Anthology Books

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This page is a record of all the anthology books released by Privateer Press for Warmachine & Hordes, in reverse chronological order. It is not a record of novels etc.

Mk3 - Expansion

2019.06 Oblivion

After a long dry spell, we see the first new book.


EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE... A pact struck ages ago has finally come due, and now the otherworldly horrors known as the Infernals   [Show/Hide]

descend upon Caen to collect their payment. The cost in mortal souls is higher than anyone could possibly imagine, but forces have gathered to stand against these invaders. Holy archons and steadfast soldiers of the Order of Illumination join with armies of all nations to protect humanity from utter oblivion at the hands of ancient evils from without and traitorous individuals from within. The fate of every living being hangs in the balance, and the Iron Kingdoms will be changed forever... if it survives at all.

The Oblivion Campaign Set contains a vault of secrets about the upcoming Claiming, including new fiction detailing the Claiming of souls; a narrative campaign system featuring 16 branching scenarios that allow you and your friends to participate in the invasions; Omen cards that contribute to the outcome of your path to victory or defeat; a brand-new model, the Hermit of Henge Hold, that can play in ANY army; and new and updated rules for WARMACHINE and HORDES in a convenient digest. The Oblivion Campaign Set has everything you need to help you defend against those who come to claim souls or to aid them in their decimation of the world.

The Oblivion Campaign Set is a must-have for any WARMACHINE or HORDES enthusiast. This product moves along the story of the Iron Kingdoms while presenting a campaign for players to take part in the action. The Omen cards included in the box are integral to the campaign system and will be used in future campaigns that use the core campaign rules presented here. The updated rulebook contains all of the rules for both WARMACHINE and HORDES, integrated into one concise tome for the first time. In addition to the combination of rules, other small adjustments have been made to the game to streamline certain elements. Finally, the included miniature is the Hermit of Henge Hold, a mad Iosan prophet who can be included in any army, ensuring all of the contents of this box fit easily into any player’s collection.


  • Hermit of Henge Hold (metal)
  • Oblivion Campaign Book
  • WARMACHINE/HORDES Updated Rules Digest
  • 20 Omen Campaign Cards

Mk3 - Reboot

2017.04 to 09 Skorne, Grymkin, Retribution, Khador, Cryx

2017.03 Legion

Full title: Forces of Hordes: Legion of Everblight Command

2017 March
Hailing from the frozen northern wastes, the Legion of Everblight represents many different races gathered and corrupted by the insidious power of the dragon Everblight. Led by preternaturally potent warlocks, each of whom holds within her breast a shard of the dragon's own essence, endless ranks of blighted Nyss and ogrun march forth to spread the dragon's corruption to the farthest reaches of Immoren and beyond. This formidable army is backed by twisted and terrifying dragonspawn born from the very blood of Everblight's generals and shaped by his own nightmarish imagination.
Forces of HORDES: Legion of Everblight Command provides the foundation you need to unleash the destructive will of the dragon upon your foes with:   [Show/Hide]
  • Complete rules and profiles for the blighted warlocks and terrible warbeasts of the Legion of Everblight, including two new warlocks and a new character warbeast.
  • Detailed history and background information, including an in-depth look at Legion warlocks and warbeasts.
  • A painting guide full of tips and inspiration to help you create an army as individual as you are.
  • Three new theme forces that allow you to create specialized Legion of Everblight armies with specific benefits.


The models published in this book are (New releases are shown in bold)


Units & Solos

2017.03 Cygnar

Full title: Forces of Warmachine: Cygnar Command

2017 March
Clouds of gun smoke and brilliantly arcing lightning accompany the blue and gold of Cygnar into battle. Beset by enemies on all sides, this great nation stands resolute thanks to its heroic warcasters, advanced warjacks, and stalwart soldiers. Wielding weapons that harness the power of the storm itself and imbued with unshakeable resolve, the proud warcasters of Cygnar march to battle beside the most sophisticated warjacks of the age. Backed by highly trained professional soldiers such as long gunners, trenchers, and the illustrious Sword Knights, the army of Cygnar represents an elite fighting force more than ready to confront any who would are threaten the principles of freedom for which Cygnar stands.
Forces of WARMACHINE: Cygnar Command provides the foundation you need to take up the fight for the Cygnus with:   [Show/Hide]
  • Complete rules and profiles for the brave warcasters and cutting-edge warjacks of Cygnar, including two new warcasters and a new character warjack.
  • Detailed history and background information, including an in-depth look at Cygnar's warcasters and warjacks.
  • A painting guide full of tips and inspiration to help you create an army as individual as you are.
  • Two new theme forces that allow you to create specialized Cygnar armies with specific benefits.


