Theme - Winter Guard Kommand

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Khador Logo.jpg Theme - Winter Guard Kommand

Khador Theme Force
Armored Korps - Flame in the Darkness - Jaws of the Wolf - Legions of Steel - Warriors of the Old Faith - Winter Guard Kommand - Wolves of Winter

Painted by Brendon, blog at
Mk4 icon.png
This mk3 Theme Force will get a similar Legacy Army in mk4, but it hasn't been released yet (as of 2023.04).

The ranks of the Winter Guard are the patriotic backbone of the Khadoran Army. Hardened by a rigorous training regimen and driven by their love for the Motherland, these soldiers march against the enemies of the empire. They make every effort to see the will of the empress done, whether pushing deep into hostile territory under the cover of withering artillery fire or giving their lives to defend Khador from those who would threaten its sovereignty.

Theme Rules

For the core rules on how Theme Forces work, see this article.

Theme Restrictions

An army made use the Winter Guard Kommand theme force can include only the following Khador models:

  • This army can also include one Mercenary solo and one Mercenary unit that will work for Khador.
    • These models/units can be included even if they have the Partisan [Khador] rule.
    • Mercenary units can have non-Ranking Officer attachments.

Full model list

The models allowed in Winter Guard Kommand are:   [Show/Hide]

This list was last updated: 2020.12   (Edit)


  • All Khador warcasters


  • All non-character Khador warjacks
  • Beast-09
  • Torch
  • Other character warjacks can be taken, but only if they have a bond and they're in their bonded model's battlegroup.

Battle Engines




  • Up to one solo
  • Up to one unit

Requisition Points

You can spend each Requisition Point on either:

  • One Winter Guard weapon crew unit
  • One Khador CA
  • Two Winter Guard Artillery Kapitan solos.
  • One other Small- or medium-based Khador solo with a point cost of 5 or less

Theme Bonuses

  • Warcasters gain Sacrificial Pawn [Winter Guard trooper].
    Sacrificial Pawn [ Winter Guard trooper ] - When a model with Sacrificial Pawn [ Winter Guard trooper ] is directly hit by an enemy ranged attack, you can have one friendly, non-incorporeal Winter Guard trooper within 3" of it directly hit instead. That model is automatically hit and suffers all damage and effects. The Sacrificial Pawn special rule can only trigger once per attack roll.
    Tip: Solos are not trooper models.

Thoughts on Winter Guard Kommand

WGK in a Nutshell

This Khador theme force is used, as the name would indicate, to play the Winter Guard.

The Winter Guard theme is ranged-focused and versatile due to the wide variety of Winter Guard models available. It is quite easy to build a list from masses of cheap infantry, or to form the core of your army around a few Warjacks with fire support provided by a few small units and weapon crews. The Winter Guard Gun Carriage can also be a powerful piece when supported by the right buffs. Finally, this can be a useful theme for aggressive casters that like to play forward, like Butcher3, because the theme benefit helps keep them safe.

Theme weaknesses

  • Outside of the Battle Engine and certain Warjacks, the lack of pathfinder can make this army difficult to deploy and move around. The Old Witch of Khador & Scrapjack can help with Weald Secrets and Zerkova1 with Ghost Walk.
  • Lack of Tactician can make moving so many bodies around difficult, Irusk2 provides a large Tactician bubble.
  • The theme is starved for magic weapons which deal with incorporeal models and the Protectorate Choir's Hymn of Passage. You can use a Greylord Adjunct to fix this on one model, but since you rely on a volume of attacks, you'll still be very limited.

List-Building Tips

    List Building Archetypes    

  • WGK lists usually go one of two routes: One is the Infamous "Stalingrad" or "Death Star" type list, usually consisting of a full unit of infantry and two supplemental Rifle Corps units, all with maximum attachments. The reasoning for this is A: to bring more bodies than the enemy could ever possible kill and grind your way to victory and B: to max out on WG Rocketeers, who, thanks to their brutal damage rockets, take damage buffs of any kind extremely kindly. The other way to build a WGK list is to bring one or even two Gun Carriages and only some supplemental units.

    Support solos and Requisition options    

  • You can take two Winter Guard Artillery Captains as one requisition choice, providing all-important hit buffs in Veteran Leader And Artillerist. Always take at least two. Sorscha0 provides great buffs in Fog of War and No Sleeping on the Job for your troops, as well as Boundless Charge for your Fun Carriages and jacks, she is your second requisition option. The last option is a wash, because all eligible choices are 3 points. Kovink Joe should be in any list with Winter Guard units, so it's probably going to be him.

