Prime This model is available in one Prime Army, Armored Korps. It can also be used in the Unlimited game mode. You can view the other Mk3 models that made it into a Legacy Army at this page.
Note that the rest of this page is about the model's Mark III rules.
Black Ivan is the prized companion of Kommander Harkevich, a warcaster renowned for his ingenuity on the battlefield. Armed with a bombard and an industrial wrecking claw, Black Ivan is an unparalleled instrument of war that excels at both long-range bombardment and the brutal press of melee.
Basic Info
Black Ivan |
Missing Info |
{{{cacost}}} |
{{{casize}}} |
FA |
{{{cafa}}} |
Warcaster 0 |
Large |
4 |
12 |
7 |
5 |
M.A. |
N/A |
10 |
20 |
N/A |
{{{essence}}} |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
HP |
34 |
F. Field |
N/A |
{{{wjp}}} |
{{{wbp}}} |
{{{ihp}}} |
FA |
C |
N/A |
16 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Warcaster 1 |
N/A |
N/A |
Understanding the Statblock |
Warjack - All warjacks share the same set of special rules. Most notably being big and stompy. Click here for a newbie-friendly recap, or click here for the full rules.
- Bond [ Harkevich ] - If this model begins the game in Harkevich's battlegroup, it is bonded to them. This model is not considered to be bonded while under your opponent's control. While this model is bonded to Harkevich and in their control range, it gains boosted ranged attack rolls.
- Bulldoze - When this model is B2B with an enemy model during its Normal Movement, it can push that model up to 2" directly away from it. A model can be pushed by Bulldoze only once per turn. Bulldoze has no effect when this model makes a trample power attack.
- Dual Attack - This model can make melee and ranged attacks in the same activation. When this model makes its initial melee attacks or a power attack, it can also make its initial ranged attacks. This model can make ranged attacks even while in melee.
- Arcing Fire - When attacking with this weapon, this model can ignore intervening models except those within 1" of the target.
Bear Claw
Theme Forces
- When taken by anyone else
Thoughts on Black Ivan
Black Ivan in a nutshell
Black Ivan is a boosted version of the Destroyer, and improves on it in most ways. It has improved RAT and with Harkevich all his shots get boosted attack rolls. It's also no slouch in melee, with an open fist, Bulldozing, and Dual Attack, Black Ivan has significantly more flexibility than its non-character counterpart. Still, it's no melee beatstick, and will likely fall into the role of ranged support/scenario piece. During the early game, use the Bombard to snipe out key solos and support pieces. During the mid game, bring it up to Bulldoze or Throw enemy models out of zones and away from objectives. During the late game, use its melee power to finish off things damaged by other models.
An important note about Dual Attack is that one can make ranged attacks after a Power Attack, including a Trample. Trample doesn't require a target, so as long as you move in a straight line and are willing to spend the focus, Black Ivan has an impressive 21" ranged threat (23" if under Harkevich's Mobility). Along with arcing fire, this makes it difficult for your opponent to keep their valuable but squishy models safe.
The Destroyer has one definite edge over Ivan, and that is when fighting a Gargantuan. On a critical hit, the whole branch of a Gargantuan gets filled. Against other targets, Amputation gives an average of 2.5 extra damage against beasts and jacks, while Brutal Damage delivers an average of 3.5 extra damage against anything.
Combos & Synergies
Traditional support for ranged Khador jacks like the Destroyer or Demolisher revolves around knocking down or freezing targets, so the jacks can actually hit something. But with Black Ivan, what you're paying for is the extra accuracy, so if you were going to reduce enemies to DEF 5, you're better off taking one of the cheaper non-character options. Instead, take models that help complement Ivan's flexibility, range, and already decent RAT:
- Harkevich - obviously. An auto-boosted RAT 5 on the Bombard even on Broadside attacks will enable Black Ivan to hit things that might care about POW 14, which is pretty huge in Khador where jacks have notoriously low RAT. His Mobility spell will also help you get the most out of Black Ivan's scenario/melee game.
