Kommander Orsus Zoktavir

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Khador Logo.jpg Kommander Orsus Zoktavir

Khador Warcaster

Mk4 icon.png
Unlimited Only
This model can only be used in the Unlimited game mode. You can see the other models with / without mk4 rules on this page.

Note that the rest of this page is about the model's Mark III rules.

Any who thought time might mellow the rage of Orsus Zoktavir have been disabused of that notion. He is incapable of restraint away from the battlefield, never at peace with himself, and at home only amid the chaos and bloodshed of war. Constant battles against the Motherland's enemies have deepened his madness, brought forth dark echoes from the depths of his being, and utterly shattered his always-tenuous self-control.

Basic Info

Missing Info
COST {{{cacost}}}
UNIT SIZE {{{casize}}}
FA {{{cafa}}}
Warcaster 0
BASE Medium
M.A. N/A
DEF 14
ARM 18
ESSENCE {{{essence}}}
FOCUS 2d3+1 / 7 (★)
HP 20
F. Field N/A
WJP +28
WBP {{{wbp}}}
IHP {{{ihp}}}
(★) See Arcane Dementia Ability
Warcaster 1
the Statblock

Warcaster - All warcasters come with a stack of standard special rules - most notably being awesome. Click here for a newbie-friendly recap, or click here for the full rules.

Feat: Feel the Hate

  1. Each time an enemy model is destroyed in Butcher's control range, you can place one rage token on a friendly Faction model in his control range. A model can have up to three rage tokens at any time.
  2. Models can spend rage tokens during their activations to make additional melee attacks or to boost melee attack or melee damage rolls. A model can make one additional attack or boost one roll for each token spent.
Feel the Hate lasts for one turn. Remove unspent rage tokens at the end of this turn.


  • Tough symbol.jpg Tough
  • Arcane Dementia - Zoktavir begins the game with 7 focus points and a base FOCUS of 7. At the start of each of your turns, if Zoktavir destroyed three or more enemy models with melee attacks during the last round, his base FOCUS becomes 7 for one round. Otherwise, his FOCUS becomes 2d3 + 1 for one round. Zoktavir's control range is always 12".
  • Berserk - When this model destroys one or more models with a melee attack during its Combat Action, immediately after the attack is resolved it must make one additional melee attack against another model in its melee range.
  • Conferred Rage - When this model destroys one or more enemy models during its activation, warjacks in its battlegroup beginning their activations in its control range gain +2 SPD and MAT for one turn.
  • Homicidal Maniac - If there are no models in this model's melee range after resolving a basic melee attack in which this model destroyed one or more enemy models, this model can advance up to 1".
  • Reckless Arcana - Once per turn, when a model in this model’s battlegroup destroys one or more enemy models with a melee attack, immediately after the attack is resolved, this model can cast a spell with COST 3 or less without spending fury.


Gun icon.jpg  RNG   ROF   AOE   POW 
8 1 - 12
Sword icon.jpg  RNG   POW   P+S 
2 8 16


Boundless Charge

2 6 - - Turn No
During its activation, target friendly Faction model can charge without spending focus or being forced and gains +2" movement and Pathfinder when it charges. Boundless Charge lasts for one turn.

3 8 3 13 - Yes
Immediately after this attack is resolved, the spellcaster can advance up to 2" for each enemy model destroyed by the attack.

2 6 - - Upkeep No
Target friendly Faction model/unit gains +3 to melee damage rolls but suffers -1 DEF.

2 6 - - Turn No
Target warjack in the spellcaster's battlegroup gains Berserk for one turn, but cannot make Chain Attacks.
Berserk - When a model with Berserk destroys one or more models with a melee attack during its Combat Action, immediately after the attack is resolved it must make one additional melee attack against another model in its melee range.

Theme Forces

Thoughts on Butcher2

Butcher2 in a nutshell

Going from an impressive support caster of Butcher1, Butcher2 demands much greater degree of personal presence - otherwise you'll be punished double time for lingering behind thanks to Arcane Dementia and missing on Conferred Rage. He is a somewhat unpredictable caster, but in practice the random focus from AD will only be an issue for 1 or 2 turns. If you always wanted to be in the thick of the fight and scowled at casters who just linger behind their jacks while their armies do the heavy lifting in their stead, then seek no further; you found your ideal.

