Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich

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Khador Logo.jpg Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich

Khador Winter Guard Character Solo

Mk4 icon.png
This model is available in one Prime Army, 5th Division. It can also be used in the Unlimited game mode. You can view the other Mk3 models that made it into a Legacy Army at this page.

Note that the rest of this page is about the model's Mark III rules.

Jozef Grigorovich is a career soldier in the Winter Guard Infantry and veteran of many campaigns. Repeatedly given offers of promotion to higher, more strategic ranks, Kovnik Grigorovich has steadfastly refused, preferring to lead his fellows from the front lines. He's in charge of "The Unbreakable" 111th Infantry Battalion, whose motto so strongly endured by Jozef is "Fighting to the Last Man".

Basic Info

Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich
Missing Info
COST {{{cacost}}}
UNIT SIZE {{{casize}}}
FA {{{cafa}}}
Warcaster 0
BASE Small
M.A. N/A
DEF 12
ARM 14
ESSENCE {{{essence}}}
HP 5
F. Field N/A
WJP {{{wjp}}}
WBP {{{wbp}}}
IHP {{{ihp}}}
Warcaster 1
the Statblock


  • Tough symbol.jpg Tough
  • Battle Plan - This model can use one of the following plans at any time during its activation. A friendly Faction model/unit can be affected by only one plan each turn.
    • Bear's Strength - RNG CMD. Target friendly Winter Guard unit. If the unit is in range, models in the unit gain +4 STR. Models are not affected while out of formation. Bear's Strength lasts for one turn.
    • Courage of the Forefathers - RNG CMD. Target friendly Winter Guard unit. If the unit is in range, models in the unit gain Tough. Models are not affected while out of formation. Courage of the Forefathers lasts for one round.
    • For the Motherland - RNG CMD. Target friendly Winter Guard unit. If the unit is in range, models in the unit gain +2 to attack rolls. For the Motherland lasts for one turn.
  • Sacrificial PawnWinter Guard ] - When this model is directly hit by an enemy ranged attack, you can have one friendly, non-incorporeal Winter Guard model within 3" of it directly hit instead. That model is automatically hit and suffers all damage and effects. The Sacrificial Pawn special rule can only trigger once per attack roll.


Hand Cannon
Gun icon.jpg  RNG   ROF   AOE   POW 
12 1 - 12
Sword icon.jpg  RNG   POW   P+S 
0.5 4 12

Theme Forces

Thoughts on Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich

Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich in a nutshell

Jozef Grigorovich supports your Winter Guards - be it Rifle Corps, Mortar or Field Gun crew, or mere Infantry unit. With his point cost, it is almost auto-incude if you take Winter Guard too.

Combos & Synergies

Whenever you take Winter Guard, you usually take him too.

  • "For the Motherland" makes both CRA and Grapeshot more accurate. Consider the target numbers to make the most out of a unit's attack potential. High powered, low accuracy rockets from the Winter Guard Infantry weapon attachment especially like this battle plan.
  • Bear's Strength can be further capitalized by spells, like Fury (from Butcher 1, Butcher 2, or Kozlov), Battle Lust (Irusk 1 and 2), Signs & Portents (Vlad 1), or Hand of Fate (Vlad2, Vlad 3). Butcher 1-2, and Vlad 2's Feat can make murder machines out of the ordinary soldiers - a bog-standard WG infantryman under Battle Plan, Fury, and Butcher 1's feat rolls 15+4D6 on the charge.
  • As odd as it may sound, you can use the Winter Guard Gun Carriage as a Sac Pawn target.

Drawbacks & Downsides

  • Average defensive stats for an important solo
  • Sacrificial Pawn won't guard him against spells, blasts, continuous effects, or electro leaps.

Tricks & Tips

  • Battle plans are not actions, so you can use them at the beginning of your activation, then run.
  • Be on the lookout for Trick Shot - unlike Electro Leaps it is not limited to the nearest model, and its 4" surpasses your Sac Pawn range.



