Man-o-War Siege Chariot

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Khador Logo.jpg Man-o-War Siege Chariot

Khador Man-o-War Chariot Battle Engine

Mk4 icon.png
This model is available in one Prime Army, Armored Korps. It can also be used in the Unlimited game mode. You can view the other Mk3 models that made it into a Legacy Army at this page.

Note that the rest of this page is about the model's Mark III rules.

The iron wheels and steel-shod hooves of Man-O-War chariots pulverize the enemies of Khador while the armored charioteer brings devastation to the battlefield with heavy artillery. Combining the speed of Khador’s toughest breed of warhorses, the Karpathan destrier, with the nigh-impenetrable steam-armor of the Man-O-War, these chariots punch holes in the enemy line, allowing the armies of Khador to march along the bloody paths they create. Whether armed with the armor-cracking heavy gun or the anti-infantry barrage gun, even a single Man-O-War chariot can turn the tide of a desperate battle in the favor of the Motherland. The thunder of its hooves and the roar of its cannons presage victory in the name of the Empire.

Basic Info

Man-o-War Siege Chariot
Missing Info
Siege Chariot.jpg
COST {{{cacost}}}
UNIT SIZE {{{casize}}}
FA {{{cafa}}}
Warcaster 0
M.A. N/A
ARM 19
ESSENCE {{{essence}}}
HP 28
F. Field N/A
WJP {{{wjp}}}
WBP {{{wbp}}}
IHP {{{ihp}}}
FA 2
Warcaster 1
the Statblock

Battle Engine - All battle engines share the same special rules, most notably being immune to a bunch of stuff. Click here for the long version.


  • Cavalry symbol.jpg Cavalry
  • Pathfinder symbol.jpg Pathfinder
  • Dual Attack - This model can make melee and ranged attacks in the same activation. When this model makes its initial melee attacks or a power attack, it can also make its initial ranged attacks. This model can make ranged attacks even while in melee.
  • Line Breaker - This model gains an additional die on impact attack rolls.
  • Repairable - This model can be targeted with Repair special actions as if it were a construct model.
  • Reposition [3"] - At the end of an activation in which it did not run or fail a charge, this model can advance up to 3", then its activation ends.
  • Smoke Launchers - This model can use Smoke Launchers once per activation at any time. Place one 3˝ AOE cloud effect completely within each of this model's field of fire and completely within 5˝ of this model. The AOEs remain in play for one round.


Heavy Gun
Gun icon.jpg  RNG   ROF   AOE   POW 
10 1 - 20
  • Smite - A model directly hit by this attack can be slammed d6" directly away from this model. If the model hit has a larger base than the attacking model, it is moved only half the distance rolled. The POW of collateral damage is equal to the POW of this weapon.
Mount icon.jpg  RNG   POW 
0.5 15
  • Knockdown - When a model is hit by an attack with this weapon, it becomes knocked down.
  • Trampling Hooves - This model can make charge attacks with this weapon in addition to making impact attacks.

Theme Forces

Thoughts on Man-o-War Siege Chariot

Man-o-War Siege Chariot in a Nutshell

Man-o-War Chariots are the epitome of the Khadoran "old meets new" school of design, combining steam-powered armor, medieval war chariots and enormous guns into highly mobile weapons platforms designed to dominate enemy skirmishers and harass their formations either by riding them down or unleashing devastating firepower into their ranks. The Repairable chariots are drawn by massive Karpathan destriers with powerful Line Breaking Trampling Hooves that knock their enemies down with ease. Their advance cannot be slowed by enemy interference or rough terrain and can Reposition after achieving their goals to evade enemy capture. While being able to fight in melee thanks to Dual Attack the chariots are vulnerable when forced to slow down. They are hit and run combatants that typically operate on the flanks of your formation, holding objectives and presenting a mobile threat that your opponents cannot afford to ignore, but are unable to efficiently combat. Sporting two possible loadouts, these chariots hunt vastly different targets:

  • Man-o-War Assault Chariots have an enormous howitzer Barrage Gun capable of spewing an enormous High-Explosive volume of fire that aims to decimate entire infantry divisions.
  • Man-o-War Siege Chariots trade volume of fire for absolute power from their Heavy Gun cannon capable of flinging enemy heavies across the battlefield like ragdolls and pack utilitarian Smoke Launchers to obfuscate your troops' movements to the enemy.