Feat thoughts

Its effectiveness heavily depends on the enemy's force composition. Against certain builds (like the Pacific Rim style 3-colossi list of the Retribution) it is simply too hard to find enough enemies to fuel your feat. However, with the return of the more infantry focused lists, you can get plenty of targets for your rage tokens. It is best popped right before you're about to charge into at least one or two infantry units. It is one of those rare moments, when you'll be happy to see jamming units as they're a good source of rage tokens and if you find your models jammed up, you can hand the tokens to other models about to start their charges. If you failed to get the alpha strike, then it will do fine in retaliation to a charge, assuming you have a few units/models stuck in. 2 things to note:

  • Though you can only buy/boost melee attacks, Rage tokens can be collected from the kills of your ranged units too. Make your Widowmakers and gun crews work for their money! Just keep in mind that both the victims and the receiving units must be in Butcher's CTRL area.
  • Anything that destroys the enemy will give Rage tokens, the damage roll doesn't have to originate from an attack. Collateral damage is just as good as a Destroyer's initial ranged attack.

Spell thoughts

  • Boundless Charge - it makes key members of your battlegroup astonishingly fast, especially if you combine it with Conferred Rage. Also be on the lookout for valuable solos, who could use that (MOW Drakhun and the like). Don't be against casting this on Butcher himself either from a spell slave or when you get a free spell cast.
  • Eliminator - A corner-case spell. It is your only ranged opportunity against Incorporeal models, but it can be restrictive on your FOCUS pool, even if going on 7 FOCUS from Arcane Dementia. It also has the same range as your charge, so unless something forbids charge altogether, it won't be useful to get closer to your enemy. On the other hand though, the move part from it it can set up an other threat vector (if they blocked your way with an incorporeal model), and the extra movement is always good to re-ignite your Homicidal Maniac chain, if you ran out of targets nearby. You can also use it occasionally to get into scenario elements to score/contest.
  • Fury - Good old damage increase; usually you want it on something already lumbering, like warjacks, where lowering the DEF by one doesn't make much difference. On the other hand, Kayazy Eliminators can still enjoy an insanely high DEF in close combat thanks to Duellist, while Stealth protects them at range. Use it on units which you want to enhance with your feat for maximum effect.
  • Ravager - You can combine it nicely with Rage tokens, especially if your jack has a 2" melee range to keep the berserk attacks going. However, as it is not an upkeep, weigh your options whether or not you'll be better off with by simply allocating that 2 FOCUS on that given warjack.

Drawbacks & Downsides

  • Arcane Dementia can strike at the worst moment; there's no other caster who can potentially start the turn with the same focus as a Journeyman Warcaster. Power-Up and Reckless Arcana ease the situation a bit, but be prepared to distribute focus accordingly.
  • At the forefront, with a medium base - it is hard to shelter him, and despite his impressive stat-line, he's not unkillable
  • Homicidal Maniac and Arcane Dementia makes his moves predictable - he needs to move in to kill stuff to ensure a reliable FOCUS supply
  • Tough units can block your Homicidal Maniac chain.
  • Not much support for your army units, his spells area mainly single target and fury has a big downside on single wound models that can't take a hit.
  • Your feat and many of your abilities all depend on close combat - anti-charge feats and tools are not your friend.

Tricks & Tips

  • The regulations on Homicidal Maniac make this rule a bit iffy. It is a pseudo-Overtake, but if you want to use this Conga-line of Death of move between each and every attack, you need to carefully position him such that only one enemy is in his melee range at a time, and no friendlies are. Don't despair if there are multiple enemies in range though; if you killed one, you get a swing with Berserk (and another if you killed that one, and so on), then in the end you can move thanks to HM. Also, if you killed an enemy, and the next one is 1" too far from your current position, you get to move 1", and get a "free" Berserk attack on the newly reached target.
  • For getting the most out of Homicidal Maniac, evade friendly model in melee range - and this includes unkillable Steamroller flags and own Steamroller objectives.
  • Homicidal Maniac trigger is optional, don't let your caster get too far away from his protection.
  • Arcane Dementia requires 3 melee kills to cease to be an issue, while Conferred Rage needs only a kill even if it comes from your Blunderbuss. Keep that in mind if AD struck you with 3 FOCUS.
  • For new players Feel the Hate can eat up a prodigious amount of time on their deathclock - working out the extra Rage token attacks of models can take 2-3 times more than on a standard turn. Always consider, if going for that extra kill/token will worth the time, as losing on deathclock can be just as bad as on assassination.
  • Reckless Arcana has no combo with Ravager, the attack has to completely resolve so no you cannot start a berserk attack as a result.