- Irusk2: Fire For Effect is great on Black Ivan. It can use its Power Up focus to Trample, then the attack roll and all of the damage rolls on the Bombard attack are boosted from the spell. Energizer also helps it adjust to a clear Trample lane, increase its range, or fall back after shooting.
- Winter Guard Artillery Kapitan: While only available in Winter Guard Kommand (and thus only if you're running him under Harkevich), the Artillery Kapitan can target Ivan with the Artillerist action, upping its RAT to 7 (auto-boosted from Harkevich) and giving you rerolls on the deviation if you miss anyway. This is a great way to make sure you don't waste activations on badly missed shots.
Drawbacks & Downsides
- Black Ivan is flexible, but largely doesn't fill in any hole in a Khador army that another jack couldn't fill out cheaper.
- Only marginally better at range than a Destroyer (unless paired with Harkevich) while costing 3 points more.
- You need to manually boost the bear claw attacks if you want to fish for criticals, because the bond only applies to ranged attacks.
Tricks & Tips
- Got an enemy model in a zone that you don't like, but don't feel like killing them this turn? Bulldoze them out, and if that doesn't work pick them up and throw them the rest of the way.
- Due to Arcing Fire only a huge-based model can screen a target from your Bombard Cannon - in every other situation you'll clip it, either with the blast damage, or with a direct hit via arcing fire (a medium AoE has a 50,8 mm radius, 0,4 mm larger than a large base's radius plus the max 1" distance where arcing fire won't trigger). Don't forget that other targeting restrictions still apply.
Released in Warmachine: Wrath expansion (2011)
Other Khador models
Rules Clarifications
Rules Clarification : Arcing Fire (Edit)
- Arcing Fire lets you ignore models but not terrain. You don't ignore clouds, forests or buildings.
Rules Clarification : Open Fist (aka, Power Attack Throw) (Edit)
- Throw ( Edit )
- See also the Throw article for a recap of the core Throw rules.
- If a model is somehow thrown at itself (which can happen with Durst1's feat) it would not move, it would be knocked down, and it would take a standard power attack damage roll but it would not take an additional die for colliding with itself. (Infernal Ruling)
- Because you move the target model between the attack roll and the damage roll, you can get different buffs applied to the two rolls. For instance, if you throw the target in or out of a Flanking model's melee range.
- Incorporeal vs Slammed/Thrown models ( Edit )
- Incorporeal models cannot be moved by someone trying to slam them.
- Slammed models can move through Incorporeal models.
- If they have enough movement to get past them, no dramas.
- If they land on them, you move the Incorporeal model out of the way as per the Rule of Least Disturbance.
- If the Incorporeal model cannot be moved (i.e. it's a flag) then you move the slammed model out of the way, also by the rule of Least Disturbance.
- For the purposes of Collateral Damage, only the model(s) you contacted before you applied the rule of Least Disturbance count as contacted.
- The same logic applies to Throws.
- Collateral Damage
- Collateral damage cannot be boosted and is not considered damage from an attack or model. Refer page 33 of the 2021.08 version of the rules pdf. As a result:
- It doesn't trigger stuff that relies on being hit by an enemy (such as Shock Field) or damaged by an enemy (such as Vengeance).
- It doesn't get bonus damage from stuff that adds to a model's damage roll (such as Signs & Portents or Prey).
- It doesn't matter if the attacker has crippled weapon systems or aspects.
