Unlimited Only This model can only be used in the Unlimited game mode. You can see the other models with / without mk4 rules on this page.
Note that the rest of this page is about the model's Mark III rules.
Bestowed the ancient title of Intercessor reserved for the faith’s greatest champion, Mikael Kreoss has complete authority over the Protectorate’s armies and speaks with the voice of Hierarch Severius himself. Intercessor Kreoss leads his men from atop his great steed alongside a vanguard of his Exemplar Venger brothers. Bearing his spear Conviction, Kreoss acts as Menoth’s rightful judgment made manifest upon the world.
Basic Info
Kreoss3 |
Missing Info |
{{{cacost}}} |
{{{casize}}} |
FA |
{{{cafa}}} |
Warcaster 0 |
Large |
8 |
6 |
8 |
N/A |
M.A. |
N/A |
14 |
18 |
N/A |
{{{essence}}} |
7 |
N/A |
N/A |
HP |
18 |
F. Field |
N/A |
+28 |
{{{wbp}}} |
{{{ihp}}} |
FA |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Warcaster 1 |
N/A |
N/A |
Understanding the Statblock |
Warcaster - All warcasters come with a stack of standard special rules - most notably being awesome. Click here for a newbie-friendly recap, or click here for the full rules.
Feat : Invocations of the True Law
- Enemy upkeep spells and animi in Kreoss's control range immediately expire.
- Then Kreoss can cast each of his upkeep spells without spending focus.
- Cavalry
- Divine Inspiration - This model gains an additional die on melee attack and melee damage rolls. Discard the lowest die of each roll.
- Elite Cadre [ Exemplar Vengers ] - Friendly Exemplar Vengers models gain Divine Inspiration (as above).
- Reposition [3"] - At the end of an activation in which it did not run or fail a charge, this model can advance up to 3", then its activation ends.
- Conviction - 2" reach, P+S 14 melee weapon.
- Mount - 0.5" range, POW 12 mount attack.
Arcane Ward
Target friendly Faction model/unit gains +2 DEF and cannot be targeted by enemy spells. Models are not affected while out of formation.
Target friendly Faction warjack can charge or make slam or trample power attacks without spending focus. The warjack gains +2" movement when it charges or makes a slam or trample power attack. Models slammed by the warjack are moved +2".
If Crevasse boxes its original target, you can make a SP 6 attack using the boxed model as the attack's point of origin. The SP 6 attack can target models in the boxed model's back arc. Models hit suffer a POW 12 magical damage roll. Models boxed by Crevasse are RFP'd.
Death Sentence
When a friendly Faction models misses target enemy model/unit with an attack, it can reroll the attack roll. Each attack roll can only be rerolled onces as a result of Death Sentence.
Force Hammer
Instead of suffering a normal damage roll, a non-incorporeal model Force Hammer hits is slammed d6" directly away from the spell's point of origin and suffers a POW 12 damage roll. Collateral damage from this slam is POW 12.
Target friendly Faction model/unit gains +2 to melee attack damage rolls. Affected models gain Critical continuous fire on their melee attacks.
Theme Forces
Thoughts on Kreoss3
Kreoss3 in a nutshell
It's Kreoss! Kreoss on a horse! The first of Protectorate's casters to be promoted to cavalry, Kreoss3 offers a different playstyle to many other warcasters in the Faction, being very mobile and working closely with his army. His stats have crept a bit higher since his first incarnation as Kreoss1, and his abilities and the way he interacts with his army have similarly changed with each new incarnation.
Kreoss3 is a cavalry caster, that also supports other cavalry, and Exemplar Vengers shine with him. But he is on a large base, which can leave him exposed. His feat is not intuitive to use to best effect, or even particularly strong. He can threaten deeply, has a wide selection of spells, and his mobility and long threat range can give your opponent kittens in trying to protect their own caster.
Feat thoughts
Kreoss3 does not have one of the more sexy or obviously game-affecting feats in the game. Let's face it, it looks rather lacklustre - and yes it requires a bit of effort to get the most out of it.
