Iron Fang Uhlans

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Khador Logo.jpg Iron Fang Uhlans

Khador Iron Fang Cavalry Unit

Mk4 icon.png
Unlimited Only
This model can only be used in the Unlimited game mode. You can see the other models with / without mk4 rules on this page.

Note that the rest of this page is about the model's Mark III rules.

Serving as the forward fighting arm of an Iron Fang contingent, Iron Fang Uhlans are often the first to ride into the enemy. These mounted Iron Fangs fluidly ride together and meld classical horselord cavalry tactics with the shoulder-to-shoulder fighting formations customary of Iron Fang assaults. The armored horses are so powerful they have been known to knock warjacks to the ground, and they can easily crush an enemy’s skull under their spike-shod hooves.

Basic Info

Iron Fang Uhlans
Missing Info
COST {{{cacost}}}
UNIT SIZE {{{casize}}}
FA {{{cafa}}}
Warcaster 0
BASE Large
M.A. N/A
DEF 12
ARM 17
ESSENCE {{{essence}}}
HP 5
F. Field N/A
WJP {{{wjp}}}
WBP {{{wbp}}}
IHP {{{ihp}}}
FA 2
UNIT SIZE 3 or 5
COST 10 or 17
3.4 pts each
Warcaster 1
the Statblock


  • Cavalry symbol.jpg Cavalry
  • Relentless Charge - While advancing as part of a charge, this model gains Pathfinder.
  • Reposition [3"] - At the end of an activation in which it did not run or fail a charge, this model can advance up to 3", then its activation ends.
  • Steady - This model cannot become knocked down.
  • Wall of Steel - While this model is B2B with one or more models in its unit, it gains +2 ARM.


Blasting Lance
Sword icon.jpg  RNG   POW   P+S 
(★) 10 16
  • Lance - This weapon can only be used to make charge attacks. This weapon's RNG 0 unless it charges. When this model charges, this weapon becomes RNG 2 until the charge attack is resolved.
  • Critical Knockdown - On a critical hit, the model hit becomes knocked down.
Pommel Spike
Sword icon.jpg  RNG   POW   P+S 
1 4 10
  • Close Combat - This model cannot make an initial attack with this weapon during an activation in which it charged at least 3".
Mount icon.jpg  RNG   POW 
0.5 12

Theme Forces

Thoughts on Iron Fang Uhlans

Iron Fang Uhlans in a nutshell

Iron Fang Uhlans are Khador's big, stompy cavalry. Devastating on the charge and extremely middling outside of them these knights hit as hard as a buffed light jack, or an average heavy. Their job is to run the enemy's key models to the ground, and change the tide of battle by getting you ahead of the attrition. They excel in taking down big threats with a lot of health, helped along by their Crit Knockdown effect - from which they have two on the charge. They are also big and expensive targets, so you must position themselves carefully to avoid being shot to pieces, before reaching their target.

A good rule of thumb is that a cavalry unit needs to be able to charge twice per game in order to be "worth their points". In other words, they need a fair amount of support so that they can charge, reposition, and charge again. This can either take the form of direct buffs (iron flesh), mobility enhancement (parry and sprint from Vlad3), or simply threat saturation (giving your opponent so many dangerous targets they can't kill them all). What you DON'T want to do is to run them out in front of your slow army and get bogged down and cut to pieces by a tarpit unit half their cost.

Combos & Synergies

  • The Legion of Steel theme has all the support solos for Iron Fangs:
    • Iron Fang Kovnik grants them Unyielding.
    • Kapitan Sofya Skirova to give them +1 to hit.
    • Uhlan Kovnik Markov to give them Tactician to make their larger bases easier to move around, or even through, your other Iron Fangs. He is also on a horse, so he has no problem keeping up with the Uhlans.
  • Casters
    • Butcher1 - A support caster in his heart, a charging Uhlan unit under his feat and Fury is perfectly capable of evaporating an ARM 20 colossal.
    • Irusk1 and Irusk2 - Both version prefer sturdy, hard hitting units, and there are few better recipients for Battle Lust than an Uhlan unit.
    • Vladimir2 - Hand of Fate helps mitigate their post-charge weakness and they are great candidates for Vlad's feat (threat range of 16", P+S 19).
    • Vladimir3 - Still a good Hand of Fate choice, but more importantly they love Dash and his feat. With parry, sidestep, and sprint it's much easier to pull off that second charge. Try sprinting behind enemy lines to break their line of sight and force them to turn backwards to deal with you!
    • Strakhov1 - You can't shoot what you can't see (save for a few exceptions). His feat also adds considerable charge distance boost for the Uhlans.
    • Strakhov2 - If you need to survive, cast Inviolable Resolve which stacks nicely with Wall of Steel. If you need to hit first and hard, cast Quicken, and run them up ASAP. In the latter case you can try to protect them with your feat, giving them the sweet Tough+Steady combo, and a decent ARM swing.
    • Zerkova1 - It is hard to find a good army for her, but she can screen the Uhlans with Freezing Mist, and Ghost Walk goes a long way of helping them through terrain even when outside charges. Her feat also shuts down the enemy's attempt to counter-charge or jam them. A preliminary Hex Blast can also help to remove pesky upkeeps which provide ARM and/or DEF buff for your target.