    Warcaster Support    

  • Both of these types of lists tend to go well with casters that offer damage buffs that benefit more than one unit, that is Vladimir1 for Signs and Portents and Butcher1 with for his feat (technically Sorscha2 also falls in this category), which makes the WG's shooting extremely dangerous.


  • As for mercs, either Alexia1 or Alexia2 are excellent as they can leverage the high number of bodies and turn them into weapon master solos for ARM cracking and contesting. If they are too expensive for your liking, which is understandable, the Hermit of Hengehold can advance up behind the red patriots and apply his ARM debuff bubble to amp up the shooting.

Starting a 25 point list (Brawlmachine)

In 2020.10 Phillip Melvin, one of the LOS authors, put together this list for the Brawlmachine format. It was then updated for the 2021.10 errata. He even wrote about its playstyle and expanded it beyond 25 points, which you can read here.

Vladimir1: [+28 WJP]
Ol' Grim: [6 pts]
Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich: [Free] (3 pts)
Winter Guard Artillery Kapitan: [3 pts]
Winter Guard Infantry (Min unit): [6 pts]
  • 3x Weapon Attachments: [6 pts]
Kayazy Eliminators: [4 pts]

For more Brawlmachine list ideas, see Category: Brawl List

Casters of Note


He offers damage multiplication in the form of his feat and Fury. Iron Flesh is also really nice for keeping squishy WG alive, especially when stacked with Tough from Joe and Fog of War and No Sleeping on the Job from Sorscha0. Lastly, access to Ruin means an extra magic weapon.


He buffs the hell out of the little red patriots! Tactician prevents you from jamming yourself up, Total Obedience gives them Tough, Battle Lust increases their damage, Solid Ground keeps them on their feet, Fire for Effect is great on anything ranged, and his feat hands out Pathfinder and lets your shooty WGs ignore clouds.


He is an easy-to-use battlebox caster with a number of infantry buffs.


He has some decent buffs for infantry as well, namely Tactical Supremacy, Veil of Mists, and his battle plans. He also has a number of synergies with Sorscha0 namely that his sneak battle plan is especially good with Sorsha0's Fog of War and Boundless Charge stacks nicely with Escort. He will also have many and more targets for Sucker in this theme.

In terms of damage manipulation, he offers the combo of Discombobulate and Throat Cutter, letting one unit of WGK Backstab any target he hit with the spell that turn. The rest of his army is on its own.

Old Witch1

She deserves mention for Iron Flesh and Weald Secrets. The latter is one of the rare instances of Khadoran Warcasters handing out Pathfinder to troops. She and Scrapjack also have Prowl, so they like the presence of Sorscha0's Fog of War.

Old Witch2

Curse of Shadows addresses damage, Windstorm helps against gunlines.


Iron Flesh again and Desperate Pace ups their threat ranges. Her feat also helps with damage.


Signs and Portents is another damage buff that can be stacked with Joe's, who can be protected by Wind Wall.



Released 2016.12

Other Khador models

Khador Logo.jpg       Khador Index       (Edit)
Battlegroup & Similar

Butcher1 - Butcher2 - Butcher3 - Harkevich - Irusk1 - Irusk2 - Karchev1 - Karchev2 - Kozlov - Malakov2 - Old Witch1 - Old Witch2 - Sorscha1 - Sorscha2 - Sorscha3 - Strakhov1 - Strakhov2 - Vlad1 - Vlad2 - Vlad3 - Zerkova1 - Zerkova2

Warcaster attachments

Khador: War Dog - Greylord Adjunct
Mercenary: Madelyn Corbeau - Reinholdt - Wyshnalyrr

Other Warjack Controllers

"Junior" Warcasters: Malakov1 - Sorscha0
'Jack Marshals: Man-o-War Kovnik - Greylord Forge Seer

Heavy Warjacks

Beast-09 - Behemoth - Berserker - Black Ivan - Decimator - Demolisher - Destroyer - Devastator - Drago - Grolar - Juggernaut - Kodiak - Mad Dog - Marauder - Rager - Ruin - Spriggan - Torch

Colossal Conquest - Victor
Units, Solos, & Battle Engines

Assault Kommandos - Battle Mechaniks - Black Dragons - Doom Reaver Swordsmen - Great Bears of the Gallowswood - Greylord Outriders - Greylord Ternion - Iron Fang Pikemen - Iron Fang Uhlans - Kayazy Assassins - Kayazy Eliminators - Kossite Woodsmen - MOW Atanas & Standard - MOW Bombardiers - MOW Demolition Corps - MOW Shocktroopers - Widowmaker Scouts - WG Field Gun - WG Infantry - WG Mortar Crew - WG Rifle Corps
Ranking Officer CA : Koldun Kapitan Valachev


