Kommander Harkevich, the Iron Wolf
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Kommander Harkevich, the Iron Wolf |
Prime This model is available in one Prime Army, Armored Korps. It can also be used in the Unlimited game mode. You can view the other Mk3 models that made it into a Legacy Army at this page. Note that the rest of this page is about the model's Mark III rules. |
Khador’s Iron Wolf has earned a reputation as a peerless master of heavy armor on the battlefield, a war hero beloved by his men and respected even by the enemies of the Motherland. He is famous for his ability to move large numbers of warjacks at an unprecedented pace to arrive where the enemy least expects him. Where Harkevich and his iron army stride, the enemy finds itself hounded, outmaneuvered, cornered, and eventually obliterated by overwhelming firepower.
Basic Info
Harkevich1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Warcaster - All warcasters come with a stack of standard special rules - most notably being awesome. Click here for a newbie-friendly recap, or click here for the full rules.
Feat: Hour of the Wolf
- While in Harkevich's control range, models in his battlegroup gain +3 ARM.
- Models in his battlegroup beginning their activation in his control range can charge or make slam power attacks without spending focus.
- A model in Harkevich's battlegroup that declares a charge or slam against an enemy model while in his control range can make a basic ranged attack before advancing.
- Hour of the Wolf lasts for one round.
- Field Marshal [Reposition 3"] - Warbeasts/warjacks in this model's battlegroup gain Reposition 3". (Reposition [3"] - At the end of an activation in which it did not run or fail a charge, a model with Reposition [3"] can advance up to 3", then its activation ends.)
- Iron Sentinel - While B2B with a friendly Faction warjack, this model gains +2 DEF and ARM and cannot become knocked down.
Hand Cannon | ||||||||||||||
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RNG | ROF | AOE | POW | ||||||||||
12 | 1 | - | 12 | |||||||||||
Minister | ||||||||||||||
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RNG | POW | P+S | |||||||||||
1 | 7 | 14 | ||||||||||||
COST | RNG | AOE | POW | DUR | OFF | ||
3 | 10 | 3 | 13 | - | Yes | |
On a critical hit, models hit are thrown d6˝ directly away from the attacker. Roll distance once for all models affected. Models thrown do not deviate. Move models farthest from the attacker first. Instead of suffering blast damage, models hit but not directly hit suffer a POW 10 damage roll. (Blast damage on non-critical hits is done normally.) The POW of collateral damage is 10. | |||||||
3 | SELF | Control | - | - | No | |
Models in the spellcaster's battlegroup currently in its control range can immediately make one basic ranged attack. Broadside can be cast only once per activation. | |||||||
1 | SELF | Control | - | - | No | |
Models in the spellcaster's battlegroup that are currently in its control range stand up and are no longer stationary. Affected models can turn to face any direction. Models that were knocked down this turn are not affected by Jumpstart. | |||||||
3 | SELF | - | - | Turn | No | |
Models in the spellcaster's battlegroup that are currently in its control range gain +2 SPD and Pathfinder for one turn. |
Theme Forces
- Armored Korps
Flame in the Darkness - Jaws of the Wolf
- Legion of Steel
Warriors of the Old Faith - Winter Guard Kommand. In this theme the caster gains Sacrificial Pawn [Winter Guard trooper model].
- Wolves of Winter
Thoughts on Harkevich
Harkevich in a Nutshell
Harkevich is a close-to-the-line warjack support warcaster that excels at speed and attrition. His spell Mobility lets normally slow Khador warjacks strike first for once, and Field Marshal : Reposition[3"] gives them an unusual amount of adaptability. His feat gives his battlegroup incredible durability. He has excellent defensive stats and abilities, making him difficult to assassinate. He lacks any infantry support and plays best with a warjack-heavy list, often in the Jaws of the Wolf or Winter Guard Kommand theme forces.
Feat thoughts
Of the two Feat effects, the +3 ARM is the most important. There are only a few abilities in Khador that increase the ARM of our already tough jacks, and for good reason. Armor 23 for most jacks or ARM 26 for closed "clam" jacks (like the Devastator and Demolisher) can be very difficult for an enemy to crack. This lets you weather the inevitable counterattack after rushing your jacks in with Mobility. Also remember that Harkevich does benefit from his own feat, and can be very difficult to assassinate on feat turn.