Drawbacks & Downsides

  • Usual cavalry flaws - big, expensive and high-priority targets
  • Costs more than twice as much for half as many models as their pikemen brothers. Make sure you're making the most of all the cavalry rules!
  • Their damage dealing capacity and Pathfinder is all tied to charges, thus badly hurt by jamming units, and tricks that deny charges and/or orders

Tricks & Tips

  • Run them in pairs to benefit from Wall of Steel and keep them out of harm's way until you're ready to charge.
  • Between impact attacks and boosted charge attack rolls, you've got a decent shot at knocking things over.
  • Also be careful, Reposition movement does trigger free strikes!
  • If you didn't kill your target, you might want to use your Reposition move to get closer to the enemy, and keep it engaged.
  • Remember, your horse is a melee weapon and thus can make free strikes. Surprise crit knockdown!
  • See the Cavarly article for a refresher on How to do Impact Attack Correctly, which is one of the things that even veteran players struggle with.
  • Generally, you're better to declare a charge vs a frontline target, move into B2B, and do an Impact attack then a charge attack vs it.
    If you instead declare a charge vs a backline model, planning to Impact attack the frontline to get it out of your way ... odds are that the dice will fail you.
  • You'll often want several uhlans charging into one hard target. The best way to do this is to send Uhlan A charging to the left side of the enemy, get into B2B and make an Impact attack.
    Then Uhlan B charges into the right side, make another Impact attack, and be far enough away that he doesn't Impact Uhlan A.
    Then, if necessary, Uhlans C D and E do normal charges into the middle (they can't Impact without hitting A or B). Since they won't be impacting they can stay at 2" reach.
  • Don't worry too much about finishing your charges with the unit in B2B, you'll Reposition at the end.



Released in Warmachine: Superiority (2006)

Other Khador models

Khador Logo.jpg       Khador Index       (Edit)
Battlegroup & Similar

Butcher1 - Butcher2 - Butcher3 - Harkevich - Irusk1 - Irusk2 - Karchev1 - Karchev2 - Kozlov - Malakov2 - Old Witch1 - Old Witch2 - Sorscha1 - Sorscha2 - Sorscha3 - Strakhov1 - Strakhov2 - Vlad1 - Vlad2 - Vlad3 - Zerkova1 - Zerkova2

Warcaster attachments

Khador: War Dog - Greylord Adjunct
Mercenary: Madelyn Corbeau - Reinholdt - Wyshnalyrr

Other Warjack Controllers

"Junior" Warcasters: Malakov1 - Sorscha0
'Jack Marshals: Man-o-War Kovnik - Greylord Forge Seer

Heavy Warjacks

Beast-09 - Behemoth - Berserker - Black Ivan - Decimator - Demolisher - Destroyer - Devastator - Drago - Grolar - Juggernaut - Kodiak - Mad Dog - Marauder - Rager - Ruin - Spriggan - Torch

Colossal Conquest - Victor
Units, Solos, & Battle Engines

Assault Kommandos - Battle Mechaniks - Black Dragons - Doom Reaver Swordsmen - Great Bears of the Gallowswood - Greylord Outriders - Greylord Ternion - Iron Fang Pikemen - Iron Fang Uhlans - Kayazy Assassins - Kayazy Eliminators - Kossite Woodsmen - MOW Atanas & Standard - MOW Bombardiers - MOW Demolition Corps - MOW Shocktroopers - Widowmaker Scouts - WG Field Gun - WG Infantry - WG Mortar Crew - WG Rifle Corps
Ranking Officer CA : Koldun Kapitan Valachev


Bulkhead - Fenris - Greylord Adjunct - Greylord Forge Seer - Iron Fang Kovnik - Jozef - Koldun Lord - Malakov1 - Manhunter - MOW Drakhun - MOW Kovnik - MOW Strike Tanker - MOW Suppresion Tanker - Markov - Sofya - Sorscha0 - Ol' Grim - Underboss Vizkoya - War Dog - Widowmaker Marksman - WG Artillery Kapitan - Yuri1 - Yuri2

