Mixed How usable this model is in Mk IV depends on the Faction:
- Cygnar: This model is available in Unlimited Cygnar, but no longer counts as a Cygnar model (instead it is merely a Mercenary that works for Cygnar).
- Mercenary: This model is available in Unlimited Mercenaries.
You can view the Mk3 models that made it into a Legacy Army at this page.
Note that the rest of this page is about the model's Mark III rules.
The Church of Morrow’s Order of Illumination investigates occult threats and, when force of arms is required, dispatches specialist strike teams to eliminate them and limit harm to the general populace. Among these zealous soldiers are the vigilants, small teams of tireless hunters trained to stalk and dispatch unnatural predators, including otherworldly horrors summoned by infernalists. The prayers woven into their weapons and whispered on their lips empower their strikes with the light of Morrow.
Basic Info
Order of Illumination Vigilants |
Missing Info |
{{{cacost}}} |
{{{casize}}} |
FA |
{{{cafa}}} |
Warcaster 0 |
Small |
6 |
6 |
7 |
7 |
M.A. |
N/A |
14 |
12 |
8 |
{{{essence}}} |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
HP |
1 |
F. Field |
N/A |
{{{wjp}}} |
{{{wbp}}} |
{{{ihp}}} |
FA |
2 |
3 or 5 |
6 or 10 |
2.0 pts each |
N/A |
N/A |
Warcaster 1 |
N/A |
N/A |
Understanding the Statblock |
Mercenary - Order of Illumination Vigilants will work for Crucible Guard, Cygnar, or Khador.
- Partisan [ Cygnar ] - When included in a Cygnar army, this model/unit is a Cygnar model/unit instead of a Mercenary model/unit.
Advance Deployment
- Gang - When making a melee attack targeting an enemy model in the melee range of another model in this unit, this model gains +2 to melee attack and melee damage rolls.
Heavy Crossbow
Great Sword
Theme Forces
- Other Factions
- Khador players can use this unit in the Flame in the Darkness theme. They gain Vengeance in this theme.
- Furthermore, Mercenary units can be hired by other Factions. Normally those Factions' themes will have a limit on how many models they can hire. Refer to #Other Theme Forces, below.
Thoughts on Order of Illumination Vigilants
Order of Illumination Vigilants in a nutshell
Vigilants are a light skirmish unit that have a niche in countering skirmish units similar to themselves. They have a good mix of ranged and melee weapons, much like their Order of Illumination Resolutes brethren.
Advance Deployment, Pathfinder, and Stealth mean they are going where they please and are usually pretty safe when they go there. Their heavy crossbow can put a dent into most non-jack/beast targets, and Gang lets them get in close and put the hurt on when needed.
Combos & Synergies
Non-warcaster models
- The Flame in the Darkness theme gives them Vengeance.
- Glyn Cormier lets them ignore Stealth and means they can stay behind clouds and still shoot or charge with impunity.
- The Morrowan Archon has Veteran Leader for them, allowing them to tackle high defense targets easily.
- The Thamarite Archon can generate a cloud wall for them to hide behind.
- Grand Master Gabriel Throne brings his Battle Plans and Tactician, meaning they can charge or shoot through a tangled down melee unit (i.e. Precursor Knights) and unjam them, allowing the melee unit to charge their intended target and do work.
Cygnar and Mercenary Warcasters
- Crosse2 can let them shrug off blast damage with Dauntless Resolve, and feat induced Run & Gun lets them back off after shooting something to death.
- Any caster with Snipe (I.e. Stryker1, Maddox), so they can stay farther away from the action.
- Jakes2 feat allows them to deliver 5 attacks and 5 electro-leaps to potentially wipe a unit twice as large as they are.
- Kraye - Like units with guns very much as he needs them to apply his feat for his battlegroup. Under the presence of Glyn Cormier Vigilants can do this even through a cloudwall thanks to Leadership: True Sight.
- Siege1 makes them very difficult to remove if they live in his Foxhole since it removes opportunistic AoE weapons taking out more than one at a time.
