Anthology Books
The Vaults (Edit) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Core Rules
- Beware, gentle reader, for you have stumbled upon an article hidden within The Vaults. These dim and dusty halls are a resting place for articles that are seldom read, seldom updated, and sometimes woefully obsolete. Plus, you know, all the other junk we can't find a better place for.
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This page is a record of all the anthology books released by Privateer Press for Warmachine & Hordes, in reverse chronological order. It is not a record of novels etc. |
Mk3 - Expansion
2019.06 Oblivion
After a long dry spell, we see the first new book.
descend upon Caen to collect their payment. The cost in mortal souls is higher than anyone could possibly imagine, but forces have gathered to stand against these invaders. Holy archons and steadfast soldiers of the Order of Illumination join with armies of all nations to protect humanity from utter oblivion at the hands of ancient evils from without and traitorous individuals from within. The fate of every living being hangs in the balance, and the Iron Kingdoms will be changed forever... if it survives at all.
The Oblivion Campaign Set contains a vault of secrets about the upcoming Claiming, including new fiction detailing the Claiming of souls; a narrative campaign system featuring 16 branching scenarios that allow you and your friends to participate in the invasions; Omen cards that contribute to the outcome of your path to victory or defeat; a brand-new model, the Hermit of Henge Hold, that can play in ANY army; and new and updated rules for WARMACHINE and HORDES in a convenient digest. The Oblivion Campaign Set has everything you need to help you defend against those who come to claim souls or to aid them in their decimation of the world.
The Oblivion Campaign Set is a must-have for any WARMACHINE or HORDES enthusiast. This product moves along the story of the Iron Kingdoms while presenting a campaign for players to take part in the action. The Omen cards included in the box are integral to the campaign system and will be used in future campaigns that use the core campaign rules presented here. The updated rulebook contains all of the rules for both WARMACHINE and HORDES, integrated into one concise tome for the first time. In addition to the combination of rules, other small adjustments have been made to the game to streamline certain elements. Finally, the included miniature is the Hermit of Henge Hold, a mad Iosan prophet who can be included in any army, ensuring all of the contents of this box fit easily into any player’s collection.
- Hermit of Henge Hold (metal)
- Oblivion Campaign Book
- WARMACHINE/HORDES Updated Rules Digest
- 20 Omen Campaign Cards
Mk3 - Reboot
2017.04 to 09 Skorne, Grymkin, Retribution, Khador, Cryx
2017.03 Legion
Full title: Forces of Hordes: Legion of Everblight Command
Forces of HORDES: Legion of Everblight Command provides the foundation you need to unleash the destructive will of the dragon upon your foes with: [Show/Hide]
- Complete rules and profiles for the blighted warlocks and terrible warbeasts of the Legion of Everblight, including two new warlocks and a new character warbeast.
- Detailed history and background information, including an in-depth look at Legion warlocks and warbeasts.
- A painting guide full of tips and inspiration to help you create an army as individual as you are.
- Three new theme forces that allow you to create specialized Legion of Everblight armies with specific benefits.
The models published in this book are (New releases are shown in bold)
- Absylonia, Terror of Everblight
- Absylonia, Daughter of Everblight
- Bethayne, Voice of Everblight & Belphagor
- Fyanna, Torment of Everblight
- Kallus, Wrath of Everblight
- Kallus, Devastation of Everblight
- Kryssa, Conviction of Everblight
- Lylyth, Herald of Everblight
- Lylyth, Shadow of Everblight
- Lylyth, Reckoning of Everblight
- Rhyas, Sigil of Everblight
- Saeryn, Omen of Everblight
- Saeryn & Rhyas, Talons of Everblight
- Thagrosh, Prophet of Everblight
- Thagrosh, the Messiah
- Vayl, Disciple of Everblight
- Vayl, Consul of Everblight
- Afflictor
- Angelius
- Blight Wasps
- Carnivean
- Harrier
- Naga Nightlurker
- Nephilim Bloodseer
- Nephilim Bolt Thrower
- Nephilim Protector
- Nephilim Soldier
- Neraph
- Raek
- Ravagore
- Scythean
- Seraph
- Shredder
- Stinger
- Teraph
- Azrael
- Proteus
- Typhon
- Zuriel
- Archangel
- Blightbringer
Units & Solos
- Blighted Ogrun Warmongers
- Blighted Ogrun Warspears
- Warspear Chieftain
- Blighted Nyss Archers
- Blighted Nyss Archer Officer & Ammo Porter
- Blighted Nyss Hex Hunters
- Bayal, Hound of Everblight
- Blighted Nyss Legionnaires
- Captain Farilor & Standard
- Blighted Nyss Raptors
- Blighted Nyss Scather Crew
- Blighted Nyss Swordsmen
- Blighted Nyss Swordsmen Abbot & Champion
- Grotesque Banshees
- Grotesque Raiders
- Hellmouth
- Spawning Vessel
- Strider Blightblades
- Strider Scouts
- Strider Scout Officer & Musician
- Blackfrost Shard
- Beast Mistress
- Blighted Nyss Shepherd
- Blighted Nyss Sorceress & Hellion
- Blighted Nyss Warlord
- The Forsaken
- Grotesque Assassin
- Incubi
- Spell Martyr
- Strider Deathstalker
- Succubus
- Warmonger War Chief
- Fyanna the Lash
- Annyssa Ryvaal
- Throne of Everblight
2017.03 Cygnar
Full title: Forces of Warmachine: Cygnar Command
Forces of WARMACHINE: Cygnar Command provides the foundation you need to take up the fight for the Cygnus with: [Show/Hide]
- Complete rules and profiles for the brave warcasters and cutting-edge warjacks of Cygnar, including two new warcasters and a new character warjack.
- Detailed history and background information, including an in-depth look at Cygnar's warcasters and warjacks.
- A painting guide full of tips and inspiration to help you create an army as individual as you are.
- Two new theme forces that allow you to create specialized Cygnar armies with specific benefits.
The models published in this book are (New releases are shown in bold)
- Major Markus “Siege” Brisbane
- Lieutenant Allister Caine
- Captain Allister Caine
- Captain E. Dominic Darius & Halfjacks
- Captain Victoria Haley
- Major Victoria Haley
- Major Prime Victoria Haley
- Captain Allison Jakes
- Captain Jeremiah Kraye
- Major Beth Maddox
- Commander Adept Nemo
- General Adept Nemo
- Artificer General Nemo & Storm Chaser Caitlin Finch
- Captain Kara Sloan
- Commander Coleman Stryker
- Lord Commander Stryker
- Lord General Coleman Stryker
- Commander Dalin Sturgis
- Constance Blaize, Knight of the Prophet
- Caine's Hellslingers (Caine 3)
- Avenger
- Centurion
- Charger
- Cyclone
- Defender
- Firefly
- Grenadier
- Hammersmith
- Hunter
- Ironclad
- Lancer
- Minuteman
- Reliant
- Sentinel
- Stormclad
- Ace
- Brickhouse
- Dynamo
- Ol' Rowdy
- Thorn
- Thunderhead
- Triumph
- Hurricane
- Stormwall & Storm Pods
- Gallant
Units & Solos
- Arcane Tempest Gun Mages
- Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Officer
- Field Mechaniks
- Long Gunner Infantry
- Long Gunner Infantry Officer & Standard
- Sword Knights
- Sword Knight Officer & Standard
- Tempest Blazers
- Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team
- Arcane Tempest Rifleman
- Gun Mage Captain Adept
- Journeyman Warcaster
- Squire
- Lieutenant Allison Jakes
- Archduke Runewood
- Captain Arlan Strangewayes
2017.02 Circle
Full title: Forces of Hordes: Circle of Orboros Command
Forces of HORDES: Circle Orboros Command provides the foundation you need to take up the work of this powerful and ancient order with: [Show/Hide]
- Complete rules and profiles for the mighty warlocks and savage warbeasts of the Circle Orboros, including two new warlocks and a new character warbeast.
- Detailed history and background information, including an in-depth look at Circle warlocks and warbeasts.
- A painting guide full of tips and inspiration to help you create an army as individual as you are.
- Two new theme forces that allow you to create specialized Circle Orboros armies with specific benefits.