The models published in this book are (New releases are shown in bold)


Units & Solos

2017.02 Circle

Full title: Forces of Hordes: Circle of Orboros Command

2017 February
The Circle Orboros is humanity's most ancient organization, composed of powerful mystics who watch over natural places. While few in number, these druids wield the forces of nature and call upon savage beasts of the wilds such as ferocious warpwolves, agile griffons, and bounding satyrs. The druids can even bind the very stones into fearsome constructs ready to fight for the Circle. Alongside these fearsome warbeasts, human tribes known as Wolf Sworn stand ready with spear and crossbow to fight for their blackclad masters. Together the forces of the Circle Orboros teach all who trespass upon their lands to fear the power of Orboros.
Forces of HORDES: Circle Orboros Command provides the foundation you need to take up the work of this powerful and ancient order with:   [Show/Hide]
  • Complete rules and profiles for the mighty warlocks and savage warbeasts of the Circle Orboros, including two new warlocks and a new character warbeast.
  • Detailed history and background information, including an in-depth look at Circle warlocks and warbeasts.
  • A painting guide full of tips and inspiration to help you create an army as individual as you are.
  • Two new theme forces that allow you to create specialized Circle Orboros armies with specific benefits.


The models published in this book are (New releases are shown in bold)



Units & Solos

2017.01 Protectorate

Full title: Forces of Warmachine: Protectorate of Menoth Command

2017 January
The Protectorate of Menoth wages a relentless crusade against all other, lesser faiths of western Immoren. Filled with glorious purpose and the divine favor of their god, the holy warcasters of the Protectorate command armies of the faithful with unbending resolve. The powerful iron frames of their warjacks stand as a testament to man's ingenuity, each sanctified by blessings and sacred inscriptions to be made worth of fighting for the Creator of Man. Armed with fearsome weapons that burn with righteous fires of their god's fury, the Protectorate marches forth to bring the Lawgiver's light to the darkness wherever it may be found.
Forces of WARMACHINE: Protectorate of Menoth Command provides the foundation you need to call forth the glorious hosts of the Lawgiver with:   [Show/Hide]
  • Complete rules and profiles for the pious warcasters and sanctified warjacks of the Protectorate, including two new warcasters and a new character warjack.
  • Detailed history and background information, including an in-depth look at Protectorate warcasters and warjacks.
  • A painting guide full of tips and inspiration to help you create an army as individual as you are.
  • Two new theme forces that allow you to create specialized Protectorate armies with specific benefits.

The models published in this book are (New releases are shown in bold)



Units & Solos

2016.12 Trollbloods

Full title: Forces of Hordes: Trollbloods Command

2016 December
Caught amid the destructive wars of man, the many tribes of the trollkin have united behind mighty warlocks such as the potent shaman Hoarluk Doomshaper and the fearsome chieftan Madrak Ironhide in a bid to save themselves from annihilation.

Threatening the trollkin are a number of powerful armies including not only the forces of the Iron Kingdoms but also the ferocious warriors and warbeasts of their wilderness rivals. To defend their kin against these enemies, Trollblood warlocks control ferocious full-blood trolls, terrifying creatures with a rage matched only by their endless appetites. The hardy warriors of the trollkin stand ready to show all who oppose them the folly of inciting the fury of the kriels!

Forces of HORDES: Trollbloods Command provides the foundation you need to muster the mighty trollkin and their full-blood troll allies to battle with:   [Show/Hide]
  • Complete rules and profiles for the courageous warlocks and ferocious warbeasts of the Trollbloods, including two new warlocks and a new gargantuan warbeast.
  • Detailed history and background information, including an in-depth look at Trollblood warlocks and warbeasts.
  • A painting guide full of tips and inspiration to help you create an army as individual as you are.
  • Two new theme forces that allow you to create specialized Trollblood armies with specific benefits.

