Greylord Ternion

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Khador Logo.jpg Greylord Ternion

Khador Unit

Mk4 icon.png
This model is available in one Prime Army, 5th Division. It can also be used in the Unlimited game mode. You can view the other Mk3 models that made it into a Legacy Army at this page.

Note that the rest of this page is about the model's Mark III rules.

Three arcane spell casters form the Greylord Ternion, armed with magic that can freeze a man in his tracks or tear him apart in a cone of icy shards.

Basic Info

Greylord Ternion
Missing Info
Greylord Ternion.jpg
COST {{{cacost}}}
UNIT SIZE {{{casize}}}
FA {{{cafa}}}
Warcaster 0
BASE Small
M.A. 7
DEF 13
ARM 13
ESSENCE {{{essence}}}
HP 1
F. Field N/A
WJP {{{wjp}}}
WBP {{{wbp}}}
IHP {{{ihp}}}
FA 3
1.6 each
Warcaster 1
the Statblock


  • Cold Imm symbol.jpg Immunity: Cold
  • Battle Wizard - Once per turn, when this model destroys one or more enemy models with a melee attack during its activation, immediately after the attack is resolved it can make one Magic Ability special attack or special action.
  • Magic Ability [ 7 ] - This model can cast spells. Normally this uses up the model's Combat Action and as such is limited to one spell per activation, but exceptions do exist.


Rune Axe
Sword icon.jpg  RNG   POW   P+S 
1 5 10



(★ Action) 5 3 - Round No
Choose a friendly Faction model within 5˝ of this model. Center a 3˝ AOE cloud effect on the chosen model. The AOE remains centered on the model for one round. If the chosen model is destroyed or RFP'd, remove the AOE from play.
Bonds of Woe

(★ Attack) 10 - 12 - Yes
When a living enemy warrior model is boxed by Bonds of Woe, RFP it. You can then return to play one destroyed Grunt to a friendly Doom Reaver Swordsmen unit in this model's command range. Place the Grunt in formation and completely within 3˝ of this Ternion. The Grunt must forfeit its Combat Action the turn it is put into play.
Ice Cage

(★ Attack) 10 - - (★) Yes
This attack causes no damage. Instead, a model hit suffers a cumulative -2 DEF penalty for one turn unless it has Immunity: Cold. When a model without Immunity: Cold is hit with three or more Ice Cage attacks in the same turn, it becomes stationary for one round.

Theme Forces

Thoughts on Greylord Ternion

Greylord Ternion in a nutshell

The Ternion are a toolbox support unit that synergizes well with the rest of a Wolves of Winter force, providing a variety of tools to aid the rest of your army. Blizzard is the most broadly applicable, placing a cloud on an allied model to give it concealment or string together to block line of sight to the rest of your army. Bonds of Woe is a decent magic attack that can also bring back friendly Doom Reaver Swordsmen troopers, adding a bit of recursion which works well with that "glass canon" unit. Lastly, Ice Cage is a great single-target DEF debuff that can stack to make a model Stationary.

Other than an above average magic ability their stats are okay all over and they will die if the clouds they generate are poorly placed, but at 5 points for 3 models you get good value for their utility.

Throwing them in to use battle wizard is a risk that rarely pays off, as they aren't that accurate or hard hitting but because of their cheapness it's never a huge risk.

Combos & Synergies

  • Doom Reaver Swordsmen - Naturally. Bonds of Woe is their specific recursion engine, while Ice Cages can set up key targets for them so smack. Blizzard is specially worded to allow it to be cast on the normally spell-immune Doom Reavers, and it's an excellent tool for delivering them, either by upping their defense at range or setting up a cloud wall that they can hide behind.
  • Koldun Lord - He can copy any of their spells and gives them Prowl, meaning Stealth in a Blizzard cloud.
  • Malakov2 - He brings the sneak battle plan. Sneak and Blizzard can give Stealth to anything you want.
  • Butcher3 loves Ternions putting blizzard on his war argii; it allows the dogs to sit in front of him, with their cloud effects touching, and block LOS to basically every incoming bullet or spell. And if your opponent kills a dog to get rid of the cloud, Butcher gets Vengeance.
  • Recursion is something that works best when stacked, so any Alexia is a good choice in order to turn Reavers into zombies.
  • They work well with anyone who wants a DEF bonus vs ranged and magic attacks. Really low DEF models (like Man-O-War) not so much, because it won't make much difference to the enemies maths, but a target with base DEF around the DEF 12-13 mark is the "sweet spot", as you'll push them up to effective DEF 14-15 which is a lot harder to hit.