The models published in this book are (New releases are shown in bold)
- Baldur the Stonecleaver
- Baldur the Stonesoul
- Grayle the Farstrider
- Kaya the Wildborne
- Kaya the Moonhunter & Laris
- Kaya the Wildheart
- Kromac the Ravenous
- Kromac, Champion of the Wurm
- Krueger the Stormwrath
- Krueger the Stormlord
- Mohsar the Desertwalker
- Morvahna the Autumnblade
- Tanith the Feral Song
- Bradigus Thorle the Runecarver
- Una the Skyhunter
- Wurmwood, Tree of Fate & Cassius the Oathkeeper
- Argus Moonhound
- Feral Warpwolf
- Gnarlhorn Satyr
- Gorax Rager
- Pureblood Warpwolf
- Razorwing Griffon
- Riphorn Satyr
- Rotterhorn Griffon
- Scarsfell Griffon
- Shadowhorn Satyr
- Warpwolf Stalker
- Wild Argus
- Winter Argus
- Wold Guardian
- Woldwarden
- Woldwatcher
- Woldwyrd
- Brennos the Elderhorn
- Ghetorix
- Loki
- Megalith
- Storm Raptor
- Woldwrath
Units & Solos
- Reeves of Orboros
- Reeves of Orboros Chieftain & Standard
- Shifting Stones
- Stone Keeper
- Sentry Stone & Mannikins
- Stoneward & Woldstalkers
- Warpborn Skinwalkers
- Warpborn Skinwalkers Alpha
- Wolves of Orboros
- Wolves of Orboros Chieftain & Standard
- Death Wolves
- Blackclad Stoneshaper
- Blackclad Wayfarer
- Druid Wilder
- Gallows Grove
- Reeve Hunter
- Wolf Lord Morraig
- Una the Falconer
- Celestial Fulcrum
2017.01 Protectorate
Full title: Forces of Warmachine: Protectorate of Menoth Command
Forces of WARMACHINE: Protectorate of Menoth Command provides the foundation you need to call forth the glorious hosts of the Lawgiver with: [Show/Hide]
- Complete rules and profiles for the pious warcasters and sanctified warjacks of the Protectorate, including two new warcasters and a new character warjack.
- Detailed history and background information, including an in-depth look at Protectorate warcasters and warjacks.
- A painting guide full of tips and inspiration to help you create an army as individual as you are.
- Two new theme forces that allow you to create specialized Protectorate armies with specific benefits.
The models published in this book are (New releases are shown in bold)
- High Allegiant Amon Ad-Raza
- Sovereign Tristan Durant
- Anson Durst, Rock of the Faith
- Feora, Priestess of the Flame
- Feora, Protector of the Flame
- Feora, The Conquering Flame
- The Harbinger of Menoth
- The High Reclaimer
- Testament of Menoth
- High Exemplar Kreoss
- Grand Exemplar Kreoss
- Intercessor Kreoss
- Malekus, The Burning Truth
- High Executioner Servath Reznik
- Servath Reznik, Wrath of Ages
- Grand Scrutator Severius
- Hierarch Severius
- Thyra, Flame of Sorrow
- Vice Scrutator Vindictus
- Castigator
- Crusader
- Dervish
- Devout
- Guardian
- Indictor
- Purifier
- Reckoner
- Redeemer
- Repenter
- Revenger
- Sanctifier
- Templar
- Vanquisher
- Vigilant
- Avatar of Menoth
- Blessing of Vengeance
- Blood of Martyrs
- Eye of Truth
- Fire of Salvation
- Hand of Judgment
- Scourge of Heresy
- Judicator
- Revelator
Units & Solos
- Choir of Menoth
- Daughters of the Flame
- Deliverer Skyhammers
- Deliverer Sunburst Crew
- Flame Bringers
- Flameguard Cleansers
- Flameguard Cleanser Officer
- Holy Zealots
- Monolith Bearer
- Temple Flameguard
- Temple Flameguard Officer & Standard
- Attendant Priest
- Idrian Skirmishers
- Idrian Skirmisher Chieftain & Guide
- Visgoth Juviah Rhoven & Honor Guard
- Allegiant of the Order of the Fist
- Deliverer Arms Master
- Hierophant
- Paladin of the Order of the Wall
- Reclaimer Gatekeeper
- Vassal Mechanik
- Vassal of Menoth
- Wrack
- The Covenant of Menoth
- High Paladin Dartan Vilmon
- Initiate Tristan Durant
- Nicia, Tear of Vengeance
- Pyrrhus, Flameguard Hero
- Vessel of Judgment
2016.12 Trollbloods
Full title: Forces of Hordes: Trollbloods Command
Threatening the trollkin are a number of powerful armies including not only the forces of the Iron Kingdoms but also the ferocious warriors and warbeasts of their wilderness rivals. To defend their kin against these enemies, Trollblood warlocks control ferocious full-blood trolls, terrifying creatures with a rage matched only by their endless appetites. The hardy warriors of the trollkin stand ready to show all who oppose them the folly of inciting the fury of the kriels!
Forces of HORDES: Trollbloods Command provides the foundation you need to muster the mighty trollkin and their full-blood troll allies to battle with: [Show/Hide]- Complete rules and profiles for the courageous warlocks and ferocious warbeasts of the Trollbloods, including two new warlocks and a new gargantuan warbeast.
- Detailed history and background information, including an in-depth look at Trollblood warlocks and warbeasts.
- A painting guide full of tips and inspiration to help you create an army as individual as you are.
- Two new theme forces that allow you to create specialized Trollblood armies with specific benefits.
The models published in this book are (New releases are shown in bold)
- Grim Angus
- Hunters Grim
- Grissel Bloodsong, Fell Caller
- Grissel Bloodsong, Marshal of the Kriels
- Hoarluk Doomshaper, Shaman of the Gnarls
- Hoarluk Doomshaper, Rage of Dhunia
- Hoarluk Doomshaper, Dire Prophet & Scroll Bearers
- Captain Gunnbjorn
- Horgle, the Anvil
- Madrak Ironhide, Thornwood Chieftain
- Madrak Ironhide, World Ender
- Madrak, Great Chieftain
- Borka Kegslayer & Keg Carrier
- Borka, Vengeance of the Rimeshaws
- Jarl Skuld, Devil of the Thornwood
- Ragnor Skysplitter, the Runemaster
- Calandra Truthsayer, Oracle of the Glimmerwood
- Dire Troll Blitzer
- Dire Troll Bomber
- Dire Troll Mauler
- Earthborn Dire Troll
- Night Troll
- Pyre Troll
- Slag Troll
- Storm Troll
- Swamp Troll
- Troll Axer
- Troll Bouncer
- Troll Impaler
- Winter Troll
- Dozer & Smigg
- Mulg the Ancient
- Rok
- Glacier King
- Mountain King
- Sea King
Units & Solos
- Dhunian Knot
- Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes
- Stone Scribe Elder
- Kriel Warriors
- Kriel Warrior Caber Thrower
- Kriel Warrior Standard & Piper
- Trollkin Champions
- Trollkin Fennblades
- Trollkin Fennblade Officer & Drummer
- Trollkin Long Riders
- Trollkin Runeshapers
- Trollkin Warders
- Sons of Bragg
- Fell Caller Hero
- Fennblade Kithkar
- Stone Scribe Chronicler
- Troll Whelps
- Trollkin Champion Hero
- Trollkin Runebearer
- Horthol, Long Rider Hero
- Horgle Ironstrike
- Janissa Stonetide
2016.06 Prime (Mk3)
This book is a re-release of the core rulebook, updated for Mk3 (although Privateer Press don't actually refer to it as Mk3).
It includes some backstory, the core rules, some model entries for all the factions, and a hobby guide.
As with Mk2, the model entries are a reprint of those released in the original Mk1 core rulebook way back in 2003, plus some new model entries as well. The new models included:
- Placeholder
2016.06 Primal (Mk3)
This book is a re-release of the core rulebook, updated for Mk3 (although Privateer Press don't actually refer to it as Mk3).
It includes some backstory, the core rules, some model entries for all the factions, and a hobby guide.
As with Mk2, the model entries are a reprint of those released in the original Mk1 core rulebook way back in 2006, plus some new model entries as well. The new models included:
- Placeholder
Mk2 - Expansion
2015.10 Devastation
Full title: Hordes: Devastation
Circle Orboros
- Kromac, Champion of the Wurm
- Storm Raptor - new bird Gargantuan with electricity powers. Confirmed stats are Speed 7 (making it the fastest Colossal/Gargantuan) with the abilities Sky Fire, Flight, and Superconduction.
- Blackclad Mist Riders - Light Cavalry Unit
- Bloodweaver Night Witch - Solo with Buffs for Tharn Bloodweavers
- Hoarluk Doomshaper, Dire Prophet - Epic Warlock Unit
- Glacier King - new Gargantuan, a cold-based variant of the Mountain King.
- Pyg Bushwhacker Officer & Mortar Unit Attachment
- Dhunia Knot - 3-Man Unit with Healing
- Zaal, the Ancestral Advocate
- Extoller Advocate - unit attachment for Immortals
- Desert Hydra - new Gargantuan. Has five heads and the Mutiple Heads rule that is currently featured on Typhon.
- Legends of Halaak - 3-Men Character Unit, Melee oriented
Legion of Everblight
- Saeryn and Rhyas, Talons of Everblight
- Blightbringer - new Gargantuan, some kind of blight-spewing giant blob thing.
- Grotesque Banshees - New Grotesque unit - artwork seen in video. Existing Grotesque unit just got a renaming to Grotesque Raiders.
- Grotesque Assassin - Solo and solo-assassin that buffs other grotesques.
- Blind Walker - artwork seen in video; Spoiled in Primecast 23 - Heavy Warbeast
- Battle Boar - light Warbeast
- Splatter Boar - Light Warbeast
- Lynus Wesselbaum & Ebrea Lloryrr - Viktor Pendrake's grad students.
