Alexia Ciannor & The Risen

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Mercenary Logo.jpg

Alexia Ciannor & The Risen
Mercenary Character Unit
Thrall Warrior
Created Solo

Mk4 icon.png
Unlimited Only
This model can only be used in the Unlimited game mode. You can see the other models with / without mk4 rules on this page.

Note that the rest of this page is about the model's Mark III rules.

Amidst a swarm of the walking dead, the infamous Alexia Ciannor reaps the souls of her enemies with the hell-forged blade Witchfire. The dark sorceress can raise an army of terrifying thrall warriors from the grave and moves alongside them as she lays about her with her sword, leaving nothing but ashes where she strikes.

Basic Info

Alexia & The Risen

Mercenary - This unit will work for Cygnar, or Khador.

Risen Grunt
Missing Info
Lord Tyrant Hexeris.jpg
COST {{{cacost}}}
UNIT SIZE {{{casize}}}
FA {{{cafa}}}
Warcaster 0
BASE Small
M.A. -
DEF 10
ARM 11
ESSENCE {{{essence}}}
HP 1
F. Field N/A
WJP {{{wjp}}}
WBP {{{wbp}}}
IHP {{{ihp}}}
Warcaster 1
the Statblock
Missing Info
COST {{{cacost}}}
UNIT SIZE {{{casize}}}
FA {{{cafa}}}
Warcaster 0
BASE Small
M.A. 8
DEF 14
ARM 14
ESSENCE {{{essence}}}
HP 5
F. Field N/A
WJP {{{wjp}}}
WBP {{{wbp}}}
IHP {{{ihp}}}
(★) Starts with Alexia & 9 Risen but can have up to 20 Risen
Warcaster 1
the Statblock


  • Alexia
    • Officer symbol.jpg Officer
    • Death Magic - (1) During its activation this model can RFP friendly Grunt models in its unit that are in formation to make additional melee attacks or to boost attack or damage rolls. It can make one additional melee attack or boost one roll for each model removed. (2) When this model would suffer damage, you can choose one or more models in this unit that are in this model’s command range to suffer any number of those damage points instead, divided as you choose. If you do, this model does not suffer that damage. A model cannot suffer more damage as a result of Death Magic than it has unmarked damage boxes.
    • Granted: Spell Ward - While this model is in formation, models in its unit gain Spell Ward. (Spell Ward - A model with Spell Ward cannot be targeted by spells.)
    • Magic Ability [ 8 ] - This model can cast spells. Normally this uses up the model's Combat Action and as such is limited to one spell per activation, but exceptions do exist.
      • Craft Thrall Rune (★ Action) - Choose a Risen Grunt in this unit that is in formation and replace it with a Thrall Warrior solo. RFP the Risen Grunt.
      • Dominate Undead (★ Attack) - RNG CMD magic attack. Take control of target enemy non-warcaster, non-warlock undead warrior model hit. You can immediately make a full advance with that model followed by a basic melee attack, then Dominate Undead expires. The undead model cannot be targeted by free strikes during this movement. A model can be affected by Dominate Undead only once per turn.
    • Stir the Dead - When a living model is destroyed in this model’s command range, this model gains the destroyed model’s corpse token. At the end of your next Control Phase, remove all corpse tokens from this model and add to play one Grunt to this unit for each corpse token removed. Place the Grunts completely within this model’s command range. This unit cannot have more than twenty Grunts in play at any time.


Gun icon.jpg  RNG   ROF   AOE   POW 
12 1 - 12
Sword icon.jpg  RNG   POW   P+S 
1 8 12
The Risen
Sword icon.jpg  RNG   POW   P+S 
0.5 2 7

Thrall Warrior

The Thrall Warrior is not part of the unit, he is a separate solo. You start the game with zero Thrall Warriors, but can end up with a theoretically infinite number of them via Craft Thrall Rune.

