Who Works for Whom

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Beware, gentle reader, for you have stumbled upon an article hidden within The Vaults. These dim and dusty halls are a resting place for articles that are seldom read, seldom updated, and sometimes woefully obsolete. Plus, you know, all the other junk we can't find a better place for.

This article shows which Mercenary & Minion models work for which Faction.

This page hasn't really been kept up to date since 2019.06. You'd be better off looking at the various sub-categories of Category:Mercenary and Category:Minion, which are up-to-date.


Info icon.png

A ✓ indicates the model will work for that Faction. A [✓] means it requires a 2+ warcaster game.

A (★) indicates the model is a Partisan for that Faction.

A tick in the "Minion" box means that model will also work for one or more Hordes factions, and vice versa. You may need to look at both sections.

Mercenary Warcasters

Cygnar Protectorate Khador Cryx Retribution Convergence Crucible Infernals Minion
Ashlynn [✓] [✓] [✓]
Bartolo [✓] [✓] [✓] [✓] [✓]
Caine3 (★)
Constance (★)
Crosse2 [✓] [✓] [✓]
Damiano [✓] [✓] [✓] [✓] [✓]
Fiona [✓] [✓] [✓]
Macbain [✓] [✓] [✓] [✓] [✓]
Magnus1 [✓] [✓] [✓]
Magnus2 [✓] [✓] [✓]
Rahera (★)
Shae None
Cyphon [✓]
Thexus [✓]
Durgen [✓] [✓] [✓] [✓]
Gorten [✓] [✓] [✓]
Ossrum [✓] [✓] [✓] [✓]
Cygnar Protectorate Khador Cryx Retribution Convergence Crucible Infernals Minion

Mercenary Warjacks (& Monstrosities)

All Mercenary warjacks (with one exception) can work for any Faction. The thing is, though, they must be controlled by a Mercenary model (with two more exceptions). So if you want to add a Mercenary warjack to your force, first you need to find a controller that will work for your Faction.

List of Mercenary Controllers [Expand/Collapse]

Tip lightbulb.png

Tip !
There are three "subsets" of Mercenary warjacks/monstrosities (Human, Rhulic, and Cephalyx), which further limit who can control what, and subsequently which force it can work for.

Mercenary 'Jack Controllers (Human) (Edit)

Ashlynn1 - Ashlynn2 - Aurora2 - Blaize - Caine3 - Crosse2 - Damiano - Fiona - Macbain - Magnus1 - Magnus2 - Montador - Rahera - Shae


Asphyxious4 - Crosse1 - Nemo4

'Jack Marshals

Colbie Sterling - Dirty Meg - MacHorne1 - MacHorne2 - Raluk Moorclaw - Rutger Shaw - Steelhead Ironhead

Rhulic 'Jack Controllers (Edit)
Warcaster Durgen Madhammer - General Ossrum - Gorten Grundback
'Jack Marshal Thor Steinhammer
Cephalyx Warcasters (Edit)
Warcasters Cognifex Cyphon - Exulon Thexus


Mercenary Battle Engines

Hammerfall Siege Crawler

Mercenary Solos

Cygnar Protectorate Khador Cryx Retribution Convergence Crucible Infernals Minion
Alten Ashley
Balthazar Bamfist
Bloody Bradigan
Bosun Grogspar
Brun & Lug
Cephalyx Agitator None
Colbie Sterling
Dahlia & Skarath
Dirty Meg
Doc Killingsworth
Eilish Garrity (★)
Eiryss1 (★)
Eiryss2 (★)
Eiryss4 (★)
First Mate Hawk
Gastone Crosse
Glyn Cormier, Illuminated One (★)
Gobber Tinker
Gorman (★)
Grand Master Gabriel Throne (★)
Harlan Versh (★)
Hermit of Henge Hold (★) (★)
Hutchuk (★)
J.A.I.M.s (★)
Kell Bailoch
Lanyssa Ryssyl (★)
Lord Rockbottom
Cygnar Protectorate Khador Cryx Retribution Convergence Crucible Infernals Minion
Madelyn Corbeau
Major Harrison Gibbs (★)
Master Gunner Dougal MacNaile
Menite Archon (★)
Morrowan Archon
Ogrun Bokur
Orin Midwinter
Powder Monkey
Raluk Moorclaw
Rhupert Carvolo
Rorsh & Brine
Rutger Shaw
Savio Montero Acosta
Saxon Orrik
Sergeant Nicholas Verendrye
Stannis Brocker
Steelhead Arcanist
Steelhead Ironhead
Steelhead Gunner
Swamp Gobber River Raider
Sylys Wishnalyrr (★)
Taryn di la Rovissi
Thamarite Advocate
Thamarite Archon
Thor Steinhammer
Viktor Pendrake (★)
Void Archon
Wrong Eye & Snapjaw
Cygnar Protectorate Khador Cryx Retribution Convergence Crucible Infernals Minion