- Farrow Brigands Warlord - unit attachment for Farrow Brigands
- Gremlin Swarm - solo
- Hutchuck, Ogrun Bounty Hunter - Ogrun solo
2015.06 Reckoning
Full title: Warmachine: Reckoning
The rising threat of the Cryxian armies has become too great. Death permeates the war-torn region, and Empress Ayn and King Leto themselves chance incredible danger to meet and coordinate their stand. The Protectorate’s Northern Crusade joins Khador and Cygnar in a final alliance of men against the unending armies of the Dragonfather. As these armies combine to expel the deathless forces of Cryx from the mainland, in tunnels below the battleground a lone Khadoran soldier fights to save one of the Motherland’s greatest legends. [Show/Hide]
- Epic Warcaster Unit: Major Prime Victoria Haley
- Character Light: Ace (Hunter chassis)
- Character Heavy: Dynamo (Stormclad chassis)
- Colossal: Hurricane
- Solo: Trench Buster
- Warcaster: Anson Durst, Rock of the Faith - Paladin warcaster
- Light: Purifier (Devout chassis)
- Character Heavy: Hand of Judgment
- Colossal: Revelator
- Character Solo: Pyrrhus
- Epic Warcaster Unit: Obavnik Kommander Zerkova & Reaver Guard
- Character Heavy: Ruin (Kodiak chassis)
- Heavy: Mad Dog (Berserker chassis)
- Heavy: Rager (Berserker chassis)
- Colossal: Victor
- Epic Battle Engine Warcaster: Soul Weaver Deneghra
- Bonejack: Shrike (Scavenger chassis)
- Character Helljack: Barathrum (Seether chassis)
- Colossal: Sepulcher (Kraken chassis)
- Solos: Soul Trapper
- Warcaster: Thyron the Sword of Truth
- Character Light: Moros
- Colossal: Helios
- Unit: House Vyre Electromancers
- Solo: Soulless Voidtracer
- Warcaster: Cognifex Cyphon
- Character Unit: The Devil's Shadow Mutineers
- Solos: Swamp Gobber River Raiders
- Battle Engine: Hammerfall Siege Crawler
Reckoning also provided a reprint of the following Cephalyx mercenary models that had previously released in the digital book, Forces of Warmachine: Cephalyx:
- Warcaster: Exulon Thexus
- Monstrosity: Subduer
- Monstrosity: Warden
- Monstrosity: Wrecker
- Unit: Cephalyx Mind Bender & Drudges
- Unit Attachment: Cephalyx Dominator
- Solo: Cephalyx Agitator
2014.09 Exigence
Full title: Hordes: Exigence
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First introduction of Warbeast Packs. |
Apart from that, they have all Fury Manipulation abilities, can take their own battlegroup, have their own FURY stat, and some of them are have bonuses/discounts for certain warbeasts. Legion did not receive a lesser warlock.
Another feature of the book is the new warbeast pack model type, which count as both warbeasts and units. They consist of several small based models, warbeasts that are too small to be a threat individually, but in hunting packs they can bring down larger targets. They must abide by the rules of unit cohesion. They act as a single unit, and have a leader, but for the purposes of forcing, riling, and frenzy they are considered to be a single warbeast entity, with their FURY stat equal to the number of unit members in play. They can also be recipients of damage transfers. Fury points generated by the warbeast pack are placed on the unit leader. It is unclear at this point what that means for reaving and abilities like Spirit Eater. Models in this unit have no health spiral, but they have their own damage track (possibly between 5-10 wounds per model).
Warbeast packs for Legion and Skorne have been released in Exigence. [Show/Hide]Circle Orboros
- Warlock: Bradigus Thorle The Runecarver
- Light Warbeast: Argus Moonhound
- Light Warbeast: Rotterhorn Griffon
- Character Heavy Warbeast: Brennos
- Character Unit: Death Wolves
- Solo (Lesser Warlock): Una, the Falconer
Legion of Everblight
- Epic Warlock: Absylonia, Daughter of Everblight
- Heavy Warbeast: Neraph
- Character Heavy Warbeast: Zuriel
- Warbeast Pack: Blight Wasps
- Unit: Strider Blightblades
- Character Solo: Fyanna the Lash
- Epic Warlock: Xerxis Fury of Halaak
- Warbeast Pack: Scarab Swarm
- Heavy Warbeast: Aradus Sentinel
- Heavy Warbeast: Aradus Soldier
- Unit: Praetorian Keltarii
- Solo (Lesser Warlock): Tyrant Zaadesh
- Epic Warlock: Borka, Vengeance of the Rimeshaws
- Character Warbeast: Dozer & Smigg
- Unit: Trollkin Highwaymen
- Unit: Fire Eaters
- Solo: Braylen Wanderheart
- Solo (Lesser Warlock): Horgle Ironstrike
- Thornfall Alliance
- Warlock: Helga, the Conqueror
- Farrow Solo: Maximus
- Battle Engine: Meat Thresher
- Blindwater Congregation
- Warlock: Jaga-Jaga, The Death Charmer
- Battle Engine: Sacral Vault
- Unaligned
- Solo: Efaarit Scout
2014.08 Cephalyx
Full title: Forces of Warmachine: Cephalyx
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Digital-only publication |
For millennia, the cruel and inscrutable cephalyx have labored at their grisly work. Now the time has come for them to breach the surface, ensnaring the Iron Kingdoms in their nefarious schemes
This book is was released in a digital-only format on August 14, 2014. The contents were republished in the Warmachine: Reckoning anthology. [Show/Hide]
2014.03 Vengeance
Full title: Warmachine: Vengeance
- Epic Warcaster: Lord General Coleman Stryker
- Journeyman Warcaster: Lieutenant Allison Jakes
- Warjack: Reliant
- Unit: Tempest Blazers
- Solo: Stormblade Captain
Protectorate of Menoth
- Epic Warcaster: Servath Reznik, Wrath of Ages
- Journeyman Warcaster: Initiate Tristan Durant
- Warjack: Indictor
- Unit: Flame Bringers
- Solo: Exemplar Bastion Seneschal
- Epic Warcaster: Kommander Zoktavir, The Butcher Unleashed
- Journeyman Warcaster: Kovnik Andrei Malakov
- Warjack: Grolar
- Unit: Greylord Outriders
- Solo: Iron Fang Kovnik
- Epic Warcaster: Goreshade, Lord of Ruin
- Journeyman Warcaster: Aiakos, Scourge of Meredius
- Warjack: Inflictor
- Unit: Bane Riders
- Unit Attachment: Skarlock Commander
Retribution of Scyrah
- Warcaster: Issyria, Sibyl of Dawn
- Journeyman Warcaster: Elara, Tyro of the Third Chamber
- Character Heavy warjack: Imperatus
- Epic Unit Attachment: Eiryss, Mage Hunter Commander
- Solo: Houseguard Thane
- Unit: Mage Hunter Infiltrators
- Journeyman Warcaster: Gastone Crosse
- Unit: Tactical Arcanist Corps
- Colossal: Ghordson Earthbreaker
- Character Solo: Raluk Moorclaw
2013.03 Gargantuans
Full title: Hordes: Gargantuans
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First release of Garganutans |
Circle Orboros
- Epic Warlock: Morvahna the Dawnshadow
- Light Warbeast: Razorwing Griffon
- Heavy Warbeast: Riphorn Satyr
- Unit: Tharn Blood Pack
- Unit attachment: Warpborn Alpha
- Gargantuan: Woldwrath
Legion of Everblight
- Epic Warlock: Lylyth, Reckoning of Everblight
- Light Warbeast: Afflictor
- Light Warbeast: Nephilim Bloodseer
- Unit Attachment: Warspear Chieftain
- Solo: Beast Mistress
- Gargantuan: Archangel
- Epic Warlock Unit: Makeda & The Exalted Court
- Unit: Cataphract Incindiarii
- Solo: Mortitheurge Willbreaker
- Gargantuan: Mammoth
- Lesser Warbeast: Reptile Hounds
- Character Heavy Warbeast: Despoiler
- Epic Warlock Unit: Hunters Grim
- Unit: Warders
- Solo: Sorcerer
- Solo: Fennblade Kithkar
- Light Warbeast: Night Troll
- Gargantuan: Mountain King
- Bog Trog Warlock: Rask
- Farrow Bone Grinder Warlock: Midas
- Unit: Gatorman Bokor & Bog Trog Swamp Shamblers
- Solo: Gobber Tinker
- Farrow Lesser Warbeast: Razor Boar
2013.02 Convergence
Full title: Forces of Warmachine: Convergence of Cyriss
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Brand new Faction. |
To those who worship Cyriss, no tenet is more sacred than the Fifth Harmonic—the belief that the Clockwork Goddess will manifest once the perfect machine is created across all of Caen. The key to this vessel’s completion lies in the geomantic fulcrums of power that cover the world, many in hostile territory. For centuries the cult has been amassing an immense mechanikal army, poised to take the final steps in readying for their goddess. The time has come for the Convergence to complete the Great Work, and they will let none stand in their way.
Devote yourself to mechanikal perfection and transcend the flesh with Forces of WARMACHINE: Convergence of Cyriss, featuring: [Show/Hide]- Complete faction rules and profiles for fielding the Convergence of Cyriss in WARMACHINE Mk II, including Unbound formations.
- An in-depth look at the history and science of the Convergence of Cyriss and its enigmatic goddess.
- A painting guide to help you ready your forces for battle.
- Theme Force lists and rules, which allow you to create armies based on specialized forces from the Convergence.
