Vladimir Tzepesci, the Dark Champion
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Vladimir Tzepesci, the Dark Champion |
Unlimited Only This model can only be used in the Unlimited game mode. You can see the other models with / without mk4 rules on this page. Note that the rest of this page is about the model's Mark III rules. |
After nearly dying in battle against Cryx in the Thornwood, Vladmir Tzepesci, the Dark Prince, was rescued and nursed back to health by the Old Witch over many months. When he awoke from his slumber he found the Old Witch had restored his body and taught him much through his dreams about the power of kings and how to command the wind and sky. Before leaving the Witch's lair, he was commanded to reforge his ruined weapons into a blade as powerful as those wielded in the time of the true kings. The greatsword Dominion is the result of Vladmir's toils to meet this command. He emerged from the Old Witch's lair a true champion of Khador. He stands ready to aid the Old Witch when he is most needed to protect the motherland from the dangers few mortal men realize imperil their lives.
Basic Info
Vladimir2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Warcaster - All warcasters come with a stack of standard special rules - most notably being awesome. Click here for a newbie-friendly recap, or click here for the full rules.
Feat: Blood Legacy
Choose d3 + 3 friendly Faction non-character warrior models currently in Vladimir's control range. Those models gain +3 SPD, STR, MAT, RAT, DEF, and ARM for one round.
- Great Power - During your Control Phase, this model can upkeep one spell without spending focus or fury.
- Might of Kings - While this model is damaged, it gains +2 STR and ARM. If a friendly model damages this model with an attack, this model loses Might of Kings for the rest of the game.
- Righteous Vengeance - If one or more friendly Faction warrior models were destroyed or removed from play by enemy attacks while within 5" of this model during the last round, during your Maintenance Phase this model can advance up to 3" and make one basic melee attack.
Dominion | ||||||||||||||
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RNG | POW | P+S | |||||||||||
2 | 8 | 14 | ||||||||||||
COST | RNG | AOE | POW | DUR | OFF | ||
Arcane Might
2 | SELF | Control | - | Upkeep | No | |
While in the spellcaster's control range, friendly Faction non-warcaster warrior models can spend 1 focus point on the spellcaster to boost a melee attack or melee damage roll during their activations. | |||||||
2 | 6 | - | - | Upkeep | No | |
Target friendly Faction warjack can charge or make slam or trample power attacks without spending focus. The warjack gains +2" movement when it charges or makes a slam or trample power attack. Models slammed by the warjack are moved +2". | |||||||
Hand of Fate
2 | 6 | - | - | Upkeep | No | |
Target friendly Faction model/unit gains an additional die on attack and damage rolls. Discard the low die in each roll. | |||||||
Martial Paragon
2 | SELF | - | - | Upkeep | no | |
The spellcaster gains an additional die on melee attack rolls and Parry. | |||||||
Razor Wind
2 | 10 | - | 12 | - | Yes | |
This spell has zero special effects. | |||||||
Wind Blast
2 | Control | 5 | - | Round | No | |
Place a 5" AOE anywhere completely within the spellcaster's control range. Cloud effects overlapping the AOE immediately expire. Models cannot make ranged attacks while within the AOE. The AOE remains in play for one round. |
Theme Forces
- Armored Korps
Flame in the Darkness - Jaws of the Wolf
- Legion of Steel
Warriors of the Old Faith - Winter Guard Kommand. In this theme the caster gains Sacrificial Pawn [Winter Guard trooper model].
- Wolves of Winter
Thoughts on Vladimir2
Vladimir2 in a nutshell
Vlad 2 is a ranged-denial caster, and a solo polisher second to none. Ever wanted to boost attack and damage rolls on models other than Jacks? Well, he is the caster for you. Vlad2 takes models like Drakhuns and Eliminators, who already have extremely good base stats, and makes them insane for a single turn. That makes him chiefly concerned with his feat turn, but he also has quite a potent spell list with strong game against gunlines. As the feat is limited to non-character warrior models you will be filling your lists with models that can (hopefully) get multiple attacks to make the most out of the feat turn. Keep in mind though you want quality pieces as targets for the feat as you are limited to d3+3 models.
Spell thoughts
- Arcane Might: Generally cast first turn and then upkept into the late game. Boosting the attack or damage rolls of key warrior attacks allows for some extra pressure to be applied where it is needed. Doom Reavers can boost their attack rolls to keep the Berserk chain going, or some extra damage on melee models who are already dug in and can't get a charge off.
- Assail: Vlad's Jack threat extender has the added benefit of increasing slam distance which makes a Marauder a decent choice as it has synergy with the combo slam. Clamjacks (the Demolisher and Devastator) can also slam without opening up their shells.
- Hand of Fate: Cast it on the unit that is going to get the charge off and watch your odds shift in your favor slightly. Dropping the lowest die is generally thought of as approximately a +1.5 bonus to the roll, or some like to say that you are basically always going to get average to above average on your rolls. Not so good for crit fishing, as you have to drop the lowest die always, but great for models with multiple attacks, or axe slinging maniacs with access to Thresher, and like-minded jacks.
- Martial Paragon: Vlad's panic button/meat grinder spell. By casting this you will automatically drop your other upkeep, Arcane Might, so don't bother upkeeping that turn. Boosted attack rolls and Parry allows Vlad to go on the offensive himself and try for assassinations or walk out of a melee he does not want to be in. Oh, and Threshing around with an extra die is just sweet.
- Razor Wind: Your sole means of inflicting damage at range. Apart from occasional incorporeal model hunting outside your charge range, you'll rarely use this zap.
- Wind Blast: Your #1 ranged deterrent, and the tool to win against gunlines. See Tricks and Tips to get the most out of it.
Feat thoughts
The feat is best used to get off an alpha strike with your super powered warrior models. Between +3 SPD; MAT; and STR they will hit extremely hard, and probably survive well into your opponents turn thanks to +3 DEF and ARM. Use the time where your opponent is trying to deal with your feated models to hit them as hard as you can, you need to win out on the attrition game on feat turn or the following turn.
Drawbacks & Downsides
- His army is vulnerable to rough terrain tricks and speed debuffs
- Outside of the feat he offers little defensive bonus for his army, and no movement bonus apart from Assail.
- Random amount of enhanced models make your feat a bit risky. Do not overextend yourself.
- Might of Kings can be a trap; do not expose Vlad without a good reason to enemy attacks.
Tricks & Tips
- If you have a unit with CRA/CMA, put Blood Legacy on the model who is conducting the attack - all the additional bonuses will be added to his enhanced stats.
- Damage done by continuous effects or collateral damage is not considered "damaged by a friendly model", so if you have an acid bath terrain feature on your side of the board, you can trigger Might of Kings at will.
Just a few note about Wind Blast's applications:
- If you stay, you can't shoot. If you move, you can't aim. Use this against models with Arcane Precision to deliver your stealthy models.
- Open up Trencher or Swamp Gobber smoke wall for your guns and chargers.
- Cast it in front of shooters to dictate the direction of their movement, if they want to use their guns.
- Cast it directly on a SPD4 model with huge base (like the AFG or a Conquest) to shut down its shooting potential completely. The AFG is especially vulnerable, as it has to remain still to get the extra range on itself from Focused Power.
- Cast it on your troops, which are already engaged with, or will likely to be engaged by Gunfighters. Watch without giggle as Gun Mages try to put their ceremonial blade to use.
List Building Advice
You cannot regard this section without his feat. First half of the game will boil down to move up and silence the enemy's most dangerous guns with Wind Blasts, while getting into position to pop your feat. From here, you can go either to attrition, outlasting your enemy with your superbly defended solos, or straight assassination. Anyway, this list also has serious scenario pressure, as you can force the opponents to keep his valuable models hidden, or away from the reach of your potentially wrecker models. The amount of models eligible for buffing range from 4 to 6, so you always better to aim for the minimum you require to carry out your plans, and adjust your tactics accordingly, if you have extra units to put on Blood Legacy.
You will almost always start picking the best non-character solos (and smaller units) with this variant of Vlad.
It is tempting to include IFPs or heavier Man-o-War units (especially in their respective theme force), however Vlad has nothing to increase their mobility.
Theme thoughts
Vlad doesn't do much for WGK and JoW as they all lack the hard hitting melee infantry he likes to deliver and crank up with extra dice. A case can be made for L4egion of Steel but that theme is in a really bad place right now and is pretty much WoW but worse.
Vlad2 Wolves of Winter is Khadors top competitive list at the moment and for good reason. Vlads kit is just tailor made to get the most out of anything in this theme, Outriders in particular.
- Doom Reavers - 4 units of these are ideal, 2 of them with attachments. They are already Weapon Masters and the CAs hand out quasi-Grievous Wounds to them, so if you add his feat and Arcane Might on to of that, they turn into wrecking balls of death. Wind Blast is of course always appreciated by melee troops to cover their advance. Since they die easily they wil alos proc his Righteous Vengeance if Vlad is in range.
- Fenris - You can't feat on him, but with Arcane Might he can still boost attack and damage rolls, making him an absolute monster in combat. Anything else is extra.
- Orsus the Chained - Essentially Budget-Fenris, as Orsus can be taken for free.
- Greylord Outriders - Good old murder ponies are still his beast Hand of Fate target thanks to their excellent mobility and sprays. A unit of them can keep a flank clear while dommies lead the charge.
- Koldun Lord - Now it gets silly, because under this guy's ARM debuff, dommies actually start one rounding colossals if you get enough of them into them. Heads will roll! Puppet Master is also occasionally useful if you want Vlad to kill a caster by himself.
- Greylord Ternion - Wind Blast will definitely not be enough to keep doomies from dying against guns, so Blizzard clouds are very much appreciated, as is the hit fixer and recursion these trios bring. Since they are also requisition options, there is a good case to be made for maxing out the faction allowance of Ternion units.
- Ruin - If everything goes well, Ruin will never tap into your focus resevere, since he generates his own via his soul taker. With the free Assail Great Power grants you, you thus have an excellent combat jack that charges 9" for free and can spend all of his focus on buying of boosting with his P+S 18 whackstick and it practically costs you nothing every turn. With dispel you can also ensure that defensive buffs such as Arcane Shield don't ruin your Doomie's time.
- Koldun Kapitan Valachev - The new Order of Illumination units, the Resolutes especially, take very kindly to Vlads feat, Hand of Fate and Arcane Might. SPD 8, with Zephyr from Valachev, P+S 16, MAT 10, RAT 9, ARM 20 and DEF 17 against charges is quite aa statline to behold, especially combined with 5 hit points.
Armored Korps is his second beast theme and a good option if the other list in your pairing is WoW run by a different caster already. AK is so good for him because its full of great feat targets. Wheather it's Kovniks, Demo Corps, Shocktroopers or a Drakhun, their stats simply go through the roof.
- Man-o-War Shocktroopers - Your bread and butter unit. Just a really tough wall of meat.
- Man-o-War Demolition Corps - An excellent target for Arcane Might and Hand of Fate due to their crit freeze and Shatter.
- Man-o-War_Drakhuns become ARM 23 while under feat and hit with a POW 17 weapon master attack at MAT 11. Also, knockdown effects won't stop him from bringing the pain.
- Man-o-War Kovniks can switch from supporting other Man-O-Wars to unleashing a catastrophe if positioned correctly.
Various Themes
- Greylord Adjunct - two free upkeeps leave you with all the more focus for Arcane Might, and Guidance on anything with a gun is great.
- Kayazy Eliminators are the best models for his feat as they become DEF 20 in melee and stealth against ranged with 2 very respectable POW 14 MAT 12 attacks. Just remember that there are 2 in the unit so if you feat one it is probably best to feat the other or else lose out on gang.
- Saxon Orrik - Rough terrain patches can really ruin his day; make sure you can deliver your most important models.
- Ragman or Hermit of Henge Hold - Good old damage buffs for if you really want something dead.

Vladimir doesn't really want to spend much over his free WJP, thus any combination of Juggernauts, Destroyers and Devastators is a good idea.
- A Grolar can be a very fast, hard hitting assassination piece. Use the Heavy Boiler to get up the board, then swap to HoF later if you get an angle for the caster kill.
- A Marauder or three is a very good Assail Target due to the combo smite gaining some extra slam distance. They also dismantle huge bases like pros.
- Conquest - its Creeping Barrage is a pretty good deterrent against jamming infantry, while Assail ensures you a minimum of 5" slamming (if it is the best course of action). Also, a free charge or slam up to 11" is not something you would turn down on a colossal.
- Victor - Just as with the Conquest colossals love Assail for the speed buff. Even more so if you can threaten the majority of the board with your gun.
- Drago - your trusty character jack, who really likes assail. That's about it though, Drago really isn't good compared to non-character jacks.
Starting a 25 point Brawl list
In 2020.10 Phillip Melvin, one of the LOS authors, put together this list for the Brawlmachine format. It was then updated for the 2021.10 errata. He even wrote about it's playstyle and expanding it beyond 25 points, which you can read here.
- Fenris: [8 pts]
- Koldun Lord: [3 pts]
- Greylord Ternion: [Free] (5 pts)
- Doom Reaver Swordsmen: [10 pts]
- Command Attachment: [3 pts]
In 2020.11 Jaden Iwassa, another LOS authors, put together a very similar list and wrote an accompanying article which you can read here. Jaden's list is the same as above, except:
Fenris -
Greylord Ternion - Butcher4
- Void Archon
Total RRP: USD $237 (based on PP's online store prices 2021.05)
- Note - This list/article was written before the 2021.10 Errata and therefore may have incorrect point values
Then in 2021.04 Jaden did a cheaper list which you can read here.
- Koldun Lord: [4 pts]
- Butcher4: [Free] (7 pts)
- Kayazy Eliminators: [5 pts]
- Doom Reaver Swordsmen: [10 pts]
Total RRP: USD $170 (based on PP's online store prices 2021.04)
- Note - This list/article was written before the 2021.10 Errata and therefore may have incorrect point values
For more Brawlmachine list ideas, see Category: Brawl List
- Released in Warmachine: Apotheosis (2005)
Video Battle Reports
- 2018.10 Deathclock Dave 75 points vs Nemo3
- 2018.10 Deathclock Dave 75 points vs High Reclaimer
- 2018.09 Tactical Supremacy 75 points vs Kaelyssa
- 2018.09 Deathclock Dave 75 points vs Syvestro
- See also Category: Video Battle Reports for more casters with videos.
Other Khador models
Rules Clarifications
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Rules Clarification: : Magical Damage (Edit) |
* The "Damage Type: Magical" is not inherited by "secondary" damage from a weapon. That is, stuff like arcs (Electro Leap) or hazards (Scather). (Infernal Ruling)
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Rules Clarification : Thresher (Edit)
Some have Infernal Rulings that pertain only to themselves, but the clarifications below are applicable to all of these abilities: [Show/Hide]
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Rules Clarification: : Warcaster (Edit) | ||||
Rules Clarification : Great Power - None yet. (Edit)
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Rules Clarification : Might of Kings (Edit)
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Rules Clarification : Vengeance and/or Righteous Vengeance and/or Retaliation and/or Swift Vengeance and/or Tantrum (Edit)
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Rules Clarification : Arcane Might and/or Aura of Power (Edit)
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Rules Clarification : Hand of Fate and/or Manifest Destiny and/or Signs & Portents (Edit)
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Rules Clarification : Martial Paragon (Edit) |
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Rules Clarification : Razor Wind (Edit)
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Rules Clarification : Wind Blast (Edit)