Thrall Warrior
Missing Info
Thrall Warrior.jpg
COST {{{cacost}}}
UNIT SIZE {{{casize}}}
FA {{{cafa}}}
Warcaster 0
BASE Small
M.A. N/A
DEF 11
ARM 14
ESSENCE {{{essence}}}
HP 1
F. Field N/A
WJP {{{wjp}}}
WBP {{{wbp}}}
IHP {{{ihp}}}
Warcaster 1
the Statblock



Great Sword
Sword icon.jpg  RNG   POW   P+S 
1 4 10

Theme Forces

  • Other Factions
    • Mercenarymodels can be hired by other Factions. Normally those Factions' themes will have a limit on how many models they can hire. Refer to #Other Theme Forces, below.
    • Aside from that, there are a few themes that will change what Faction this model counts as (and thus what "friendly Faction only" buffs it can receive). They are:

Thoughts on Alexia1

Alexia1 in a nutshell

This unit does 3 things: it's a recursion tarpit unit (and the respawned Risen can activate normally on the turn they're spawned unlike many other recursion-based units), it generates a decent solo each turn that can activate the same turn, and Alexia herself can be pretty powerful in melee by burning Risen to buy/boost attacks. (Note that Alexia can't smash stuff in melee and generate a solo in the same turn.) Lastly Alexia has Dominate Undead, but that is more "niche" rather than a core part of her role.

Alexia is played in armies that wish to exploit recursion and scenario play. Simply take her alongside a living unit and she'll replace fallen models with Risen. Risen are nearly worthless, stats-wise, but their mere presence greatly extends how long you can contest or even control scenario zones.

Her unit normally walks every turn so Alexia can spawn a Thrall solo. These solos can be spawned almost anywhere you like, then activate normally. This makes them great for running deep into the enemy lines, contesting even more scenario elements. All without you actually having to give up anything of value.

Alexia1 is quite a popular Mercenary choice for warjack-centric themes that otherwise have very few units to choose from, such as Heavy Metal.

Combos and Synergies

In order to feed Alexia corpses you need large units of cheap living troops. You can't depend on the enemy bringing the bodies for you! Ideally you want these cheap troops to be in front of Alexia.

  • Press Gangers are tough and advance deploy. You end up with a lot of bullet sponges by the time people are through the Gangers and the Risen.
  • Steelhead Halberdiers are very cheap and pretty effective. A very strong build involves the Risen and 57 Halberdiers run by Magnus2.
  • Winter Guard Infantry are cheap and with Alexia get even more able to jam.
  • Operating Theatre (Cephalyx). One common list is infantryspam (well, drudge spam). The more dead drudges, the more Risen. But if you aren't using drudge-spam don't bring Alexia.

Other combos:

  • Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord - makes the Risen tough, which really sucks for the other guy to deal with.
  • Lanyssa Ryssyl is one of the only ways to increase her threat range.
  • The Commodore Cannon can use the spawned Thralls as "homing beacons" for its slam attacks. Simply spawn and run the Thrall in front of a small-based model you want to knock down, then use the Cannon to shoot the Thrall in the back.
  • Shae's feat can give the spawned Thralls another 3", letting them dig even deeper into enemy lines.
  • Malakov2 + a Ranking Officer can let you give Backstab to the Risen. Since they spawn in the Control Phase, it is quite easy to spawn them in the enemy's back arc.

Drawbacks & Downsides

  • If you use the run/charge order, Alexia can't spawn a Thrall Warrior (or cast Dominate Undead).
  • The Risen only have a 9.5" threat range.
  • The Risen have terrible stats - but that's what you expect for their points cost.
  • Spell Ward means you can't buff them.
  • There are quite a few models who love hunting down flimsy undead grunts for their corpses, most notably the Death Archon
    • The Void Archon also loves soft targets to trigger Void Walk and wreak havoc in the back lines.

Tricks & Tips

  • Any buffs you put on Alexia's unit do not apply to any Thrall Warrior she spawns. They are solos, not part of the unit.
  • Alexia can be good in melee with her ability to boost/buy attacks, but be careful who you go after. Burning through all of her Risen on the wrong target will leave her horribly exposed to counterattack.
    • The Risen can use their Combat Action to make an attack before Alexia burns them to buy/boost.
  • Thralls score flags in Steamroller and/or are great for contesting stuff on your opponent's side of the table. This is probably her best feature.
  • If you use Ranking Officers you can get around Spell Ward:
    • Run Alexia out of the Ranking Officer's CMD range, this will make the whole unit lose Spell Ward. Cast the buff spell you want on them, then next turn run Alexia back into CMD range.
    • You cannot deploy the unit out of formation at the start of the game, so using this trick this will mean Alexia will lose her Combat Action for two turns (turn 1 she ran out of formation on purpose, turn 2 she started out of formation so can't use her Combat Action).
    • You can do something cute like cast Zephyr to let Alexia move out of formation after spawning a Thrall; or kill the Ranking Officer after you've cast the buff spell (so Alexia resumes the unit commander role).
  • If you're playing on the clock, you may want to skip the Risen's attacks entirely. Their stats are so rubbish that you're literally wasting time rolling dice for them (most of the time).