The models published in this book are (New releases are shown in bold)


Units & Solos

2016.06 Prime (Mk3)

2016 June

This book is a re-release of the core rulebook, updated for Mk3 (although Privateer Press don't actually refer to it as Mk3).

It includes some backstory, the core rules, some model entries for all the factions, and a hobby guide.

As with Mk2, the model entries are a reprint of those released in the original Mk1 core rulebook way back in 2003, plus some new model entries as well. The new models included:

  • Placeholder

2016.06 Primal (Mk3)

2016 June

This book is a re-release of the core rulebook, updated for Mk3 (although Privateer Press don't actually refer to it as Mk3).

It includes some backstory, the core rules, some model entries for all the factions, and a hobby guide.

As with Mk2, the model entries are a reprint of those released in the original Mk1 core rulebook way back in 2006, plus some new model entries as well. The new models included:

  • Placeholder

Mk2 - Expansion

2015.10 Devastation

2015 October

Full title: Hordes: Devastation

Hordes: Devastation is the Hordes expansion released on 7th October 2015. It's main focus is a second generation of Gargantuan warbeasts. Unlike the 2nd generation Colossals, these will be entirely new sculpts and not based on the chassis of the existing ones. The only one remotely similar is the Glacier King, which is a frost-variant of the Mountain King, but even that is a brand new sculpt.   [Show/Hide]

Circle Orboros



Legion of Everblight


2015.06 Reckoning

2015 October

Full title: Warmachine: Reckoning

The rising threat of the Cryxian armies has become too great. Death permeates the war-torn region, and Empress Ayn and King Leto themselves chance incredible danger to meet and coordinate their stand. The Protectorate’s Northern Crusade joins Khador and Cygnar in a final alliance of men against the unending armies of the Dragonfather. As these armies combine to expel the deathless forces of Cryx from the mainland, in tunnels below the battleground a lone Khadoran soldier fights to save one of the Motherland’s greatest legends.   [Show/Hide]







Reckoning also provided a reprint of the following Cephalyx mercenary models that had previously released in the digital book, Forces of Warmachine: Cephalyx:

2014.09 Exigence

2014 September

Full title: Hordes: Exigence

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First introduction of Warbeast Packs.

This book brings us lesser warlocks for three of the main factions. These models count as solos for the purpose of scenarios (can control and contest, but cannot dominate). Killing them doesn't result in a victory by assassination, since they aren't considered warlock models rules-wise. They're essentially Journeyman warlocks, if the analogy helps.

Apart from that, they have all Fury Manipulation abilities, can take their own battlegroup, have their own FURY stat, and some of them are have bonuses/discounts for certain warbeasts. Legion did not receive a lesser warlock.

Another feature of the book is the new warbeast pack model type, which count as both warbeasts and units. They consist of several small based models, warbeasts that are too small to be a threat individually, but in hunting packs they can bring down larger targets. They must abide by the rules of unit cohesion. They act as a single unit, and have a leader, but for the purposes of forcing, riling, and frenzy they are considered to be a single warbeast entity, with their FURY stat equal to the number of unit members in play. They can also be recipients of damage transfers. Fury points generated by the warbeast pack are placed on the unit leader. It is unclear at this point what that means for reaving and abilities like Spirit Eater. Models in this unit have no health spiral, but they have their own damage track (possibly between 5-10 wounds per model).

Warbeast packs for Legion and Skorne have been released in Exigence.   [Show/Hide]

Circle Orboros

Legion of Everblight




2014.08 Cephalyx

2014 August

Full title: Forces of Warmachine: Cephalyx

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Digital-only publication
New Mercenary Contract

A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Lose

For millennia, the cruel and inscrutable cephalyx have labored at their grisly work. Now the time has come for them to breach the surface, ensnaring the Iron Kingdoms in their nefarious schemes

This book is was released in a digital-only format on August 14, 2014. The contents were republished in the Warmachine: Reckoning anthology.   [Show/Hide]

2014.03 Vengeance

2014 March

Full title: Warmachine: Vengeance

Placeholder intro   [Show/Hide]


Protectorate of Menoth



Retribution of Scyrah


2013.03 Gargantuans

2013 March

Full title: Hordes: Gargantuans

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First release of Garganutans

Hordes: Gargantuans is the second expansion rulebook for the Hordes Mk II rules. It features several new additions to the game, including cavalry warlocks, warlock units, and the Gargantuans themselves.   [Show/Hide]

Circle Orboros

Legion of Everblight




2013.02 Convergence

2013 February

Full title: Forces of Warmachine: Convergence of Cyriss

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Brand new Faction.
First "Limited Release" Faction.