Drawbacks & Downsides

  • Support unit through-and-through. They're not gonna be holding up a big nasty unit, and they will die to a concentrated attack.
  • They're often essentially Blizzard-on-a-stick. If you move forwards to try and make use of their offensive spells, chances are you'll be dead next turn.

Tricks & Tips

  • The language on Blizzard is "choose a friendly Faction model" instead of "target friendly Faction model", so the clouds can be put on Spell Ward models like Doom Reavers.
  • The clouds stay centered on the model even if they move, so activate the Ternions first before moving the models up the board. This lets the Ternions stay further away from the frontlines.
  • To trigger Stationary, you don't need all 3 hits to come from 3 Ternions in the same unit. So, if you're fielding two units of Ternions (or one or more Koldun Lords) you've got a bit of a backup for when dice go bad.
  • Start off a chain of Ice Cages by having a Koldun Lord cast it at MA 8, since MA 7 sometimes struggles against the sort of models that you want to target with -DEF.



Released in Warmachine: Escalation (2004)

Other Khador models

Khador Logo.jpg       Khador Index       (Edit)
Battlegroup & Similar

Butcher1 - Butcher2 - Butcher3 - Harkevich - Irusk1 - Irusk2 - Karchev1 - Karchev2 - Kozlov - Malakov2 - Old Witch1 - Old Witch2 - Sorscha1 - Sorscha2 - Sorscha3 - Strakhov1 - Strakhov2 - Vlad1 - Vlad2 - Vlad3 - Zerkova1 - Zerkova2

Warcaster attachments

Khador: War Dog - Greylord Adjunct
Mercenary: Madelyn Corbeau - Reinholdt - Wyshnalyrr

Other Warjack Controllers

"Junior" Warcasters: Malakov1 - Sorscha0
'Jack Marshals: Man-o-War Kovnik - Greylord Forge Seer

Heavy Warjacks

Beast-09 - Behemoth - Berserker - Black Ivan - Decimator - Demolisher - Destroyer - Devastator - Drago - Grolar - Juggernaut - Kodiak - Mad Dog - Marauder - Rager - Ruin - Spriggan - Torch

Colossal Conquest - Victor
Units, Solos, & Battle Engines

Assault Kommandos - Battle Mechaniks - Black Dragons - Doom Reaver Swordsmen - Great Bears of the Gallowswood - Greylord Outriders - Greylord Ternion - Iron Fang Pikemen - Iron Fang Uhlans - Kayazy Assassins - Kayazy Eliminators - Kossite Woodsmen - MOW Atanas & Standard - MOW Bombardiers - MOW Demolition Corps - MOW Shocktroopers - Widowmaker Scouts - WG Field Gun - WG Infantry - WG Mortar Crew - WG Rifle Corps
Ranking Officer CA : Koldun Kapitan Valachev


Bulkhead - Fenris - Greylord Adjunct - Greylord Forge Seer - Iron Fang Kovnik - Jozef - Koldun Lord - Malakov1 - Manhunter - MOW Drakhun - MOW Kovnik - MOW Strike Tanker - MOW Suppresion Tanker - Markov - Sofya - Sorscha0 - Ol' Grim - Underboss Vizkoya - War Dog - Widowmaker Marksman - WG Artillery Kapitan - Yuri1 - Yuri2

Battle Engines Gun Carriage - Man-o-War Siege Chariot - Man-o-War Assault Chariot
Theme Forces
Armored Korps - Flame in the Darkness - Jaws of the Wolf - Legions of Steel - Warriors of the Old Faith - Winter Guard Kommand - Wolves of Winter
Refer to Who Works for Whom and/or Category: Khador Mercenary
This index was last updated: 2021.11

Rules Clarifications

RC symbol.png

Rules Clarification:  : Magical Damage      (Edit)
(Click Expand to read)

* The "Damage Type: Magical" is not inherited by "secondary" damage from a weapon. That is, stuff like arcs (Electro Leap) or hazards (Scather). (Infernal Ruling)
  • All spells have "Damage Type: Magical" (refer errata).
    • This is inherited by "immediate" secondary damage (such as Eruption of Spines). (Infernal Ruling)
    • and might be inherited by "lingering" secondary damage (see below).
  • If a spell leaves a template in play that does damage to models that walk around in it, then:
    • if it is not described as a hazard it will do magical damage to models that walk around in it. (Example: Razor Wall)
    • if it is a hazard then it will not do magical damage to models that walk around in it. Instead, it does whatever damage type is specified by the spell description. (Example: Breath of Corruption).
    • (Infernal Ruling)
  • If a weapon/spell includes Magic Damage and another kind of elemental damage it will still damage Incorporeal models. Incorporeal models are not affected by the rule "if an attack does multiple types of damage and a model is immune to at least one it is immune to the entire attack."
    The phrase "immune to non-magical damage" should be interpreted as "immune to damage that doesn't include Damage Type: Magical" (not interpreted as "has immunity to Corrosion and Electricity and Cold and etc.")