The Siege Chariot is less focused than its counterpart, and therefore more flexible. It can shift functions between screening your forces with, riding down infantry and blasting away at heavy targets with its cannon. Like the Winter Guard Gun Carriage, the Siege Chariot actually benefits from having a Huge base because it can catch a lot of models with impact attacks and cannot be pushed, knocked down or made stationary thanks to the Massive rule inherent to Battle Engines. Thanks to Dual Attack the chariot can move down whatever is left standing and close by after the charge is resolved and Reposition safely away to do it all again next turn.

Its three functions make the Siege Chariot a powerful tool for any occasion and it pays to become familiar with the strengths and limitations that come with it. The Heavy Gun is among the most powerful cannons in the game, certainly in terms of raw strength, but missing that shot really hurts. POW 20 is a big number but it's not enough to take down an enemy heavy, even over several turns. Instead, it should be used as a utility weapon to 1) keep threats off objectives and away from either itself or your other models, 2) use it as knockdown generator at range to set up assassinations, 3) use its Smite effect to bowl over multiple models for similar reasons or 4) as a weapon of opportunity to finish off weakened foes. The Smoke Launchers can be great to screen your forces but the Siege Chariot can't be screened at all and isn't tough enough to bear the brunt of an enemy ranged attack so unless you're willing to sacrifice it for a counterattack on your next turn you should be careful about how much you expose your Chariot to enemy fire. It's a utility with potential, but it requires a bit of consideration to benefit from it beyond just placing clouds opportunistically. Another consdieration is that you don't get to shoot the cannon at all if you fail a charge. It's tempting to try and pull every ounce of value from its 15 point cost, but the dice gods are fickle, and even Line Breaker-boosted attack rolls can whiff, leaving you high and dry with a chariot suddenly knee-deep in enemies. The chariot is reasonably tough but it has less DEF, ARM and HP than your warjacks. There are cases where you're better off foregoing the charge, or at least being very conservative with it and emphasizing the cannon shot. The latter is also important to avoid putting yourself too far ahead of your army where your opponent cannot only catch the chariot because you left it too close to them, but also leave you unable to countercharge and balance the score. In short: be confident but cautious with your Siege Chariots.

Combos & Synergies

Man-o-War Chariots are best thought of as extremely fast heavy warjacks on Huge bases that don't need a controller. What they lack in damage output they make up for with efficiency and independence and they should be run in forces where you want independent models to take flanking objectives and deny enemy skirmishers. In that sense they're similar to Man-o-War Drakhuns, but trading cost effectiveness for the purpose of holding objectives with very powerful guns. Like Drakhuns, chariots are very self-reliant but if you're going to help them with anything you should emphasize SPD, MAT, RAT & POW buffs and giving them abilities like Parry to safely disengage from unfortunate encounters or move past them to better achieve their goals.


  • Butcher1: The Siege Chariot produces a high volume of impact attacks, all of which are augmented by Orsus' classic feat.
  • Cylena Raefyll, Guardian of Nyssor (not tournament legal): Siege Chariots are perfect Fire for Effect targets and benefit from her feat.
  • Irusk2: As above, Siege Chariots are perfect Fire for Effect targets.
  • Strakhov1: Siege Chariots like the movement bonus from his feat and are great Sentries.
  • Vladimir3: Chariots are, in fact, Cavalry models and thus benefit from Vladimir's feat, as well as excelling under the effects of Hand of Fate (although, sadly, not from Dash).


  • Battle Mechaniks: All Man-o-War models have the Repairable rule and Mechaniks are easily screened by Huge bases.


Theme Thoughts

Armored Korps: Man-o-War Chariots are pretty underwhelming options in an already underwhelming theme force. They are squishy, easy to hit and expensive and since the Oblivion update they no longer gain Advance Move from the theme benefits. Their main benefit is being fast compared to the slow Men-O-War on foot but this usually just speeds them to their doom. It doesn't help that the Assault Chariot's gun does not hit that hard and the Siege Chariot shot can easily be Shield Guarded.

Warriors of the Old Faith: becoming a Protectorate of Menoth model offers some benefits and caster combos you won’t see anywhere else.