To those who worship Cyriss, no tenet is more sacred than the Fifth Harmonic—the belief that the Clockwork Goddess will manifest once the perfect machine is created across all of Caen. The key to this vessel’s completion lies in the geomantic fulcrums of power that cover the world, many in hostile territory. For centuries the cult has been amassing an immense mechanikal army, poised to take the final steps in readying for their goddess. The time has come for the Convergence to complete the Great Work, and they will let none stand in their way.

Devote yourself to mechanikal perfection and transcend the flesh with Forces of WARMACHINE: Convergence of Cyriss, featuring:   [Show/Hide]
  • Complete faction rules and profiles for fielding the Convergence of Cyriss in WARMACHINE Mk II, including Unbound formations.
  • An in-depth look at the history and science of the Convergence of Cyriss and its enigmatic goddess.
  • A painting guide to help you ready your forces for battle.
  • Theme Force lists and rules, which allow you to create armies based on specialized forces from the Convergence.





Battle Engines

2012.07 Colossals

2012 July

Full title:Warmachine: Colossals

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New model type: Colossals.

The main attractions for the Colossals expansion are;   [Show/Hide]
  • Epic(er) Warcasters: These are the "third form" of warcasters -- epic warcasters who have gone even MORE epic. Sometimes referred to as "legendary", but this was a player defined term found around the PP forums. The official term is still epic. PP staff refer to the different casters with a numerical title (example: Nemo1, Nemo2, Nemo3).
  • Colossals: Do you think your heavy warjacks are just too small? You need Colossals! Colossals are super-heavy warjacks, mounted on 120mm bases (same base size as a Battle Engine). They follow a combination of the Warjack and Battle Engine rules, splitting the front arc into two sides, each side having a left damage grid and a right damage grid, for a total of TWO damage grids each. Damage is assigned by determining which half of the colossal the attacking model is in at the time of attacking (If attacking the left side, damage would be applied to the left grid and the same for the right). Colossals also have a new damage box, the Superstructure (S) box. This is used like an L, R, or H box, but it refers to the heavy mounted weapons which the Colossal can fire in either arc.
    • Power Attacks: They also gain two new power attacks and an added ability on an old one. At the cost of a focus, it can make a pseudo-thresher attack and hit anything within the range of its giant fists, or a 'powerful strike', which is like a slam but you get to punch it at the same time. This goes great with it's new slam rule - if the enemy is smaller than your superjacks, an extra 2 inches is added to any slam attack it makes. Note that these only work with colossals.


Protectorate of Menoth



Retribution of Scyrah


2011.11 Domination

2011 November

Full title: Hordes: Domination

The first expansion rulebook for the Hordes MkII rules   [Show/Hide]

Circle Orboros

Legion of Everblight




2011.06 Wrath

2011 June

Full title: Hordes: Domination

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New model type: Battle Engines.
New model type: Ranking Officers.

The first expansion rulebook for the Warmachine MkII rules   [Show/Hide]


Protectorate of Menoth



Retribution of Scyrah


Mk2 - Reboot

2011.01 Minions

2011 January

Full title: Forces of Hordes: Minions

Models that debuted in FoH: Minions are denoted with a (★).   [Show/Hide]