List Building Advice


Butcher needs to be in the thick of the fights. His play style largely revolves around supporting his survival in - and through - melee and pulling off a devastating feat turn. On non-feat turns you'll almost always be activating him before your jacks to try and get Conferred Rage. Work your way up the board and see if you can secure an alpha strike. If you don't think you're going to get it, try to keep your sturdy units (IFP or MOW) up front to take the brunt of the hit and then strike back with a fury. If possible, try to get three kills in the turn BEFORE you feat so that you can make the most of your feat, and not worrying about Arcane Dementia. Once you got the 3 kills, and you have Fury cast on something you want to wreck the enemy, you're all set.

On feat turn Butcher should go first (with the exception of pulling any screening models out of his way). Cast Boundless charge on anything that will need it, Ravager if you want it and then pop feat right after that. You will then go to wreck as many faces as you can, and disperse rage tokens on your way. The key to master Butcher2 is to learn, when to stop giving tokens to you and start handing it out to your army.

Common pitfall is going too deep into enemy lines or you run out of available targets, with no way to re-ignite the Conga line of Death.

Your ultimate goal is to activate your infantry mulchers first and spread the rage tokens around and clear some charge lanes to high priority targets. Then, with lanes cleared and your assassins stacked with focus/rage/Fury, charge them in for kills and maybe even get a caster kill. Even if the enemy lock/caster hides well, you probably inflicted so much damage that it will be hard for them to recover.

Theme Thoughts

Ruin is Butcher's pet warjack, that he can take in any theme.

Butcher feels home in themes where the troops are self-sufficient because the support he gives is mainly for his battlegroup and through his feat.

    Jaws of the Wolf    

This theme has 2 self-supporting units (Widowmakers and Kayazys) for token gathering, and all the warjacks you can take. Conferred Rage is an awesome tuner for the jacks of this theme, so wherever MAT or SPD would be your problem, Orsus fixes that.

  • Rager - There's hardly a more frustrating scenario, when you worked hard to get your 3 kills for the 7 FOCUS from Arcane Dementia, then get a Disruptor Bolt from Eiryss1. Protect yourself with the hardest Shield Guard out there.
  • Berserker - The MAT bonus will come in handy here. Charge into an infantry blob and let the bodies hit the floor. Also remember that Rage Tokens are not focus, so won't trigger Unstable.
  • Grolar - Few combined-arms jack can make use of the sheer amount of "pseudo-focus" tokens that a Grolar can. Expensive, but if you know what you're doing, it could pay off.
  • Decimator - Two words: Sustained Attack. With the ability to hit once and then pile up to 6 extra attacks (3 from tokens and 3 from allocated focus), you can potentially kill any heavy in one turn.
  • Ruin- Even outside the theme forces you often want him to escort you. It gets boundless charge from your bond so you can save the FOCUS, or cast it elsewhere. It is already a nearly 100% self-supporting jack due to Soul Taker, and with token gathering you can double-tap on the loss of living infantry (or Soul Vessels).
  • Manhunters or Yuri are usually too tempting to pass as free solos.

    Winter Guard Kommand    

The theme benefit of Sacrificial Pawn [Winter Guard] is excellent for helping to keep him safe while he's personally charging in and causing carnage. In addition, the ranged elements (Rifle Corps, Artillery Crew, Field Gun Crew) can support your advance quite well. However, Butcher1 may be more suitable for this theme, as he has more army support, and Guardsmen don't have to worry about standing in his melee range.

  • Winter Guard Infantry Hard to pass up bullet shields and chaff infantry at a dirt cheap 1pt/model. Even a min unit can help by hanging around Butcher and keeping him safe from enemy ranged attacks. Add Kovnik Joe to make them last longer with Tough, or they can even be a good melee threat by stacking +4 STR and Fury!
  • Widowmaker Scouts or Winter Guard Rifle Corps - Why hug all the fun with your melee units? Tag the enemy from afar, and distribute those tokens at your own leisure among your melee brawlers.