Alexia, Handmaiden of Death, Limited Edition Sculpt (Mini Crate)
  • Released in Warmachine: Superiority (2006)
  • Alexia was the main plot related NPC in The Witchfire Trilogy (a D&D adventure) - the first published material in the Iron Kingdoms.
  • This model has a limited edition sculpt, released in 2018.08.

Other Theme Forces

Cygnar (Edit)

Khador (Edit)

Other Mercenary models

Mercenary Logo.jpg       Mercenary Index       (Edit)
Mercenary 'Jack Controllers (Human) (Edit)

Ashlynn1 - Ashlynn2 - Aurora2 - Blaize - Caine3 - Crosse2 - Damiano - Fiona - Macbain - Magnus1 - Magnus2 - Montador - Rahera - Shae


Asphyxious4 - Crosse1 - Nemo4

'Jack Marshals

Colbie Sterling - Dirty Meg - MacHorne1 - MacHorne2 - Raluk Moorclaw - Rutger Shaw - Steelhead Ironhead

Mercenary Warjacks (Human)   (Edit)
Light Buccaneer - Renegade (Magnus only) - Scallywag - Swashbuckler - Talon - Vanguard
Heavy Freebooter - Gallant - Mangler - Mariner - Mule - Nomad - Rocinante - Rover - Toro - Swabber
Colossal Blockader - Galleon
Rhulic 'Jack Controllers (Edit)
Warcaster Durgen Madhammer - General Ossrum - Gorten Grundback
'Jack Marshal Thor Steinhammer
Rhulic Warjacks (Edit)
Light Blaster- Gunner
Heavy Avalancher - Basher - Driller - Rockram
Colossal Earthbreaker
Cephalyx Warcasters (Edit)
Warcasters Cognifex Cyphon - Exulon Thexus
Cephalyx Monstrosities (Edit)
Heavy Subduer - Warden - Wrecker
Units, Solos, & Battle Engines
Warcaster attachments

Doctor Stygius - Madelyn Corbeau - Reinholdt - Wyshnalyrr

Lesser Warlocks Rorsh & Brine (Farrow) - Wrong Eye & Snapjaw (Gatorman)
Non-character Units

Cephalyx Mind Bender - Cephalyx Mind Slaver - Cephalyx Overlords - High Shields - Artillery Corps - Forge Guard - Idrian Skirmishers - Kayazy Assassins - Kayazy Eliminators - Legion of Lost Souls - Ogrun Assault Corps - OoI Resolutes - OoI Vigilants - Precursor Knights - Press Gangers - Sea Dog Pirates - Deck Gun - SH Cannon - SH Halberdiers - SH Cavalry - SH Mortar - SH Riflemen - SH Volley Gun - Tactical Arcanist Corps - Thorn Gun Mages
Special CA: Cephalyx Dominator (small or medium based units) - Special WA: Morrowan Battle Priest (Morrow units)

Character Units

Alexia1 - Asphyxious4 - Croe's Cutthroats - Cylena Raefyll & Nyss Hunters - Blythe & Bull - Boomhowler1 - Herne & Jonne - Lady Aiyana & Master Holt - Lynus & Edrea - MacHorne1 - The Commodore Cannon - The Devil's Shadow Mutineers

Non-character Solos

Cephalyx Agitator - Death Archon - Gobber Tinker - Menite Archon - Morrowan Archon - Ogrun Bokur - Powder Monkey - SH Arcanist - SH Ironhead - SH Gunner - Swamp Gobber River Raider Thamarite Advocate - Thamarite Archon - Void Archon