The second effect, an additional ranged attack before charging, is controversial. Like the spell Broadside, it encourages you to take ranged 'jacks, but our low RAT jacks rarely make the additional attacks count. Remember that you can shoot things other than your charge target, and look for opportune targets like knocked down models or clumped up infantry. Treat it as a nice bonus, but don't feel obligated to build your whole list or strategy around it.
Spell thoughts
- Bombshell - AOE attack with a great critical effect. Expensive (especially if you boost to hit, maximizing the chance of a critical hit) but situationally useful. Use against something you really need to move, or against difficult infantry that is normally immune to blast damage.
- Broadside - Expensive but potentially powerful ranged attack generator. You will want to either take 3+ ranged jacks and cast this every turn, or mostly ignore it in favor of casting Mobility or allocating focus to your battlegroup.
- Jumpstart - Very situational, but incredibly useful for making sure your battlegroup doesn't get shut down by things like Disruption, Telekenesis, knockdown, ect. You likely won't need to cast it much, but you'll be glad to have it when you do.
- Mobility - Hark's "other" signature spell. Makes Khador heavies as fast as most infantry. Great for extending your threat range or getting an additional 4" up the field. If you run a melee-focused Hark list, you will likely cast this every turn, at least until you're stuck in with the enemy.
Drawbacks & Downsides
- Harkevich has a relatively low amount of Focus for the amount of jacks he wants to run.
- On top of that, most of his spells are pretty expensive. Playing into anti-magic tricks like Arcane Suppression can be annoying, while Lamentation might cripple your battle plans altogether.
- He doesn't have any spells to support non-battlegroup models directly. This means his infantry has to be completely self-sufficient.
- Broadsides generally needs at least 3 warjacks to justify the focus cost of the spell and the shots from the spell cannot be boosted - a hard pill to swallow on low RAT Khador Warjacks.
- The Pathfinder aspect of his Mobility spell is redundant in the Khadoran jack theme, Jaws of the Wolves.
- Harkevich is not a very "active" warcaster, usually handing out focus and casting 1 or 2 spells a turn. His big spells and passive abilities are effective, but he might feel boring to play for some people.
Tricks & Tips
- Harkevich is a model in his own battlegroup, so he benefits from Broadsides, Mobility, and his feat.
- However, he is not a warjack so doesn't benefit from his Field Marshal:Reposition ability.
- There is a skill in knowing when to cast Broadsides or not. If you cast it, you double your amount of fire and can drift more AOEs, do more damage to low ARM models, etc. If you don't you can instead allocate the focus to boost the shots the Warjacks make during their activation.
- Bombshell is a great charge lane opener. Cast it into the middle of the enemy line and stick a Decimator or Demolisher in the new hole to disrupt the enemy line with a high ARM threat.
- Remember to Reposition your jacks after their melee actions. It's a great way to clear charge lanes, fit more jacks in, and generally get better positioning.
- With Mobility up, Trampling gets you the same distance as Running due to reposition: (4+2+3+3) vs (6x2), but you can buy attacks at the end of a Trample and then Repo further.
List Building Advice
There are two major schools of thought with Harkevich: running a ranged-focused jack list that relies heavily on Broadside, or running a melee-focused jack list that relies heavily on Mobility. Either way, you want to pressure the enemy into committing the models that can actually deal with a large volume of high armor warjacks. Once you take those out, you should have no problem bullying the enemy caster for a scenario, attrition, or even assassination victory.
A ranged-focused list should look for ways to knock down or otherwise reduce the DEF of enemy models, since the low RAT of Khador warjacks is the biggest challenge for this strategy. Repositioning backwards can help you get more rounds of shooting in, and the additional shot when charging on feat turn should help when you do eventually close to melee.
A melee-focused list relies on the fact that Khador jacks are already awesome, they just need a little help getting to the enemy. Mobility helps with +2 SPD and Pathfinder, hopefully letting you engage the enemy on your own terms. Make sure to bring jacks that can handle screening models (Like Kodiaks, Berserkers, or Ragers) so you don't get bogged down with cheap infantry, and can prioritize the enemy models that can actually hurt you.
