Category:Battlegroup Controller

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Battlegroup Controllers (aka "Journeyman Warcaster" aka "Junior Warcaster") are essentially mini-warcasters. They share the same rules except 1) they don't have a feat and 2) they are a solo model instead of a warcaster model. The later is relevant for spells/abilities that interact only with warcasters or only with non-warcasters (such as Black Arts, Parlay, Seduction, etc).

In mk2 they were known as Journeyman Warcasters, but this led to confusion with the actual Journeyman Warcaster which is a Cygnar model, so they were renamed in mk3 to the much less intuitive title.

The equivalent rule in Hordes is Lesser Warlock. The limited Faction Infernals has a similar, but slightly more powerful version Master Infernalist.

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Tip !
Are you looking for what happens to the warjack when its controller dies? It's over on LPG - Death of a Controller.

Battlegroup Controller - (1) This model is not a warcaster but has the following warcaster special rules: Battlegroup Commander, Focus Manipulation, Power Field, and Spellcaster. (2) This model must have at least one warjack in its battlegroup at the start of the game. Edit description
Lesser Warlock - 1) This model is not a warlock but has the following warlock special rules: Battlegroup Commander, Fury Manipulation, Healing, Spellcaster, and Transferring Damage. 2) This model must have at least one warbeast in its battlegroup at the start of the game. Edit description
Master Infernalist - This model is not an infernal master but has all the special rules of an infernal master except that it has no feat. This model can have only light and lesser horrors in its battlegroup. This model can have one horror in her battlegroup at any time and cannot summon a horror if there is already one in its battlegroup in play. Edit description

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Rules Clarification : Battlegroup Controller      (Edit)

  • This model has a completely separate battlegroup to your main warcaster.
    • Your main warcaster cannot allocate focus to warjacks under this model's control (and vice versa).
    • Any spells/effects that apply to your main warcaster's battlegroup (such as Energizer) do not apply to warjacks under this model's control (and vice versa).
  • This model is not a warcaster
  • Warjacks this solo controls can still benefit from Power Up exactly as if it were a warcaster. (Closed thread)
  • When this model dies, any warjacks they are controlling go inert exactly as if it was a warcaster. (Infernal Ruling)
    • See this article for the Inert warjack rules and how to re-activate them.

Inert warjacks

  • Abilities that say they cannot be used if the model is stationary (such as Shield Guard) cannot be used while a warjack is inert, either. Refer "Warcaster Destruction", page 59 of the core rulebook.
War-Nouns   (Edit)
Warmachine (Focus)
Recap for Newbies Official rules Category
Warcaster 101 - Warcasters Warcaster Category: Warcaster
"Junior Warcaster" Battlegroup Controller Category: Battlegroup Controller
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Monstrosity LPG - Cephalyx Monstrosity Category: Monstrosity
Other LPG - Death of a Controller
Hordes (Fury)
Recap for Newbies Official rules Category
Warlock 101 - Warlocks Warlock Category: Warlock
Lesser Warlock Lesser Warlock Category: Lesser Warlock
Warbeast 101 - Warbeasts Warbeast Category: Warbeast
Gargantuan LPG - Colossals & Gargantuans Gargantuans Category: Gargantuan Warbeast
Other LPG - Death of a Controller
Infernals (Essence)
Recap for Newbies Official rules Category
Infernal Master LPG - Infernals Category: Infernal Master
Master Infernalist Master Infernalist Category: Master Infernalist
Horror LPG - Infernals Category: Horror