Character Solos

Alexia2 - Alexia3 - Alten Ashley - Anastasia Di Bray - Balthazar Bamfist - Black Bella1 - Black Bella2 - Bloody Bradigan - Boomhowler2 - Boomhowler3 - Bosun Grogspar - Brun Cragback & Lug - Captain Crawtooth - Colbie Sterling, Captain of the BRI - Dahlia Hallyr & Skarath - Dez1 - Dez2 - Dirty Meg - Doc Killingsworth - Doctor Stygius - Eilish1 - Eiryss1 - Eiryss2 - Eiryss4 - First Mate Hawk - Flubbin1 - Flubbin2 & Dreyfus2 - Flugwug the Filcher - Crosse1 - Glyn Cormier, Illuminated One - Gorman1 - Gorman2 - Grand Master Gabriel Throne - Gubbin1 - Gubbin2 - Gudrun1 - Gudrun2 - Harlan Versh, Illuminated One - Harlowe Holdemhigh - Hermit of Henge Hold - Hutchuk, Ogrun Bounty Hunter - J.A.I.M.s - Kell Bailoch - Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress - Lord Rockbottom - MacHorne2 - Major Harrison Gibbs - Malvin2 - Master Gunner Dougal MacNaile - Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor - Princess Delores Graciela - Ragman - Raluk Moorclaw, the Ironmonger - Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord - Rorsh & Brine - Rutger Shaw, Professional Adventurer - Savio Montero Acosta - Saxon Orrik - Scythe - Sergeant Nicolas Verendrye - Stannis Brocker - Taryn Di La Rovissi, Llaelese Gun Mage - Thor Steinhammer - Tubbin - Underboss Vizkoya - Viktor Pendrake - Weird Wendell - Widget1 - Widget2 - Wrong Eye & Snapjaw

Battle Engines

Hammerfall Siege Crawler - Nemo4

Independent Warjack

Malvin1 & Mayhem1

Theme Forces (Edit)
Flame in the Darkness - Hammer Strike - Llaelese Resistance - Operating Theater - Soldiers of Fortune - Strange Bedfellows - The Irregulars - The Kingmaker's Army - The Talion Charter
This index was last updated: 2021.11

Rules Clarifications

RC symbol.png

Rules Clarification : Alexia, Ranking Officer, and Spell Ward

  • If you have a Ranking Officer then you can move Alexia out of formation, and the unit will no longer benefit from Spell Ward so you can cast spells on them (before moving Alexia back into formation). (Infernal Ruling)
RC symbol.png

Rules Clarification:  : Magical Damage      (Edit)
(Click Expand to read)

* The "Damage Type: Magical" is not inherited by "secondary" damage from a weapon. That is, stuff like arcs (Electro Leap) or hazards (Scather). (Infernal Ruling)
  • All spells have "Damage Type: Magical" (refer errata).
    • This is inherited by "immediate" secondary damage (such as Eruption of Spines). (Infernal Ruling)
    • and might be inherited by "lingering" secondary damage (see below).
  • If a spell leaves a template in play that does damage to models that walk around in it, then:
    • if it is not described as a hazard it will do magical damage to models that walk around in it. (Example: Razor Wall)
    • if it is a hazard then it will not do magical damage to models that walk around in it. Instead, it does whatever damage type is specified by the spell description. (Example: Breath of Corruption).
    • (Infernal Ruling)
  • If a weapon/spell includes Magic Damage and another kind of elemental damage it will still damage Incorporeal models. Incorporeal models are not affected by the rule "if an attack does multiple types of damage and a model is immune to at least one it is immune to the entire attack."
    The phrase "immune to non-magical damage" should be interpreted as "immune to damage that doesn't include Damage Type: Magical" (not interpreted as "has immunity to Corrosion and Electricity and Cold and etc.")
RC symbol.png

Rules Clarification : Officer      (Edit)

  • Even if they're not on the Officer's card, an Officer can give (and benefit from) any non-standard orders that are on the unit's card (such as Shield Wall). Refer main rulebook.
  • When the Officer dies, the Leader model becomes the new Unit Commander (you don't get to choose).
  • But if your unit doesn't include a Leader model, then you do get to choose any of the remaining models to be the new Unit Commander. You don't swap the model, but it may be worth putting a token down so you can tell that grunt apart.
RC symbol.png

Rules Clarification : Magic Ability      (Edit)