    Wolves of Winter    

Feel the Hate is non-magical boost for your Doom Reavers' combat potential. It is pretty close to his earlier theme force, and a group of like-minded homicidal maniac charging down at the enemy is not something you turn down.

  • Greylord Forge Seer - All Butcher incarnations tend to suffer from Incorporeal models, having only very expensive spells to deal with them. The Forge Seer can tune up your warjacks to deal with such threats.
  • Greylord Ternion - USe the clouds you get from Blizzard to protect your army from incoming fire as you close to melee range.

    Legion of Steel    

Black Dragons with their mini-feat can take the brunt of the enemy attacks, then strike back with Fury. The Great Bears can also show their teeth under your feat without having to rely on the Flank bonus.

  • Kayazy Eliminators - Self supporting infantry killers, and with the 2 Side-Step they can dig really deep into the enemy formations to start Token gathering. If you give them Fury, and some tokens, they can slice up heavier troops too, who would be resistant to Anatomic Precision.

    Armored Korps    

Man-o-Wars of all flavours can be viable if you take a Kovnik for Desperate Pace. Bombardiers can get you tokens from afar, while Shocktroopers can protect Butcher from incoming attacks.

  • Man-o-War Drakhun - You didn't see carnage, until you witnessed this guy charging in with Fury on P+S 17 + 4D6 attacks, and then let loose 3 more (with one less die).

    Support models & Mercenaries - Various themes    

  • War Dog - As tempting as it will be to take Sylys to upkeep Fury for you, the Wardog can save your bacon. With how aggressive he is, Butcher loves his puppy; don't leave him at home!
  • Eilish Garrity - Puppet Master on the Butcher mitigates the need for boosting an attack roll, and can be crucial, when low on FOCUS via Arcane Dementia.
  • Saxon Orrik - Indeed, you can have Boundless Charge on yourself - unless Arcane Dementia messes up your plans. If you just need the pathfinder part to make your charge connect, he can save FOCUS for the Butcher.
  • Taking the Ranking Officer Koldun Kapitan Valachev will let a Mercenary unit benefit from Butcher's feat, which is interesting:
    • Tactical Arcanist Corps : Zephyr will get the Corp into position and the Corp will absolutely be able to get their Battle Wizard triggers with the use of a rage token or two. Until then, Smoke Bomb gives you more clouds to make sure your over aggressive caster is screened from incoming fire.
    • Alexia Ciannor & The Risen : She likes to see things die. Run her out front, screen your army with her chumps, use them freely. You can almost guarantee a full supply of undead after the feat turn and Thralls make great recipients of Rage.


Refer to the suggestions given for the Jaws of the Wolf theme.



Other Khador models

Khador Logo.jpg       Khador Index       (Edit)
Battlegroup & Similar

Butcher1 - Butcher2 - Butcher3 - Harkevich - Irusk1 - Irusk2 - Karchev1 - Karchev2 - Kozlov - Malakov2 - Old Witch1 - Old Witch2 - Sorscha1 - Sorscha2 - Sorscha3 - Strakhov1 - Strakhov2 - Vlad1 - Vlad2 - Vlad3 - Zerkova1 - Zerkova2

Warcaster attachments

Khador: War Dog - Greylord Adjunct
Mercenary: Madelyn Corbeau - Reinholdt - Wyshnalyrr

Other Warjack Controllers

"Junior" Warcasters: Malakov1 - Sorscha0
'Jack Marshals: Man-o-War Kovnik - Greylord Forge Seer

Heavy Warjacks

Beast-09 - Behemoth - Berserker - Black Ivan - Decimator - Demolisher - Destroyer - Devastator - Drago - Grolar - Juggernaut - Kodiak - Mad Dog - Marauder - Rager - Ruin - Spriggan - Torch