Unaligned solos

Blindwater Congregation

Thornfall Alliance

2010.11 Circle

2010 November

Full title: Forces of Hordes:Circle Orboros

2010.10 Legion

2010 October

Full title: Forces of Hordes: Legion of Everblight

2010.09 Trollbloods

2010 September

Full title: Forces of Hordes: Trollbloods

2010.08 Skorne

2010 August

Full title: Forces of Hordes: Skorne

2010.07 Primal (Mk2)

2010 July
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Core rulebook

In a world ravaged by warfare, fury is your greatest weapon.
In HORDES, even the earth trembles as towering warbeasts born to fight and trained to kill hurl themselves at their foes in a frenzy of claw and fang that churns the battlefield into a writhing sea of carnage. Within the bloody fog of war, their battle leaders seize this unbridled rage and from it forge momentous weapons to wield against their enemies, knowing only the strongest, fastest, and most cunning will survive.   [Show/Hide]

The models published in Primal Mk2 were not the entire model list. Instead they were the same models as in Primal Mk1 plus four new models (denoted with a (★)).


Circle Orboros


Legion of Everblight


2010.07 Mercenaries

2010 July

Full title: Forces of Warmachine: Mercenaries

Our Business is War
Where war arises, warriors-for-hire inevitably follow—and conflict is constant within the Iron Kingdoms. The mercenaries of the region are as varied as its lands and the peoples who inhabit them. From vile assassins such as the infamous Croe’s Cutthroats to the Hammerfall companies from the dwarven nation of Rhul and the highly disciplined Steelheads, generals can find mercenaries to suit any battlefield role.   [Show/Hide]

Models that debuted in this book are denoted with a (★).


Light warjacks:

Heavy warjacks:


  1. Rhulic warjacks require a Rhulic warcaster or Jack Marshal to be taken.
  2. The Renegade requires Magnus (Traitor or Warlord) to be taken.



2010.06 Cryx

2014 August

Full title: Forces of Warmachine: Cryx

From the darkness of their nightmarish isle, the undead legions of Cryx strike forth at the Iron Kingdoms, each battle serving to fuel their unholy factories as necrotechs shape everything that walks, crawls, or slithers out of their dank, macabre workshops. To oppose Cryx is to oppose death itself as legions of undead mechanithralls, ghostly bane thralls, looming black iron helljacks, and skittering bonejacks surge forth at the command of their lich lord masters.   [Show/Hide]

Models that debuted in FoW: Cryx were:

The complete list of models in the book are:





2010.04 Protectorate

2010 April

Full title: Forces of Warmachine: Protectorate of Menoth

Driven by Menoth’s will, the Protectorate of Menoth wages a crusade against the other nations and lesser faiths of western Immoren. Powerful warcasters imbue their towering warjacks with divine might while masses of zealots, mighty Knights Exemplar, and ranks of disciplined Temple Flameguard stand ready to cleanse the stain of heresy wherever it may be found. Against those who carry out the Creator’s will, there can be no hope of victory!   [Show/Hide]

2010.03 Khador

2010 March

Full title: Forces of Warmachine: Khador

In the cold north of western Immoren lies the mighty Khadoran Empire, whose massive military epitomizes the national ideals of strength and resilience. Legions of Winter Guard march at the call of the empress, bent on conquest of the entire Iron Kingdoms. Led by powerful warcasters as unrelenting as the Khadoran winter and backed by elite soldiers such as the disciplined Iron Fang Pikemen and the imposing Man-O-War troopers who stride into battle in great steam-powered suits of armor, the army of Khador is ready to crush all who stand against them.   [Show/Hide]

New models that debuted in FoW: Khador were:

The book included back story, painting advice, and full articles on the following models:





2010.02 Cygnar

2010 February

Full title: Forces of Warmachine: Cygnar

Known as the Jewel of the Iron Kingdoms, the great nation of Cygnar is beset by enemies on all sides. Against these threats stands the elite army of the Cygnus, including battle-hardened trenchers, deadly long gunners, and the legendary Storm Knights, warriors whose weapons bristle with lightning. Armed with the most advanced mechanika in the Iron Kingdoms, the stalwart and courageous soldiers of Cygnar stand resolute against those who seek to destroy their beloved homeland.   [Show/Hide]

2010.01 Prime (Mk2)

2010 January
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Core rulebook.

Step into a world forged of iron and tempered by war.
In WARMACHINE, the very earth shakes during fierce confrontations where six-ton constructs of iron and steel slam into each other with the devastating force of a locomotive, where lead-spewing cannons chew through armor plating as easily as flesh, and where bold heroes set the battlefield ablaze with a tempest of arcane magic as they forge the fates of their unyielding nations in the fires of destruction.   [Show/Hide]

The models published in Prime Mk2 were not the entire model list. Instead they were the same models as in Prime Mk1 plus four new models (denoted with a (★)).