Spell thoughts
Kreoss3 has a healthy selection of 6 spells available, and 4 of those are upkeeps. Upkeeps are important for this version of Kreoss: his reasonably high focus, means he can maintain 4 of them a turn and still have some leftover for his battlegroup. Heck, even his feat is all about upkeeps. It is possible (with a little help from an attached Hierophant or nearby Wrack) to cast all the upkeeps in the first turn of the game, but this means there is nothing much for his Battlegroup, but with Power Up this is fine as they are likely only running up to try and keep pace with the army anyway. In most situations, he should be safe enough to do this and not need to camp any focus on the first turn. It is worth thinking about which units/models in the army are going to receive which upkeep, as unfortunately, a unit cannot benefit from both Arcane Ward and Ignite at the same time. Who needs more protection on the approach? Who needs to hit harder? Be prepared to review these priorities as the game progresses and 'cycle' or recast these as the tactical situation demands and priorities change.
- Arcane Ward - A DEF boost cannot be bad. The best target for this is a unit, as it won't make his heavies too much harder to hit. On his beloved Exemplar Vengers this makes them much harder to hit, giving the same defense as Daughters of the Flame or Flame Bringers. Speaking of which, those two units become very hard to hit/remove with such high levels of DEF, and better targets for this spell. Don't forget that Kreoss himself, who doesn't have a particularly high DEF for a warcaster, would greatly benefit from this spell, improving his survivability if he is getting into the thick of things. The additional effect of making the target immune to spells is not one that will always be needed, but try and remember it, as sometimes that feature could be more valuable than the DEF boost.
- Assail - A valuable spell for board control, particularly to score in scenarios with Zones or flags, But don't just consider this spell for the free power attacks/charges/slams. It can also slightly increase the speed of a slower warjack earlier in the game. A SPD 4 warjack can run 8", but with Assail, it could declare a charge against a distant target, and get 9" up the board (but won't make any difference for a SPD 5 warjack). A small bonus, but in the faster armies it can be very useful for helping keep the warjacks not too far behind the action.
- Crevasse - A peculiar ranged attack spell, in that you get to may a short spray attack if you box the attacked model, starting at the boxed model. So, what is the use for this? Well, it could deliver a moderate POW magic attack deep into the enemy with the right positioning. The range can be extended, again with the Hierophant or an Arc Node. If the enemy caster is within 6" of the boxed target then they could also be targetted. Another use is clearing a line of infantry as sprays ignore the target in melee penalties. Kill a grunt, and then potentially several more of his fellows near him. Of course, this relies on killing the first model struck. A feature of this spell that is worth remembering is that any boxed models are Removed From Play - they cannot come back and so this spell has extra value against armies relying on recursion.
- Death Sentence - If Kreoss3 needs something dead fast, this is the spell to make it happen. It has a moderate range, though a Hierophant to increase that by 2", or an arcnode could help get it where it needs to be. A good spell to 'cycle' - that is upkeep at the start of the turn on one target which is then attacked (and hopefully destroyed), then recast on a new target. It is the best help against the higher DEF units/models. Vengers with Kreoss3 are unlikely to be missing much against a target with this upkeep on them and their own Divine Inspiration.
- Force Hammer - A more typical ranged attack spell, this one is expensive though as it has the added bonus of slamming the target away. It has the same POW as Crevasse so it is more likely to be used to control the board (moving models via the slam), or when you need the little extra range that this spell has over Crevasse. But for a caster wanting to maintain a large number of upkeeps, the need will have to be very severe to consider using this expensive spell.
Drawbacks & Downsides
- Big target on a big base gets shot.
- Anti Upkeep tech and abilities that increase spell cost frustrate him.
Tricks & Tips
- His feat was made for Spell Cycling - you get to Assail with two units in the turn, Ignite with two units, and you get a free Death Sentence (which you probably want to boost)
List Building Advice
His main method of winning is moving fast and hitting hard, often with Exemplar Vengers. He fixes speed with Assail, accuracy with Death Sentence, and damage with Ignite. Additionally, he's an extremely competent combatant, especially if you put Ignite on him - don't be afraid to send him into targets mid to late game.