Khador Warcasters
- Khador has a number of buffs for them, all of which they really appreciate. Most such combos require them to be friendly Faction so you need to either run Zerkova in the Flame of Darkness theme, or attach Valachev to the Vigilants in the Wolves of Winter theme. Valachev gives them pseudo-reposition with his Zephyr spell.
- Zerkova1 can generate a cloud wall for them to hide behind.
- Butcher1 - He can feat on them, turning them into POW 12 Blessed Weapon Masters, making for some scary shooting that you otherwise have no access to in theme. He can also put Fury on them, which when stacked with Gang makes them very scary in melee. Alternatively, Iron Flesh makes them resistant to their bane, blast damage, by increasing their ARM against such to 18, which stacks nicely with Stealth for some good deliverability.
- Kozlov packs Fury, too, but also has Tactical Supremacy, giving them much needed Reposition (on top of Zephyr movement). The +2 SPD from his feat is also very much appreciated.
Drawbacks & Downsides
- Single wound and poor defenses, they die easily.
- Relatively expensive - they pay a tax to boast good melee and decent shooting on the same model.
- Small unit size means they lack the volume of attacks to completely wipe out a unit even in otherwise perfect circumstances. Five models means that they can't pair up to deliver gang-boosted attacks to more than two enemies, unless the enemy bunches up.
- Even using Gang they are only POW 13 on the charge; they don't break armor on their own.
Tricks & Tips
- Know when to gang and when to spread out for survival.
- Treat them as a melee unit with guns, rather than a ranged unit with swords. Their damage output on a charge is extremely impressive and thanks to Blessed and Magical they circumvent a lot of conventional defensive buffs.
- Released 2019.10
- There is a short story, A Glimmer of Hope by Matt Goetz 2019.10, about some Vigilants trying to slow the Infernal invasion.
Other Theme Forces
Crucible Guard (Edit)
Khador (Edit)
Other Faction models
Mercenary Index (Edit)
Units, Solos, & Battle Engines
Warcaster attachments
Doctor Stygius -
Madelyn Corbeau -
Reinholdt -
Lesser Warlocks
Rorsh & Brine (Farrow) - Wrong Eye & Snapjaw (Gatorman)
Non-character Units
Cephalyx Mind Bender -
Cephalyx Mind Slaver -
Cephalyx Overlords -
High Shields -
Artillery Corps -
Forge Guard -
Idrian Skirmishers -
Kayazy Assassins -
Kayazy Eliminators -
Legion of Lost Souls -
Ogrun Assault Corps -
OoI Resolutes -
OoI Vigilants -
Precursor Knights -
Press Gangers -
Sea Dog Pirates -
Deck Gun -
SH Cannon -
SH Halberdiers -
SH Cavalry -
SH Mortar -
SH Riflemen -
SH Volley Gun -
Tactical Arcanist Corps -
Thorn Gun Mages
Special CA: Cephalyx Dominator (small or medium based units) -
Special WA: Morrowan Battle Priest (Morrow units)
Character Units
Alexia1 -
Asphyxious4 -
Croe's Cutthroats -
Cylena Raefyll & Nyss Hunters -
Blythe & Bull -
Boomhowler1 -
Herne & Jonne -
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt -
Lynus & Edrea -
MacHorne1 -
The Commodore Cannon -
The Devil's Shadow Mutineers
Non-character Solos
Cephalyx Agitator -
Death Archon -
Gobber Tinker -
Menite Archon -
Morrowan Archon -
Ogrun Bokur -
Powder Monkey -
SH Arcanist -
SH Ironhead -
SH Gunner -
Swamp Gobber River Raider
Thamarite Advocate -
Thamarite Archon -
Void Archon
Character Solos
Alexia2 -
Alexia3 -
Alten Ashley -
Anastasia Di Bray -
Balthazar Bamfist -
Black Bella1 -
Black Bella2 -
Bloody Bradigan -