Protectorate of Menoth




2009.11 Retribution

Full title: Forces of Warmachine: Retribution of Scyrah

2009 November
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Brand new Faction.

Hidden behind their impenetrable borders, a sect within the long-secluded nation of Ios is preparing for war. Once outlawed as dangerous and radical, the Retribution of Scyrah has come from the shadows to offer the elves of Ios a chance at salvation. The Retribution is convinced that by ending the rampant spread of mankind's magic they can stop the slow death of their god Scyrah and save their race. Armed with the power of arcanika and backed by mighty myrmidon warjacks, the armies of the Retribution of Scyrah are prepared to hunt down and eradicate every last human magic user in western Immoren.   [Show/Hide]


2009.02 Metamorphosis

2009 February

Full title: Hordes: Metamorphosis

Models released were:   [Show/Hide]


Circle Orboros


Legion of Everblight


2008.07 Legends

2008 July

Full title: Warmachine: Legends

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First introduction of...

  • Warcaster attachments.
  • Ally models (now known as Partisans)
  • Tactics, Granted, Affinities, etc.
  • An Epic model that wasn't a caster (Eiryss2)
Borders will fall. Legends will rise!
A war is being fought on two fronts. As death looms, battle-scarred heroes struggle for glory, for victory, and for redemption. Caspia is invaded as Korsk’s cathedral is desecrated. Alliances made in the shadows bear bitter fruit. The clash of old rivals shapes the fate of nations...
…and the Iron Kingdoms enters a new era!
WARMACHINE: Legends brings the saga of WARMACHINE to an earth-shattering climax and introduces new warcasters, additional epic warcasters, character warjacks, powerful solos, and battle-ready units and attachments. This book delivers 176 full-color pages that continue the WARMACHINE story, introduces many characters, and unveils exciting new options for your army!   [Show/Hide]
  • Warcaster Attachments are new models that accompany warcasters to protect them and augment their powers.
  • Warjack Imprints allow new character ’jacks to spend focus to activate powerful new abilities.
  • Tactics, Cohorts, and Affinities add new special abilities when these legendary models team up with your existing forces.

WARMACHINE: Legends ensures that, whether you are expanding your army or building a new one, no battle will ever be the same.

Models released in this book:




Protectorate of Menoth


2007.12 Pirates

2007 December

Full title: Forces of Warmachine: Pirates of the Broken Coast

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First book to cover only a single faction (Mercenaries).

Arriving barely in time for Christmas 2007, Pirates is a departure from the normal Warmachine books. Instead of giving units for all factions, it focuses upon a new segment of the mercenary world: Privateers. Like Rhulic mercenaries, they can be taken by the various factions as additional troops, warcasters, and the like, but they have their own contract which allows Privateer-only armies.   [Show/Hide]

2007.09 Evolution

2007 September

Full title: Hordes: Evolution

Models released were:   [Show/Hide]


Circle Orboros


Legion of Everblight


2007.03 Prime Remix

2007 March

This was a reprint of the original core rules, plus new rules (Cavalry etc) and various errata that had been released between 2003 and 2007. It contained no new models.

2006.06 Primal Mk1

2006 June
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First introduction of the Hordes rules set.

It introduced the entire warlock and fury system as well as 4 new factions and "minions", the hordes equivalent of mercenaries.   [Show/Hide]


Circle Orboros


Legion of Everblight


2006.06 Superiority

2006 June
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First introduction of the Cavalry rules.

2005.08 Apotheosis

2005 August
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Each of the 4 core factions got 4 new warcasters, 1 new character jack, and that was all.
Also the first introduction of character warjacks
Also the first introduction of 'epic' warcasters

2004.07 Escalation

2004 July
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Introduction of "Warjacks of Renown" (Seether etc). By mid-mk2, though, these were just "normal" warjacks.

2003.08 Prime

2003 August
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The book that started it all