Theme Thoughts
Exemplar Interdiction
In case it wasn't obvious enough, Kreoss3 really likes Exemplars. Not just only Vengers as his upkeeps make all Exemplar Units better.
- Exemplar Vengers have a 52% chance of getting 9 or better on normal attack rolls thanks to their Elite Cadre or have an 80% chance of hitting DEF 14 on impact attacks. Also an ignited charge attack with a Venger's lance on average does about 28 points of damage. They hit hard and hit extremely accurately. And it's a good idea to bring multiple units of them.
- Arcane Ward on any of the Exemplar units is gold, on Exemplar Errants especially though as they come with natively good DEF.
- Gravus makes any Exemplar unit that isn't Vengers faster and collects their souls, which turns him into an absolute beast under the Elite Cadre and Death Sentence. Additionally, Brother's Keeper will help keep Kreoss safe from status effects.
Guardians of the Temple
Warriors of the Old Faith
- Vengers and Gravus are also in this theme. As are Flame Bringers. Line Breaker stacks with Divine Inspiration on Venger models, making their impact attacks extremely accurate.
- The Khadoran Devastator is among the best targets for the Assail spell.
- The War Dog coupled with the abundance of Shield Guards in this theme will keep him safe.
- Two warjacks - you can't support many.
- An arc node if you don't want to play recklessly far forward
- Fire of Salvation is his pet warjack that he can take in any theme force. It can catch careless enemies napping as no one expects the SPD 5 warjack to move 12" in a turn.
Starting a 25 point Brawl list
In 2020.11 Phillip Melvin, one of the LOS authors, put together this list for the Brawlmachine format. It was then updated for the 2021.10 errata. He even wrote about its playstyle and expanded it beyond 25 points, which you can read here.
Theme - Warriors of the Old Faith
- Kreoss3: [+28 WJP]
- High Paladin Dartan Vilmon: [Free] (5 pts)
- High Exemplar Gravus: [7 pts]
- Exemplar Vengers (Min unit): [11 pts]
- Initiates of the Wall: [7 pts]
For more Brawlmachine list ideas, see Category: Brawl List
Released in the Warmachine: Colossals expansion (2012)
Video Battle Reports
Other Protectorate models
Rules Clarifications
Rules Clarification : Blessed and/or Creator's Wrath (Edit)
- Blessed ignores spell buffs even if they're not directly on the target. (For example, Haley3's Temporal Distortion spell is cast on Haley and gives a DEF buff to everyone within 5". Blessed ignores it on everyone, not just on Haley.) (Locked thread)
- You only ignore the DEF/ARM buff if the spell directly adds to the stat (for example Arcane Shield gives +3 ARM).
- Whereas a spell which grants an ability, and the ability gives a DEF/ARM buff, would not be ignored by Blessed (for example Cloak of Ash gives a model concealment, and concealment gives +2 DEF).
- (Infernal Ruling)
- If a spell buffs DEF/ARM and [something else] then you ignore the buff but not the [something else]. (For example, the spell Death Ward grants +2 ARM and the defender chooses which column suffers damage. You would ignore the ARM bonus, but the defender still picks the column.)
- This ability only ignores buffs from spells, not buffs from feats (such as Stryker1's Invincibility +5 ARM) or abilities (such as Protective Aura's +2 ARM).
Rules Clarification: : Magical Damage (Edit) (Click Expand to read)
* The "Damage Type: Magical" is not inherited by "secondary" damage from a weapon. That is, stuff like arcs (Electro Leap) or hazards (Scather). (Infernal Ruling)
- All spells have "Damage Type: Magical" (refer errata).
- This is inherited by "immediate" secondary damage (such as Eruption of Spines). (Infernal Ruling)
- and might be inherited by "lingering" secondary damage (see below).
- If a spell leaves a template in play that does damage to models that walk around in it, then:
- if it is not described as a hazard it will do magical damage to models that walk around in it. (Example: Razor Wall)
- if it is a hazard then it will not do magical damage to models that walk around in it. Instead, it does whatever damage type is specified by the spell description. (Example: Breath of Corruption).