Rules Clarification : Cold - None yet. (Edit)

RC symbol.png

Rules Clarification : Battle Wizard      (Edit)

  • A Battle Wizard doesn't have to kill a model to cast a spell. They can instead skip making melee attacks and use their Combat Action to cast a spell.
  • Cavalry Battle Wizards can trigger it from their Mount Attacks. (Infernal Ruling)
  • This does not, however, allow them to trigger it twice in the same turn. (Infernal Ruling)
RC symbol.png

Rules Clarification : Magic Ability      (Edit)

  • Combat Action
Nearly all Magic Ability spells require the spellcaster to use their Combat Action to cast the spell. As such it is not an "at any time" ability (like it is when warcasters/warlocks cast spells). This means ...
  • You must complete your movement before you use a MA.
  • A model in a unit cannot use its Combat Action to cast a spell until all members of the unit have completed their movement. (Infernal Ruling)
  • You cannot make initial ranged or initial melee attacks on the same turn you use a MA.
  • You cannot buy additional melee/ranged attacks after using a MA special attack. Refer to the core rulebook, "Special attacks listed as a rule of the model itself are neither melee attacks nor ranged attacks. The rules for these special attacks indicate the nature of any additional attacks that can be made afterward, if any."
  • You cannot use a MA on the same turn you charge. Because a charge must (almost always) be followed by a melee attack.
  • Non-Combat Action
There are a few models that can use a Magic Ability without using their Combat Action. These models get around all the restrictions listed above.
  • Models with Geomancy or Necromancy can use a Magic Ability at "any time" just like a warcaster/warlock.
  • Models with Battle Wizard or Necrophage can make melee attacks then get a bonus "free" spell.
  • Models with Combat Caster can cast a spell before charging, then do a normal charge + melee attack.
  • Note that Battle Wizards, Combat Casters, etc have the option to use their Combat Action to cast a spell. Their special rule is in addition to the normal spell casting, not instead of.

Rules Clarification : Blizzard - None yet. (Edit)

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Rules Clarification : Bonds of Woe      (Edit)
Return/Add to Play - Typical (Edit)

  • If you're returning/adding multiple models simultaneously, they are placed sequentially. Often this will let you leapfrog the "within 3" of [x]" requirement.
  • If you're adding models to a unit, then typically there is no limit and you can go over the unit's starting size. However, some abilities do have a limit (such as Stir the Dead)
    If you're returning models to a unit, then you're limited by how many there are in the "dead but not removed from play" pile.
        (See Add, Return, and Remove From Play for further detail.)
  • If you're adding more models than you started with, then in a Tournament you must physically own the correct models - proxies are not allowed in tournaments. (Locked thread)

Return/Add to Play - Other Units (Edit)

  • "Return to Play" and "Add to Play" are quite simple if you only return models to your own unit (like Blood-Bound) or only return independent models (like Thagrosh1's feat). But if you're returning/adding models to other units, then click to read more.   [Show/Hide]
    • If you can return multiple troopers at once, they don't all have to be the same unit. Spread the love around.
    • Troopers must return to their original unit. Even if you have two units of the same type (such as two units of Convergence Eradicators) then you can't have 4 die from unit [A] and return them all to unit [B].
    • If your rule is something like "return d3 models to units within CMD range" (Old Witch3) then it is d3 models total, not d3 models to each and every unit.
    • If your rule is something like "spend 1 soul to return 1 Grunt" (Enigma Foundry) then it doesn't matter where the souls came from originally. Think of them like currency, in this case.
    • You can Return models even after a unit is reduced to just Attachments (Weapon or Command)
      • If your Return ability lets you return a Leader or Officer model, then they will immediately become the unit commander and redefine the "in formation" bubble.
      • If your Return ability only allows Grunts, then the Grunt will not be field promoted when he arrives.
        This means that, in the unusual scenario where the Leader model has different wargear to the Grunts (such as Cygnar Stormguard), then that wargear is effectively 'lost'.
RC symbol.png

Rules Clarification : Ice Cage      (Edit)

  • Models with Immunity Cold can be damaged by this attack, they just ignore the DEF penalties.
  • Remember, stationary only prevents what it says it does. Refer the recap on stationary for what models can/can't do.
  • Abilities that say they cannot be used if the model is stationary (such as Shield Guard) cannot be used while a warjack is inert, either. Refer "Warcaster Destruction", page 59 of the core rulebook.