Battle Engines Gun Carriage - Man-o-War Siege Chariot - Man-o-War Assault Chariot
Theme Forces
Armored Korps - Flame in the Darkness - Jaws of the Wolf - Legions of Steel - Warriors of the Old Faith - Winter Guard Kommand - Wolves of Winter
Refer to Who Works for Whom and/or Category: Khador Mercenary
This index was last updated: 2021.11

Rules Clarifications

RC symbol.png

Rules Clarification : Lance      (Edit)

  • If you declare a charge but move less than 3", then it doesn't count as a charge attack and you can't use your Lance.
  • If you kill your charge target with an Impact Attack, then you "lose" your Lance attack. (Infernal Ruling)
  • Your melee range is 2" for the entire charge move, which can be relevant for Dug In models.
RC symbol.png

Rules Clarification : Knockdown      (Edit)

  • Knockdown (Edit) - Remember, knockdown only prevents what it says it does. Refer to the Knockdown page for a recap of what a model can/can't do.
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Rules Clarification : Close Combat      (Edit)

  • If you declare a charge but move less than 3", then it doesn't count as a charge attack and you can use this weapon.
  • You can purchase additional attacks, make free strikes, etc with this weapon regardless of whether you charged or not.

RC symbol.png

Rules Clarification:  : Cavalry      (Edit)
(Click Expand to read)

Mount Weapon
  • Although the core rulebook specifies mount weapons have 0.5" range, this doesn't "overwrite" models that have a longer mount range listed on their card. (Infernal Ruling)
  • Mount Weapons are melee weapons. (Infernal Ruling) This means:
    • Mount Attacks can benefit from any buffs that affect "melee weapons" (such as Acidic Touch and Elasticity) or "melee attacks" (such as Battle Lust).
    • Mount Weapons can be used to make free strikes.
    • If the model doesn't have any regular melee weapon (such as the Gun Carriage) then it does have a melee range, can engage enemy models, and can make free strikes; anyway.
    • Despite being a melee weapon, you cannot use a Mount's special attack on the same activation you charge. (Infernal Ruling)
      • Exception: If you have Trampling Hooves, because that allows you to make charge attacks with your mount when you charge.
  • Mount attacks will trigger "Melee attack" stuff like Battle Wizard.
  • You can purchase additional attacks with your Mount Weapon. (Infernal Ruling)

Impact Attacks - Movement

  • Impact Attacks "pause" your charge move, and as such don't normally trigger "ends an advance" abilities (such as Countercharge).
    • The exception is if your Impact Attacks include your charge target, then you have to end the charge movement and turn to directly face the charge target before rolling any dice. In this case, stuff like Countercharge will get triggered before you get to roll your Impact Attacks.
  • You cannot "pause" in an illegal position to carry out Impact Attacks. For instance: a Pathfinder cavalry model pausing halfway over an obstacle; a flying cavalry model pausing while it 'overlaps' other models; or any cavalry model pausing halfway through an Incorporeal model.

Impact Attacks - The attack(s)

  • You resolve stuff that occurs "after the attack is resolved" (such as Battle Wizard) before continuing with your charge movement.
  • If you have an ability that boosts your "first" melee attack (such as Stir the Blood), then only one attack will be boosted even though you're making multiple simultaneous attacks.
  • If you choose to make any impact attacks, you make all attacks against all models in the Mount's melee range (even friendly models).(Infernal Ruling)
  • Impact Attacks cannot be boosted, refer core rulebook.
  • You cannot buy additional attacks while resolving Impact Attacks. Additional attacks can only be bought during your Combat Action, after resolving your initial melee attack(s) / special melee attack.

Impact Attacks - Other

  • You cannot use "any time" abilities while resolving Impact Attacks. Because Impact Attacks occur during movement; and you can only use 'any time' abilities before moving or after moving, but not during movement. (Infernal Ruling)
    • Exception: If your Impact targets include your charge target, then your movement has ended (refer rulebook, last paragraph of 'Impact Attacks') and thus you're fine to use "any time" abilities.