- (Infernal Ruling)
- If a weapon/spell includes Magic Damage and another kind of elemental damage it will still damage Incorporeal models. Incorporeal models are not affected by the rule "if an attack does multiple types of damage and a model is immune to at least one it is immune to the entire attack."
The phrase "immune to non-magical damage" should be interpreted as "immune to damage that doesn't include Damage Type: Magical" (not interpreted as "has immunity to Corrosion and Electricity and Cold and etc.")
Rules Clarification : Powerful Charge and/or Brutal Charge (Edit)
- If you declare a charge but move less than 3", then the attack doesn't count as a "Charge Attack" and you won't get the bonus.
Rules Clarification: : Warcaster (Edit) (Click Expand to read)
- General
- Damage from a feat is neither an attack nor Damage Type: Magical (unless the feat says it is).
- FOCUS (uppercase) is the stat printed on the warcaster's card. Focus (lowercase) refers to focus points a model currently has.
- Your CTRL area is double your FOCUS stat, not double your focus points. (Infernal Ruling)
- Casting spells or using feats is an anytime ability with the added restriction that you can't use them on the same turn you run even before you run.
- See also the clarifications on Any Time abilities (below).
- Some warcasters are also Battle Engines and thus follow all the Battle Engine special rules.
- There is no particular interaction between the Battle Engine rules and the Warcaster rules.
- Work out all damage modifiers (such as Decapitation doubling the damage that exceeds ARM) before reducing it with the Power Field. (Infernal Ruling)
Restrictions on "Any Time" abilities ( Edit) [Show/Hide]
- "Any Time" abilities can be used at any time during a model/unit's activation, except:
- Before any compulsory forfeiture of movement/action. See step 2 of the activation sequence, appendix A.
- After the model with the "Any Time" ability has had their activation end "prematurely". By this I mean you resolved something which includes the phrase "its activation ends". Examples include:
- Running, failing a charge, or failing a slam.
- Abilities that include "then its activation ends" (such as Reposition and Teleport).
- In between declaring your charge target and making your charge movement. (Infernal Ruling)
- In between completing your charge movement and determining whether it was a successful charge. (Infernal Ruling)
- When you're in the middle of moving. (Note: Impact Attacks count as being in the middle of movement).
- When you're in the middle of an attack. Which also includes effects that occur "after the attack is resolved".
(Although the attack is "resolved" at Step 11, in terms of using an "Any Time" ability the attack is not "finished" until after Step 14. Refer to the first paragraph of Apdx A.)
- Your opponent interrupted your activation to trigger one of their own abilities (such as Countercharge).
- Warcasters/warlocks/etc can normally cast a spell or use their feat "At any time". However, there is a core rule saying they cannot do so on the same activation that they run. So, they are subject to all the same restrictions listed above, plus they can't cast/feat before running.
- Units: See below.
- In general you can use "Any Time" abilities while you're knocked down or stationary (except Spells and Feats which specify you can't).
- If you have a gun with a random ROF, you can use an "Any Time" ability inbetween rolling the number of shots and actually making the first attack. (Infernal Ruling)
- Units with "Any Time" abilities
- You cannot use an "Any Time" ability before issuing/receiving orders. See step 1 and 2 of the activation sequence, appendix A.
- A model in a unit can't use an "Any Time" ability after they run (Infernal Ruling) or fail a charge. Because that makes that specific model's activation to end even though the unit's activation is still ongoing, and you can't use abilities on models that are not active.
- You can use an "Any Time" ability before running, however.
- A model in a unit can't use an "Any Time" ability after anyone in the unit has begun a Reposition move. (Infernal Ruling)
- Warcaster/Warlock Cavalry ( Edit )
- Warcasters/Warlocks can't cast spells or use their feat while resolving Impact Attacks. Because Impact Attacks occur during movement - you can use spells or feat before moving, or after moving, but not during movement.
- Exception: If your Impact target(s) include your charge target, then your movement has ended (refer rulebook, last paragraph of 'Impact Attacks') and thus you're fine to use "any time" abilities before starting the Impact attacks.
Rules Clarification: : Warcaster Unit or Warlock Unit (Edit) (Click Expand to read)
This summary is specific to Warcaster/Warlock units. You may also want to check the Warcaster and Warlock pages respectively, for the "regular" rules clarifications.
