Obavnik Kommander Zerkova & Reaver Guard
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Obavnik Kommander Zerkova |
Unlimited Only This model can only be used in the Unlimited game mode. You can see the other models with / without mk4 rules on this page. Note that the rest of this page is about the model's Mark III rules. |
Through a combination of fearsome reputation, ruthless tactics, and intimate knowledge of the occult, Aleksandra Zerkova has scaled the ranks of the Greylords Covenant. Her open display of mystical power, from forbidden relics to guardians enslaved to her will, has earned her many enemies—but none capable of standing in her way. She is as skilled at espionage as the dark arts, and more than a few of her detractors have disappeared without a trace, while those once vocal about her wrongdoing have grown strangely quiet.
Basic Info
Warcaster Unit - All warcasters come with a stack of standard special rules - most notably being awesome. Furthermore, this warcaster comes with some troopers that can be ordered around. Click here for a newbie-friendly recap, or click here for the full rules.
Zerkova2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Feat: Arcane Convergence
Each friendly Faction model currently in Zerkova's control range can immediately cast one spell without spending focus, performing a special action, or performing a special attack.
Immunity: Cold
- Call to Sacrifice [ Reaver Guard ] - If this model is disabled by an enemy attack, you can choose a non-disabled friendly Reaver Guard model within 5" of this model to be destroyed. If another model is destroyed as a result of Call to Sacrifice, remove 1 damage point from this model.
- Sacred Ward - This model cannot be targeted by enemy spells.
- Greylord - Zerkova is a Greylord model. The Reavers are not Greylord models, and the unit is not a Greylord unit.
Orgoth Blade | ||||||||||||||
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RNG | POW | P+S | |||||||||||
0.5 | 7 | 12 | ||||||||||||
COST | RNG | AOE | POW | DUR | OFF | ||
Banishing Ward
2 | 6 | - | - | Upkeep | no | |
Enemy upkeep spells and animi on target friendly model/unit immediately expire. Affected models cannot be targeted by enemy spells or animi. | |||||||
3 | 8 | 3 | 14 (Cold) | (★) | Yes | |
Hoarfrost causes cold damage. On a critical hit, models in the AOE become stationary for one round unless they have Immunity: Cold. | |||||||
Occult Whispers
3 | SELF | Control | - | Turn | No | |
While in the spellcaster's control range, friendly Faction models gain an additional die on their magic attack rolls. Occult Whispers lasts for one turn. | |||||||
Sacrificial Lamb
1 | Control | - | - | - | No | |
Up to two friendly warrior models other than the spellcaster suffer 1d3 damage. For each damage dealt this way a model in the spellcaster's battlegroup gains 1 focus. A model may gain no more than 3 focus this way. Sacrificial Lamb can be cast only once per activation. | |||||||
Spectral Fire
2 | 10 | - | 10 (★) | - | Yes | |
Spectral Fire gains +1 POW for each focus or fury point on the target model at the time the spell was cast. | |||||||
Telgesh Mark
2 | 6 | - | - | Upkeep | No | |
The spellcaster can channel spells through target friendly Faction model as if it were a model in the spellcaster's battlegroup with Arc Node . |
Reaver Guard
Zerkova2 comes with two Reaver Guards. They are not Grunts, they are non-character troopers.
Reaver Guard | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
- Doom Reaver - The Guards are Doom Reaver models. Zerkova is not a Doom Reaver model, and the unit is not a Doom Reaver unit.
- Berserk - When this model destroys one or more models with a melee attack during its Combat Action, immediately after the attack is resolved it must make one additional melee attack against another model in its melee range.
- Countercharge - When an enemy model advances and ends its movement within 6" of this model and in its LOS, this model can immediately charge it. This model can use Countercharge only once per round and not while engaged.
- Sacred Ward - This model cannot be targeted by enemy spells.
- Silence - This model does not have to make Berserk attacks.
Fell Axe | ||||||||||||||
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RNG | POW | P+S | |||||||||||
2 | 5 | 12 | ||||||||||||
Theme Forces
- Armored Korps
- Flame in the Darkness. Zerkova gains access to Mercenary and Cygnar warjacks in this theme.
