Man-o-War Kovnik
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Man-o-War Kovnik |
Prime This model is available in one Prime Army, Armored Korps. It can also be used in the Unlimited game mode. You can view the other Mk3 models that made it into a Legacy Army at this page. Note that the rest of this page is about the model's Mark III rules. |
Encased in steam-powered armor, the Kovnik meets foes one-on-one to show them the true might of the Man-O-War legions.
Basic Info
Man-o-War Kovnik | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
'Jack Marshal
- Drive: Assault - When a warjack under this model's control begins a charge while in its command range, the warjack gains Assault when resolving the charge.
- Desperate Pace [ Man-o-War ] (★ Action) - RNG CMD. Target friendly Man-o-War unit. If the unit is in range, Man-o-War models in the unit gain +2" movement during their Normal Movement this turn.
- Repairable - This model can be targeted with Repair special actions as if it were a construct model.
- Slam Power Attack - This model can make slam power attacks.
Cannon Shot | ||||||||||||||
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RNG | ROF | AOE | POW | ||||||||||
8 | 1 | - | 14 | |||||||||||
Axe Cannon | ||||||||||||||
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RNG | POW | P+S | |||||||||||
1 | 6 | 15 | ||||||||||||
Shield | ||||||||||||||
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RNG | POW | P+S | |||||||||||
0.5 | 2 | 11 | ||||||||||||
Theme Forces
- Khador
- Other Factions
- Infernal players can use this model in the Hearts of Darkness theme, but only if Malakov2 is leading the army.
Thoughts on Man-o-War Kovnik
Man-o-War Kovnik in a Nutshell
The Armored Korps' Man-o-War are elite combined-arms combatants who trade agility for strength by fighting in steam-powered armor. They exemplify both Khadoran strength and resilience, and favor battles of attrition over mad scrambles. Slow and methodical, Man-o-War thunder up the battlefield as an indomitable wall of iron, crushing everything in their path.
The Man-o-War Kovnik is an elite toolbox solo who finds a home in numerous Man-o-War-based forces. Their skills are split between supporting their troops, marshaling a warjack and taking part in combat themselves, and typically they won't be able to do all three of them during any one battle. It's up to you to decide where their talents are best spent, and in most cases they'll initially focus on improving the mobility of the Man-o-War around them, and then hold objectives or get stuck in as the battle goes on.
When they're not busy urging on their comrades, the Kovnik is an impressive combatant, when they can reach their targets. Many players forget the Kovnik can slam and having a model that can reliably knock down key targets is invaluable. Beyond that, their own up to three attacks per turn are nothing to sneeze at and make the Kovnik very dangerous all-around.
Combos and Synergies
Theme Forces
- Armored Korps: The Kovnik finds their way into most Armored Korps theme forces, where they have ample troops to support, become more easily Repairable and can be taken as a Requisition.
- Hearts of Darkness: They're also a great fit in Man-o-War-based Hearts of Darkness theme forces led by Kommander Andrei Malakov.
- Kommandant Kratikoff: The Man-o-War Kovnik can also be an Irregular in any force led by Sorscha's third incarnation.
Faction Warriors
- Man-o-War units: The Kovnik's primary ability is Desperate Pace which they'll most often use on Man-o-War Shocktroopers to help them cover distance while maintaining their Shield Wall. It's also a powerful threat extender for charging Shocktroopers and Man-o-War Demolition Corps.
- Kommandant Arconovich: Arconovich's Tactician lets the Kovnik charge or slam through friendly lines.
- Battle Mechaniks: Like all Man-o-War, the Man-o-War Kovnik is Repairable, and especially so in Armored Korps forces.
Man-o-War function well under a wide range of warcasters and the Man-o-War Kovnik is no different. Any 'caster that can improve their mobility, further emphasize their defenses and/or boost their threat projection work well with them. Look for spells like Fury, Iron Flesh and Tactical Supremacy among many others. Khador boasts so many devastatingly powerful warrior-supporting warcasters that this section refers only to those that work well with the Man-o-War Kovnik specifically. Refer to the Armored Korps page's "Casters of Note" section for more information.
- (Supreme) Kommandant Irusk: Both incarnations of Irusk work especially well with Man-o-War, refer to his pages for more information.
- Kommandant Kratikoff: As Khador's resident Man-o-War 'caster, Sorscha boasts numerous synergies with Man-o-War; refer to her page for more information.
- Kommander Malakov: You wouldn't think it by looking at him, but Malakov is exceptionally good at leading Man-o-War; refer to his page for more information.