Mercenary Units

Cygnar Protectorate Khador   Cryx   Retribution Convergence Crucible Infernals Minion
Aiyana & Holt
Blythe & Bull
Captain Sam & The Devil Dogs
Cephalyx Dominator None
Cephalyx Mind Bender & Drudges None
Cephalyx Mind Slaver & Drudges (★)
Cephalyx Overlords (★)
Croe's Cutthroats (★)
Cylena Raefyll & Nyss Hunters (★)
Hammerfall High Shield Gun Corps
Herne & Jonne
Horgenhold Artillery Corps
Horgenhold Forge Guard
Idrian Skirmishers (★)
Lynus & Edrea
Kayazy Assassins (★)
Kayazy Eliminators (★)
Legion of Lost Souls (★)
Morrowan Battle Priest (★)
Ogrun Assault Corps
Order of Illumination Resolutes (★)
Order of Illumination Vigilants (★)
Precursor Knights (★)
Press Gangers
Sea Dog Crew
Sea Dog Deck Gun
Steelhead Cannon Crew
Steelhead Halberdiers
Steelhead Heavy Cavalry
Steelhead Mortar Crew
Steelhead Riflemen
Steelhead Volley Gun Crew
Tactical Arcanist Corps
The Commodore Cannon None
The Devil's Shadow Mutineers
Thorn Gun Mages
Cygnar Protectorate Khador Cryx Retribution Convergence Crucible Infernals Minion


Info icon.png

A ✓ indicates the model will work for that Faction. A [✓] means it requires a 2+ warlock game.

A (★) indicates the model is a Partisan for that Faction.

A tick in the "Mercenary" box means that model will also work for one or more Warmachine factions, and vice versa. You may need to look at both sections.

Minion Warlocks

Trollbloods Circle Legion Skorne Grymkin Mercenary
Barnabas1 [✓] [✓] [✓] [✓]
Barnabas2 [✓] [✓] [✓] [✓]
Calaban [✓] [✓] [✓] [✓]
Dr. Arkadius [✓] [✓] [✓]
Helga the Conquerer [✓] [✓] [✓] [✓]
Jaga-Jaga [✓] [✓] [✓] [✓]
Lord Carver [✓] [✓] [✓] [✓]
Maelok [✓] [✓] [✓] [✓]
Midas [✓] [✓] [✓] [✓]
Rask [✓] [✓] [✓] [✓]
Sturm & Drang [✓] [✓] [✓] [✓]

Minion Warbeasts

All Minion warbeasts can work for any Faction. The thing is, though, they must be controlled by a Minion model (with one exception). So if you want to add a Minion warbeast to your force, first you need to find a controller that will work for your Faction.

List of Minion Controllers [Expand/Collapse]

Tip lightbulb.png

Tip !
There are two "subsets" of Minon warbeasts (Farrow, and Gatorman), which further limit who can control what, and subsequently which force it can work for.

Farrow Warlocks (Edit)
Warlocks Azazello1 - Arkadius1 - Carver1 - Helga1 - Helga2 - Midas1 - Sturm & Drang1
Lesser Warlocks Rorsh

Gatorman Warlocks (Edit)
Warlocks Barnabas1 - Barnabas2 - Calaban1 - Jaga-Jaga1 - Maelok1 - Rask1
Lesser Warlocks

Barnabas0 - Underchief Mire - Wrong Eye


  • Skorne warlocks can control Minion warbeasts in the Disciples of Agony theme force. And when they do so, those warbeasts become Skorne models.

Minion Battle Engines

Meat Thresher
Sacral Vault

Minion Solos

Trollbloods Circle Legion Skorne Grymkin Mercenary
Alten Ashley
Bog Trog Mist Speaker
Bog Trog Trawler
Brun & Lug
Bone Shrine
Croak Hunter
Dahlia & Skarath
Dhunian Archon (★)
Efaarit Scout
Eilish Garrity
Hermit of Henge Hold
Gatorman Husk
Gatorman Soul Slave [✓] [✓] [✓] [✓]
Gatorman Witch Doctor
Gobber Tinker
Gremlin Swarm See Note
Gudrun the Wanderer
Kwaak Slickspine & Gub
Lanyssa Ryssyl
Ogrun Bokur
Orin Midwinter
Raluk Moorclaw
Rorsh & Brine
Primal Archon (★)
Saxon Orrik
Swamp Gobber Chef
Swamp Gobber River Raider
Targ [✓] [✓] [✓] [✓]
Totem Hunter
Underchief Mire
Wrong Eye & Snapjaw
Viktor Pendrake
Void Archon
Note: A Gremlin Swarm is a full-fledged Grymkin model. So it never counts as a Minion when taken in a Grymkin force.

Minion Units

Trollbloods Circle Legion Skorne Grymkin Mercenary
Blythe & Bull
Bog Trog Ambushers
Boil Master & Spirit Cauldron
Croak Raiders
Croak Trappers
Farrow Bone Grinders
Farrow Brigands
Farrow Commandos
Farrow Razorback Crew
Farrow Slaughterhousers
Farrow Valkyries
Gatorman Bokor & Shamblers
Gatorman Posse
Lynus & Edrea
Nyss Hunters
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew