LPG - Theme Forces
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- This article is part of Warmachine University's Learning to Play the Game (LPG) series, which is "Intermediate Training" aimed at new players who are still learning the core rules.
- (See also Basic Training and Advanced Training.)
Theme Forces are non-compulsory rules for creating your army. Theme Forces restrict which models from your Faction that you can put in the army, but give you bonuses in return. The restrictions are normally fluff-driven (such as one theme is "all the Man-o-War models" and another is "all the Tharn models"). The bonuses vary from theme to theme, but are normally along the lines of:
- All themes get to add models to your army free of cost. The bigger the game, the more free models you get.
- Most themes get a deployment benefit (such as getting to reroll the dice that determine who goes first; one unit gains Ambush; etcetera)
- Most themes get an in-game benefit (such as all warrior models gaining Tough; or all warjacks gaining Carapace; etcetera).
You can choose to play out-of-theme, however Theme Forces are considered the default way to play Warmachine and Hordes in the current edition, by both the players that use theme forces and also the developers that design the game.
What a New Player needs to know
Are Theme Forces compulsory?
Technically No, but realistically Yes.
- No because there isn't any rule in the game saying you must play in a theme force. So if you don't want to, you don't have to.
- Yes because if you play a non-theme army vs a theme army, you've got slim odds of winning. You miss out on all the extra benefits, and in a small 25 point game you'll have a 6 point handicap. In a full-size 75 point game you'll have an 18 point handicap!
When you first start out don't worry about it too much. At smaller point levels, and versus other new players, whether you're in or out of theme won't make much difference.
Are all Theme Forces equally powerful?
There used to be a lot of disparity in power level, but with the 2019 theme remix hopefully we'll see less "dud" themes. At the time of writing (2019.07) this remains to be seen.
Are there Theme Force boxsets you can buy?

They're priced with a slight discount and have decent contents, so they're worth buying if you're starting out. But if you already have some of the models, then you'll get duplicates you probably don't want and any cost-savings will evaporate.
Note, these Theme Boxes are not starter sets as such because they don't contain warcasters/warjacks or warlocks/warbeasts.
At the time of writing (2019.08) there are 7 boxsets available:
- Cryx - Scourge of the Broken Coast (formerly known as Slaughter Fleet Raiders)
- Cygnar - Gravediggers
- Khador - Armored Corps
- Protectorate - Exemplar Interdiction
Should I buy a Theme right away?
Yes and No.
- Yes because everyone plays in themes and you will want to, too.
- No because, until you play a bit with a theme, you won't know if you like that theme.
Lots of models can only be used in one theme. To avoid potentially wasting money on models for a theme that you later learn you don't like, there's a few strategies. You can use one or more of these ideas:
- Proxy the models before you buy them.
- Start with a 25 point theme list, to minimise the amount you need to buy.
- Buy extra non-character warjacks/warbeasts because they can be re-used in other themes.
- If you buy too many, though, you'll need either:
- a warcaster/warlock that is good at running a large battlegroup, or
- invest in a "Junior Warcaster" or Lesser Warlock who can control these extra warjacks/warbeasts.
- Buy extra "support models" (they can often go in 2+ themes).
- Buy a couple Mercenary/Minion models (most themes allow at least one solo and one unit, so you can re-use them).
- Use Partisan models. They are like Mercenary/Minion models but with the added benefit that they count as "friendly Faction" so can be targeted with more buffs.
Note that some of these strategies might lead you to have an unbalanced force - for example if you buy heaps of multi-theme support models and skip the single-theme combat troops.
Brief History
Theme Forces didn't exist at all in Mk1 (2003 to 2010), and functioned differently in Mk2 (2010 to 2016). In Mk3, however, Theme Forces were redesigned from the ground up to be an integral part of how players play the game. The reason PP did this is really quite simple - the game was getting too big. After 13 years of constant releases all of the core factions were well fleshed-out, and it was becoming difficult to add new and interesting models to the line-up without it stepping on the toes of something already available in-faction, and/or blurring the lines that define one faction from another. Also it was harder to identify a potentially broken combination of rules.
Pros & Cons of the Theme System
With Warmachine & Hordes now in a place where everyone is expected to be playing "In-Theme", there are several advantages to the overall game system:
- Unit duplication
- Consider the scenario where PP want to give a Faction a new unit which is a bit different to an existing unit, but which fundamentally just does the same task. Before themes, players would work out which of those two units did the task better for its points cost and then never touch the losing unit ever again. After themes, these two units are placed in different themes and the comparison is not so straight forward. Sometimes you'll want to take the "losing" unit because it is in a "better" theme.
- Some players will say unit duplication can go too far (the most egregious example being Long Gunners vs Trencher Long Gunners) to which I counter: Yeah you're probably right. I'm glad we haven't seen a repeat of such blatant duplication since those Trenchers, though.
- Narrow scope for testing purposes
- Consider the scenario where PP want to release a new model with a unique special rule. Before themes, you'd have to check it vs 75-ish other models in the same Faction to see if there was a new over-powered combo. After themes, you only need to check it vs the 30-ish models in the same Theme. This greatly reduces the chance of an undesirable, unforeseen, overpowered combination accidentally making it out of playtests and into the final rules.
- Some players will say that this happens anyway (for example Lord of the Feast) but in counter I say: in a theme-less world, more Feast-like mistakes would be made.
However, it's not all sunshine and roses. There are several disadvantages too:
- It's harder for a player to 'dabble' in a new Faction, new players especially.
- If you play out of theme, you're at a disadvantage.
- But to play in theme you have to invest heavily in one style of aesthetic & playstyle that they may not like in the long run.
Remember how hard it was to pick your first Faction? Imagine that, multiplied by 10.
- It can stagnate list-building creativity.
Some themes have very few options available, and everyones lists start looking the same because there's simply no other option.
Theme Rules
Short version
- Models allowed
- A theme force can include only the models and units described in its rules.
- If a unit is allowed, any and all of its attachments are also allowed.
- Exception: Ranking Officer command attachments cannot be included in a theme force unless the rules of that theme force specifically allow it.
- Character warjacks/warbeasts
- Character warjacks/warbeasts with a Bond can always be taken in a theme force whether or not that theme normally allows them, but only if they're in their bonded model's battlegroup.
- Mercenary/Minion models
- Mercenary/Minion models are not allowed in theme forces by default, but most themes allow "Up to one Mercenary solo and one Mercenary unit". Some themes allow zero, some allow infinite. But most only allow one of each.
- Partisan units/solos can go in any theme, but most of the time they'll use up the "Up to one Mercenary" slot.
- Partisan warcasters can go in any theme.
- If a Mercenary you hire can control warjacks, then you can add warjacks without breaking the "Up to one Mercenary" rule. Similarily for Lesser Warlocks.
- If a Mercenary you hire comes with a Companion, then the Companion will be added without breaking the "Up to one Mercenary" rule. Similarily for Minons.
- Requistion Points
- Requistion Points are spent to get free models. Each theme will list which sorts of models you can spend RP on.
- You earn one RP for each 25 points of game size. Your caster's WJP / WBP don't count towards the game size. So, in a normal 75 point game, you'll get three freebies.
- You get RP for the game size, not your army size. For instance if you happen to have a 24 point army in a 25 point game, you still get your RP.
Official Version
From page 24 of the 2019.12 edition of the core rules.
Theme forces are rules that allow a player to field a themed army made up of a limited selection of models but with special rules that support the theme. A theme force can include only the models and units described in its entry. If a theme force can include a given unit, you can add any attachments to the unit that are available to it, subject to normal FA restrictions. Ranking Officer command attachments, however, cannot be included in theme force armies unless the rules of the theme force specifically allow for the Ranking Officer and the unit it attaches to.
Theme foces and their requirements and benefits can be found at privateerpress.com/rules and in the War Room app.
Many character warjacks and warbeasts have Bond special rules representing an affinity with a particular warcaster or warlock. An army made using a theme force can include any character warjacks or warbeasts that can be bonded to a particular model as part of that model’s battlegroup whether or not the warjack or warbeast can normally be included in armies made using the theme force.
- EXAMPLE: Jason uses the Jaws of the Wolf theme force to create an army with Kommander Sorscha as its warcaster. Sorscha’s battlegroup can include Beast 09 even if the warjack is not on the theme force list because Beast 09 has a special rule stating it is bonded to Sorscha.
Mercenary warcasters and Minion warlocks with the Partisan special rule can be included in the theme forces of the Factions they are partisan to.
If a Mercenary or Minion model that can control warjacks or warbeasts is included in an army made using a theme force, the army can include non-character warjacks or warbeasts controlled by that model. If a model has a companion character, that companion can always be included in the same army. For example, if an army made using a theme force includes the Mercenary solo Gastone Crosse, the army can also include Mercenary warjacks controlled by Crosse. Similarly, the Mercenary Minion solo Brun Cragback and his warbeast Lug can be included in any Cygnar or Khador army made using a theme force that allows the inclusion of a Mercenary solo.
Theme Forces & Requisitions
In addition to the other benefits that they provide, each theme force also includes a list of free models/units that can be Requisitioned, or added to the army for free. The number of free options that players can take depends on the encounter level they are playing (see “Encounter Level,” p. 20). If they are playing a 25-point Rapid Assault, each player has one Requisition option. If they are playing a 50-point Clash of Arms, each player has two Requisition options, and so on. Each Requisition option can be selected more than once, but the FA of models in the army cannot be exceeded as a result of Requisitions. Requisitioned models must be selected from among those allowed in the army composition section of the theme force.
- EXAMPLE: Jeff uses The Blindwater Congregation theme force to create a 75-point army for a Pitched Battle. At that encounter level, Jeff can select three Requisition options. He selects two Bull Snappers and a Boil Master & Spirit Cauldron to add to his army for free.
Rules Clarifications
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Rules Clarification: Theme Forces (Edit) Themes that change a model's Faction [Show/Hide]
Rerolling the starting roll [Show/Hide]
Warjacks/Warbeasts with bonds [Show/Hide]
Including Mercenaries [Show/Hide]
Number of Mercenaries
Mercenaries and Ranking Officers
Including Partisan Mercenaries [Show/Hide]
Partisans & Theme Forces (Edit)
Requisition Points [Show/Hide]
Free models and Specialists (ADR) [Show/Hide]
Unit Attachments [Show/Hide]
When to apply theme benefits [Show/Hide]
See also these Theme-Specific Rulings [Show/Hide]
List of All Theme Forces
- Unofficial list Category:Theme Force
- Official list is on the Game Rules section of PP's website.
Theme Force Release Dates
- 2016.06
- Mercenary: Operating Theater
- 2016.08
- Mercenary: The Kingmaker's Army
- 2016.12
- Convergence: Destruction Initiative
- Trollblood: Power of Dhunia
- Khador: Winter Guard Kommand
- Cygnar: Storm Division
- 2017.01
- Circle: Devourer's Host
- Cryx: Ghost Fleet
- Mercenary: Hammer Strike
- Protectorate: Creator's Might
- Protectorate: Guardians of the Temple
- Protectorate: Faithful Masses
- Skorne: Winds of Death
- 2017.02
- Circle: Bones of Orboros
- Circle: Wild Hunt
- Retribution: Forges of War
- Cygnar: Heavy Metal
- Cygnar: Sons of the Tempest
- 2017.03
- Minion: Blindwater Congregation
- Khador: Jaws of the Wolf
- Khador: Legion of Steel
- Legion: Oracles of Annihilation
- 2017.05
- Protectorate: Exemplar Interdiction
- 2017.06
- Grymkin: Dark Menagerie
- 2017.07
- Cryx: Dark Host
- 2017.08
- Mercenary: The Irregulars
- 2017.09 - Themeopocalpse
- 25 themes released simultaneously to fully flesh out every Faction.
- 2018
- 06 - Crucible Guard: Magnum Opus
- 06 - Crucible Guard: Prima Materia
- 2019
- 03 - Mercenary: Soldiers of Fortune
- 07 - Mercenary/Cygnar/Khador: Flame in the Darkness
- 07 - Khador/Protectorate: Warriors of the Old Faith
- 09 - Infernals: Dark Legacy
- 09 - Infernals: Hearts of Darkness
- 2020
- 02 - Mercenary/Convergence: Strange Bedfellows
- 11 - Minion/Trollblood: Vengeance of Dhunia