  • Combat Action
Nearly all Magic Ability spells require the spellcaster to use their Combat Action to cast the spell. As such it is not an "at any time" ability (like it is when warcasters/warlocks cast spells). This means ...
  • You must complete your movement before you use a MA.
  • A model in a unit cannot use its Combat Action to cast a spell until all members of the unit have completed their movement. (Infernal Ruling)
  • You cannot make initial ranged or initial melee attacks on the same turn you use a MA.
  • You cannot buy additional melee/ranged attacks after using a MA special attack. Refer to the core rulebook, "Special attacks listed as a rule of the model itself are neither melee attacks nor ranged attacks. The rules for these special attacks indicate the nature of any additional attacks that can be made afterward, if any."
  • You cannot use a MA on the same turn you charge. Because a charge must (almost always) be followed by a melee attack.
  • Non-Combat Action
There are a few models that can use a Magic Ability without using their Combat Action. These models get around all the restrictions listed above.
  • Models with Geomancy or Necromancy can use a Magic Ability at "any time" just like a warcaster/warlock.
  • Models with Battle Wizard or Necrophage can make melee attacks then get a bonus "free" spell.
  • Models with Combat Caster can cast a spell before charging, then do a normal charge + melee attack.
  • Note that Battle Wizards, Combat Casters, etc have the option to use their Combat Action to cast a spell. Their special rule is in addition to the normal spell casting, not instead of.

Rules Clarification : Craft Thrall Rune - None yet. (Edit)

RC symbol.png

Rules Clarification : Dominate Undead      (Edit)

Taking Control of an Enemy Model (Edit)   [Show/Hide]


  • Several abilities start with the sentence "Take control of a model" then a full stop, then a bunch of stuff you can do with that model. You can't uncouple the first sentence from the rest of the "do stuff" sentence(s), in other words if you want to "do stuff" then you have to "Take control". (Infernal Ruling)
  • Taking control of a model means it is now friendly to you, and will immediately be engaged by it's erstwhile allies.
    • This will limit your ability to make ranged attacks.
    • If you get to make an advance with the controlled model, this can allow the original owner to take free strikes against his own model. He doesn't have to take these, of course.
  • The controlled model does not have a proper Activation, so stuff like Chain Strike won't apply.
  • You can use abilities on the controlled model, as long as they're not restricted to "during its activation" or "during its Combat Action". For example, you can use Mental Force. (Infernal Ruling)
  • Buffs and effects:
    • The controlled model counts as a "friendly model" and will benefit from any "while within" (aura) buffs that your own models are handing out (such as Mark Target), (assuming the controlled model meets the criteria for the buff).
    • If the controlled model has already been hit by a "currently within" (pulse) debuff, then it will keep that debuff while under your control. Even if that pulse only affected enemy models (such as Deneghra1's feat) - temporarily changing who is friendly/enemy doesn't change who was/wasn't affected by the pulse.
    • If your opponent is the same faction, then the controlled model will count as a "friendly faction model" and even more buffs are potentially available (such as Veteran Leader).
  • Theme abilities:
    • If a model gains an ability via a Theme Force rule, and then the opponent takes it over, it keeps the theme ability. (Infernal Ruling)


  • You can advance a model into an area and force them to take damage (like an acid cloud, or a Razor Wall template), but they only take damage once per advance (ref Prime rulebook pg 65). Thus you cannot keep moving them micro-millimetres in and out of said area to inflict infinite damage.
  • The model is friendly while under your control, so you can't force free strikes by walking it past your own models. You can, however, walk it past your opponent's models and politely ask if they want to take free strikes against their own model.


  • Many "Take Control" abilities allow a basic melee attack. Some allow a basic attack. Gunfighters cannot make a ranged attack unless they're allowed the later.
  • Point Blank attacks cannot be made with temporarily controlled models, as Point Blank is only allowed 'during activation.'
  • With reference to the attack sequence (appendix A) your control of the model doesn't expire until after Step 14. So you can potentially trigger abilities like Snacking (Step 11.4).
    • As long as it's not limited to "during combat action" or "during activation".

Destroying the Controlled model
If the model is destroyed or RFP'd while under your control (for instance you walked it into a hazard), this has two consequences:

  1. It is considered to be under your control at the moment it is taken off the table:
    • Your opponent can't reave fury off a warbeast destroyed this way, because it is an enemy warbeast when it is taken off the table.
    • Your opponent can't trigger stuff that depends on a "Friendly model" being destroyed (such as Righteous Vengeance).
    • You can't trigger stuff that depends on an "Enemy model" being destroyed (such as Cull Soul).
  2. It returns to the original owner once it's off the table:
    • Your opponent can use Spirit Bond to get fury from the dead warbeast.
    • Your opponent can use Return To Play abilities to get it back on the table (assuming it wasn't RFP'd).