- Jaws of the Wolf
- Legion of Steel
Warriors of the Old Faith - Winter Guard Kommand. In this theme the caster gains Sacrificial Pawn [Winter Guard trooper model].
- Wolves of Winter
Thoughts on Zerkova2
Zerkova2 in a nutshell
Zerkova2 is the quintessential spellcasting warcaster, not only doing plenty of spell-slinging herself, but offering a great deal of support for other friendly faction spellcasters. Since Khadoran Greylords already bring a variety of useful support tools, she can be a very potent and flexible kommander. That said, this game isn't just about support: you'll want to bring some "normal" tough and hard-hitting jacks and troops in order to have any follow-through. She will also struggle, obviously, in any match-ups with strong anti-magic or Immunity: Cold effects.
Going epic, Zerkova left most of the flaws of her prime incarnation behind.
- She can create arc nodes out of friendly faction models.
- She can fuel her battlegroup, relatively easily for some decisive turns.
- She has excellent synergy with a very distinct element of the Khadorian arsenal; the magic wielder Greylords (though still struggles to offer support for the rest of her army)
- She is not hapless in melee, thanks to her two Reaver Guard escorts.
Zerkova is well defended against ranged assassination attempts via spells, and thanks to the complete magic immunity of the Reaver Guards, stray magic AOEs will also mean minimum danger for her. The bodyguards offer a fair degree of protection against melee assassination too and are not slouch in melee either. Sporting the same attack profile as Doom Reavers, and Berserker with built-in Silence, they can mulch infantry units, or dent heavier targets alike.
Spell thoughts
- Banishing Ward - Its usefulness depends greatly on the enemy's list, but in certain match-ups it is incredibly useful in making your army resistant to the enemy's magic. Also counters tricks like Caine1's Thunderstrike assassination run.
- Hoarfrost - Your primary (and more expensive) attack spell. A nice critical ability, and your favoured tool for assassinations. The stationary affects every model under the AOE, so be on the lookout for models, who are clumped together around some low-DEF target.
- Occult Whispers - Her signature spell. Weigh your options carefully, whether or not you'll need it, as the focus burden is pretty restrictive. If in desperate need for a sure hit (say, against a wounded Caine2 with Bullet Dodger), you can use it to get 4 dice upon a single, boosted Hoarfrost or Spectral fire - and burn through your entire FOCUS pool in the process, unless you use your Feat to help mitigate the cost.
- Sacrificial Lamb - Have some chaff infantry, and more than one jack you want to charge in? Then this is your spell. Unfortunately, it does not circumvent Disruption. Situationally, you can also use it to remove a friendly model - even an engaged one - who is blocking an important charge lane. Don't be afraid to target even important models with 5 boxes and bad defensive stats - if a Koldun Lord is hit, he's likely going to die anyway, whether he has 5 boxes or 2.
- Spectral Fire - longer range, lower POW, but useful against enemies with cold immunity. Focus campers should rightfully fear that one, and will likely to give a second thought about the amount of focus they want to camp on. Especially useful against softer targets, like lesser warlocks, or journeymen warcasters. Usually, Warbeasts fully loaded with fury will shrug off the extra damage they get from the spell, but if they are on the verge of losing an aspect, why not give it a try?
- Telgesh Mark - Her second signature spell, something she would desperately have wanted for her prime version. You can cast it either on a very fast unit to flank the enemy, and open up some nasty attack vectors for assassinations, or a very durable model, which won't get shot in the first place. Be on the lookout for stuff which can remove it, like Purification or Dispel, as you'll likely be outside of the spell's range to re-cast it onto the same target. Also remember that you still can't channel a spell through a model that's engaged, so it can be useful to place this on a model with Bulldoze, Parry, or just something durable enough to take a free strike.
Feat thoughts
It is the toned-down mixture of both Haley1's and Vayl2's feat. Just like with any support trick, it is all about timing. You must deliver most of your mages to the enemy's lines intact to make the most out of it. It also works on you too, so the 1 Hoarfrost and up to 3 Spectral Fire might occasionally have some nasty assassination potential. Alternatively, you can cast Occult Whispers for free, and let the boosted Hoarfrosts fly.