Boomhowler2 -
Boomhowler3 -
Bosun Grogspar -
Brun Cragback & Lug -
Captain Crawtooth -
Colbie Sterling, Captain of the BRI -
Dahlia Hallyr & Skarath -
Dez1 -
Dez2 -
Dirty Meg -
Doc Killingsworth -
Doctor Stygius -
Eilish1 -
Eiryss1 -
Eiryss2 -
Eiryss4 -
First Mate Hawk -
Flubbin1 -
Flubbin2 & Dreyfus2 -
Flugwug the Filcher -
Crosse1 -
Glyn Cormier, Illuminated One -
Gorman1 -
Gorman2 -
Grand Master Gabriel Throne -
Gubbin1 -
Gubbin2 -
Gudrun1 -
Gudrun2 -
Harlan Versh, Illuminated One -
Harlowe Holdemhigh -
Hermit of Henge Hold -
Hutchuk, Ogrun Bounty Hunter -
J.A.I.M.s -
Kell Bailoch -
Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress -
Lord Rockbottom -
MacHorne2 -
Major Harrison Gibbs -
Malvin2 -
Master Gunner Dougal MacNaile -
Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor -
Princess Delores Graciela -
Ragman -
Raluk Moorclaw, the Ironmonger -
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord -
Rorsh & Brine -
Rutger Shaw, Professional Adventurer -
Savio Montero Acosta -
Saxon Orrik -
Scythe -
Sergeant Nicolas Verendrye -
Stannis Brocker -
Taryn Di La Rovissi, Llaelese Gun Mage -
Thor Steinhammer -
Tubbin -
Underboss Vizkoya -
Viktor Pendrake -
Weird Wendell -
Widget1 -
Widget2 -
Wrong Eye & Snapjaw
Battle Engines
Hammerfall Siege Crawler -
Independent Warjack
Malvin1 & Mayhem1
Theme Forces (Edit)
Flame in the Darkness - Hammer Strike - Llaelese Resistance - Operating Theater - Soldiers of Fortune - Strange Bedfellows - The Irregulars - The Kingmaker's Army - The Talion Charter
This index was last updated: 2021.11
Rules Clarifications
Rules Clarification: : Partisan (Edit) (Click Expand to read)
Which Faction am I?
- Partisans are Mercenary (or Minion) models unless they're taken in their "Home" Faction. For example, a Mercenary model that is Partisan [Cygnar]:
- When used in most armies it is "friendly Faction" only to other Mercenary models.
- When used in a Cygnar army it is "friendly Faction" to Cygnar models ... and stops being "friendly Faction" to any other Mercenaries in that Cygnar army.
- In a multi-caster game, Partisans count as the main army's Faction and not as a Mercenary models (if playing a Faction other than Mercaneries). (Infernal Ruling)
- If a Partisan unit can get a special attachment from their Partisan Faction (for instance a Soulless Escort or Trollkin Sorcerer) then they can only get that attachment when they're in the Partisan Faction. They can't take it when working as a regular Mercenary. (Locked thread)
- When taken in their Partisan Faction, they can't have a Ranking Officer attached.
Partisan warcasters
- If you have a Partisan caster, you must choose whether your army is a Mercenary force or a [Partisan Faction] force. What warjacks the caster can take are then limited by your choice.
- Partisan casters can be taken in [Partisan Faction] theme forces. Refer to the main rulebook.
- Partisan casters can be fielded in multiple-caster games. (Locked thread)
See also the Category: Partisan for what happens if you mix and match Partisan casters and Merc casters in multi-caster games.
Partisans & Theme Forces (Edit)
- Partisans are Mercenary/Minion models, so there are two ways you can add them to a theme force:
- Freely: If the Partisan is on the list of allowed models, then you can take as many as you want plus another Mercenary unit/solo. (Infernal Ruling)
- They can be explicitly allowed (for example Jaws of the Wolf allows "Kayazy models/units" so Partisan Kayayz can be used freely).