Theme Thoughts
Jaws of the Wolf
He's a battlegroup caster, so at first glance one might think to run him in Jaws of the Wolf. On the other hand, the main theme benefit (Pathfinder for jacks) is redundant with his Mobility ability, so he's by no means tied to the theme. The main draws here are probably access to the big bad Behemoth, Sorscha0 for even further threat ranges, and Ambushing Kossite Woodsmen.
Another direction to go in could be Wolves of Winter. In this case, the DEF debuffs that set up your shooting come from Greylord Ternion, along with ARM debuffs from Koldun Lords and Void Archons. Koldun Lords can also copy the Empower spell of the Forge Seers, giving you a total of 4 focus per turn if you run them at max FA.
Various Themes
- Adding a War Dog and keeping in Iron Sentinel range can take Harkevich to very good levels of defense and ARM in melee. With pathfinder from Mobility, it's also easy to put him in ranged DEF boosting terrain. He also becomes immune to knockdown and back strikes, making him all around difficult to assassinate.
- Greylord Forge Seers can use Empower to help take the focus strain off of Harkevich.
- Greylord Adjunct - Mandatory, as Guidance helps ranged jacks against clouds, stealth and incorporeal.

- Harkevich and one or more Demolisher can be a potent combination. Since they only "open up" when making melee attacks, they can close in while making many high powered (if inaccurate) shots under Broadsides. Under feat, they go up to a ludicrous ARM 26, making them an amazing first wave for your opponent to try and overcome.
- Demolishers also have Gunfighter, allowing them to take advantage of Broadside even when engaged.
- Kodiaks synergize very well with Field Marshal : Reposition[3"]. They can Trample up 9" under Mobility, use Vent Steam, then Reposition backwards 3", just enough to get them out of their own steam cloud. The cloud will block line of sight, protecting them from ranged attacks/charges. Use several of them to create a cloud wall for the rest of your army.
- Marauders usually only need their 1 Power Up focus to do their job, which is good for the focus-hungry Harkevich.
- Decimator - +2 Speed and Repo 3" does a lot to mitigate the low range on their guns and since they have Batter, they can set up knocked down targets to shoot at for their brothers if you run them in multiples.
- Black Ivan is a souped up Destroyer that is worse in melee and a bit more effective at range thanks to the bond, this matter especially with Broadside, where Ivan will be probably the only jack to ever have a shot at hitting anything that is not debuffed.
- Spriggan - Flare helps the low RAT Khador jacks land their mark, which especially helps on Broadside attacks. It's no slouch in melee either. The main strike against it is RAT 4, so you will need to aim, Guidance and boost to hit to reliably apply it in the first place.
- A common fan-joke is that one must grow a prodigious beard in order to cast Broadside, because both the casters with access to the spell, Harkevich and Bartolo both have magnificent facial hair. Mekanolyth breaks the mold on this, which should be your queue to green stuff a beard onto her model.
- Released in the Warmachine: Wrath expansion (2011)
Video Battle Reports
- 2019.03 Guerilla Miniature Games, vs Magnus2
- 2019.03 Tiny Men, vs Helynna1
- 2019.03 Tiny Men, vs Abyslonia1
- 2019.01 Guerilla Miniature Games, vs Helynna1
- 2018.04 Guerilla Miniature Games, vs Amon1
- See also Category: Video Battle Reports for more casters with videos.
Other Khador models
Rules Clarifications
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Rules Clarification : Stagger (Edit)
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Rules Clarification: : Magical Damage (Edit) |
* The "Damage Type: Magical" is not inherited by "secondary" damage from a weapon. That is, stuff like arcs (Electro Leap) or hazards (Scather). (Infernal Ruling)
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Rules Clarification: : Warcaster (Edit) | ||||
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Rules Clarification : Field Marshal (Edit)
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Rules Clarification : Reposition (Edit)
Rules Clarification : Iron Sentinel - None yet. (Edit)
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Rules Clarification : Bombshell and/or Full Battery Fire (Edit)
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Rules Clarification : Broadside and/or Abattoir (Edit)
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Rules Clarification : Jumpstart (Edit)
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Rules Clarification : Mobility (Edit)