Other Khador models

Khador Logo.jpg       Khador Index       (Edit)
Battlegroup & Similar

Butcher1 - Butcher2 - Butcher3 - Harkevich - Irusk1 - Irusk2 - Karchev1 - Karchev2 - Kozlov - Malakov2 - Old Witch1 - Old Witch2 - Sorscha1 - Sorscha2 - Sorscha3 - Strakhov1 - Strakhov2 - Vlad1 - Vlad2 - Vlad3 - Zerkova1 - Zerkova2

Warcaster attachments

Khador: War Dog - Greylord Adjunct
Mercenary: Madelyn Corbeau - Reinholdt - Wyshnalyrr

Other Warjack Controllers

"Junior" Warcasters: Malakov1 - Sorscha0
'Jack Marshals: Man-o-War Kovnik - Greylord Forge Seer

Heavy Warjacks

Beast-09 - Behemoth - Berserker - Black Ivan - Decimator - Demolisher - Destroyer - Devastator - Drago - Grolar - Juggernaut - Kodiak - Mad Dog - Marauder - Rager - Ruin - Spriggan - Torch

Colossal Conquest - Victor
Units, Solos, & Battle Engines

Assault Kommandos - Battle Mechaniks - Black Dragons - Doom Reaver Swordsmen - Great Bears of the Gallowswood - Greylord Outriders - Greylord Ternion - Iron Fang Pikemen - Iron Fang Uhlans - Kayazy Assassins - Kayazy Eliminators - Kossite Woodsmen - MOW Atanas & Standard - MOW Bombardiers - MOW Demolition Corps - MOW Shocktroopers - Widowmaker Scouts - WG Field Gun - WG Infantry - WG Mortar Crew - WG Rifle Corps
Ranking Officer CA : Koldun Kapitan Valachev


Bulkhead - Fenris - Greylord Adjunct - Greylord Forge Seer - Iron Fang Kovnik - Jozef - Koldun Lord - Malakov1 - Manhunter - MOW Drakhun - MOW Kovnik - MOW Strike Tanker - MOW Suppresion Tanker - Markov - Sofya - Sorscha0 - Ol' Grim - Underboss Vizkoya - War Dog - Widowmaker Marksman - WG Artillery Kapitan - Yuri1 - Yuri2

Battle Engines Gun Carriage - Man-o-War Siege Chariot - Man-o-War Assault Chariot
Theme Forces
Armored Korps - Flame in the Darkness - Jaws of the Wolf - Legions of Steel - Warriors of the Old Faith - Winter Guard Kommand - Wolves of Winter
Refer to Who Works for Whom and/or Category: Khador Mercenary
This index was last updated: 2021.11

Rules Clarifications

Rules Clarification : Tough - None yet. (Edit)

RC symbol.png

Rules Clarification : Battle Plan      (Edit)

  • A model can issue a Battle Plan to itself (assuming it meets the 'model type' criteria).
  • Restrictions on "Any Time" abilities     (Edit)         [Show/Hide]
    • "Any Time" abilities can be used at any time during a model/unit's activation, except:
    1. Before any compulsory forfeiture of movement/action. See step 2 of the activation sequence, appendix A.
    2. After the model with the "Any Time" ability has had their activation end "prematurely". By this I mean you resolved something which includes the phrase "its activation ends". Examples include:
      • Running, failing a charge, or failing a slam.
      • Abilities that include "then its activation ends" (such as Reposition and Teleport).
    3. In between declaring your charge target and making your charge movement. (Infernal Ruling)
    4. In between completing your charge movement and determining whether it was a successful charge. (Infernal Ruling)
    5. When you're in the middle of moving. (Note: Impact Attacks count as being in the middle of movement).
    6. When you're in the middle of an attack. Which also includes effects that occur "after the attack is resolved".
      (Although the attack is "resolved" at Step 11, in terms of using an "Any Time" ability the attack is not "finished" until after Step 14. Refer to the first paragraph of Apdx A.)
    7. Your opponent interrupted your activation to trigger one of their own abilities (such as Countercharge).
    8. Warcasters/warlocks/etc can normally cast a spell or use their feat "At any time". However, there is a core rule saying they cannot do so on the same activation that they run. So, they are subject to all the same restrictions listed above, plus they can't cast/feat before running.
    9. Units: See below.