Drawbacks & Downsides
- She needs her army to get the job done - her feat and Occult Whispers have severely diminishing return, once the magic-wielding warriors start to fall around her
- Susceptible for ranged assassination, even with her guards around
- It's all too easy to cram all the Greylords into her list, and leave no space for other things
- Anti-magic techs (Eiryss2, Harlan, Orin Midwinter, Lamentation, Covenant of Menoth, Psychic Vampire, attacks with Brain Damage, Arcane Suppression, etc.) will easily pull out the fangs of her army.
- Very limited ways to buff her army's damage output and to increase its mobility.
Tricks & Tips
- Countercharge on the guards only triggers if the enemy advances within 6" of them - watch out for placement tricks, like Slip stream, or Telekinesis. They also must have LOS to the target, so be aware of fast, flanking units, like cavalry.
List Building Advice
Zerkova has some nice assassination potential with her readily available arc nodes and spells. On the other side, her feat, Sacrificial Lamb and Occult Whispers may help her to win the attrition game.
No matter what path you choose, you'll need your army to get the job done because Zerkova2 is more support-orientated than not.
Zerkova supports just about every Greylord units and solos you can imagine, with Occult Whispers and her feat. Double tapping the Outriders' spray, or the Ternions' Ice Cage is self evident.
Don't overspend on spellcasters though; you'll also need some traditional units to operate your army at peak efficiency.
Theme Thoughts
Wolves of Winter
This theme is good for Zerkova2 because it is full of spellcasters who will benefit from her feat.
- Greylord Escort - The Escort can cast Fell Curse with the feat, and then give Relentless Charge to his unit during his activation.
- Outriders - Occult Whispers is an excellent way to help their low Magic Ability stat. On Feat turn, they get to spray twice a model, utterly mincing infantry.
- Greylord Ternion - Whether it's double clouds, Ice Cages or twice the recursion for your Doomies, the Ternion is a great utility tool
- Koldun Lord - He can copy any Greylords spell with his Loremaster ability (excluding Zerkova's spells though). Did you enjoy a Greylord casting a spell twice on feat turn? Well he can copy it and let you cast it four times! He also brings a useful ARM debuff and Puppet Master for more reliable hits.
- Doom Reaver Swordsmen with their Greylord CA - heavy hitters who can operate nicely on their own and have a mage escort.
- Fenris - He gives her guards Rise, which is an okay buff.
- Koldun Kapitan Valachev is a Greylord model and a Ranking Officer.
- On feat turn, he can Zephyr twice, or Zephyr once and give his unit the Press forward order. Either way, his unit is moving a lot quicker on feat turn.
- Put him with a unit of merc spellcasters and they'll benefit from Zerkova's feat too! The best ones are Aiyana & Holt or Alexia Ciannor & The Risen.
- Don't forget that Thamarite Advocates (see below) can be taken with her in any theme, and don't take up your Mercenary solo slot.
Zerkova2 is not particularly strong in this theme, as it lacks a spellcasting unit like Outriders who can really make use of her kit, but one neat interaction is that all the spellcasting solos become Khador models and thus will benefit from her feat.
- Jakes1 can cast Energizer twice, for some good threat ranges.
- Ragman can run and then cast Death Field.
- The Hermit can put two auras into play, or run and cast one.
- Alexia2 can put down 3 thralls, collect 3 more souls and then pop out 3 more.
- Thamarite Advocates can give her additional Focus and/or magic attack rerolls. They also have Hex Bolt, which is a good spell, but has a short range. Run them and feat to amend the downside.
- Also, she gets access to the Thamarite Archons which can give her rerolls on attack rolls.
- Even with Telgesh Mark, it might be worth taking a Lancer for an extra arc node. She just loves casting spells!
- She and her guards also gain Vengeance. If you want an extra 3 inches on your assassination run, run a guard to engage, so the opponent has to deal with it.
- Kossite Woodsmen - some cheap bodies for Sacrificial Lamb
- Widowmakers - usually Zerkova's army relies on close-range firepower; Widowmakers can support your army at range. They are also available in Winter Guard Kommand.