- They can be implicitly allowed (for example Scourge of the Broken Coast allows "living Cryx models/units" and Partisan Cephalyx fit that criteria, so they can be used freely). (Infernal Ruling)
- Limited: If the Partisan isn't on the list of allowed models, it does use up your "Up to one Mercenary/Minion" slot, so you can only have the one.
- Whether you used option 1 or 2 above, once they're in your theme force they count as a Faction model and so:
- They can be taken as a Requistion Option (if they fit the Requistion description).
- For example Lanyssa can be taken as a free solo in the Legion of Dawn theme. (Infernal Ruling)
- They will get any theme benefit that they fit the description for.
- For example Storm Division gives all Cygnar models Immunity Electricity, so Partisan Mercs in that theme get immunity too.
- For example Nemo4's Mechaniks get Reposition [3] in Heavy Metal. (Infernal Ruling)
Rules Clarification : Advance Deployment (Edit)
- Sometimes you can attach a WA or CA that doesn't have AD to a unit that does have AD. If you do, the attachment effectively gains AD and they can all advance deploy together. (Locked Thread)
Rules Clarification : Stealth (Edit)
- Stealth models are not invisible and you can target them - you'll just auto-miss most of the time.
- You can target them with a charge.
- You can target them with an AOE, have it auto-miss and scatter, luckily land on top of them anyway, and that will hit them.
Rules Clarification : Gang and/or Gang Fighter and/or Tag Team and/or Team Effort (Edit)
- You can gain the Gang bonus on free strikes, but generally only the first "Ganger" will get it.
- For example, if a target is engaged by two models with Gang, when it leaves the melee range of the first Ganger it suffers a free strike with the Gang bonus. Then it leaves the melee range of the second and suffers a normal free strike.
Rules Clarification: : Magical Damage (Edit) (Click Expand to read)
* The "Damage Type: Magical" is not inherited by "secondary" damage from a weapon. That is, stuff like arcs (Electro Leap) or hazards (Scather). (Infernal Ruling)
- All spells have "Damage Type: Magical" (refer errata).
- This is inherited by "immediate" secondary damage (such as Eruption of Spines). (Infernal Ruling)
- and might be inherited by "lingering" secondary damage (see below).
- If a spell leaves a template in play that does damage to models that walk around in it, then:
- if it is not described as a hazard it will do magical damage to models that walk around in it. (Example: Razor Wall)
- if it is a hazard then it will not do magical damage to models that walk around in it. Instead, it does whatever damage type is specified by the spell description. (Example: Breath of Corruption).
- (Infernal Ruling)
- If a weapon/spell includes Magic Damage and another kind of elemental damage it will still damage Incorporeal models. Incorporeal models are not affected by the rule "if an attack does multiple types of damage and a model is immune to at least one it is immune to the entire attack."
The phrase "immune to non-magical damage" should be interpreted as "immune to damage that doesn't include Damage Type: Magical" (not interpreted as "has immunity to Corrosion and Electricity and Cold and etc.")
Rules Clarification : Blessed and/or Creator's Wrath (Edit)
- Blessed ignores spell buffs even if they're not directly on the target. (For example, Haley3's Temporal Distortion spell is cast on Haley and gives a DEF buff to everyone within 5". Blessed ignores it on everyone, not just on Haley.) (Locked thread)
- You only ignore the DEF/ARM buff if the spell directly adds to the stat (for example Arcane Shield gives +3 ARM).
- Whereas a spell which grants an ability, and the ability gives a DEF/ARM buff, would not be ignored by Blessed (for example Cloak of Ash gives a model concealment, and concealment gives +2 DEF).
- (Infernal Ruling)
- If a spell buffs DEF/ARM and [something else] then you ignore the buff but not the [something else]. (For example, the spell Death Ward grants +2 ARM and the defender chooses which column suffers damage. You would ignore the ARM bonus, but the defender still picks the column.)
- This ability only ignores buffs from spells, not buffs from feats (such as Stryker1's Invincibility +5 ARM) or abilities (such as Protective Aura's +2 ARM).