    • In general you can use "Any Time" abilities while you're knocked down or stationary (except Spells and Feats which specify you can't).
    • If you have a gun with a random ROF, you can use an "Any Time" ability inbetween rolling the number of shots and actually making the first attack. (Infernal Ruling)

    Units with "Any Time" abilities
    • You cannot use an "Any Time" ability before issuing/receiving orders. See step 1 and 2 of the activation sequence, appendix A.
    • A model in a unit can't use an "Any Time" ability after they run (Infernal Ruling) or fail a charge. Because that makes that specific model's activation to end even though the unit's activation is still ongoing, and you can't use abilities on models that are not active.
      • You can use an "Any Time" ability before running, however.
    • A model in a unit can't use an "Any Time" ability after anyone in the unit has begun a Reposition move. (Infernal Ruling)

Rules Clarification : Bear's Strength - None yet. (Edit)

RC symbol.png

Rules Clarification : Courage of the Forefathers      (Edit)
Rules Clarification : Tough - None yet. (Edit)

Rules Clarification : For the Motherland - None yet. (Edit)

RC symbol.png

Rules Clarification:  : Sacrificial Pawn and/or Sucker! and/or Grim Salvation     (Edit)
(Click Expand to read)

  • Sacrificial Pawn is optional.
    Grim Salvation and Sucker are not optional.
  • Grim Salvation only works vs basic attacks, not special attacks, power attacks, chain attacks.
    • Spells are not basic attacks, because they are not "made with a weapon". (Infernal Ruling)
    • CRA and CMA are basic attacks. (Infernal Ruling)
    • If a Special Attack generates an additional attack (such as Multi-Fire), the second attack will be basic and as such can have Grim Salvation used vs it. (Infernal Ruling)
  • Sacrificial Pawn & Sucker! don't work against melee attacks.
  • None of them work vs magic attacks (spells).
    All of them work against Magical Ranged attacks, though.
  • The model the attack is transferred to is always hit, even if they have an ability that makes them automatically get missed (such as Stealth).
    Automatically missing is determined earlier in the timing sequence than when the attack is moved. (Infernal Ruling)

From here down, the terms Sacrificial Pawn, Grim Salvation, and Sucker! are interchangeable

  • Using Sac Pawn moves all damage and effects onto the other model.
  • The new model hit may use any abilities that trigger on being hit/damaged by an enemy attack (such as Vengeance and Shock Field).
  • Sprays and AOEs
    • With reference to the timing chart in Appendix A: placing a spray template down occurs at Step 3. Using Sacrificial Pawn occurs at step 6. Placing an AOE template down occurs at step 7.
      Therefore if you use Sac Pawn vs a spray, the placement of the spray template does not change. If you use Sac Pawn vs an AOE, the placement of the AOE template does change.
    • A model indirectly hit by an AOE attack cannot use Sac Pawn vs it.
    • Since a spray template doesn't move, it may cause the Pawn to be hit twice by the same spray. So you then resolve two damage rolls against it.
    • When/if you shift an AOE template, the original target may be clipped by the edge of the AOE anyway (depending on how far apart the original target and Pawn are).
  • Quick Draw vs Sacrificial Pawn (Edit)
    • If enemy "Model A" shoots you, and then you use Quick Draw against "Model A", but they use Sac Pawn to move your Quick Draw attack to "Model B" then ... Quick Draw has no effect (or rather, it affects "Model B" who isn't currently shooting you so is irrelevant). Point is, "Model A" can continue shooting you.
    • This won't happen with Shield Guard though (outside of a very low-probability scenario) because Shield Guard can only be triggered during an enemy turn.