Taking control of an enemy Trooper (member of a unit)

  • A trooper you take control of becomes an independent model. Thus:
    • It will not benefit from any bonuses that it gets from its comrades (such as Gang, Shield Wall, etc).
    • It will not benefit from any bonuses that rely on the trooper being "in formation" (such as Granted and Tactics abilities).
    • Spells on a unit are considered to be on the "unit", not on the "models that make up the unit". So a controlled trooper will not benefit from any spells on the unit.
    • If you take control of the last survivor of a unit then the "unit" ceases to exist for the duration of the control. This means that any spells on the "unit" will expire. Woo, free dispel! (Infernal Ruling)
RC symbol.png

Rules Clarification : Tactics vs Granted     (Edit)

  • Granted = The unit loses the ability as soon as the model that grants it is taken off the table. (think "G for Goes away")
  • Tactics = The unit keeps the ability for the entire game, regardless of who dies. (think "Tac-Tick = K for Keeps")
  • Granted [ Vengeance ]
    • If the model granting Vengeance dies, the unit will not get any Vengeance attacks.
    It is "If you have Vengeance, and you were damaged last turn, you get a move+attack."
    It is not "If you get damaged, you get Vengeance next turn."
    • If you lose Vengeance halfway through resolving Vengeance, then you stop resolving Vengeance immediately. (Infernal Ruling)
RC symbol.png

Rules Clarification : Sacred Ward and/or Spell Ward     (Edit)

  • Sacred/Spell Warded models can still be affected by spells. For instance, CTRL area spells, AOE that deviate, and/or sprays that target a nearby non-warded model.

Rules Clarification : Death Magic - None yet. (Edit)
Rules Clarification : Stir the Dead - None yet. (Edit)
Rules Clarification : Undead - None yet. (Edit)

RC symbol.png

Rules Clarification : Combined Melee Attack      (Edit)

  • Each CMA only counts as a single attack, no matter how many participants are involved. This means, for example, that if Satyxis Raiders damage a warjack and trigger their Feedback ability, the enemy warcaster will only take 1 damage total, not 1 for every Raider.
  • Any bonuses (such as back strike) or penalties (such as intervening terrain) are determined according to the model leading the CMA (the attack leader).
    • If the participants have buffs/debuffs but the attack leader doesn't ... then the CMA doesn't because only the attack leader matters. Simple as that.
  • A single unit can perform multiple CMAs, utilising different groupings of models. eg a unit with 10 models could make one 10-man CMA, or two 5-man CMAs, or five 2-man CMAs, or etc.
  • CMA for units that have more than one melee weapon (the short version)
    • Once you have more than one melee weapon, charging becomes a bit complicated. There are two important rules:
      1. A model which charges must use its first attack to make a charge attack. It can't "skip ahead" to contributing its second non-charge attack before it's resolved its first attack.
      2. For a CMA to gain the charging bonus, then all contributors must be contributing a charge attack.
    • These two rules have a few, slightly confusing implications. Click the expand box below for a full breakdown.
CMA for units with more than one weapon (the long version) (Edit)
The following example is about Satyxis Raiders, but is equally applicable to other units with two CMA:
  • Each Raider gets two attacks. Both, one, or neither can be a CMA as you choose.
  • If you are doing two CMA in a row, then you should note that the second CMA doesn’t have to use the same “primary attacker” or the same “participants” as the first CMA.
    • For instance, you could have the first CMA with raider A being the "primary attacker" and raider B being the "participant",
    • then for the second CMA have raider B the "primary attacker" and raider A the "participant".
    • Or leave A alone for a moment and use B plus C. Whatever takes your fancy.
  • Primary attackers and participants don't have to use the same weapon. So, continuing with the above example, you could have primary A use lash and participant B use horns, then primary B use lash and participant A use horns. Effectively granting you two lash attacks with CMA bonuses!
  • Combined Melee Attack and charging
    • Remember the 2 rules above?
    • Rule 1 means you cannot contribute your second, non-charge attack before you have resolved/contributed your first attack.
    • Rule 1 means you cannot "skip ahead" to resolving your second, non-charge attack before you have resolved/contributed your first attack.
    • but wait, there's more!
    • However, thanks to the "Units with Combined Melee Attack ignore the rule that one trooper's combat action cannot begin until the previous model's combat action ends" rule, you can "pause" your second attack if you want to do a CMA with it later. For example:
      • Model A performs its charge attack.
      • Model B performs its charge attack. (Interrupting A)
      • Model C performs its charge attack. (Interrupting B)
      • CMA using A, B & C's remaining attack.

Rules Clarification : Created - None yet. (Edit)
Rules Clarification : Weapon Master - None yet. (Edit)