- Aurora, Numen of Aerogenisis
- Axis, The Harmonic Enforcer
- Iron Mother Directrix & Exponent Servitors
- Father Lucant, Divinity Architect
- Forge Father Syntherion
- Light: Corollary
- Light: Diffuser
- Light: Galvanizer
- Light: Mitigator
- Heavy: Assimilator
- Heavy: Cipher
- Heavy: Conservator
- Heavy: Inverter
- Heavy: Modulator
- Heavy: Monitor
- Colossal: Prime Axiom
- Clockwork Angels
- Eradicators
- Obstructors
- Optifex Directive
- Perforators
- Reciprocators
- Reductors
- Unit Attachment: Enumerator
- Accretion Servitors
- Algorithmic Dispersion Optifex
- Attunement Servitors
- Elimination Servitors
- Enigma Foundry
- Steelsoul Protector
- Reflex Servitors
Battle Engines
2012.07 Colossals
Full title:Warmachine: Colossals
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New model type: Colossals. |
- Epic(er) Warcasters: These are the "third form" of warcasters -- epic warcasters who have gone even MORE epic. Sometimes referred to as "legendary", but this was a player defined term found around the PP forums. The official term is still epic. PP staff refer to the different casters with a numerical title (example: Nemo1, Nemo2, Nemo3).
- Colossals: Do you think your heavy warjacks are just too small? You need Colossals! Colossals are super-heavy warjacks, mounted on 120mm bases (same base size as a Battle Engine). They follow a combination of the Warjack and Battle Engine rules, splitting the front arc into two sides, each side having a left damage grid and a right damage grid, for a total of TWO damage grids each. Damage is assigned by determining which half of the colossal the attacking model is in at the time of attacking (If attacking the left side, damage would be applied to the left grid and the same for the right). Colossals also have a new damage box, the Superstructure (S) box. This is used like an L, R, or H box, but it refers to the heavy mounted weapons which the Colossal can fire in either arc.
- Power Attacks: They also gain two new power attacks and an added ability on an old one. At the cost of a focus, it can make a pseudo-thresher attack and hit anything within the range of its giant fists, or a 'powerful strike', which is like a slam but you get to punch it at the same time. This goes great with it's new slam rule - if the enemy is smaller than your superjacks, an extra 2 inches is added to any slam attack it makes. Note that these only work with colossals.
- Epic Warcaster: Artificer General Nemo & Stormchaser Adept Finch
- Colossal: Stormwall
Protectorate of Menoth
- Epic Warcaster: Intercessor Kreoss
- Colossal: Judicator
- Epic Warcaster: Vladimir Tzepesci, Great Prince of Umbrey
- Colossal: Conquest
- Epic Warcaster: Asphyxious the Hellbringer
- Colossal: Kraken
Retribution of Scyrah
- Epic Warcaster: Vyros, Incissar of the Dawnguard
- Colossal: Hyperion
- Warcaster: General Ossrum
- Colossal: Galleon
- Epic Character Solo: Alexia, Mistress of the Witchfire
2011.11 Domination
Full title: Hordes: Domination
Circle Orboros
- Warlock: Grayle the Farstrider
- Epic Warlock: Baldur the Stonesoul
- Light Warbeast: Scarsfell Griffon
- Light Warbeast: Winter Argus
- Character Heavy Warbeast: Ghetorix
- Solo: Gallows Grove
- Battle Engine: Celestial Fulcrum
Legion of Everblight
- Warlock: Kallus, Wrath of Everblight
- Epic Warlock: Vayl, Consul of Everblight
- Light Warbeast: Naga Nightlurker
- Character Heavy Warbeast: Proteus
- Blighted Legionnaires Character UA: Farilor & Standard Bearer
- Solo: Succubus
- Battle Engine: Throne of Everblight
- Warlock: Master Ascetic Naaresh
- Epic Warlock: Lord Arbiter Hexeris
- Light Warbeast: Cyclops Raider
- Heavy Warbeast: Archidon
- Heavy Character Warbeast: Tiberion
- Unit: Venator Slingers
- Battle Engine: Siege Animantarax
- Warlock: Jarl Skuld, Devil of the Thornwood
- Epic Warlock: Grissel Bloodsong, Marshal of the Kriels
- Light Warbeast: Storm Troll
- Character Heavy Warbeast: Rök
- Unit Attachment: Trollkin Scattergunners Officer & Standard
- Character Unit: Sons of Bragg
- Battle Engine: Trollkin War Wagon
- Gatormen Warlock: Maelok the Dreadbound
- Farrow Warlock: Sturm & Drang
- Light Gatorman Warbeast: Boneswarm
- Heavy Farrow Warbeast: Road Hog
- Heavy Gatorman Warbeast: Swamp Horror
- Farrow Unit: Farrow Slaughterhousers
- Gatorman Solo: Witch Doctor
- Character Farrow Solo: Targ
2011.06 Wrath
Full title: Hordes: Domination
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New model type: Battle Engines. |
- Warcaster: Constance Blaize, Knight of the Prophet
- Light Warjack: Minuteman
- Heavy Warjack: Avenger
- Character Heavy Warjack: Gallant
- Character Heavy Warjack: Triumph
- Character UA: Captain Jonas Murdoch
- Character Solo: Archduke Runewood
- Battle Engine: Storm Strider
Protectorate of Menoth
- Warcaster: Thyra, Flame of Sorrow
- Heavy Warjack: Sanctifier
- Character Heavy Warjack: Blood of Martyrs
- Character Heavy Warjack: Scourge of Heresy
- UA: Attendant Priest
- Flameguard Cleanser UA: Flameguard Cleanser Officer
- Character Solo: Nicia, Tear of Vengeance
- Battle Engine: Vessel of Judgement
- Warcaster: Kommander Harkevich, the Iron Wolf
- Heavy Warjack: Demolisher
- Character Heavy Warjack: Black Ivan
- Character Heavy Warjack: Torch
- Ally Unit: Kayazy Eliminators
- UA: Battle Mechanik Officer
- Character UA: Koldun Kapitan Valachev
- Battle Engine: Gun Carriage
- Warcaster: Lord Exhumator Scaverous
- Bonejack: Scavenger
- Helljack: Desecrator
- Character Helljack: Erebus
- Character Helljack: Malice
- Revenant Crew WA: Revenant Crew Rifleman
- Solo: Iron Lich Overseer
- Battle Engine: Wraith Engine
Retribution of Scyrah
- Warcaster: Lord Arcanist Ossyan
- Light Warjack: Aspis
- Heavy Warjack:Banshee
- Heavy Warjack: Daemon
- Heavy Warjack: Sphinx
- Character Heavy Warjack: Discordia
- Character Heavy Warjack: Hypnos
- Unit: Heavy Rifle Team
- Solo: House Shyeel Artificer
- Battle Engine: Arcantrik Force Generator
- Warcaster: Captain Damiano
- Heavy Warjack: Rover
- Character Heavy Warjack: Rocinante
- Unit: Ogrun Assault Corps
- Character Solo: Ragman
- Character Solo: Sylys Wyshnalyrr
Mk2 - Reboot
2011.01 Minions
Full title: Forces of Hordes: Minions
Unaligned solos
- Feralgeist
- Thrullg (★)
- Character Solo: Alten Ashley, Monster Hunter
- Character Solo: Gudrun the Wanderer
- Character Solo: Lanyssa Ryssyll, Nyss Sorceress
- Character Solo: Saxon Orrik
- Character Solo: Totem Hunter
- Character Solo: Viktor Pendrake
- Lesser Warlock: Brun Cragback & Lug
- Lesser Warlock: Dahlia Hallyr & Skarath
Blindwater Congregation
- Warlocks
- Warbeasts
- Light: Bull Snapper (★)
- Heavy: Blackhide Wrastler (★)
- Heavy: Ironback Spitter (★)
- Units
- Solos
- Croak Hunter (★)
- Lesser Warlock: Wrong Eye & Snapjaw
Thornfall Alliance
- Warlocks
- Warbeasts
- Units
- Solos
- Lesser Warlock: Rorsh & Brine
2010.11 Circle
Full title: Forces of Hordes:Circle Orboros
Warlocks Baldur the Stonecleaver
- Cassius the Oathkeeper & Wurmwood, Tree of Fate (★)
- Kaya the Wildborne
- Kromac the Ravenous
- Krueger the Stormwrath
- Mohsar the Desertwalker
- Morvahna the Autumnblade
- Light: Argus
- Light: Gorax
- Light: Woldwatcher
- Light: Woldwyrd
- Heavy: Feral Warpwolf
- Heavy: Gnarlhorn Satyr
- Heavy: Pureblood Warpwolf
- Heavy: Shadowhorn Satyr
- Heavy: Warpwolf Stalker
- Heavy: Wold Guardian (★)
- Heavy: Woldwarden
- Character Heavy: Megalith
- Druids of Orboros
- Druid Stoneward & Woldstalkers
- Reeves of Orboros
- Sentry Stone & Mannikins