Bulkhead - Fenris - Greylord Adjunct - Greylord Forge Seer - Iron Fang Kovnik - Jozef - Koldun Lord - Malakov1 - Manhunter - MOW Drakhun - MOW Kovnik - MOW Strike Tanker - MOW Suppresion Tanker - Markov - Sofya - Sorscha0 - Ol' Grim - Underboss Vizkoya - War Dog - Widowmaker Marksman - WG Artillery Kapitan - Yuri1 - Yuri2

Battle Engines Gun Carriage - Man-o-War Siege Chariot - Man-o-War Assault Chariot
Theme Forces
Armored Korps - Flame in the Darkness - Jaws of the Wolf - Legions of Steel - Warriors of the Old Faith - Winter Guard Kommand - Wolves of Winter
Refer to Who Works for Whom and/or Category: Khador Mercenary
This index was last updated: 2021.11

Rules Clarifications

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Rules Clarification:  : Sacrificial Pawn and/or Sucker! and/or Grim Salvation     (Edit)
(Click Expand to read)

  • Sacrificial Pawn is optional.
    Grim Salvation and Sucker are not optional.
  • Grim Salvation only works vs basic attacks, not special attacks, power attacks, chain attacks.
    • Spells are not basic attacks, because they are not "made with a weapon". (Infernal Ruling)
    • CRA and CMA are basic attacks. (Infernal Ruling)
    • If a Special Attack generates an additional attack (such as Multi-Fire), the second attack will be basic and as such can have Grim Salvation used vs it. (Infernal Ruling)
  • Sacrificial Pawn & Sucker! don't work against melee attacks.
  • None of them work vs magic attacks (spells).
    All of them work against Magical Ranged attacks, though.
  • The model the attack is transferred to is always hit, even if they have an ability that makes them automatically get missed (such as Stealth).
    Automatically missing is determined earlier in the timing sequence than when the attack is moved. (Infernal Ruling)

From here down, the terms Sacrificial Pawn, Grim Salvation, and Sucker! are interchangeable

  • Using Sac Pawn moves all damage and effects onto the other model.
  • The new model hit may use any abilities that trigger on being hit/damaged by an enemy attack (such as Vengeance and Shock Field).
  • Sprays and AOEs
    • With reference to the timing chart in Appendix A: placing a spray template down occurs at Step 3. Using Sacrificial Pawn occurs at step 6. Placing an AOE template down occurs at step 7.
      Therefore if you use Sac Pawn vs a spray, the placement of the spray template does not change. If you use Sac Pawn vs an AOE, the placement of the AOE template does change.
    • A model indirectly hit by an AOE attack cannot use Sac Pawn vs it.
    • Since a spray template doesn't move, it may cause the Pawn to be hit twice by the same spray. So you then resolve two damage rolls against it.
    • When/if you shift an AOE template, the original target may be clipped by the edge of the AOE anyway (depending on how far apart the original target and Pawn are).
  • Quick Draw vs Sacrificial Pawn (Edit)
    • If enemy "Model A" shoots you, and then you use Quick Draw against "Model A", but they use Sac Pawn to move your Quick Draw attack to "Model B" then ... Quick Draw has no effect (or rather, it affects "Model B" who isn't currently shooting you so is irrelevant). Point is, "Model A" can continue shooting you.
    • This won't happen with Shield Guard though (outside of a very low-probability scenario) because Shield Guard can only be triggered during an enemy turn.
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Rules Clarification: Theme Forces     (Edit)

Themes that change a model's Faction   [Show/Hide]
  • Many themes swap which Faction a model counts as. They're slightly inconsistent with how exactly this is worded. Despite this inconsistency - whenever a model is considered a different faction to normal, it will not be its original faction. (Infernal Ruling)
For instance Lukas stops being a Crucible Guard model when taken in an Infernal army, and as a consequence he cannot take Toros or Vanguards in Infernals. (Infernal Ruling)
Rerolling the starting roll   [Show/Hide]
  • You cannot use the theme benefit to reroll if it is a draw. Instead both players reroll until there is a loser, and then the loser can use their reroll benefit (if they have it). (Infernal Ruling)
  • If both players have a reroll, first the original loser uses their reroll.
    • If the original loser still loses, fine.
    • If the original loser now wins, the other player can use their reroll.
    • If it is now a draw, both players reroll until there is a loser. Then the player that hasn't used their theme benefit reroll can still use it, if they want.
Warjacks/Warbeasts with bonds   [Show/Hide]
  • A warjack/warbeast with a bond can always be included in a theme force, whether or not they're in the list of allowed models, but only if they're controlled by that bonded model.
  • This applies even if that bonded model isn't a full warcaster/warlock (changed as of 2018.06).
Including Mercenaries   [Show/Hide]

Number of Mercenaries

  • If your "up to one Merc" ...
    • ... can take warbeasts/warjacks, then you can add warbeast(s)/warjack(s) (without exceeding your "up to one" allowance)
    • ... comes with a Companion model, then you'll get that Companion (without exceeding your "up to one" allowance)
  • There is a bug in Warroom that allows you to not only take one Merc solo/unit, but the entire FA of that Merc solo/unit. It's a bug.