- Throw - Power Attack
- When you make a Throw Power Attack, no other abilities of the Fist weapon (such as Chain Strike) are applied unless they specifically mention Throws. (Locked Thread)
- If you do a Power Attack Throw and you choose to throw the target directly away, no deviation is rolled to determine the final position of the model. (Locked thread)
- A model that cannot be targeted by melee attacks (such as Una2's feat) cannot have models thrown at them, either. (Infernal Ruling)
- Since throwing Model [A] at Model [B] involves making a melee attack roll vs Model [B] which is out of your melee range, it technically breaks a whole bunch of core rules. (Infernal Checking)
- Even though you make a "melee attack roll" vs Model [B] you don't actually make a melee attack vs it. Also, the damage it suffers is from Collateral damage, not from the original attack. So you can't trigger stuff like Snacking from damage you did to Model B.
Rules Clarification : Brutal Damage and/or Brutal Shot (Edit)
- Brutal Damage/Shot only applies to the damage vs the model directly hit.
It does not affect blast damage.
Rules Clarification : Warjack (Edit)
- The Cortex/Induction core rule means a warjack cannot have more than 3 focus at any time (maybe 4 if they're really special).
- Many abilities give out focus and don't state an upper limit (such as Convection and Empower). Despite not stating an upper limit, they are always "hard-limited" by the core rule.
- A warjack can have more than 3 focus during a turn, though. For instance, a knocked down warjack can Power Up and be Allocated 2 focus, then spend 1 to shake knockdown, then another model could Empower it back up to 3.
- Warjacks cannot spend focus outside of their activation. For instance, they can't boost free strikes or trigger Powerful Attack on Broadsides. (Infernal Ruling)
Inert warjacks
- Abilities that say they cannot be used if the model is stationary (such as Shield Guard) cannot be used while a warjack is inert, either. Refer "Warcaster Destruction", page 59 of the core rulebook.
Rules Clarification : Construct - None yet. (Edit)
Rules Clarification : Bond (Edit)
- Bonds are ineffective while the model is under your opponent's control. Refer the core rulebook.
- Bonds & Themes
- If a warjack/warbeast with a bond is in that caster's battlegroup, they can be taken in any theme force. Refer the core rulebook.
- This is true even if the caster isn't a full warcaster or warlock (this interaction changed as of 2018.06).
Rules Clarification: : Bulldoze (Edit) (Click Expand to read)
(A) People think Bulldoze works like a bowling ball hitting tenpins. But this is wrong because the models haven't been moved DIRECTLY away.
(B) Whereas if you move models DIRECTLY away, you bulldoze the first guy okay, but then the next one's path is blocked (shown in red), and you get stuck.
Bulldoze - General
- Models are pushed directly away from you at the point of contact. Some players do this incorrectly, refer to the section on moving models, below.
- You cannot cast spells or use any other "any time" abilities when you 'stop' to resolve the Bulldoze movement. It's just a pause, not a stop.
- The size of the Bulldozer vs the Bulldozed does not matter. A small model bulldozes a large model just fine. (Just don't expect to move a Colossal etc.)
- Bulldoze only works during your Normal Movement. This includes full advances, runs, charges, and slams, but doesn't include stuff like Reposition or Energizer.
- You can't make free strikes against models you Bulldoze (because for them it is involuntary movement).
- Enemy models with 2" melee range will still engage you after being bulldozed. Because they will be exactly 2" away and thus still within 2".
- An enemy model can only be pushed once by the Bulldozer, but if you have multiple Bulldozer models then you could push the same enemy multiple times.
- If you contact a model you want to Bulldoze while overlapping another model or an obstacle, then you can "pause" on top of that other model/obstacle while resolving the Bulldoze, then continue your movement off the other model/obstacle. (Locked thread)
Bulldoze - Charges / Slams
- If you attempt to Bulldoze a model out of your charge lane but it does not move far enough, you can't Bulldoze again. You will continue your charge, contact it again, and stop.
- You can use Bulldoze to get the charge bonus against models between 1 and 3" away. Simply move into B2B, bulldoze them 2" to make some more room, then you can move 2" further forward to get to the "moved at least 3 inches" requirement.
- Similarly for Slams vs models within 1-3".