- Shifting Stones
- UA: Stone Keeper (★)
- Tharn Bloodtrackers
- Character UA: Nuala the Huntress (★)
- Tharn Bloodweavers
- Tharn Ravagers
- UA: Tharn Ravager Chieftain (★)
- WA: Tharn Ravager Shaman
- Tharn Wolf Riders
- Warpborn Skinwalkers (★)
- Wolves of Orboros
- Blackclad Wayfarer
- Druid Wilder (★)
- Reeve Hunter (★)
- Tharn Ravager White Mane
- War Wolf
- Character Solo: Lord of the Feast
- Character Solo: Wolf Lord Morraig
2010.10 Legion
Full title: Forces of Hordes: Legion of Everblight
- Absylonia, Terror of Everblight
- Bethayne, Voice of Everblight & Belphagor (★)
- Lylyth, Herald of Everblight
- Epic: Lylyth, Shadow of Everblight
- Rhyas, Sigil of Everblight
- Saeryn, Omen of Everblight
- Thagrosh, Prophet of Everblight
- Epic: Thagrosh, the Messiah
- Vayl, Disciple of Everblight
- Lesser: Harrier
- Lesser: Shredder
- Lesser: Stinger (★)
- Light: Nephilim Protector
- Light: Nephilim Bolt Thrower (★)
- Light: Nephilim Soldier
- Light: Raek
- Light: Teraph
- Heavy: Angelius
- Heavy: Carnivean
- Heavy: Ravagore (★)
- Heavy: Scythean
- Heavy: Seraph
- Character Heavy: Typhon
- Blighted Archers
- Blighted Legionnaires
- Blighted Swordsmen
- Grotesque Raiders (★)
- Blighted Nyss Hex Hunters (★)
- Character UA: Bayal, Hound of Everblight (★)
- Blighted Nyss Raptors
- Blighted Nyss Scather Crew
- Spawning Vessel
- Strider Rangers
- Blighted Ogrun Warmongers
- Blighted Ogrun Warspears
- Character Unit: Blackfrost Shard (★)
2010.09 Trollbloods
Full title: Forces of Hordes: Trollbloods
- Borka Kegslayer & Pyg Keg Carrier
- Calandra Truthsayer, Oracle of the Glimmerwood
- Chief Madrak Ironhide
- Epic: Madrak Ironhide, World Ender
- Grim Angus
- Grissel Bloodsong
- Captain Gunnbjorn (★)
- Hoarluk Doomshaper, Shaman of the Gnarls
- Epic: Hoarluk Doomshaper, Rage of Dhunia
- Light: Pyre Troll
- Light: Slag Troll
- Light: Troll Axer
- Light: Troll Bouncer
- Light: Troll Impaler
- Light: Winter Troll
- Light: Swamp Troll (★)
- Heavy: Dire Troll Blitzer
- Heavy: Dire Troll Bomber
- Heavy: Dire Troll Mauler
- Heavy: Earthborn Dire Troll
- Character Heavy: Mulg the Ancient
- Kriel Warriors
- UA: Standard Bearer & Piper
- WA: Caber Thrower
- Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes
- Pyg Burrowers
- Pyg Bushwhackers
- Thumper Crew
- Trollkin Champions
- Character UA: Skaldi Bonehammer (★)
- Trollkin Fennblades
- Trollkin Long Riders
- Trollkin Runeshapers
- Trollkin Scattergunners
- Trollkin Scouts*
- Trollkin Sluggers (★)
- Fell Caller Hero
- Runebearer (★)
- Stone Scribe Chronicler
- Trollkin Champion Hero
- Trollkin Skinner (★)
- Troll Whelps
- Character Solo: Horthol, Long Rider Hero
- Character Solo: Janissa Stonetide (★)
2010.08 Skorne
Full title: Forces of Hordes: Skorne
- Archdomina Makeda
- Epic: Supreme Archdomina Makeda
- Dominar Rasheth (★)
- Lord Tyrant Hexeris
- Master Tormentor Morghoul
- Epic: Lord Assassin Morghoul
- Supreme Aptimus Zaal & Kovaas
- Tyrant Xerxis
- Void Seer Mordikaar
- Light: Basilisk Drake
- Light: Basilisk Krea
- Light: Cyclops Brute
- Light: Cyclops Savage
- Light: Cyclops Shaman
- Light: Razor Worm*
- Heavy: Rhinodon
- Heavy: Bronzeback Titan
- Heavy: Titan Cannoneer
- Heavy: Titan Gladiator
- Heavy: Titan Sentry
- Character Heavy: Molik Karn
- Paingiver Bloodrunners
- Cataphract Arcuarii
- Cataphract Cetrati
- Character UA: Tyrant Vorkesh (★)
- Immortals
- Nihilators (★)
- Paingiver Beast Handlers
- Praetorian Ferox
- Praetorian Karax
- Praetorian Swordsmen
- Tyrant Commander & Standard Bearer
- Venator Catapult Crew
- Venator Flayer Cannon (★)
- Venator Reivers
- Agonizer
- Ancestral Guardian
- Bloodrunner Master Tormentor
- Extoller Soulward
- Paingiver Task Master (★)
- Void Spirit
- Character Solo: Aptimus Marketh (★)
- Character Solo: Hakaar the Destroyer (★)
- Character Solo: Tyrant Rhadeim
2010.07 Primal (Mk2)
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Core rulebook |
In HORDES, even the earth trembles as towering warbeasts born to fight and trained to kill hurl themselves at their foes in a frenzy of claw and fang that churns the battlefield into a writhing sea of carnage. Within the bloody fog of war, their battle leaders seize this unbridled rage and from it forge momentous weapons to wield against their enemies, knowing only the strongest, fastest, and most cunning will survive. [Show/Hide]
The models published in Primal Mk2 were not the entire model list. Instead they were the same models as in Primal Mk1 plus four new models (denoted with a (★)).
- Warlock: Chief Madrak Ironhide
- Warlock: Grissel Bloodsong, Fell Caller
- Warlock: Hoarluk Doomshaper, Shaman of the Gnarls
- Heavy Warbeast: Dire Troll Mauler
- Heavy Warbeast: Dire Troll Blitzer
- Heavy Warbeast: Dire Troll Bomber (★)
- Light Warbeast: Pyre Troll
- Light Warbeast: Troll Axer
- Light Warbeast: Troll Impaler
- Unit: Trollkin Champions
- Unit: Kriel Warriors
- Unit: Trollkin Scattergunners
- Unit: Pyg Bushwhackers
- Unit: Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes
- Solo: Fell Caller Hero
Circle Orboros
- Warlock: Baldur the Stonecleaver
- Warlock: Kaya the Wildborne
- Warlock: Krueger the Stormwrath
- Heavy Warbeast: Feral Warpwolf
- Heavy Warbeast: Warpwolf Stalker (★)
- Heavy Warbeast: Woldwarden
- Light Warbeast: Gorax
- Light Warbeast: Argus
- Light Warbeast: Woldwatcher
- Unit: Tharn Ravagers
- Unit: Wolves of Orboros
- Unit: Tharn Bloodtrackers
- Unit: Druids of Orboros
- Unit: Shifting Stones
- Solo: Lord of the Feast
- Warlock: Master Tormentor Morghoul
- Warlock: Archdomina Makeda
- Warlock: Lord Tyrant Hexeris
- Heavy Warbeast: Titan Gladiator
- Heavy Warbeast: Titan Cannoneer
- Heavy Warbeast: Titan Sentry (★)
- Light Warbeast: Cyclops Savage
- Light Warbeast: Basilisk Drake
- Light Warbeast: Basilisk Krea
- Unit: Cataphract Cetrati
- Unit: Cataphract Arcuarii
- Unit: Praetorian Swordsmen
- Unit: Venator Reivers
- Unit: Paingiver Beast Handlers
- Solo: Ancestral Guardian
Legion of Everblight
- Warlock: Lylyth, Herald of Everblight
- Warlock: Thagrosh, Prophet of Everblight
- Warlock: Vayl, Disciple of Everblight
- Heavy Warbeast: Carnivean
- Heavy Warbeast: Scythean (★)
- Light Warbeast: Teraph
- Light Warbeast: Seraph
- Lesser Warbeast: Shredder
- Lesser Warbeast: Harrier
- Unit: Warmongers
- Unit: Blighted Swordsmen
- Unit: Strider Rangers
- Unit: Blighted Archers
- Unit: Spawning Vessel
- Solo: The Forsaken
- Solo: Totem Hunter
- Solo: Alten Ashley
- Unit: Farrow Brigands
- Unit: Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew
2010.07 Mercenaries
Full title: Forces of Warmachine: Mercenaries
Where war arises, warriors-for-hire inevitably follow—and conflict is constant within the Iron Kingdoms. The mercenaries of the region are as varied as its lands and the peoples who inhabit them. From vile assassins such as the infamous Croe’s Cutthroats to the Hammerfall companies from the dwarven nation of Rhul and the highly disciplined Steelheads, generals can find mercenaries to suit any battlefield role. [Show/Hide]
Models that debuted in this book are denoted with a (★).
- Ashlynn D'Elyse
- Captain Bartolo Montador
- (★) Drake MacBain
- Durgen Madhammer
- Gorten Grundback
- Fiona the Black
- Magnus the Traitor
- Epic: Magnus the Warlord
Light warjacks:
Heavy warjacks:
- Freebooter
- (★) Ghordson Avalancher ¹
- (★) Ghordson Basher ¹
- Ghordson Driller ¹
- Mangler
- Mariner
- Mule
- Nomad
- Wroughthammer Rockram ¹
- Rhulic warjacks require a Rhulic warcaster or Jack Marshal to be taken.