Cavalry unit

  • If you have a unit of Cavalry, charge them and do impact attacks, remember you interrupt movement to do impacts, but you have to resolve all movements before doing any charge attacks. So for example it would go:
    • Cavalry model A charges enemy X, and contacts model M. Stop and make impact attacks against M. Then continue movement to X.
    • Cavalry model B charges enemy Y, and contacts model N. Stop and make impact attacks against N. Then continue movement to Y.
    • Cavalry model C charges enemy Z, and contacts model O. Stop and make impact attacks against O. Then continue movement to Z.
    • Resolve model A's charge attack vs X, B's vs Y, and C's vs Z. (This can be done in any order, as per normal)

Other interactions

  • Cavalry model with no melee weapon
    • If you have a Mount weapon but no regular Melee weapon (such as the Efaarit Scout), you can still declare a charge. (Locked thread)
    • You can make Impact Attacks along the way.
    • Once you get to the charge target, however, you can't make a melee attack against it. Because you can't use the mount weapon for a charge attack, due to the way the Cavalry rules are written. (Unless you have a rule like Trampling Hooves.)
    • If you don't charge, the mount attack can be used as an initial melee attack.
  • Countercharge & Cavalry ( Edit )
    • A model with Countercharge and Cavalry can make Impact Attacks during the countercharge. (Refer "Charges Outside of Activation" in the rulebook).
  • Warcaster/Warlock Cavalry ( Edit )
    • Warcasters/Warlocks can't cast spells or use their feat while resolving Impact Attacks. Because Impact Attacks occur during movement - you can use spells or feat before moving, or after moving, but not during movement.
      • Exception: If your Impact target(s) include your charge target, then your movement has ended (refer rulebook, last paragraph of 'Impact Attacks') and thus you're fine to use "any time" abilities before starting the Impact attacks.
  • Flight on a Cavalry model (Edit)
    • Although flyers can move over obstacles/models, and horses can pause to do impacts while charging, flying horses cannot make impact attacks while overlapping models/obstacles. You need to pause in a legal position.
  • Gunfighter & Cavalry ( Edit )
    • A cavalry model that charges then makes a Gunfighter attack will not gain a boosted charge attack roll, because a ranged attack is not a charge attack. (Infernal Ruling)
    • You also won't gain a boosted charge damage roll, as per normal for a Gunfighter.
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Rules Clarification : Relentless Charge      (Edit)

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Rules Clarification : Reposition      (Edit)

  • Models out of formation cannot move via Reposition. Refer to the "Out of Formation" rules in the core rulebook.
  • End of Activation (Edit)
You cannot resolve two end-of-activation movement effects (refer to "End of Activation Movement" in the core rulebook). For EOA stuff that doesn't involve movement, though, it gets a bit more murky:
  • Some EOA abilities explicitly state your activation ends as part of resolving the ability (like Reposition), and some don't (like Refuge).
Whether it is explicit it or not, by definition an EOA ability is the last thing you can do for that activation. For instance, if you resolve Refuge and then continue your activation to cast more spells, then you have not used Refuge at the end of your activation.
You cannot do an "at any time" ability during or after triggering an EOA ability; you cannot cast spells, purchase additional attacks, use a mini-feat, etc.
  • If you start resolving an EOA movement (such as Reposition) then you cannot trigger abilities that occur "at any time" (such as Go To Ground). Because you can't trigger it while resolving the EOA movement, and after the EOA movement your activation has ended. (Infernal Ruling)
  • For units: if any model in the unit starts resolving the unit's EOA movement, then no model in the unit can trigger an any-time ability. (Infernal Ruling)
  • See also the training article: LPG - End of Activation.
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Rules Clarification : Steady      (Edit)

  • If you are hit by a knockdown effect during your own turn then ... nothing happens. Unless it was a Slam or a Throw that knocked you down.
    In that situation, there is a core rule that says "models immune to knockdown that become knocked down from a slam or throw must forfeit either movement or action when they activate". But that core rule doesn't apply to other knockdowns (lots of players assume it does)
  • Steady models are still susceptible to other effects of knock-down attacks (if there are any). For instance, a Head Butt attack causes damage and knockdown - a Steady model would still take the damage.
  • A knocked down model that gains Steady will remain knocked down, because the "cannot be knocked down" is not retroactively applied.
  • Steady models who make a tough check during an advance can continue advancing. (Locked Thread)
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Rules Clarification : Wall of Steel      (Edit)

  • If you're slammed or thrown into a model with Wall of Steel, you'll immediately benefit. So you'll get the ARM bonus vs the slam/throw damage, too!
  • It's not possible to be B2B with someone at the same time you move, so you can't gain Wall of Steel at the same time you enter a damaging template (such as Covering Fire).
    • No, you cannot move an infinitely small distance and thus travel in an arc. This is Warmachine, not calculus.
    • However, if you can move through a model, ignore the above.