Category:'Jack Marshal

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See also 101 - Card Icons

'Jack Marshal for newbies

Refer to the basic training article LPG - 'Jack Marshal and/or the Rules Clarifications section below.

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Tip !
Are you looking for what happens to the warjack when its controller dies? It's over on LPG - Death of a Controller.

Official Rules

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'Jack Marshal

Page 84 of the 2021.08 edition of the core rules.

’Jack marshals are models with the ’Jack Marshal advantage. They are specialists who command their warjacks through a combination of gestures and commands shouted across the battlefield. Though not as efficient or as powerful as a warcaster’s, a ’jack marshal’s skills can guide a warjack to perform maneuvers it normally would not be able to manage on its own.

’Jack marshals can begin the game controlling warjacks. These warjacks are not part of any warcaster’s battlegroup. A ’jack marshal can control up to one Faction warjack at a time. Mercenary ’jack marshals can control and reactivate only Mercenary warjacks.

Example: Dirty Meg is a Mercenary ’jack marshal who can be fielded in a Cygnar army. She can begin the game with a Mercenary warjack even when she is included in a Cygnar army.

Once during each of its activations while in its controller’s command range, a warjack controlled by a ’jack marshal can gain one of the following benefits:

  • Crush! – The warjack can make one additional melee attack during its activation this turn. Additionally, it gains +2 on all melee damage rolls during its activation this turn.
  • Hurry! – The warjack can run, charge, or make a power attack without spending focus during its activation this turn. Additionally, it gains +2 on charge attack rolls and slam attack rolls during its activation this turn.
  • Shake! – If the warjack is knocked down, it can stand up. If the warjack is stationary, the stationary effect expires. Additionally, if the warjack is suffering effects like Blind or Shadow Bind that can be shaken, those effects expire.
  • Strike True! – The warjack gains +2 on all attack rolls during its activation this turn.
  • Take Aim! – The warjack must use its Normal Movement to aim this turn. Additionally, it gains +2 on all ranged damage rolls during its activation this turn.

A warjack cannot gain one of these benefits while its cortex is crippled or its controlling ’ jack marshal is knocked down or stationary.

If a ’jack marshal is destroyed or removed from the table, its warjack becomes autonomous (p. 67) but does not become inert.

A ’jack marshal can reactivate inert friendly Faction warjacks (see p. 59 for details). The reactivated warjack comes under the ’jack marshal’s control unless the ’jack marshal already controls a warjack; in that case, the reactivated warjack becomes autonomous. A ’jack marshal can also take control of an autonomous friendly Faction warjack (see p. 67 for details) if it is not already controlling another warjack.

If an effect causes your ’jack marshal to fall under your opponent’s control, while your ’jack marshal is controlled by your opponent, the warjack under its control remain under your control and becomes autonomous. If you regain control of your ’jack marshal, the ’jack marshal resumes control of the warjack unless another model has already taken control of it. If an effect causes your ’jack marshaled warjack to fall under your opponent’s control, when you regain control of your ’jack, the ’jack marshal resumes control of it unless the ’jack marshal has already taken control of another warjack. In that case the warjack becomes autonomous.

'Jack Marshal Death (Autonomous warjack)

Page 67 of the 2021.08 edition of the core rules.

An autonomous warjack is a warjack that does not have a controller and is not part of a battlegroup. A warjack becomes autonomous when its controlling ’jack marshal (p. 84) is destroyed or removed from play or while its controller is under an opponent’s control.

An autonomous warjack acts normally but does not gain the benefits of being marshaled or being part of a battlegroup. A warjack must have a controller at the start of the game; it cannot begin the game autonomous.

A friendly Faction model with the Battlegroup Commander special rule, such as a warcaster, or a friendly Faction model with ’Jack Marshal can take control of an autonomous warjack. A ’jack marshal that is already controlling a warjack cannot take control of an autonomous warjack.

To take control of an autonomous warjack, a friendly Faction model with the Battlegroup Commander special rule must spend 1 focus point during its activation while base-to-base with the warjack. A ’jack marshal can take control of an autonomous friendly Faction warjack during its activation by forfeiting its Combat Action while base-to-base with the warjack. If the model taking control of the warjack has the Battlegroup Commander special rule, the warjack becomes a part of its battlegroup.

Rules Clarifications

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Rules Clarification : 'Jack Marshal      (Edit)

  • If a warjack gets a marshal benefit (such as Crush) but then moves out of the marshal's CMD range, it keeps the benefit. (Infernal Ruling)
  • Marshals can control character warjacks. (Closed thread)
  • Although they never get the Power Up bonus, a marshaled warjack can gain focus via other means (such as Accumulator, Empower, Spirit Harvester, etc).
    • They can do this even after the Marshal dies and they become autonomous.
  • 'Jack Marshal & Ranking Officer (Edit)
    • If a Ranking Officer joins a unit with the 'Jack Marshal ability, then they can still only take Mercenary warjacks - they don't gain access to Faction warjacks. (Infernal Ruling)
    • They can control that mercenary warjack as normal, even though they're technically no longer the same faction as the jack. (Infernal Ruling)
  • See also this article for the Autonomous warjack rules and how to re-control them.

See Also

War-Nouns   (Edit)
Warmachine (Focus)
Recap for Newbies Official rules Category
Warcaster 101 - Warcasters Warcaster Category: Warcaster
"Junior Warcaster" Battlegroup Controller Category: Battlegroup Controller
'Jack Marshal LPG - 'Jack Marshal 'Jack Marshal Category: 'Jack Marshal
Warjack 101 - Warjacks Warjack Category: Warjack
Colossal LPG - Colossals & Gargantuans Colossals Category: Colossal Warjack
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Monstrosity LPG - Cephalyx Monstrosity Category: Monstrosity
Other LPG - Death of a Controller
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Other LPG - Death of a Controller
Infernals (Essence)
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Master Infernalist Master Infernalist Category: Master Infernalist
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