)

  • It is possible to channel a spell with a range of CTRL. The control range is still measured from the caster though, so channeling it has zero effect ... unless you've got something like Empowered Arc Node or Reaction Drive. Stuff like that can trigger. (Infernal Ruling)

Channeling in melee

  • A channeler that is engaged by an enemy model can not channel.
  • A channeler that is engaging an enemy model can channel. (For example, the channeler is standing in the enemy's back arc.)

Channeler - LOS

  • You use the channeler's abilities when determining LOS (such as whether you can see your target through a forest).
    • If the channeler has an ability to ignore LOS or DEF bonuses (such as Eyeless Sight), then you only apply that "ignorance" to LOS (but not to the DEF bonus).

Caster - Attack roll

  • You use the caster's abilities when determining attack roll modifiers (such as whether a target standing in a forest gets +2 DEF or not).
    • If the caster has an ability to ignore LOS or DEF bonuses (such as Eyeless Sight), then you only apply that "ignorance" to the dice roll (but not to the LOS).

Stealth - It affects both LOS and the attack roll

  • Since Stealth has both a LOS modifier (stealth models more than 5" away aren't intervening models) and an attack roll modifier (stealth models more than 5" away are auto-missed) things get a little complicated.
  • If only the channeler ignores stealth, then all stealth models count as intervening models and block LOS, but the caster will auto-miss models more than 5" from the channeler.
  • If only the caster ignores stealth, then only models within 5" of the channeler block LOS, but the caster won't auto-miss no matter what you target.
  • If both channeler and caster ignore Stealth, it works as you'd expect.
  • Stealth Examples     [Show/Hide]
    • Caster has Eyeless Sight, channeler does not.
      1. Stealth model is within 5" of channeler
        • LOS - The model counts as an intervening model, as per the normal Stealth rules
        • Attack roll - If you attack it then you don't auto-miss, as per the normal Stealth rules
      2. Stealth model is more than 5" away from channeler
        • LOS - The model does not count as an intervening model, as per the normal Stealth rules.
        • Attack roll - If you attack it then you don't auto-miss, as the attacking model has Eyeless Sight.
      3. Stealth model is more than 5" away from channeler, and you want to target a model behind it.
        • LOS - The front model doesn't block LOS
        • Attack roll - Doesn't auto-miss
    • Caster hasn't got Eyeless Sight, channeler does.
      1. Stealth model is within 5" of channeler
        • LOS - The model counts as an intervening model, as per the normal Stealth rules
        • Attack roll - If you attack it then you don't auto-miss, as per the normal Stealth rules
      2. Stealth model is more than 5" away from channeler
        • LOS - The model counts as an intervening model, because the model drawing LOS ignores Stealth.
        • Attack roll - If you attack it then you will auto-miss, as the attacker doesn't ignore Stealth.
      3. Stealth model is more than 5" away from channeler, and you want to target a model behind it.
        • LOS - The front model blocks LOS, so you can't target the rear model.
        • Attack roll - N/A

Rules Clarification : Companion - None yet. (Edit)

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Rules Clarification : Guard Dog      (Edit)

  • If Rocinante is put under the control of a Jack Marshal then he effectively loses his Guard Dog ability because he does not have a controlling warcaster.
    • Simarily, he loses it while under Gastone1's control because Gastone1 is not a warcaster, he's a solo.
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Rules Clarification : Dark Path and/or Spirit Shift and/or Unseen Path     (Edit)

  • You can cast this spell multiple times and play "leap frog".

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