Mercenaries and Ranking Officers

  • Adding a Ranking Officer to a Merc unit doesn't increase the number of Merc units you can take.


  • See also the section on Partisans
Including Partisan Mercenaries   [Show/Hide]

Partisans & Theme Forces (Edit)

  • Partisans are Mercenary/Minion models, so there are two ways you can add them to a theme force:
    1. Freely: If the Partisan is on the list of allowed models, then you can take as many as you want plus another Mercenary unit/solo. (Infernal Ruling)
      They can be explicitly allowed (for example Jaws of the Wolf allows "Kayazy models/units" so Partisan Kayayz can be used freely).
      They can be implicitly allowed (for example Scourge of the Broken Coast allows "living Cryx models/units" and Partisan Cephalyx fit that criteria, so they can be used freely). (Infernal Ruling)
    2. Limited: If the Partisan isn't on the list of allowed models, it does use up your "Up to one Mercenary/Minion" slot, so you can only have the one.
  • Whether you used option 1 or 2 above, once they're in your theme force they count as a Faction model and so:
    • They can be taken as a Requistion Option (if they fit the Requistion description).
    For example Lanyssa can be taken as a free solo in the Legion of Dawn theme. (Infernal Ruling)
    • They will get any theme benefit that they fit the description for.
    For example Storm Division gives all Cygnar models Immunity Electricity, so Partisan Mercs in that theme get immunity too.
    For example Nemo4's Mechaniks get Reposition [3] in Heavy Metal. (Infernal Ruling)
Requisition Points   [Show/Hide]
  • You can choose the same Requisition option as many times as you like, as long as it doesn't put you over a FA limit.
  • You can't mix and match models from different options. Say one option allows 3 Machine Wraiths and another allows 3 Necrotechs. You can't use your Requisition Point to get 2 Wraiths and 1 Necrotech.
  • If you have an option that allows one other solo, you can't use it to get something already on the list. For instance, Ghost Fleet allows 3 Misery Cages (which are FA 4) for one Requistion Point, and it allows 1 other solo. That "other solo" can't be a 4th Cage.
  • If your theme allows "3 weapon attachments" as a Requistion Option, you can spread them into different units. (Locked Thread)
  • Models with the Man-Sized rule count as small-based models for the purposes of being a Requistion Option. (Locked Thread)
Free models and Specialists (ADR)    [Show/Hide]
  • If your theme only allows one merc solo, you can't have one in your main list and a different one in your specialists.
Unit Attachments   [Show/Hide]
  • If a unit is allowed in a theme, any-and-all of its attachments are allowed too. Exception: Ranking Officers are not allowed unless explicitily mentioned.
  • If the theme force gives a benefit to a specific unit, any-and-all attachments to that unit will benefit too. Even if it is a "generic" attachment like the Void Leech. (Infernal Ruling)
    For example, a Trollkin Sorcerer will gain Serenity if its attached to a Dhunian Knot unit in a Power of Dhunia theme force.
  • If your theme allows "3 weapon attachments" as a Requistion Option, you can spread them into different units. (Locked Thread)
  • A non-character unit with a character attachment (i.e. Captain Karli) still counts as a non-character unit. (Infernal Ruling)
When to apply theme benefits   [Show/Hide]
  • With reference to special abilities that themes give to models, Ranking Officers, adding new models, and/or taking control of models:
    1. Theme force benefits are applied when you construct your list or put a new model into play. A model already in play will not lose or gain any theme benefits mid-game based on any changes of faction status or otherwise. (Infernal Ruling)
    2. However, if the theme gives a benefit to models "at the beginning of the game" (such as Devourer's Host letting models begin the game with 1 corpse token) then this benefit does not apply to new models that are put into play mid-game. (Locked Thread)
    • Example 1: Sons of the Tempest says "ATGM units in this army gain Pistoleer". If your opponent takes control of one of them, it keeps Pistoleer while under their control even though it's currently not "in the army".
    • Example 2: Storm Division gives Immunity:Electricity to "Cygnar models in the army." If you include a Mercenary unit with a Ranking Officer, they will get the theme benefit and also keep it even after the Ranking Officer dies.
    • Example 3: Stange Bedfellows gives solos Swift Vengeance. If Nemo4 creates a new solo mid-game, that solo will have Swift Vengeance.