- All models in the unit count as part of the battlegroup. So, for instance, Butcher3's argus can be moved via his Energizer spell.
- Warcaster units can have attachments. They can even attach units (such as the WSC). (Infernal Ruling)
- The non-caster models are trooper models but are not normally Grunt models. Therefore they're not normally eligible for stuff like Revive.
- If any member of the unit start to do their reposition movement, the warcaster or warlock in the unit would no longer be able to feat.(Infernal Ruling)
- Press Forward Order vs Spells cast at Any Time (Edit)
- You must issue orders before anything else. If you issue a Press Forward order, you must run or charge.
- If you cast spells before moving, you can't run so you must charge.
- If you cast spells before moving, then start the spellcaster's Normal Movement but have no valid charge targets, you are in a situation where you must charge but cannot charge.
In this situation the spellcaster must either:
- forfeit their Combat Action, use their Normal Movement to make a full advance, then their activation ends. (Note that you cannot cast more spells after the full advance).
- forfeit their Normal Movement, then their activation ends.
- (Infernal Ruling)
- Steamroller 2018
- The non-caster models can contest scenario zones & flags.
- The caster model cannot contest.
- The caster model can control zones and flags by itself, but:
- to control a zone, the entire unit remaining in play needs to be in formation.
- to control a flag, the entire unit remaining in play must be within 4" of the flag.
- Units Buying Attacks (Edit)
- If you make attacks with model [A], then start making attacks with model [B], you cannot 'go back' and buy more attacks with [A]. Because:
- A model can only buy additional attacks during its Combat Action.
- A model in a unit must complete its Combat Action before the next model starts theirs (with some exceptions, like CMA).
Rules Clarification : Unit of Warcasters or Warlocks (Edit)
- Even though they're warcasters, if they're out of formation they suffer the normal penalties (can't make attacks, actions, spells, etc).
- They can't upkeep each other's spells.
- They can only dominate one SteamRoller scenario element at a time.
- Each warlock/warcaster can have different upkeeps on them if those upkeeps are "target SELF" or "target model". If you cast an upkeep that is "target model/unit", that is the only upkeep any of them can have.
- Units Buying Attacks (Edit)
- If you make attacks with model [A], then start making attacks with model [B], you cannot 'go back' and buy more attacks with [A]. Because:
- A model can only buy additional attacks during its Combat Action.
- A model in a unit must complete its Combat Action before the next model starts theirs (with some exceptions, like CMA).
- The Legion Twins
- Rhyas cannot dominate a zone while out of formation.
- Rhyas can use the feat while out of formation.
- Haley3
- Only Haley Prime is an 'actual' warcaster model, and as such she is the only one that can dominate a scenario element.
- The echoes can Control/Contest scenarios like a normal unit.
- Haley Prime can dominate an element even if the echoes are out of formation.
Rules Clarification: : Cavalry (Edit) (Click Expand to read)
Mount Weapon
- Although the core rulebook specifies mount weapons have 0.5" range, this doesn't "overwrite" models that have a longer mount range listed on their card. (Infernal Ruling)
- Mount Weapons are melee weapons. (Infernal Ruling) This means:
- Mount Attacks can benefit from any buffs that affect "melee weapons" (such as Acidic Touch and Elasticity) or "melee attacks" (such as Battle Lust).
- Mount Weapons can be used to make free strikes.
- If the model doesn't have any regular melee weapon (such as the Gun Carriage) then it does have a melee range, can engage enemy models, and can make free strikes; anyway.
- Despite being a melee weapon, you cannot use a Mount's special attack on the same activation you charge. (Infernal Ruling)
- Exception: If you have Trampling Hooves, because that allows you to make charge attacks with your mount when you charge.
- Mount attacks will trigger "Melee attack" stuff like Battle Wizard.
- You can purchase additional attacks with your Mount Weapon. (Infernal Ruling)
Impact Attacks - Movement
- Impact Attacks "pause" your charge move, and as such don't normally trigger "ends an advance" abilities (such as Countercharge).