Drawbacks & Downsides

  • This model is a BAHI model. It is not available in stores, it can only be purchased directly from PP's online store (or 2nd hand).
  • Its absolutely abysmal DEF plus a Huge base is the perfect starting point for effects Chain Lightning, Electro Leaps, spells like Ashes to Ashes, Spine Burst and so on. Keep your squishy support pieces at a distance.
  • The Smoke Launchers are a bit of an odd ability for this model, being unable to screen or conceal it. That being said, they have some use in concealing your Tankers and other Man-o-War.
  • Its gun is only ROF 1 with no way to boost attack/damage rolls outside spells (Fire for Effect, Signs and Portents, Hand of Fate etc) and Feats. Don't forget to remove Shield Guards before hitting your actual target, and remember for abilities which can mess with hits and damage distribution ( sac pawn/Sucker/Sanguine Bond/Self-Sacrifice, etc.)

Tricks & Tips

  • Being knocked down causes models to lose Tough so make sure to go after Tough targets with impact attacks.
  • The combination of Cavalry and Trampling Hooves allows you to make both Impact Attacks and Charge Attacks against the same target.
  • After knocking down your charge target it is a sitting duck for a Heavy Gun shot.
  • Against models with low DEF you can reliably threaten up to 7" (SPD) + 3" (charge) + 10" Heavy Gun shot to shoot something 17"-20" away from you starting position. That model is then slammed d6". After you Reposition you can end up to 19" away from that model, letting you disallow it coming close in its entirety.
  • Because of the siege chariot's smite rule specifying that collateral damage is equal to the POW of the heavy gun, it is the highest collateral damage in the game. An easier to hit heavy can be slammed through medium and small bases without needing to hit (as a slammed model automatically contacts models with which its base passes through) making it capable of taking out high def solos or other such targets with ease.



  • Rules first published in the 2018 Armored Corps CID.
  • The horses are anatomically correct. And they're boy horses.
  • A "destrier" is a medieval-era war horse.
  • The parts to build an Assault Chariot or a Siege Chariot are contained in the same box, so you can use magnets to swap their Profile-specific parts for a two-in-one Battle Engine.

Other Khador Models

Khador Logo.jpg       Khador Index       (Edit)
Battlegroup & Similar

Butcher1 - Butcher2 - Butcher3 - Harkevich - Irusk1 - Irusk2 - Karchev1 - Karchev2 - Kozlov - Malakov2 - Old Witch1 - Old Witch2 - Sorscha1 - Sorscha2 - Sorscha3 - Strakhov1 - Strakhov2 - Vlad1 - Vlad2 - Vlad3 - Zerkova1 - Zerkova2

Warcaster attachments

Khador: War Dog - Greylord Adjunct
Mercenary: Madelyn Corbeau - Reinholdt - Wyshnalyrr

Other Warjack Controllers

"Junior" Warcasters: Malakov1 - Sorscha0
'Jack Marshals: Man-o-War Kovnik - Greylord Forge Seer

Heavy Warjacks

Beast-09 - Behemoth - Berserker - Black Ivan - Decimator - Demolisher - Destroyer - Devastator - Drago - Grolar - Juggernaut - Kodiak - Mad Dog - Marauder - Rager - Ruin - Spriggan - Torch

Colossal Conquest - Victor
Units, Solos, & Battle Engines

Assault Kommandos - Battle Mechaniks - Black Dragons - Doom Reaver Swordsmen - Great Bears of the Gallowswood - Greylord Outriders - Greylord Ternion - Iron Fang Pikemen - Iron Fang Uhlans - Kayazy Assassins - Kayazy Eliminators - Kossite Woodsmen - MOW Atanas & Standard - MOW Bombardiers - MOW Demolition Corps - MOW Shocktroopers - Widowmaker Scouts - WG Field Gun - WG Infantry - WG Mortar Crew - WG Rifle Corps
Ranking Officer CA : Koldun Kapitan Valachev


Bulkhead - Fenris - Greylord Adjunct - Greylord Forge Seer - Iron Fang Kovnik - Jozef - Koldun Lord - Malakov1 - Manhunter - MOW Drakhun - MOW Kovnik - MOW Strike Tanker - MOW Suppresion Tanker - Markov - Sofya - Sorscha0 - Ol' Grim - Underboss Vizkoya - War Dog - Widowmaker Marksman - WG Artillery Kapitan - Yuri1 - Yuri2