See also these Theme-Specific Rulings   [Show/Hide]
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Rules Clarification : Black Industries      (Edit)

  • The entry which allows "Cephalyx models/units" only applies to Partisan Cephalyx. That's because the theme's rules start off with "this army can only include the following Cryx models"​. Partisan Cephalyx are the only ones that fill that condition.
  • The Cephalyx Agitator also works for Cryx and can go in Black Industries but, because it is not a Partisan, it will use up your Mercenary solo slot.
  • (Infernal Ruling)
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Rules Clarification : The Creator's Might      (Edit)

  • ​Elias Gade is allowed in Creator's Might. (Infernal Ruling)
  • You can spend the "Two Vassal solos" requistion option on one Vassal Mechanik and one Vassal of Menoth. Warroom has a bug and tells you that you can't. (Infernal Ruling)
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Rules Clarification : Flame in the Darkness      (Edit)

  • You can take any number of Mercenary jacks. You can also select two additional jacks from Khador and Cygnar in any combination you like. Character warjacks with a bond don't count against this limit of 2. (Infernal Ruling)
  • There is a bug in Warroom that allows you to take two Cygnar and two Khador jacks.
  • Morrowan Battle Priest:
    • If your warcaster is a Cygnar model that makes every unit you take a Cygnar unit, and Battle Priests can be attached to any unit.
      Warroom has a known bug where it doesn't allow this interaction.
    • If your warcaster is a Mercenary or Khador model, though, the only units the Battle Priest can attach to are the Morrow ones.
    • If you attach the Battle Priest to The Devil's Shadows Mutineers then it can be returned via Blood Bound. (Infernal Ruling)
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Rules Clarification : Llaelese Resistance      (Edit)

  • It is 2 Cruicible or 2 Cygnar or 2 Menoth.
    You can't take more than 2, and you can't mix and match from multiple Factions. (Infernal Ruling)
  • You can have a non-character unit with a character attachment (i.e. Captain Karli). (Infernal Ruling)
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Rules Clarification : The Talion Charter      (Edit)

  • The 3rd benefit is "Sac Pawn [Sea Dog trooper]", not just any Sea Dog. (Infernal ruling)
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Rules Clarification : The Bones of Orboros      (Edit)

  • Una1 cannot be taken in this theme (yet) due to the conflict between the theme's "Only Construct warbeasts allowed" and Una1's "Must take warbeasts with flight". There are no construct warbeasts with flight (yet). But if/when there is, then Una1 can be taken in this theme. (Infernal Ruling)
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Rules Clarification : The Devourer's Host      (Edit)

  • Bradigus1 is not legal in this theme. The theme only allows living warbeasts, his rules only allow construct warbeasts, and you can't just 'skip' his battlegroup - you have to spend your warbeast points.
  • If you create a new model mid-game (ie with the Well of Orboros and that model can have corpse tokens, that model does not enter play with a corpse. Because it's not the beginning of the game. (Locked thread)
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Rules Clarification : The Wild Hunt      (Edit)

  • The animus benefit doesn't apply to enemy warbeasts. (Infernal Ruling)
  • The animus benefit doesn't stack with the Druid Wilder's Herding ability. (Infernal Ruling)
  • When it comes to other things that alter COST (such as Lamentation), follow basic maths: Double/halve first, then add/subtract.
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Rules Clarification : Oracles of Annihilation      (Edit)

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Rules Clarification : The Exalted      (Edit)

  • If a Construct model loses the Construct advantage mid-game, it keeps the theme benefit anyway. (Infernal Ruling)
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Rules Clarification : Band of Heroes      (Edit)

  • Boomhowler2 uses up your Minion slot. His Fell Calls ability is not enough to make him a "Fell Caller model/unit". (Infernal Ruling)
  • Boomhowler3 does not use up your minion slot on account of having the Champion keyword.
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Rules Clarification : The Blindwater Congregation      (Edit)

  • Void Leeches attached to a Gatorman Posse will gain Snacking, but they won't gain extra hitpoints. (Infernal Ruling)
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Rules Clarification : Magnum Opus      (Edit)

  • If Mosby is attached to a Mercenary weapon crew unit, they would gain 3" reposition and would not lose it if Mosby is no longer in the unit. (Infernal Ruling)
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Rules Clarification : Hearts of Darkness      (Edit)