The Man-o-War Kovnik is not a remarkable 'Jack Marshal by any stretch of the imagination, but it's by no means a no-go for them either. It all comes down to how well their 'jack is able to capitalize on their Drive: Assault ability, meaning the Kovnik and their 'jack will get close to the action, and then the 'jack should be interested in charging an enemy. Getting close to the action puts the Kovnik at risk and means they won't have much time doling out Desperate Pace, so it's usually best to err on the cheap side for his 'jack. If those parameters don't work for your force, consider charging a Greylord Forge Seer with the task instead.
- Decimator: Its gun is relatively powerful per shot and it prefers fighting close to the action. Slamming something down for follow-up attacks is pretty powerful here.
- Destroyer: Destroyers are an evergreen pick and great for rounding out a blast damage component you might be short on.
- Grolar: Grolars have a lot of attacks and Pathfinder lets it move relatively fast. It is very expensive though, and the Kovnik is often quite exposed.
- Rager: The Rager might just be the perfect fit for the Kovnik. It's cheap, packs Shield Guard for protection, a lot of weapons, likes being marshaled to benefit from Assault and keep it safe from Unstable accidents and it even has a similar gun to the one Man-o-War have!
Mercs & Minions
- Aside from Battle Mechaniks, there are several Mechanikally Adept options that can Repair Khador models. Of these, the Gobber Tinker and Tubbin are generally the most interesting.
- Ogrun Bokur: If fighting as mostly a combat solo or 'Jack Marshal, the Kovnik stays relatively close to the action and appreciates a Shield Guard, and the Bokur can even double up on slams.
Drawbacks & Downsides
Like most Man-o-War, the Man-o-War Kovnik's base SPD and DEF are comparatively low, and they have no way of dealing with rough terrain. They're especially vulnerable to any impairments to their mobility or positioning, and while they're very tough, one or two solid hits can still take them out before they've accomplished anything of note; do not make the mistake of thinking your Man-o-War are immortal. For the Man-o-War Kovnik specifically, consider the following:
- In the Armored Korps, the Man-o-War Kovnik doesn't get the Advance Move Theme Bonus.
- Because the Kovnik's a toolbox mini, they're relatively expensive unless you somehow manage to use all three of their functions.
- The Kovnik can't accelerate Man-o-War and run at the same time so get outpaced by their troops.
- At the end of turn 2, an Armored Korps Shocktrooper unit that ran on turn 1 and turtled in Shield Wall on turn 2, will be 15" (11" outside of Armored Korps, which is still a huge distance) ahead of their Kovnik if they got Desperate Pace both turns. That leaves the Kovnik very far behind your front line.
- Desperate Pace only works on units so don't set up a model that can't benefit from it.
- Models with Massive or Steady and Sturdy are protected against the Kovnik's slam attacks.
Tricks & Tips
- If you're looking for a purely combat-oriented solo, take Bulkhead before any Kovniks.
- The Kovnik's Shield has a 0.5" RNG, compared to the Axe Cannon's 1"; make sure they can get in as many attacks as possible! Most Man-o-War have 2" weapon ranges so be careful not to assume the Kovnik does too.
- The Man-o-War Kovnik's Cannon Shot has an 8" range rather than the 6" on Shield Cannons.
- Combined with Assault, this lets the Kovnik threaten a RAT 6 shot at 15" away.
- This is especially useful for catching up when the Kovnik's on Desperate Pace duty.
- Combined with Assault, this lets the Kovnik threaten a RAT 6 shot at 15" away.
- The Man-o-War Kovnik has a 7.5" threat range on slams.
- Remember to capitalize on the Kovnik's ability to move enemy models and knock them down.
- Models that are knocked down cannot make Tough rolls.
- Following up a slam with a marshaled 'jack can be very effective.
- Remember to capitalize on the Kovnik's ability to move enemy models and knock them down.
- Make sure to read up on the 'Jack Marshal benefits if you let the Kovnik marshal a 'jack. While Hurry! is likely to be your major port of call it'd be a mistake to neglect other options.
- Originally released in Warmachine: Escalation (2004).
- The Man-o-War motto is "When I die, I die in steam!"
Other Khador models
Rules Clarifications
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Rules Clarification : Shield and/or Buckler (Edit)
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Rules Clarification : 'Jack Marshal (Edit)
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Rules Clarification: : Assault (Edit) |
General Step 1: Declare the charge
Step 2: Move the charging model
Step 3: Make the ranged attack
Step 4: After finishing the Assault attack
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Rules Clarification : Drive (Edit)
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Rules Clarification : Desperate Pace (Edit)
Rules Clarification : Repairable - None yet. (Edit)
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Rules Clarification : Slam Power Attack (Edit)