Battle Engines Gun Carriage - Man-o-War Siege Chariot - Man-o-War Assault Chariot
Theme Forces
Armored Korps - Flame in the Darkness - Jaws of the Wolf - Legions of Steel - Warriors of the Old Faith - Winter Guard Kommand - Wolves of Winter
Refer to Who Works for Whom and/or Category: Khador Mercenary
This index was last updated: 2021.11

Rules Clarifications

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Rules Clarification : Smite      (Edit)

  • This rule changed in Mk3 to no longer say it "adds the weapon's POW". It still does add the POW, however, because the whole section on calculating Slam damage was reworded in the main rulebook.
  • Smite is not a Power Attack Slam, it is just an attack which causes a model to be slammed. As such, you can smite friendly models.
  • You can trigger Critical Smite on a free strike.
  • If you Smite on a charge, then the slam damage will be boosted.
  • Chain Attack Smite only - Unlile the other versions of Smite, a Chain Attack one doesn't have the distance halved when a smaller base model smites a larger. The Knights Exemplar Seneschal is just that awesome.
  • See also the clarifications on being slammed
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Rules Clarification : Knockdown      (Edit)

  • Knockdown (Edit) - Remember, knockdown only prevents what it says it does. Refer to the Knockdown page for a recap of what a model can/can't do.

Rules Clarification : Trampling Hooves - None yet. (Edit)

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Rules Clarification : Battle Engine      (Edit)

  • The main differences between battle engines and the other huge bases are:
    • They can be placed, and they can move outside their Normal Movement (such as Dodge).
    • They can benefit from Advance Deployment, Incorporeal, and Stealth.
    • They can't make ranged attacks while in melee.
      At least not by default; but many battle engines have Gun Platform, Dual Attack, or similar.
    • Unlike Colossals and Gargantuans, your opponent can take control of your battle engine. There are very few such abilities that work on this model type, though.
  • Being a huge-based model, a Battle Engine can never gain the DEF bonus from concealment ... but it can still have concealment and thereby trigger Prowl.

Huge Base (Edit)

But this bonus doesn't apply to slams triggered by normal attacks (such as Critical Smite or the Hurricane's Thunder Charge ability).
Also, simply being on a huge base triggers a bunch of rules scattered throughout the rulebook, click to read them.   [Show/Hide]

From the 2020.02 edition of the core rules (Edit)

Fields of Fire
Page 37 A huge-based model’s front arc is marked on its base. Its front arc is further divided into two 90° fields of fire. These fields of fire determine which models a huge-based model can target with its weapons, depending on the location of those weapons. Weapons located on a huge-based model’s left side (L) can be used to target only models in its left field of fire, and weapons located on its right side (R) can be used to target only models in its right field of fire. Weapons with locations “S,” “H,” or “—” can be used to target models in either field of fire. If any part of a model’s base is on the line separating the left and right fields of fire, the model is considered to be in both fields of fire.
Concealment, Cover, LOS
Page 49 Concealment & Cover - Huge-based models never gain the DEF bonuses from concealment or cover.
Page 60 Clouds - Cloud effects do not block line of sight to huge-based models.
Page 87 Forests - Forests do not block line of sight to huge-based models.
Huge-Based models in melee
Page 54 - Huge-based models never gain the Target in Melee DEF bonus.
Page 65 - Combined Ranged Attacks cannot target a model in melee unless it has a huge base.
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Rules Clarification:  : Cavalry      (Edit)
(Click Expand to read)

Mount Weapon
  • Although the core rulebook specifies mount weapons have 0.5" range, this doesn't "overwrite" models that have a longer mount range listed on their card. (Infernal Ruling)
  • Mount Weapons are melee weapons. (Infernal Ruling) This means:
    • Mount Attacks can benefit from any buffs that affect "melee weapons" (such as Acidic Touch and Elasticity) or "melee attacks" (such as Battle Lust).
    • Mount Weapons can be used to make free strikes.
    • If the model doesn't have any regular melee weapon (such as the Gun Carriage) then it does have a melee range, can engage enemy models, and can make free strikes; anyway.
    • Despite being a melee weapon, you cannot use a Mount's special attack on the same activation you charge. (Infernal Ruling)
      • Exception: If you have Trampling Hooves, because that allows you to make charge attacks with your mount when you charge.
  • Mount attacks will trigger "Melee attack" stuff like Battle Wizard.
  • You can purchase additional attacks with your Mount Weapon. (Infernal Ruling)