Support models - Various themes
- Greylord Adjunct - A free upkeep is always great and Guidance can be quite helpful for the assassination.
- Battle Mechaniks - some cheap bodies for Sacrificial Lamb
- War Dog - pump up her DEF to Caine level in close combat against anything, that gets through her guards. With 3, counter-charging models around her, you can set up quite an intricate web to intercept would-be melee assailants.
- Thamarite Advocate - The can accompany Lady Z into any theme and become friendly faction to her. With Power and SacLamb she can have a huge amount of "free" Focus in a turn, and they can fuel her jack for her and/or give her rerolls on magic attacks.
- Sylys - upkeep Telgesh for free, and make super-accurate magic attacks.
- Ogrun Bokur - even while your Reaver guards are around, you'll probably want an extra layer of protection from ranged assassination attempts.
- Saxon Orrik - you have almost nothing to increase your army's mobility on rough terrain; so Saxon's help is often beyond measure!
- Ragman can walk up behind your Doomies and apply Death Shroud. If you're in the Flame of the Darkness theme he can also benefit from the feat, letting him run before he Death Fields.
- Thamarite Archons let her reroll every failed attack roll, saving your Puppet Masters for other targets, making it a good Merc pick even outside of Flame in the Darkness.
- Victor - Since your army will be primarily be either melee based, or use short range spell casting, a good gun can do wonders, and the Victor brings quite a few of them. Flare can help you with pesky stealthy models that don't want to be casted on, Incendiary works well against tough troops and the Auto Cannons prey on the myriad of Archons flying around.
- Rager - even while your Reaver guards are around, you'll probably want an extra layer of protection from ranged assassination attempts.
- The humble Destroyer can be a great choice for piling damage on to a model made stationary by Hoarfrost.
- Mad Dog - getting focus on her jacks is the least of her issues when running them, fleet gives some interesting threat ranges.
- This entry first appeared in the Warmachine: Reckoning expansion book (2015)
Other faction models
Rules Clarifications
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Rules Clarification: : Magical Damage (Edit) |
* The "Damage Type: Magical" is not inherited by "secondary" damage from a weapon. That is, stuff like arcs (Electro Leap) or hazards (Scather). (Infernal Ruling)
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Rules Clarification : Blessed and/or Creator's Wrath (Edit)
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Rules Clarification: : Warcaster Unit or Warlock Unit (Edit) |
This summary is specific to Warcaster/Warlock units. You may also want to check the Warcaster and Warlock pages respectively, for the "regular" rules clarifications.
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Rules Clarification : Officer (Edit)
Rules Clarification : Cold - None yet. (Edit)
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Rules Clarification : Call to Sacrifice (Edit)
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Rules Clarification : Sacred Ward and/or Spell Ward (Edit)
Rules Clarification : Banishing Ward - None yet. (Edit)
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Rules Clarification : Hoarfrost (Edit)
Rules Clarification : Occult Whispers - None yet. (Edit)
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Rules Clarification : Sacrificial Lamb (Edit)
Rules Clarification : Spectral Fire - None yet. (Edit)
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Rules Clarification : Telgesh Mark (Edit)
Rules Clarification : Weapon Master - None yet. (Edit)
Rules Clarification : Tough - None yet. (Edit)
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Rules Clarification : Berserk (Edit)
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Rules Clarification: : Countercharge (Edit) |
Triggering Countercharge
Attacks, Boosting, & Other Triggers
After the Countercharge
Other interactions
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Rules Clarification : Sacred Ward and/or Spell Ward (Edit)
Rules Clarification : Silence - None yet. (Edit)
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Note to Editors |
- Khador
- Thamarite
- Model
- Does have Mk4 rules
- Warcaster Unit
- Officer
- Cold Immunity
- Call to Sacrifice
- Sacred Ward
- Greylord
- Magical Damage
- Blessed
- Banishing Ward
- Hoarfrost
- Occult Whispers
- Sacrificial Lamb
- Spectral Fire
- Telgesh Mark
- Armored Korps
- Flame in the Darkness
- Jaws of the Wolf
- Legion of Steel
- Winter Guard Kommand
- Wolves of Winter