Colossal Conquest - Victor
Units, Solos, & Battle Engines

Assault Kommandos - Battle Mechaniks - Black Dragons - Doom Reaver Swordsmen - Great Bears of the Gallowswood - Greylord Outriders - Greylord Ternion - Iron Fang Pikemen - Iron Fang Uhlans - Kayazy Assassins - Kayazy Eliminators - Kossite Woodsmen - MOW Atanas & Standard - MOW Bombardiers - MOW Demolition Corps - MOW Shocktroopers - Widowmaker Scouts - WG Field Gun - WG Infantry - WG Mortar Crew - WG Rifle Corps
Ranking Officer CA : Koldun Kapitan Valachev


Bulkhead - Fenris - Greylord Adjunct - Greylord Forge Seer - Iron Fang Kovnik - Jozef - Koldun Lord - Malakov1 - Manhunter - MOW Drakhun - MOW Kovnik - MOW Strike Tanker - MOW Suppresion Tanker - Markov - Sofya - Sorscha0 - Ol' Grim - Underboss Vizkoya - War Dog - Widowmaker Marksman - WG Artillery Kapitan - Yuri1 - Yuri2

Battle Engines Gun Carriage - Man-o-War Siege Chariot - Man-o-War Assault Chariot
Theme Forces
Armored Korps - Flame in the Darkness - Jaws of the Wolf - Legions of Steel - Warriors of the Old Faith - Winter Guard Kommand - Wolves of Winter
Refer to Who Works for Whom and/or Category: Khador Mercenary
This index was last updated: 2021.11

Rules Clarifications

RC symbol.png

Rules Clarification : Feat: Feel the Hate

  • Models can only buy additional melee attacks during their Combat Action, after completing their initial/special attack(s). Refer the definition in the core rulebook.
  • For models in a unit, model [B] cannot start their Combat Action until model [A] finishes his. This means that once you start model [B]'s attacks, you cannot "go back" and buy more attacks with model [A].

RC symbol.png

Rules Clarification:  : Magical Damage      (Edit)
(Click Expand to read)

* The "Damage Type: Magical" is not inherited by "secondary" damage from a weapon. That is, stuff like arcs (Electro Leap) or hazards (Scather). (Infernal Ruling)
  • All spells have "Damage Type: Magical" (refer errata).
    • This is inherited by "immediate" secondary damage (such as Eruption of Spines). (Infernal Ruling)
    • and might be inherited by "lingering" secondary damage (see below).
  • If a spell leaves a template in play that does damage to models that walk around in it, then:
    • if it is not described as a hazard it will do magical damage to models that walk around in it. (Example: Razor Wall)
    • if it is a hazard then it will not do magical damage to models that walk around in it. Instead, it does whatever damage type is specified by the spell description. (Example: Breath of Corruption).
    • (Infernal Ruling)
  • If a weapon/spell includes Magic Damage and another kind of elemental damage it will still damage Incorporeal models. Incorporeal models are not affected by the rule "if an attack does multiple types of damage and a model is immune to at least one it is immune to the entire attack."
    The phrase "immune to non-magical damage" should be interpreted as "immune to damage that doesn't include Damage Type: Magical" (not interpreted as "has immunity to Corrosion and Electricity and Cold and etc.")

Rules Clarification : Weapon Master - None yet. (Edit)

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Rules Clarification:  : Warcaster      (Edit)
(Click Expand to read)

  • General
    • Damage from a feat is neither an attack nor Damage Type: Magical (unless the feat says it is).
    • FOCUS (uppercase) is the stat printed on the warcaster's card. Focus (lowercase) refers to focus points a model currently has.
    • Your CTRL area is double your FOCUS stat, not double your focus points. (Infernal Ruling)
    • Casting spells or using feats is an anytime ability with the added restriction that you can't use them on the same turn you run even before you run.
      • See also the clarifications on Any Time abilities (below).
    • Some warcasters are also Battle Engines and thus follow all the Battle Engine special rules.
      • There is no particular interaction between the Battle Engine rules and the Warcaster rules.
    • Work out all damage modifiers (such as Decapitation doubling the damage that exceeds ARM) before reducing it with the Power Field. (Infernal Ruling)