Impact Attacks - Movement

  • Impact Attacks "pause" your charge move, and as such don't normally trigger "ends an advance" abilities (such as Countercharge).
    • The exception is if your Impact Attacks include your charge target, then you have to end the charge movement and turn to directly face the charge target before rolling any dice. In this case, stuff like Countercharge will get triggered before you get to roll your Impact Attacks.
  • You cannot "pause" in an illegal position to carry out Impact Attacks. For instance: a Pathfinder cavalry model pausing halfway over an obstacle; a flying cavalry model pausing while it 'overlaps' other models; or any cavalry model pausing halfway through an Incorporeal model.

Impact Attacks - The attack(s)

  • You resolve stuff that occurs "after the attack is resolved" (such as Battle Wizard) before continuing with your charge movement.
  • If you have an ability that boosts your "first" melee attack (such as Stir the Blood), then only one attack will be boosted even though you're making multiple simultaneous attacks.
  • If you choose to make any impact attacks, you make all attacks against all models in the Mount's melee range (even friendly models).(Infernal Ruling)
  • Impact Attacks cannot be boosted, refer core rulebook.
  • You cannot buy additional attacks while resolving Impact Attacks. Additional attacks can only be bought during your Combat Action, after resolving your initial melee attack(s) / special melee attack.

Impact Attacks - Other

  • You cannot use "any time" abilities while resolving Impact Attacks. Because Impact Attacks occur during movement; and you can only use 'any time' abilities before moving or after moving, but not during movement. (Infernal Ruling)
    • Exception: If your Impact targets include your charge target, then your movement has ended (refer rulebook, last paragraph of 'Impact Attacks') and thus you're fine to use "any time" abilities.

Cavalry unit

  • If you have a unit of Cavalry, charge them and do impact attacks, remember you interrupt movement to do impacts, but you have to resolve all movements before doing any charge attacks. So for example it would go:
    • Cavalry model A charges enemy X, and contacts model M. Stop and make impact attacks against M. Then continue movement to X.
    • Cavalry model B charges enemy Y, and contacts model N. Stop and make impact attacks against N. Then continue movement to Y.
    • Cavalry model C charges enemy Z, and contacts model O. Stop and make impact attacks against O. Then continue movement to Z.
    • Resolve model A's charge attack vs X, B's vs Y, and C's vs Z. (This can be done in any order, as per normal)

Other interactions

  • Cavalry model with no melee weapon
    • If you have a Mount weapon but no regular Melee weapon (such as the Efaarit Scout), you can still declare a charge. (Locked thread)
    • You can make Impact Attacks along the way.
    • Once you get to the charge target, however, you can't make a melee attack against it. Because you can't use the mount weapon for a charge attack, due to the way the Cavalry rules are written. (Unless you have a rule like Trampling Hooves.)
    • If you don't charge, the mount attack can be used as an initial melee attack.
  • Countercharge & Cavalry ( Edit )
    • A model with Countercharge and Cavalry can make Impact Attacks during the countercharge. (Refer "Charges Outside of Activation" in the rulebook).
  • Warcaster/Warlock Cavalry ( Edit )
    • Warcasters/Warlocks can't cast spells or use their feat while resolving Impact Attacks. Because Impact Attacks occur during movement - you can use spells or feat before moving, or after moving, but not during movement.
      • Exception: If your Impact target(s) include your charge target, then your movement has ended (refer rulebook, last paragraph of 'Impact Attacks') and thus you're fine to use "any time" abilities before starting the Impact attacks.
  • Flight on a Cavalry model (Edit)
    • Although flyers can move over obstacles/models, and horses can pause to do impacts while charging, flying horses cannot make impact attacks while overlapping models/obstacles. You need to pause in a legal position.
  • Gunfighter & Cavalry ( Edit )
    • A cavalry model that charges then makes a Gunfighter attack will not gain a boosted charge attack roll, because a ranged attack is not a charge attack. (Infernal Ruling)
    • You also won't gain a boosted charge damage roll, as per normal for a Gunfighter.
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Rules Clarification : Pathfinder      (Edit)