- The exception is if your Impact Attacks include your charge target, then you have to end the charge movement and turn to directly face the charge target before rolling any dice. In this case, stuff like Countercharge will get triggered before you get to roll your Impact Attacks.
- You cannot "pause" in an illegal position to carry out Impact Attacks. For instance: a Pathfinder cavalry model pausing halfway over an obstacle; a flying cavalry model pausing while it 'overlaps' other models; or any cavalry model pausing halfway through an Incorporeal model.
Impact Attacks - The attack(s)
- You resolve stuff that occurs "after the attack is resolved" (such as Battle Wizard) before continuing with your charge movement.
- If you have an ability that boosts your "first" melee attack (such as Stir the Blood), then only one attack will be boosted even though you're making multiple simultaneous attacks.
- If you choose to make any impact attacks, you make all attacks against all models in the Mount's melee range (even friendly models).(Infernal Ruling)
- Impact Attacks cannot be boosted, refer core rulebook.
- You cannot buy additional attacks while resolving Impact Attacks. Additional attacks can only be bought during your Combat Action, after resolving your initial melee attack(s) / special melee attack.
Impact Attacks - Other
- You cannot use "any time" abilities while resolving Impact Attacks. Because Impact Attacks occur during movement; and you can only use 'any time' abilities before moving or after moving, but not during movement. (Infernal Ruling)
- Exception: If your Impact targets include your charge target, then your movement has ended (refer rulebook, last paragraph of 'Impact Attacks') and thus you're fine to use "any time" abilities.
Cavalry unit
- If you have a unit of Cavalry, charge them and do impact attacks, remember you interrupt movement to do impacts, but you have to resolve all movements before doing any charge attacks. So for example it would go:
- Cavalry model A charges enemy X, and contacts model M. Stop and make impact attacks against M. Then continue movement to X.
- Cavalry model B charges enemy Y, and contacts model N. Stop and make impact attacks against N. Then continue movement to Y.
- Cavalry model C charges enemy Z, and contacts model O. Stop and make impact attacks against O. Then continue movement to Z.
- Resolve model A's charge attack vs X, B's vs Y, and C's vs Z. (This can be done in any order, as per normal)
Other interactions
- Cavalry model with no melee weapon
- If you have a Mount weapon but no regular Melee weapon (such as the Efaarit Scout), you can still declare a charge. (Locked thread)
- You can make Impact Attacks along the way.
- Once you get to the charge target, however, you can't make a melee attack against it. Because you can't use the mount weapon for a charge attack, due to the way the Cavalry rules are written. (Unless you have a rule like Trampling Hooves.)
- If you don't charge, the mount attack can be used as an initial melee attack.
- Countercharge & Cavalry ( Edit )
- A model with Countercharge and Cavalry can make Impact Attacks during the countercharge. (Refer "Charges Outside of Activation" in the rulebook).
- Warcaster/Warlock Cavalry ( Edit )
- Warcasters/Warlocks can't cast spells or use their feat while resolving Impact Attacks. Because Impact Attacks occur during movement - you can use spells or feat before moving, or after moving, but not during movement.
- Exception: If your Impact target(s) include your charge target, then your movement has ended (refer rulebook, last paragraph of 'Impact Attacks') and thus you're fine to use "any time" abilities before starting the Impact attacks.
- Flight on a Cavalry model (Edit)
- Although flyers can move over obstacles/models, and horses can pause to do impacts while charging, flying horses cannot make impact attacks while overlapping models/obstacles. You need to pause in a legal position.
- Gunfighter & Cavalry ( Edit )
- A cavalry model that charges then makes a Gunfighter attack will not gain a boosted charge attack roll, because a ranged attack is not a charge attack. (Infernal Ruling)
- You also won't gain a boosted charge damage roll, as per normal for a Gunfighter.
Rules Clarification : Divine Inspiration (Edit)
- Discard Die (Edit)
- If you're discarding lowest or highest, you have to discard even if you want it for a critical hit.
- For instance: if you discard "the lowest die", need 6+ to hit, and roll a 3, 3, and a 4 ... then you must discard one of the 3s, and you'll end up with a non-critical hit with the 3 + 4.