  • Restrictions on "Any Time" abilities     (Edit)         [Show/Hide]
    • "Any Time" abilities can be used at any time during a model/unit's activation, except:
    1. Before any compulsory forfeiture of movement/action. See step 2 of the activation sequence, appendix A.
    2. After the model with the "Any Time" ability has had their activation end "prematurely". By this I mean you resolved something which includes the phrase "its activation ends". Examples include:
      • Running, failing a charge, or failing a slam.
      • Abilities that include "then its activation ends" (such as Reposition and Teleport).
    3. In between declaring your charge target and making your charge movement. (Infernal Ruling)
    4. In between completing your charge movement and determining whether it was a successful charge. (Infernal Ruling)
    5. When you're in the middle of moving. (Note: Impact Attacks count as being in the middle of movement).
    6. When you're in the middle of an attack. Which also includes effects that occur "after the attack is resolved".
      (Although the attack is "resolved" at Step 11, in terms of using an "Any Time" ability the attack is not "finished" until after Step 14. Refer to the first paragraph of Apdx A.)
    7. Your opponent interrupted your activation to trigger one of their own abilities (such as Countercharge).
    8. Warcasters/warlocks/etc can normally cast a spell or use their feat "At any time". However, there is a core rule saying they cannot do so on the same activation that they run. So, they are subject to all the same restrictions listed above, plus they can't cast/feat before running.
    9. Units: See below.

    • In general you can use "Any Time" abilities while you're knocked down or stationary (except Spells and Feats which specify you can't).
    • If you have a gun with a random ROF, you can use an "Any Time" ability inbetween rolling the number of shots and actually making the first attack. (Infernal Ruling)

    Units with "Any Time" abilities
    • You cannot use an "Any Time" ability before issuing/receiving orders. See step 1 and 2 of the activation sequence, appendix A.
    • A model in a unit can't use an "Any Time" ability after they run (Infernal Ruling) or fail a charge. Because that makes that specific model's activation to end even though the unit's activation is still ongoing, and you can't use abilities on models that are not active.
      • You can use an "Any Time" ability before running, however.
    • A model in a unit can't use an "Any Time" ability after anyone in the unit has begun a Reposition move. (Infernal Ruling)
  • Warcaster/Warlock Cavalry ( Edit )
    • Warcasters/Warlocks can't cast spells or use their feat while resolving Impact Attacks. Because Impact Attacks occur during movement - you can use spells or feat before moving, or after moving, but not during movement.
      • Exception: If your Impact target(s) include your charge target, then your movement has ended (refer rulebook, last paragraph of 'Impact Attacks') and thus you're fine to use "any time" abilities before starting the Impact attacks.

RC symbol.png

Rules Clarification:  : Warcaster Unit or Warlock Unit     (Edit)
(Click Expand to read)

This summary is specific to Warcaster/Warlock units. You may also want to check the Warcaster and Warlock pages respectively, for the "regular" rules clarifications.
  • All models in the unit count as part of the battlegroup. So, for instance, Butcher3's argus can be moved via his Energizer spell.
  • Warcaster units can have attachments. They can even attach units (such as the WSC). (Infernal Ruling)
  • The non-caster models are trooper models but are not normally Grunt models. Therefore they're not normally eligible for stuff like Revive.
  • If any member of the unit start to do their reposition movement, the warcaster or warlock in the unit would no longer be able to feat.(Infernal Ruling)
  • Press Forward Order vs Spells cast at Any Time (Edit)
    • You must issue orders before anything else. If you issue a Press Forward order, you must run or charge.
    • If you cast spells before moving, you can't run so you must charge.
    • If you cast spells before moving, then start the spellcaster's Normal Movement but have no valid charge targets, you are in a situation where you must charge but cannot charge.
      In this situation the spellcaster must either:
      • forfeit their Combat Action, use their Normal Movement to make a full advance, then their activation ends. (Note that you cannot cast more spells after the full advance).
      • forfeit their Normal Movement, then their activation ends.
      • (Infernal Ruling)
  • Steamroller 2018
    • The non-caster models can contest scenario zones & flags.
    • The caster model cannot contest.
    • The caster model can control zones and flags by itself, but:
      • to control a zone, the entire unit remaining in play needs to be in formation.
      • to control a flag, the entire unit remaining in play must be within 4" of the flag.
  • Units Buying Attacks (Edit)
    • If you make attacks with model [A], then start making attacks with model [B], you cannot 'go back' and buy more attacks with [A]. Because:
    • A model can only buy additional attacks during its Combat Action.
    • A model in a unit must complete its Combat Action before the next model starts theirs (with some exceptions, like CMA).
RC symbol.png