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Rules Clarification:  : Dual Attack      (Edit)
(Click Expand to read)

* If you fail a charge, then you do not get to make ranged attacks.
  • If you have multiple ranged attacks and/or melee attacks, you can intermingle them in any order. (Infernal Ruling)
  • You can charge, make a ranged attack, then make your charge melee attack. Even though you made a ranged attack, that doesn't change the fact that your first melee attack is the charge attack. (Infernal Ruling)
  • You must complete all initial attacks before buying attacks. You can't go: Make an initial melee attack, then buy a melee attack, then make an initial ranged attack. (Locked Thread)
  • Dual Attack doesn't let you mix initial attacks with a (★) attack. Dual Attack only lets you make either:
    1. Initial melee attacks and initial ranged attacks.
    2. Power attack and initial ranged attacks.
      Any other combination of (★ Attack) and initials is disallowed. See this thread for full explanation and links to relevant Infernal Rulings.
    • You could theoretically make a special melee attack and then buy additional ranged attacks (or vice versa) ... but the core rules say "The rules for these special attacks indicate the nature of any additional attacks that can be made afterward, if any" so the special attack would have to explicitly allow a swap - and I'm unaware of any that do so.
  • There is no penalty for shooting an enemy you are in melee with.
  • Your ranged attack(s) can target a model you are not in melee with. (Infernal Ruling)
  • Dual Attack & Drag ( Edit )
    • This is pretty-much limited to just the Prime Axiom under Syntherion, or the Swabber, Galleon or Prime Axiom under Aurora2
    • If you charge model A then utilise Dual Attack to make a ranged attack vs the same model, then you would get the free melee attack from Drag. The Drag attack is a charge attack. (Infernal Ruling)
    • If you charge model A then utilise Dual Attack to make a ranged attack vs a different model, then you would lose the free melee attack from Drag. Your first melee attack must be versus the charge target, and you cannot save the Drag attack for later. (Infernal Ruling)
    • If you didn't charge then ... just go nuts. There's no restrictions that I know of.
  • Dual Attack & Slam/Trample ( Edit )
Power Attack Slam and Trample combine your Normal Movement and Combat Action, and how this works with Dual Attack is:
  • Slam: You must resolve the movement, the attack, and moving the slammed model. Only then can you make initial ranged attacks.
  • Trample: You must resolve the movement, the attacks, and the free strikes. Only then can you make initial ranged attacks.
  • (Infernal Ruling)

Rules Clarification : Line Breaker - None yet. (Edit)
Rules Clarification : Repairable - None yet. (Edit)

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Rules Clarification : Reposition      (Edit)

  • Models out of formation cannot move via Reposition. Refer to the "Out of Formation" rules in the core rulebook.
  • End of Activation (Edit)
You cannot resolve two end-of-activation movement effects (refer to "End of Activation Movement" in the core rulebook). For EOA stuff that doesn't involve movement, though, it gets a bit more murky:
  • Some EOA abilities explicitly state your activation ends as part of resolving the ability (like Reposition), and some don't (like Refuge).
Whether it is explicit it or not, by definition an EOA ability is the last thing you can do for that activation. For instance, if you resolve Refuge and then continue your activation to cast more spells, then you have not used Refuge at the end of your activation.
You cannot do an "at any time" ability during or after triggering an EOA ability; you cannot cast spells, purchase additional attacks, use a mini-feat, etc.
  • If you start resolving an EOA movement (such as Reposition) then you cannot trigger abilities that occur "at any time" (such as Go To Ground). Because you can't trigger it while resolving the EOA movement, and after the EOA movement your activation has ended. (Infernal Ruling)
  • For units: if any model in the unit starts resolving the unit's EOA movement, then no model in the unit can trigger an any-time ability. (Infernal Ruling)
  • See also the training article: LPG - End of Activation.
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Rules Clarification : Smoke Launchers      (Edit)

  • The clouds can be placed in such a way that they touch on the chariot's centerline and block LOS. (Infernal Ruling)