- The Renegade requires Magnus (Traitor or Warlord) to be taken.
- Hammerfall High Shield Gun Corps
- (★) Horgenhold Artillery Corps
- Horgenhold Forge Guard
- Press Gangers
- Sea Dog Boarding Crew
- Character UA: Mr. Walls, Sea Dog Crew Quartermaster
- WA: Sea Dog Rifleman
- Sea Dog Deck Gun
- Steelhead Halberdiers
- Steelhead Heavy Cavalry
- (★) Steelhead Riflemen
- Character Unit: Alexia Ciannor & the Risen
- Character Unit: Captain Sam MacHorne & the Devil Dogs
- Character Unit: Croe's Cutthroats
- Character Unit: Cylena Raefyll & Nyss Hunters
- (★) Character Unit: Dannon Blythe & Bull, The Bounty Hunters
- Character Unit: Greygore Boomhowler & Co.
- Character Unit: Herne & Jonne
- Character Unit: Lady Aiyana & Master Holt
- Ogrun Bokur
- Character Solo: Anastasia Di Bray
- Character Solo: Bloody Bradigan
- Character Solo: Bosun Grogspar
- Character Solo: Dirty Meg
- Character Solo: Doc Killingsworth
- Character Solo: Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios
- Epic Character Solo: Eiryss, Angel of Retribution
- Character Solo: First Mate Hawk
- Character Solo: Gorman Di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist
- (★) Character Solo: Harlan Versh
- (★) Character Solo: Kell Bailoch
- Character Solo: Lord Rockbottom
- (★) Character Solo: Madelyn Corbeau
- Character Solo: Master Gunner Dougal MacNaile
- Character Solo: Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor
- Character Solo: Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator
- Character Solo: Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord
- (★) Character Solo: Rutger Shaw
- Character Solo: Saxon Orrik
- Character Solo: Stannis Brocker
- (★) Character Solo: Taryn di la Rovissi
- Character Solo: Thor Steinhammer
2010.06 Cryx
Full title: Forces of Warmachine: Cryx
Models that debuted in FoW: Cryx were:
- Lich Lord Venethrax
- Ripjaw
- Bane Thrall Officer & Standard Bearer
- Satyxis Raider Captain
- Warwitch Siren
The complete list of models in the book are:
- Iron Lich Asphyxious
- Epic: Lich Lord Asphyxious
- War Witch Deneghra
- Epic: Wraith Witch Deneghra
- Goreshade the Bastard
- Epic: Goreshade the Cursed
- Master Necrotech Mortenebra & Deryliss
- Skarre, the Pirate Queen
- Epic: Skarre, Queen of the Broken Coast
- Lich Lord Terminus
- Lich Lord Venethrax
- The Witch Coven of Garlghast
- Bonejack: Deathripper
- Bonejack: Defiler
- Bonejack: Helldiver
- Bonejack: Nightwretch
- Bonejack: Ripjaw
- Bonejack: Stalker
- Character Bonejack: Cankerworm
- Helljack: Corruptor
- Helljack: Harrower
- Helljack: Leviathan
- Helljack: Reaper
- Helljack: Seether
- Helljack: Slayer
- Character Helljack: Deathjack
- Character Helljack: Nightmare
- Bane Knights
- Bane Thralls
- Bile Thralls
- Black Ogrun Boarding Party
- Bloodgorgers
- Cephalyx Overlords
- Cephalyx Mind Slaver & Drudges
- Mechanithralls
- WA: Brute Thrall
- Necrosurgeon & Stitch Thralls
- Revenant Cannon Crew
- Revenant Crew of the Atramentous
- Satyxis Blood Witches
- Satyxis Raiders
- Soulhunters
- Character Unit: Blackbane's Ghost Raiders
- Character Unit: Withershadow Combine
- Bloat Thrall
- Machine Wraith
- Necrotech & Scrap Thralls
- Pistol Wraith
- Satyxis Raider Captain
- Skarlock
- Warwitch Siren
- Character Solo: Bane Lord Tartarus
- Character Solo: Captain Rengrave
- Character Solo: Darragh Wrathe
- Character Solo: General Gerlak Slaughterborn
2010.04 Protectorate
Full title: Forces of Warmachine: Protectorate of Menoth
The models that debuted in this book are denoted with a (★).
- High Exemplar Kreoss
- Epic: Grand Exemplar Kreoss
- High Reclaimer
- Epic: Testament of Menoth
- Grand Scrutator Severius
- Epic: Hierarch Severius
- Feora, Priestess of the Flame
- Epic: Feora, Protector of the Flame
- High Allegiant Amon Ad'Raza
- Harbinger of Menoth
- High Executioner Servath Reznik
- Vice Scrutator Vindictus (★)
- Light: Dervish
- Light: Devout
- Light: Redeemer
- Light: Repenter
- Light: Revenger
- Light: Vigilant (★)
- Character Light: Blessing of Vengeance
- Heavy: Castigator
- Heavy: Crusader
- Heavy: Guardian
- Heavy: Reckoner
- Heavy: Templar
- Heavy: Vanquisher
- Character Heavy: Avatar of Menoth
- Character Heavy: Fire of Salvation
- Choir of Menoth
- Daughters of the Flame
- Deliverer Sunburst Crew
- Deliverers
- Exemplar Bastions
- Exemplar Cinerators (★)
- Exemplar Errants
- Exemplar Vengers
- Flameguard Cleansers
- Holy Zealots w UA
- Idrian Skirmishers
- Knights Exemplar
- Temple Flameguard w UA
- Character Unit: Visgoth Rhoven & Exemplar Bodyguards
- Allegiant of the Order of the Fist (★)
- The Covenant of Menoth
- Hierophant (★)
- Exemplar Errant Seneschal (★)
- Knight Exemplar Seneschal
- Paladin of the Order of the Wall
- Reclaimer
- Vassal Mechanik (★)
- Vassal of Menoth
- Wrack
- Character Solo: High Exemplar Sarvan Gravus
- Character Solo: High Paladin Dartan Vilmon
2010.03 Khador
Full title: Forces of Warmachine: Khador
New models that debuted in FoW: Khador were:
- Kommander Strakhov
- Kommando WA: Assault Kommando Flame Thrower
- Berzerker UA: Greylord Escort
- Man-o-War Bombardiers
- Winter Guard Rifle Corps
- Widowmaker Marksman
The book included back story, painting advice, and full articles on the following models:
- Butcher of Khardov
- Epic: Kommander Orsus Zoktavir
- Kommander Sorscha Kratikoff
- Epic: Forward Kommander Sorscha Kratikoff
- Vladimir Tzepesci, Dark Prince of Umbrey
- Epic: Vladimir Tzepesci, Dark Champion
- Kommandant Irusk
- Epic: Supreme Kommandant Irusk
- Koldun Kommander Aleksandra Zerkova
- Karchev the Terrible
- Zevanna Agha, Old Witch of Khador & Scrapjack
- Kommander Strakhov
- Heavy: Berserker
- Heavy: Decimator
- Heavy: Destroyer
- Heavy: Devastator
- Heavy: Juggernaut
- Heavy: Kodiak
- Heavy: Marauder
- Heavy: Spriggan
- Character Heavy: Beast 09
- Character Heavy: Behemoth
- Character Heavy: Drago
- Assault Kommandos
- WA: Assault Kommando Flame Thrower
- Battle Mechaniks
- Doom Reavers
- UA: Greylord Escort
- Greylord Ternion
- Iron Fang Pikemen
- Iron Fang Uhlans
- Kayazy Assassins
- Kossite Woodsmen
- Man-o-War Bombardiers
- Man-o-War Demolition Corps
- Man-o-War Shocktroopers
- Widowmakers
- Winter Guard Infantry
- UA: Officer & Standard
- WA: Rocketeer
- Winter Guard Rifle Corps
- Winter Guard Field Gun Crew
- Winter Guard Mortar Crew
- Character Unit: Great Bears of the Gallowswood
- Koldun Lord
- Man-o-War Drakhun
- Man-o-War Kovnik
- Manhunter
- War Dog
- Widowmaker Marksman
- Character Solo: Fenris
- Character Solo: Kovnik Dorek Markov
- Character Solo: Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich
- Character Solo: Yuri the Axe
2010.02 Cygnar
Full title: Forces of Warmachine: Cygnar
The models that debuted in this book are denoted with a (★).