Rules Clarification : Unit of Warcasters or Warlocks     (Edit)

  • Even though they're warcasters, if they're out of formation they suffer the normal penalties (can't make attacks, actions, spells, etc).
  • They can't upkeep each other's spells.
  • They can only dominate one SteamRoller scenario element at a time.
  • Each warlock/warcaster can have different upkeeps on them if those upkeeps are "target SELF" or "target model". If you cast an upkeep that is "target model/unit", that is the only upkeep any of them can have.
  • Units Buying Attacks (Edit)
    • If you make attacks with model [A], then start making attacks with model [B], you cannot 'go back' and buy more attacks with [A]. Because:
    • A model can only buy additional attacks during its Combat Action.
    • A model in a unit must complete its Combat Action before the next model starts theirs (with some exceptions, like CMA).
  • The Legion Twins
    • Rhyas cannot dominate a zone while out of formation.
    • Rhyas can use the feat while out of formation.
  • Haley3
    • Only Haley Prime is an 'actual' warcaster model, and as such she is the only one that can dominate a scenario element.
    • The echoes can Control/Contest scenarios like a normal unit.
    • Haley Prime can dominate an element even if the echoes are out of formation.

Rules Clarification : Tough - None yet. (Edit)
Rules Clarification : Arcane Dementia - None yet. (Edit)

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Rules Clarification : Berserk      (Edit)

  • Berserk attacks will generate even more Berserk attacks. You keep going until you miss, something survives, or you run out of targets.
  • Berserk grants an additional attack which by definition can only occur during your Combat Action. Therefore Berserk doesn't work on free strikes, impact attacks, etc.
  • "Immediately" means you can't save it until later in your activation. Berserk must be resolved at step 14 of the attack sequence (refer Apdx A).
  • You cannot use "Any Time" abilities while resolving the original attack, the Berserk attack, or between the attacks. Refer Apdx A.
  • Berserk doesn't trigger during a frenzy. (Infernal Ruling)
  • Berserk will not trigger if the target uses an ability to move the damage to another model (such as a warlock transfer).
    • But it will trigger if they use an ability to move the attack to a different model (such as Grim Salvation).
  • Berserk has a weird niche interaction with Agathon's abilities, which you can read here.
  • Attack-Generating Abilities (Edit)
    • From the core rulebook: When a model is granted more attacks as a result of an attack it made, it gains only one. If two or more special rules would grant the model another attack as a result of making an attack, its controlling player chooses which special rule to apply.
    • If you trigger two attack-generating abilities (such as Black Spot and Kill Shot) you choose to resolve one and "lose" the other (unless you trigger it again later).
    • If you trigger two attack-generating abilities, and one of them is compulsory (such as Black Spot and Berserk), you must choose to resolve the compulsory one. (Infernal Ruling)

Rules Clarification : Conferred Rage - None yet. (Edit)

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Rules Clarification : Homicidal Maniac      (Edit)

  • With reference to the Attack Sequence
    • Berserk is resolved at Step 14
    • Homicidal Maniac is resolved at Step 12 (but only if it is impossible to Berserk, and only if you kill an enemy)
  • So it goes
    • Destroy a model (Step 10d) ► another model is in melee range ► You must Berserk attack that model (Step 14)
    • Destroy an enemy model (Step 10d) ► no one in melee range ► make the Homicidal Maniac move (Step 12) ► if anyone is now in range, make a Berserk attack (Step 14)
    • Destroy a friendly model (Step 10d) ► no one in melee range ► You can't trigger Homicidal Maniac from killing friendlies.
  • Steamroller flags and objectives count as models.
    • You can't kill flags, so you're unable to use Homicidal Manaiac while a flag is in your melee range.
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Rules Clarification : Blood Boon and/or Rites of Blood and/or Ritual Slaughter and/or Soul Food and/or Blood Weaver and/or Meat for the Beast and/or Reckless Arcana     (Edit)