Rules Clarification : Elite Cadre (Edit)
- Elite Cadre bonuses persist even after the model dies.
- Elite Cadre bonuses can apply to teammates in multiplayer games.
- It is possible for a model to receive multiple Elite Cadres. All will benefit the model (excluding receiving the same benefit twice). (Infernal Ruling)
- Elite Cadre applies to both singular and plural. For instance Elite Cadre [Daughters of the Flame] will apply to Thyra even though she is only a Daughter of the Flame. (Infernal Ruling)
Rules Clarification : Reposition (Edit)
- Models out of formation cannot move via Reposition. Refer to the "Out of Formation" rules in the core rulebook.
- End of Activation (Edit)
- You cannot resolve two end-of-activation movement effects (refer to "End of Activation Movement" in the core rulebook). For EOA stuff that doesn't involve movement, though, it gets a bit more murky:
- Some EOA abilities explicitly state your activation ends as part of resolving the ability (like Reposition), and some don't (like Refuge).
- Whether it is explicit it or not, by definition an EOA ability is the last thing you can do for that activation. For instance, if you resolve Refuge and then continue your activation to cast more spells, then you have not used Refuge at the end of your activation.
- You cannot do an "at any time" ability during or after triggering an EOA ability; you cannot cast spells, purchase additional attacks, use a mini-feat, etc.
- If you start resolving an EOA movement (such as Reposition) then you cannot trigger abilities that occur "at any time" (such as Go To Ground). Because you can't trigger it while resolving the EOA movement, and after the EOA movement your activation has ended. (Infernal Ruling)
- For units: if any model in the unit starts resolving the unit's EOA movement, then no model in the unit can trigger an any-time ability. (Infernal Ruling)
- See also the training article: LPG - End of Activation.
Rules Clarification : Arcane Ward - None yet. (Edit)
Rules Clarification : Assail (Edit)
- If you're planning on casting this spell often, you should probably check out the Trample and Slam clarifications.
- The extra slam distance applies to any slam the warjack causes, not just Power Attack Slams. For instance, it also applies to the Banshee's Force Cannon.
Rules Clarification : Crevasse and/or Jaws of Urcaen (Edit)
- If the model boxed is not the original target (for instance a Shield Guard took the hit and got boxed) then Crevasse/Jaws will not trigger. (Infernal Ruling)
- Crevasse only
- The spray generated by the spell is a magic attack.
- However, when it comes to stuff which triggers from spell-casting (like Arcane Vortex) the spray is a bit weird, because you are already halfway through the spell-casting sequence (refer Appendix A).
- You can use Arcane Vortex vs Crevasse when the first target is picked. You can't use Arcane Vortex when the spray target is picked. (Infernal Ruling)
Rules Clarification : Death Sentence - None yet. (Edit)
Rules Clarification : Force Hammer and/or Thunder Strike (Edit)
- An Incorporeal model will be damaged by this spell, but not slammed.
- The slam distance for the spell is not halved vs larger models - that only applies to a Slam Power Attack.
- See also the rules clarifications on slamming.
Rules Clarification : Ignite (Edit)
- Since Ignite buffs "melee attacks" (and not "melee weapons") it will also affect Mount Attacks, Power Attacks, and various 'make a melee attack' abilities like Point Blank.
Rules Clarification : Fire (Edit)
- If you deploy in fire hazard terrain (Burning Earth), then you get set on fire before the game starts.
- Deploying a model in a hazard counts as being "put into play" in the hazard. Being put into play counts as "entering". When you enter a hazard, you trigger the hazard.
- Moving into "Shallow water" standard terrain does not cause continuous fire to expire. It's magic fire.
- You can always use non-standard terrain if you agree with your opponent before the game starts, however.
- A weapon can inflict continuous fire without itself being a fire damage weapon (for example, the Helios's fists). In this case, the attack can hurt models with Immunity:Fire it just won't apply the continuous effect.
- In terms of which player's clock is running down during the Maintenance Phase: The active player will roll for expiration of all the continuous effects. Then the inactive player will roll for all the damages of the continuous effects. (Judge Ruling)