- Lieutenant Allister Caine
- Epic: Captain Allister Caine
- Commander Coleman Stryker
- Epic: Lord Commander Stryker
- Captain Victoria Haley
- Epic: Major Victoria Haley
- Commander Adept Sebastian Nemo
- Epic: General Adept Sebastian Nemo
- Major Markus 'Siege' Brisbane
- Captain E. Dominic Darius
- Captain Jeremiah Kraye
- Captain Kara Sloan (★)
- Light: Charger
- Light: Firefly (★)
- Light: Grenadier
- Light: Hunter
- Light: Lancer
- Light: Sentinel
- Character Light (Lancer): Thorn
- Heavy: Centurion
- Heavy: Cyclone
- Heavy: Defender
- Heavy: Hammersmith
- Heavy: Ironclad
- Heavy: Stormclad
- Character Heavy (Ironclad): Ol' Rowdy
- Character Heavy: Thunderhead
- Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Pistoleers
- UA: Officer
- Long Gunners
- Precursor Knights
- Rangers
- Storm Lances
- Stormblades
- UA: Officer & Standard
- WA: Storm Gunner (★)
- Stormguard
- Sword Knights
- Trencher Infantry
- Trencher Commandos (★)
- WA: Scattergunner (★)
- Field Mechaniks
- Trencher Cannon Crew
- Trencher Chain Gun Crew
- Stormsmith Storm Tower (★)
- Character Unit: Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team
- Gun Mage Captain Adept
- Journeyman Warcaster
- Stormsmith Stormcaller
- Squire
- Trencher Master Gunner (★)
- Character Solo: Captain Maxwell Finn
- Character Solo: Major Katherine Laddermore
- Character Solo: Captain Arlan Strangewayes
2010.01 Prime (Mk2)
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Core rulebook. |
In WARMACHINE, the very earth shakes during fierce confrontations where six-ton constructs of iron and steel slam into each other with the devastating force of a locomotive, where lead-spewing cannons chew through armor plating as easily as flesh, and where bold heroes set the battlefield ablaze with a tempest of arcane magic as they forge the fates of their unyielding nations in the fires of destruction. [Show/Hide]
The models published in Prime Mk2 were not the entire model list. Instead they were the same models as in Prime Mk1 plus four new models (denoted with a (★)).
- Warjacks
- Solos
Protectorate of Menoth
- Warjacks
- Warcasters
- Warjacks
- Heavy: Decimator (★)
- Heavy: Destroyer
- Heavy: Juggernaut
- Heavy: Marauder
- Units
- Solos
- Warjacks
- Bonejack: Deathripper
- Bonejack: Defiler
- Bonejack: Nightwretch
- Helljack: Corruptor (★)
- Helljack: Reaper
- Helljack: Slayer
- Solos
2009.11 Retribution
Full title: Forces of Warmachine: Retribution of Scyrah
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Brand new Faction. |
- Adeptis Rahn
- Dawnlord Vyros
- Garryth, Blade of Retribution
- Kaelyssa, Night's Whisper
- Ravyn, Eternal Light
- Dawnguard Invictors
- Dawnguard Sentinels
- Dawnguard Destors
- House Shyeel Battle Mages
- Houseguard Halberdiers
- Houseguard Riflemen
- Mage Hunter Strike Force
- Stormfall Archers
- Special WA: Soulless Escort (can be attached to any unit)
- Arcanist
- Dawnguard Destor Thane
- Dawnguard Scyir
- Ghost Sniper
- House Shyeel Magister
- Mage Hunter Assassin
- Character Solo: Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios
- Epic Character Solo: Eiryss, Angel of the Retribution
- Character Solo: Fane Knight Skeryth Issyen
- Character Solo: Narn, Mage Hunter of Ios
- Character Solo: Nayl
2009.02 Metamorphosis
Full title: Hordes: Metamorphosis
- Epic Warlock: Hoarluk Doomshaper, Rage of Dhunia
- Epic Warlock: Madrak Ironhide, World Ender
- Warlock: Calandra Truthsayer, Oracle of the Glimmerwood
- UniqueWarbeast: Mulg
- Light Warbeast: Slag Troll
- Unit: Trollkin Fennblades
- Unit: Runeshapers
- Unit Attachment: Stone Scribe Elder
- Solo: Trollkin Hero
- Solos: Troll Whelps
- Solo: Horthol
Circle Orboros
- Epic Warlock: Kaya the Moonhunter and Laris
- Epic Warlock: Krueger the Stormlord
- Warlock: Mohsar the Desertwalker
- Unique Warbeast: Megalith
- Heavy Warbeast: Shadowhorn Satyr
- Unit: Tharn Bloodweavers
- Unit: Druid Stoneward & Woldstalkers
- Unit Attachment: Druids of Orboros Overseer
- Solo: Tharn Ravager White Mane
- Solo: War Wolf
- Solo: Wolf Lord Morraig
- Epic Warlock: Supreme Archdomina Makeda
- Epic Warlock: Lord Assassin Morghoul
- Warlock: Void Seer Mordikaar
- Unique Warbeast: Molik Karn
- Light Warbeast: Cyclops Shaman
- Unit: Tyrant Commander & Standard Bearer
- Unit: Bloodrunners
- Solo: Bloodrunner Master Tormentor
- Solo: Soulward
- Solo: Void Spirit
- Solo: Tyrant Rhadeim
Legion of Everblight
- Epic Warlock: Thagrosh, Messiah of Everblight
- Epic Warlock: Lylyth, Shadow of Everblight
- Warlock: Absylonia, Terror of Everblight
- Unique Warbeast: Typhon
- Light Warbeast: Nephilim Protector
- Unit: Warspears
- Unit Attachment: Blighted Swordsmen Abbot & Champion
- Unit Attachment: Strider Officer and Musician UA
- Solo: Warmonger War Chief
- Solo: Strider Deathstalker
- Solo: Blighted Nyss Sorceress on Hellion
- Lesser Warlock: Brun Cragback & Lug
- Lesser Warlock: Hallyr and Skarath
- Lesser Warlock: Rorsh and Brine
- Lesser Warlock: Wrong Eye & Snapjaw
- Solo: Lanyssa Ryssyl
- Solo: Professor Victor Pendrake
- Solo: Saxon Orrik
2008.07 Legends
Full title: Warmachine: Legends
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First introduction of... |
- A war is being fought on two fronts. As death looms, battle-scarred heroes struggle for glory, for victory, and for redemption. Caspia is invaded as Korsk’s cathedral is desecrated. Alliances made in the shadows bear bitter fruit. The clash of old rivals shapes the fate of nations...
- …and the Iron Kingdoms enters a new era!
- Warcaster Attachments are new models that accompany warcasters to protect them and augment their powers.
- Warjack Imprints allow new character ’jacks to spend focus to activate powerful new abilities.
- Tactics, Cohorts, and Affinities add new special abilities when these legendary models team up with your existing forces.
WARMACHINE: Legends ensures that, whether you are expanding your army or building a new one, no battle will ever be the same.
Models released in this book:
- Warcaster: Master Necrotech Mortenebra & Deryliss
- Epic Warcaster: Goreshade the Cursed
- Character: Warjack: Cankerworm
- Character Warjack: Nightmare
- Unit: Blackbane's Ghost Raiders
- Unit: Blighted Trollkin Bloodgorgers
- Ally: Cephalyx Mind Slaver & Drudges
- Ally: Cephalyx Overlords
- Character Unit: Withershadow Combine
- Weapon Crew: Revenant Cannon Crew
- Solo: Darragh Wrathe
- Solo: General Gerlak Slaughterborn
- Warcaster: Jeremiah Kraye
- Epic Warcaster: General Adept Sebastian Nemo
- Warcaster Attachment: Squire
- Character Warjack: Ol' Rowdy
- Character Warjack: Thorn
- Character Unit: The Black 13th Gun Mages
- Unit Attachment: Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Officer
- Ally: Precursor Knights
- Unit Attachment: Sword Knights Officer and Standard Bearer
- Weapon Crew: Trencher Cannon Crew
- Solo: Captain Arlan Strangewayes
- Solo: Major Katherine Laddermore
- Warcaster: Koldun Kommander Aleksandra Zerkova
- Epic Warcaster: Supreme Kommandant Irusk
- Warcaster Attachment: War Dog
- Character Warjack: Beast-09
- Character Warjack: Drago
- Character Unit: The Great Bears Of Gallowswood
- Ally: Kayazy Assassins
- Ally UA: Kayazy Assassin Underboss
- Solo: Fenris
- Solo: Koldun Lord
- Solo: Kovnik Dorek Markov
- Solo: Yuri the Axe
Protectorate of Menoth
- Warcaster: High Executioner Servath Reznik
- Epic Warcaster: Hierarch Severius
- Warcaster Attachment: Hierophant
- Character Warjack: Blessing of Vengeance
- Character Warjack: Fire of Salvation
- Character Unit: Visgoth Rhoven & Exemplar Bodyguards
- Unit: Exemplar Bastions
- Ally: Idrian Skirmishers
- Ally UA: Idrian Chieftan & Guide
- Solo: Allegiant of the Order of The Fist
- Solo: High Exemplar Sarvan Gravus
- Solo: Vassal of Menoth
- Unit: Horgenhold Forge Guard
- Unit: Steelhead Heavy Calvary
- Solo: Anastasia di Bray
- Solo: Thor Steinhammer
- Solo: Stannis Brocker
- Solo: Orin Midwinter
- Epic Solo: Eiryss, Angel of the Retribution
2007.12 Pirates
Full title: Forces of Warmachine: Pirates of the Broken Coast
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First book to cover only a single faction (Mercenaries). |
- The Commodore Cannon & Crew
- Lady Aiyana & Master Holt
- Press Gangers
- Sea Dogs, Rifleman & Mr. Walls
- Sea Dog Deck Gun
2007.09 Evolution
Full title: Hordes: Evolution
- Warlock: Grim Angus
- Warlock: Borka Kegslayer
- Light Warbeast: Troll Bouncer
- Light Warbeast: Winter Troll
- Heavy Alpha Warbeast: Earthborn Dire Troll
- Unit: Pyg Burrowers
- Unit: Thumper Crew
- Cavalry Unit: Trollkin Long Riders
- Unit Attachment: Kriel Warrior Caber Thrower
- Unit Attachment: Kriel Warrior Standard Bearer & Piper
- Solo: Stone Scribe Chronicler
Circle Orboros
- Warlock: Kromac the Ravenous
- Warlock: Morvahna the Autumnblade
- Light Warbeast: Woldwyrd
- Heavy Warbeast: Gnarlhorn Satyr
- Heavy Alpha Warbeast: Pureblood Warpwolf
- Unit: Reeves of Orboros
- Cavalry Unit: Tharn Wolf Riders
- Unit Attachment: Tharn Ravager Shaman
- Unit Attachment: Wolves of Orboros Officer & Standard Bearer
- Solo: Blackclad Wayfarer
- Solo: Sentry Stone & Mannikins
- Warlock: Tyrant Xerxis
- Warlock: Supreme Aptimus Zaal & Kovaas
- Light Warbeast: Cyclops Brute
- Heavy Warbeast: Rhinodon
- Heavy Alpha Warbeast: Bronzeback Titan
- Unit: Immortals
- Unit: Praetorian Karax
- Unit: Venator Catapult Crew
- Cavalry Unit: Praetorian Ferox
- Unit Attachment: Praetorian Swordsmen Officer & Standard Bearer
- Solo: Agonizer
Legion of Everblight
- Warlock: Rhyas, Sigil of Everblight
- Warlock: Saeryn, Omen of Everblight
- Light Warbeast: Nephilim Soldier
- Light Warbeast: Raek
- Heavy Alpha Warbeast: Angelius
- Unit: Blighted Legionnaires
- Unit: Scather Crew
- Cavalry Unit: Raptors
- Unit Attachment: Blighted Archer UA
- Solo: Incubi
- Unit: Bog Trog Ambushers
- Unit: Farrow Bone Grinders
- Unit: Gatormen Posse
- Solo: Feralgeist
- Solo: Gudrun the Wanderer
2007.03 Prime Remix
This was a reprint of the original core rules, plus new rules (Cavalry etc) and various errata that had been released between 2003 and 2007. It contained no new models.