  • General
    • The free spell doesn't interact with abilities that change the COST of a spell. (Infernal Ruling)
      • For instance, if you trigger it while being affected by Lamentation then you can still cast a COST 3 spell (even though if you spent focus to do the same thing it would cost you 6 focus/fury).
    • (Rites of Blood only): The Priestess doesn't need to be in the caster's CTRL range to use her ability.
    • (Blood Weaver only): It's not tied to a specific weapon, and it can be triggered multiple times per turn.
    • (Reckless Arcana only):
      • You can trigger it once during your turn, and a second time during the opponent's turn (via a free strike, countercharge, etc)
      • The model doesn't need to be in your control range to trigger it.
  • Timing
    • With reference to other abilities that occur "after the attack is resolved", the timing sequence is:
      • If you choose a non-offensive spell then it's resolved at Step 12.
      • If you choose an offensive spell then it's resolved at Step 14.
      • If you have another ability that triggers at Step 12 (such as Iona1 having Overtake), you can either cast a non-offensive spell and resolve both things at Step 12 in any order, or you can resolve the other ability at Step 12 then cast an offensive spell at Step 14. Note that you cannot cast an offensive spell at Step 14 then go back to Step 12 to resolve the other ability.
      • (Infernal Ruling for all of the above)
  • Multiple Attacks
    • If when you destroy the model, you get a free melee/ranged attack as well as the free spell (for instance you cast Black Spot on them), then you need to follow the "attack-generating abilities" rule in the core rulebook and make sure you only make one bonus attack:
      • You can cast a non-offensive spell (step 12) then get the free melee/ranged attack (step 14); or
      • You can cast an offensive spell (which is an attack) and forgo the free melee/ranged attack.
      • (Locked Thread)
    • If the model that triggered the free spell has Berserk and something is in its melee range, you don't get a choice of offensive spell or non-offensive. You have to choose either
      • a non-offensive spell plus the compulsory melee attack, or
      • no spell at all plus the compulsory melee.
      • (Locked Thread)
  • Spells outside of caster's activation
    • Some versions of this ability let the caster get a free spell when something else kills something. In this case:
      • The caster can channel the spell if they want. (Infernal Ruling)
      • The spell is cast during the other model's activation, so that model can potentially trigger any of their own activation-only abilities.
        Specifically, if one of Deathchev's warjack triggers Meat for the Beast, and Deathchev casts Abattoir for all warjacks to get a free attack, then the active warjack can boost the Abattoir attack, use Overtake, etc.
        (Infernal Ruling)
      • For similar logic, spells that "can only be cast once per activation" (such as Abattoir) can be cast twice per turn via this sort of ability. (Infernal Ruling)

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Rules Clarification : Boundless Charge      (Edit)

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Rules Clarification : Eliminator      (Edit)

  • The advance you get is a single advance, not a series of 2" advances. As such, it only triggers "ends movement" abilities (such as Countercharge) once.

Rules Clarification : Fury - None yet. (Edit)

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Rules Clarification : Ravager      (Edit)

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Rules Clarification : Berserk      (Edit)

  • Berserk attacks will generate even more Berserk attacks. You keep going until you miss, something survives, or you run out of targets.
  • Berserk grants an additional attack which by definition can only occur during your Combat Action. Therefore Berserk doesn't work on free strikes, impact attacks, etc.
  • "Immediately" means you can't save it until later in your activation. Berserk must be resolved at step 14 of the attack sequence (refer Apdx A).
  • You cannot use "Any Time" abilities while resolving the original attack, the Berserk attack, or between the attacks. Refer Apdx A.
  • Berserk doesn't trigger during a frenzy. (Infernal Ruling)
  • Berserk will not trigger if the target uses an ability to move the damage to another model (such as a warlock transfer).
    • But it will trigger if they use an ability to move the attack to a different model (such as Grim Salvation).
  • Berserk has a weird niche interaction with Agathon's abilities, which you can read here.
  • Attack-Generating Abilities (Edit)
    • From the core rulebook: When a model is granted more attacks as a result of an attack it made, it gains only one. If two or more special rules would grant the model another attack as a result of making an attack, its controlling player chooses which special rule to apply.
    • If you trigger two attack-generating abilities (such as Black Spot and Kill Shot) you choose to resolve one and "lose" the other (unless you trigger it again later).
    • If you trigger two attack-generating abilities, and one of them is compulsory (such as Black Spot and Berserk), you must choose to resolve the compulsory one. (Infernal Ruling)