- If you Bulldoze your charge target out of your melee range, this doesn't break the "once in your melee range the target must stay in your melee range" rule. Bulldoze is an exception. (Infernal Ruling)
Bulldoze - Moving the models
A lot of people think they can bulldoze straight through the enemy lines, like shown on Image A. But what actually happens is more like Image B. This is due to 3 important factors you need to apply:
- Bulldoze pushes models directly away from your base. Not at an angle. Directly. Away.
- If there is a model behind the bulldozed model, the model will STOP.
- And in this situation, a model beside the pushed model is effectively behind it unless you're pushing at a perfect tangent.
- A model can be pushed only one time via Bulldoze.
Push - General ( Edit) [Show/Hide]
- Pushed models do not change their facing.
- Pushed models move at half rate through difficult terrain. Also, Pathfinder doesn't apply during pushes.
- Pushed models stop if they contact anything - a model of any size, or any obstacles or obstructions.
- You don't get free strikes against pushed models, because it is "involuntary movement" and therefore does not count as an advance.
- Pushed models suffer the effects of anything they move through (such as acid clouds).
- If you use a Push vs a charging model (via a free strike for example), this will stop the charge movement (refer core rulebook).
- However, if the pushed model is in melee range of its charge target after the push, then it is considered a successful charge. (Infernal Ruling)
- In that scenario, you measure whether the charging model moved 3" or less excluding the push distance. (Infernal Ruling)
- If you push a model to a position where it regains Incorporeal (for instance you push it out of range of an Exorcist) then what happens is (Being Checked by Infernals)
Rules Clarification: : Dual Attack (Edit) (Click Expand to read)
* If you fail a charge, then you do not get to make ranged attacks.
- If you have multiple ranged attacks and/or melee attacks, you can intermingle them in any order. (Infernal Ruling)
- You can charge, make a ranged attack, then make your charge melee attack. Even though you made a ranged attack, that doesn't change the fact that your first melee attack is the charge attack. (Infernal Ruling)
- You must complete all initial attacks before buying attacks. You can't go: Make an initial melee attack, then buy a melee attack, then make an initial ranged attack. (Locked Thread)
- Dual Attack doesn't let you mix initial attacks with a (★) attack. Dual Attack only lets you make either:
- Initial melee attacks and initial ranged attacks.
- Power attack and initial ranged attacks.
Any other combination of (★ Attack) and initials is disallowed. See this thread for full explanation and links to relevant Infernal Rulings.
- You could theoretically make a special melee attack and then buy additional ranged attacks (or vice versa) ... but the core rules say "The rules for these special attacks indicate the nature of any additional attacks that can be made afterward, if any" so the special attack would have to explicitly allow a swap - and I'm unaware of any that do so.
- There is no penalty for shooting an enemy you are in melee with.
- Your ranged attack(s) can target a model you are not in melee with. (Infernal Ruling)
- Dual Attack & Drag ( Edit )
- This is pretty-much limited to just the Prime Axiom under Syntherion, or the Swabber, Galleon or Prime Axiom under Aurora2
- If you charge model A then utilise Dual Attack to make a ranged attack vs the same model, then you would get the free melee attack from Drag. The Drag attack is a charge attack. (Infernal Ruling)
- If you charge model A then utilise Dual Attack to make a ranged attack vs a different model, then you would lose the free melee attack from Drag. Your first melee attack must be versus the charge target, and you cannot save the Drag attack for later. (Infernal Ruling)
- If you didn't charge then ... just go nuts. There's no restrictions that I know of.
- Dual Attack & Slam/Trample ( Edit )
- Power Attack Slam and Trample combine your Normal Movement and Combat Action, and how this works with Dual Attack is:
- Slam: You must resolve the movement, the attack, and moving the slammed model. Only then can you make initial ranged attacks.
- Trample: You must resolve the movement, the attacks, and the free strikes. Only then can you make initial ranged attacks.
- (Infernal Ruling)