2006.06 Primal Mk1
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First introduction of the Hordes rules set. |
- Warlock: Chief Madrak Ironhide
- Warlock: Grissel Bloodsong
- Warlock: Hoarluk Doomshaper
- Heavy Warbeast: Dire Troll Mauler
- Heavy Warbeast: Dire Troll Blitzer
- Light Warbeast: Pyre Troll
- Light Warbeast: Troll Axer
- Light Warbeast: Troll Impaler
- Unit: Trollkin Champions
- Unit: Kriel Warriors
- Unit: Trollkin Scattergunners
- Unit: Pyg Bushwhackers
- Unit: Krielstone Bearer and Stone Scribes
- Solo: Fell Caller
Circle Orboros
- Warlock: Baldur the Stonecleaver
- Warlock: Kaya the Wildborne
- Warlock: Krueger the Stormwrath
- Heavy Warbeast: Feral Warpwolf
- Heavy Warbeast: Woldwarden
- Light Warbeast: Gorax
- Light Warbeast: Argus
- Light Warbeast: Woldwatcher
- Unit: Tharn Ravagers
- Unit: Wolves of Orboros
- Unit: Tharn Bloodtrackers
- Unit: Druids of Orboros
- Unit: Shifting Stones
- Solo: Lord of the Feast
- Warlock: Master Tormentor Morghoul
- Warlock: Archdomina Makeda
- Warlock: Lord Tyrant Hexeris
- Heavy Warbeast: Titan Gladiator
- Heavy Warbeast: Titan Cannoneer
- Light Warbeast: Cyclops Savage
- Light Warbeast: Basilisk Drake
- Light Warbeast: Basilisk Krea
- Unit: Cataphract Cetrati
- Unit: Cataphract Arcuarii
- Unit: Praetorian Swordsmen
- Unit: Venators (subsequently renamed Venator Reivers)
- Unit: Paingivers (subsequently renamed Paingiver Beast Handlers)
- Solo: Ancestral Guardian
Legion of Everblight
- Warlock: Lylyth, Herald of Everblight
- Warlock: Thagrosh, Prophet of Everblight
- Warlock: Vayl, Disciple of Everblight
- Heavy Warbeast: Carnivean
- Light Warbeast: Teraph
- Light Warbeast: Seraph
- Lesser Warbeast: Shredder
- Lesser Warbeast: Harrier
- Unit: Warmongers
- Unit: Blighted Swordsmen
- Unit: Strider Rangers
- Unit: Blighted Archers
- Unit: Spawning Vessel
- Solo: The Forsaken
- Solo: Totem Hunter
- Solo: Alten Ashley
- Unit: Farrow Brigands
- Unit: Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew
2006.06 Superiority
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First introduction of the Cavalry rules. |
- Skarre2
- Helldiver
- Harrower
- Bane Knights
- Black Ogrun Boarding Party
- Soulhunters
- Brute Thrall
- Satyxis Raider Sea Witch
- Captain Rengrave
- Bane Lord Tartarus
- Caine2
- Grenadier
- Hammersmith
- Rangers
- Storm Lances
- Stormguard
- Long Gunner UA
- Trencher UA
- Trencher WA
- Captain Maxwell Finn
- Butcher2
- Spriggan
- Iron Fang Uhlans
- Man-o-War Demolition Corps
- Assault Kommandos
- Winter Guard Field Gun Crew
- Winter Guard Infantry UA
- Winter Guard Infantry WA
- Man-o-War Drakhun
- Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich
- Feora, Protector of the Flame
- Dervish
- Castigator
- Daughters of the Flame
- Exemplar Vengers
- Exemplar Errants
- Covenant of Menoth
- Reclaimer
- Temple Flameguard Officer & Standard Bearer
- High Paladin Dartan Vilmon
2005.08 Apotheosis
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Each of the 4 core factions got 4 new warcasters, 1 new character jack, and that was all.
- Captain E. Dominic Darius
- Major Markus 'Siege' Brisbane
- Lord Commander Stryker
- Major Victoria Haley
- Thunderhead
- Harbinger of Menoth
- High Allegiant Amon Ad'Raza
- Grand Exemplar Kreoss
- Testament of Menoth
- Avatar of Menoth
- Lich Lord Terminus
- The Witch Coven of Garlghast
- Wraith Witch Deneghra
- Lich Lord Asphyxious
- The Deathjack
2004.07 Escalation
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Introduction of "Warjacks of Renown" (Seether etc). By mid-mk2, though, these were just "normal" warjacks. |
- Commander Adept Sebastian Nemo
- Stormclad
- Gun Mage Captain Adept
- Stormblade Officer & Standard
- Stormsmith
- Sword Knights
- Trencher Chain Gun Crew
- Hunter
- Centurion
- Feora Priestess of the Flame
- Guardian
- Deliverer Sunburst Crew
- Knight Exemplar Seneschal
- Holy Zealot Monolith Bearer
- Flameguard Cleansers
- Wrack
- Devout
- Reckoner
- Goreshade the Bastard
- Seether
- Bloat Thrall
- Machine Wraith
- Necrosurgeon & Stitch Thralls
- Pistol Wraith
- Revenant Crew of the Atrementous
- Stalker
- Leviathan
- Kommandant Irusk
- Kodiak
- Greylord Ternion
- Iron Fang Pikeman Officer & Standard Bearer
- Kossite Woodsmen
- Man-o-War Kovnik
- Winter Guard Mortar Crew
- Berserker
- Devastator
2003.08 Prime
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The book that started it all |
- Lieutenant Allister Caine
- Captain Victoria Haley
- Commander Coleman Stryker
- Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Pistoleers
- Journeyman Warcaster
- Long Gunners
- Field Mechaniks
- Stormblades
- Trenchers
- Charger
- Lancer
- Sentinel
- Defender
- Ironclad
- Grand Scrutator Severius
- High Exemplar Kreoss
- High Reclaimer
- Choir of Menoth
- Deliverers
- Knights Exemplar
- Paladin of the Order of the Wall
- Temple Flameguard
- Holy Zealots
- Redeemer
- Repenter
- Revenger
- Crusader
- Vanquisher
- Iron Lich Asphyxious
- War Witch Deneghra
- Skarre, the Pirate Queen
- Bane Thralls
- Bile Thralls
- Mechanithralls
- Necrotech & Scrap Thralls
- Satyxis Raiders
- Skarlock Thrall
- Deathripper
- Defiler
- Nightwretch
- Reaper
- Slayer
- Orsus Zoktavir, Butcher of Khardov
- Kommander Sorscha Kratikoff
- Vladimir Tzepesci, the Dark Prince
- Battle Mechaniks
- Iron Fang Pikemen
- Manhunter
- Man-o-War Shocktroopers
- Doom Reavers
- Widowmakers
- Winterguard
- Destroyer
- Juggernaut
- Marauder